pbvrocks ago

So..REALLY want to go down a rabbit hole? Look into the gent who is the medical director for THORN...a Canadian..then look up his mentor..another Canadian...check his research output, check the name of his "institute"...think someone already posted about this but Lincoln=Linkin

OhRutherfordBehave ago

been a person of interest for a long time...

Are_we_sure ago

Max Maccoby. Director of "Friends of the Orphans". Linked to the Laura Silsby kidnapping incident in Haiti in 2010.\ Relevance to Pizzagate: Direct given the ties to that incident in Haiti.

Friends of the Orphans is a US based fundraising group. How is that tied to Silsby's kidnapping? None of the 33 arrested were taken from orphanages. In fact, none were Orphans. The AP tracked where all the kids came from.

waxdino ago

I've pointed this out to you before and you didn't respond. The theory here is that Silsby got away with 100 kids from Friend of the Orphans. She was caught with 33 kids she gathered up off the street, but her "lawyer" Jorge Puello claimed she got kids from an orphanage that crumbled in the earthquake and called for help. Perhaps the sex-trafficker posing as a lawyer for a child trafficker slipped up and wasn't supposed to divulge that info. Perhaps he pulled it completely from his ass, but, that would be a strange coincidence given that the director of that orphanage has ties to Alefantis and Brock.
Friends of the Orphans indeed had a building that collapsed (or was it demolished?), but they claimed no children were in it at the time. However they reported that 100 fewer children were in their care post-earthquake.
I think that's enough strange coincidences to warrant a real investigation. Friends of the Orphans was never even questioned after Puello asserted that they were involved with Silsby.

Are_we_sure ago

And this completely depends on the word of Jorge Puello ? Is there any other source for this? Because that guy is known liar.

And there is no orphanage called "Friends of the Orphans" in Haiti. That is not the name of the group that ran the orphanages.

Commoner ago

And there is no orphanage called "Friends of the Orphans" in Haiti


not one, but many

NPH USA From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   (Redirected from Friends of the Orphans) Jump to: navigation, search

This article does not cite any sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (July 2014) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) NPH USA formerly known as Friends of the Orphans Founded 1965 Type Non-profit corporation Focus Orphaned, abandoned and disadvantaged children. Location Chicago, IL - U.S.; Regional Offices: Bellevue, WA, Scottsdale, AZ, Saint Paul, MN, Chicago, IL, Miami, FL Area served Bolivia, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and Peru Method Financial support of Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos network of orphanages in Latin America and the Caribbean. Key people FrankDonaghue (President and CEO), Todd Schultz (Chief Operating Officer), "M. Charles Swope (Chairman of the Board)" Revenue USD $18.7 million, including $10 million in Gifts in kind (2009) Employees 37 (2012) Website www.nphusa.org NPH USA, founded in the United States in 1965, is a registered non-profit corporation dedicated to improving the lives of orphaned, abandoned and disadvantaged children through support of the Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos/Nos Petits Freres et Soeurs (NPH/NPFS, Spanish and French for “Our Little Brothers and Sisters”) network of orphanages in Latin America and the Caribbean. Founded by Father William B. Wasson in 1954, NPH has provided ongoing support to nearly 16,000 children. NPH currently cares for over 3,700 children in nine countries: Bolivia, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and Peru. In 2010, NPH outreach programs assisted more than one million children and adults in Haiti alone. NPH USA helps provide NPH children with food, clothing, shelter, health care, an education, and opportunities to break the cycle of poverty.

Contents  [hide]  1 History 2 Philosophy 3 2010 Haiti earthquake relief 4 Organizational structure 5 Relationship with NPH 6 Funding 7 Accountability standards 8 External links

History[edit] In 1954, a hungry, homeless boy was arrested for stealing from the poor box of a small church in Cuernavaca, Mexico. The church’s priest, Father William Wasson of Phoenix, Arizona, refused to press charges and asked for custody of the boy. Within a few days, eight more boys found a home with Father Wasson. He gave them a safe environment and a chance to turn their lives around. By year’s end, 32 boys were in his care and Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos was born. Father Wasson’s devotion to the care of orphans inspired an outpouring of financial support and volunteer helpers for his humanitarian cause. NPH USA traces its roots to Father Wasson’s family and friends in Arizona, who sent clothes, food and money. In 1965, Friends of Our Little Brothers was incorporated in Arizona as a nonprofit organization. Affiliated but separate nonprofit support groups called NPH USA were created in Minnesota (1986), Washington (1988) and Illinois (1999). An organization in Virginia, called Our Little Brothers and Sisters (OLB&S), helped start fundraising offices in Europe as well as Canada. On July 1, 2005, the offices in Arizona, Illinois, Minnesota, and Washington State became regional offices of the national organization – NPH USA. In addition, new regional offices were formed in Florida and Virginia. The new offices were made possible by the fundraising support of OLB&S. Philosophy[edit] Children at NPH homes – called pequeños – are not available for adoption; instead they form a part of a larger, stable, permanent family environment at the homes, giving them a chance to focus on education and personal growth. They are taught the values of work, sharing and responsibility in a Christian environment. Each has the opportunity to finish a technical course or seek a university degree. All children are asked to give back a year or more of service to NPH. Through this act of gratitude, each graduate shares the responsibility of raising the family. Pequeños have the goal of becoming contributing, self-sufficient and caring citizens in their own countries. Former pequeños are educators, doctors, accountants, carpenters, farmers, mechanics, artists, administrators and social workers. Some work for NPH, while others support NPH USA and NPH by sponsoring children, organizing fundraisers, or attending special events and serving as ambassadors for the organization. All of the NPH homes strive to be self-sufficient and most operate their own schools, clinics, gardens and farms. For example, at NPH Honduras, all of the fixtures and furniture, as well as most of the clothes and shoes used by the children, are made by pequeños in vocational workshops, while NPH Mexico produces enough livestock, fish, fruits and vegetables to satisfy most of the children’s needs. What the homes are unable to provide internally is donated by supporters from around the world.

2010 Haiti earthquake relief[edit]

As a result of the 7.0 earthquake on January 12, 2010, NPH USA and NPH/NPFS suffered the tragic loss of staff, volunteers and family members, and extensive damage to its facilities. Despite these losses, thousands of victims received aid immediately and continue to be helped through various programs, including: St. Hélène Orphanage for Children, a permanent home to 400 children. Over 200 external students from the community attend the on-site school. Children displaced by the earthquake are being integrated into the home. St. Don Bosco, which supports roughly 250 children and youths from St. Hélène who now live with extended family or in group homes and attend secondary school, including a vocational school. The future site of the Don Bosco school and student dorms is located in Tabarre, near the hospital. St. Damien Hospital, serving as a hub for trauma care for earthquake-related injuries as well as maternity care. It also have become one of the premier orthopedic medical centers within Haiti. Teams of doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals from all over the world arrived to help care for the wounded. Within the first three weeks, the hospital attended to over 10,000 adults and children. Teams also distributed emergency aid of food and water to numerous tent cities. St. Anne, a rented temporary home for up to 40 children age 6 and under. It was established in response to the thousands of children left homeless by the earthquake. St. Louis, a temporary child protection camp for over 120 vulnerable and displaced children. The camp, located in Tabarre, is constructed out of shipping containers. Capacity of the camp will eventually be 350. Father Wasson Angels of Light, an emergency response program for children living in tent cities. This day camp provides educational activities and meals for 2,500 children. Youths who grew up at NPH/NPFS help coordinate the various programs. The program plans to open a primary school for 700 students and offer about 60 jobs. St. Germaine Rehabilitation Center, providing physical therapy, a special needs school and a meal program. A prosthetics lab and physical therapy program for amputees began shortly after the earthquake. The St. Luke Foundation, developed to manage numerous outreach programs in the poorest areas surrounding Port-au-Prince. An affiliate of NPH/NPFS, the foundation's most recent project is an adult hospital that was opened right after the earthquake. Additional programs include schools, clinics, food and water distribution, and dignified burials. St. Francisville, a facility that produces a variety of goods, including cement blocks, cobblestones, bread and pasta. There are also workshops for automotive mechanics, sewing, printing and digital production. The goods and services are used by NPFS and St. Luke as well as external organizations. Following the earthquake, bread production was accelerated to 5,000 rolls daily and the buildings were used as a warehouse distribution center.

Are_we__sure ago

First off, copying an entire Wikipedia entry is not helpful, especially when you don't edit out the formatting and the links.

Secondly, this entry confirms what I said. There is no orphanage in Haiti called OR run by Friends of the Orphans.

@waxdino, the answer to this question that you asked above is because this building was not an orphanage. It was their adminstrative offices. See locations below.

Friends of the Orphans indeed had a building that collapsed (or was it demolished?), but they claimed no children were in it at the time.

Friends of the Orphans raised funds in the US. They are a US based organization. They raised funds for Nuestro Pequeno Hermanos, which runs orphanages and of course, Nuestro Pequeno Hermanos DOES NOT translate to Friends of the Orphans. In Haiti, they were known in French as Nos Petits Frères et Sœurs which also does not translate to Friends of the Orphans.

This distinction between a fundraising group and the actual folks who managed the orphanage is a rather large distinction that you are missing. They are distinct and separate groups.

Friends of the Orphans are now named NPH USA and their website reflects that. However, when this first came up months ago and at the time of Haitian Earthquake, they were still using Friends of the Orphans. For proof here is there IRS 990 from 2012 https://www.nphusa.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2012_Form-990.pdf

This is proof that "Friends of the Orphans" would not be the name used in Haiti like I said. And the reason being is they are separate organizations.

Just to Emphasize the fact that NPH USA is different from NPH, if you volunteer at NPH USA, you do not work with orphans or at the orphanages, because they are not part of NPH USA. If you want to volunteer at a home, it's handled through NPH From their FAQ.

May I volunteer for NPH USA? Yes! Volunteers make it possible for NPH USA to support the orphaned, abandoned and disadvantaged children at NPH. We utilize volunteers for committees, special events, general office help and translating letters to children. Volunteering for NPH USA can count towards community and school service requirements. Volunteer schedules are flexible and you may work as much or as little as you want. Opportunities may vary by office. Click here to apply online. Please note that we support the NPH homes and their outreach programs through fundraising and volunteer efforts; we do not work directly with children in our offices.

May I volunteer at an NPH home? **Yes! NPH accepts volunteers **for a minimum of a one-year commitment. NPH USA has a person on staff who coordinates the application process and provides some initial screening. Click here for more information on the International Volunteer Program.

St. Hélène Orphanage for Children,

yes this is an orphanage. It was the only NPH orphanage in Haiti at the time of the Earthquake.

not one, but many

NPH did not run many orphanages in Haiti at the time of the earthquake. They ran many in the Caribbean and in South America, but not "many" in Haiti. After the Earthquake they opened many new facilities in Haiti which are in your listing. To understand what they operated at the time of the Earthquake, you to know about that they had 3 main locations, Kenscoff, the orphanage, a hospital in Tabarre in Port Au Prince and their main offices were in Petitionville. Within these three locations, they had multiple programs.

NPFS has three distinct locations with numerous programs. St. Helene located in Kenscoff St. Helene is a home to over 430 children and is located on 14 hillside acres with 22 residential cottages, varied by age and gender. A preschool through secondary school is located onsite and operated by the Salesian Sisters. Kay Christine is home to 35 children and adults with special needs inside St. Helene.

St. Damien Pediatric Hospital located in Tabarre, Port-au-Prince St. Damien is the only free pediatric hospital in Haiti......Also on hospital grounds, Kay Germaine, a rehabilitation and education center for disabled children

Kay Pere Wasson (Father Wasson Center) located in Pétionville, Port Au Prince This five-story building, formerly St. Damien Hospital, is the administrative hub of NPFS and the home to social workers who manage new cases and the Extern Program. Kay Elaine is located on the premises and, much like Kay St. Germaine, is a rehabilitation and education center for disabled children.

St Helene ....remains the home for our children in Kenscoff ages 6-14 for the study of primary classic school. Once they finish 9th grade the children transition to the **St. John Bosco program where they live with family, **

There also had street schools and in 2010 partially complete educational campus with a vocational school just east of the hospital in Francisville.

The St. Luke schools program offered education is providing to the poorest of the poor areas by offering educational opportunities in the street

https://issuu.com/nphi/docs/nph-haiti-country-report-2008 https://www.nph.org/intranet/reports/docs/6/2009%20NPHI%20Annual%20Report.pdf]\

darkknight111 ago

No it doesn't, shill. NPH USA is an alternate branch of NPH (the parent organization).

Get lost. Nobody wants you or your constant jumping to the defense of pedo elites. You contribute NOTHING of actual value to neither this community or to life in general. Hint: shilling is not an actually useful contribution to society.

Most people on v/pizzagate despise your shit here. Take a hint and leave. We'll be better off without your useless presence.

The fact that you use 3+ alternate accounts is proof that yes, you are indeed a shill. An honest user wouldn't have to do that.

Are_we__sure ago

In 2010 Friends of the Orphans was not yet part of NPH and there is no orphanage in Haiti called Friends of the Orphans.

If you were referring to NPH's orphanage in Haiti, you wouldn't even say NPH. You would say the St. Helene Orphanage or Nos Petits Frères et Sœurs.

I use three accounts, but I am not using them dishonestly as sock puppets. I deliberately named them the same way to make it transparent it's the same person. You are completely wrong about my honesty.

If you want to know why I have three accounts, retract your falsehood and I will tell you.

darkknight111 ago

The honest have no need for alts. Period. Multiple alts (3+ in your case) is a signature shill tactic.

RweSure ago

You seem to have no interest in learning the truth. Would you consider that honest?

darkknight111 ago

You refuse to answer upfront why you use 3+ accounts. The hallmark of a shill is to use multiple accounts to give themselves upvoats or to try to dampen the effects of downvoats.

"1) Silsby lied and said the kids were orphans when they weren't.

2) Silsby was repeatedly told not to take the kids out of Haiti without government permission. She was told that by both the Dominican Republic and Haiti. She ignored both their warnings and she was arrested for child trafficking.

3) A child's organs are worth over $1,000,000 and provide a compelling financial incentive for any child trafficker. At the time of her arrest Laura Silsby's business was struggling and finally went bankrupt.

4) Children are also used in Brownstone Operations. Jeffrey Epstein and Mossad ran a Brownstone Operation on a Carribean island close by called Little St. James. Mossad used underage children to gather sexual blackmail evidence which is often used to control politicians. Dennis Hastert is a prime example of how TPTB put compromised politicians in positions of power so they can control them better."

All of this is relevant because organized crime is dependant on legitimate fronts and plausible denibility.

Care to explain the email about politics being about "public and private stances on an issue"? The halmark of a dishonest politician like that sociopathic bitch you love so much.

Care to explain why people about to publically report evidence of foul play on Hillary's part have an alarming tendency to end up dead by suicide? Such believable suicide methods like "beaten to death by a dumbell" or "two gunshots to the back of the head"? All of those sound like excellent ways to mete out her execution. Karma is an ironic bitch, made even greater when it gets arranged to happen by mortal hands. XD

Care to explain the "Pay to Play" exhibited by the Clinton Foundation? Or the very real charity fraud?

Care to explain Hillary saying "if he wins we all hang".

Hey @DarkMath, bring up "white phosphorous" to put this shill further on the hot seat.

No shill, its you who has no interest in the truth other than to cover it up. Why you wont come clean about those alts is therefore obvious. Would you consider that honest?

DarkMath ago

"DarkMath, bring up "white phosphorous""

I will gladly. AreWeSure why are you so unwilling to acknowledge evidence Killary brokered the King of Morocco's phosphate production and sent it to Bulgarian weapons manufacturers whose products do this to little girls in Yemen.

Go ahead AreWeSure, look at her. That little girl is a human being too you know. Stop burring your head in the sand. Stand up to Killary's white privilege for a change.

Stop giving rich white people from Yale the benefit of the doubt.


@RweSure @are_we_sure @are_we__sure

darkknight111 ago

Are we sure refuses to reply when corned with stuff outside his limosiune leftist views. Intellectual coward

Is one of our biggest shills, therefore anything that he defends is worth looking into.

Already gave the "shill equals auto downvoat". Downvoating shills cripples their ability to comment, thus reducing their take home pay based on amount of shill posts they make.

ThePuppetShow ago

Did you downvote that bullshit? I got it.. One minute this shill MF is saying nothing to see here and now admits a Clinton opp actually stole kids.