ThePedoHunter ago

Sorry for side question but relevant: - why the fck are 4chan pizzagate-related threads archived / closed off so quickly?

  • isnt 4chan the wild west of anon forums, whose infamy is built on anything / everything discussion and truth bombs, the very essence of pizzagate

  • is 4chan a compromised cesspit of shill mods?

The Hunter

Vox_Pacem ago

One location in Denver. Monica Petersen's wound up in Haiti from what she found in Colorado...

Dressage2 ago

Very interesting. Codes have always been intriguing me.

carmencita ago

That Dr. Green was probably Joseph Mengele brought here after WWII Supposedly they gave him a new identity. Who knows, maybe even a new look. He is knows as the Angel of Death. @Dressage2

bullfyta ago

Voodoo also has a Voodoo on Flickr. This is a search on all images related to their shops and they also have a Flickr account but only 14 photos and not much activity.

I believe these doughnuts contain some coding. Notice the colors (pink, brown, white, purple, etc), and the symbolism. Some have pink sprinkles, not all over but just one side. Why? Others stabbed in the heart with a pretzel stick or in the mouth and genital area of the gingerbread man-shaped doughnuts. Even the neon sign has a big giant pedo ring symbol. This is a big red flag.

carmencita ago

Are those colors they use to achieve their desired effects? Like in the pictures they flash so very fast? So when they are finally done. After they use the PINK someone's Core Personality is Entirely Destroyed. How Elite-ally Egotistically Disgusting.

sinclair ago

  1. Red: Repress the trauma of memory with drugs;
  2. Blue: Militaristic training and decimation of the mind;
  3. Green: Denial of events and atrocities committed against them;
  4. Yellow: Personas compartmentalized;
  5. Pink: Core personality entirely destroyed;
  • It's like some sort of ordered, color coded chain of events, or states within a program. Anyone else see that? Like 5 steps a person goes through to be destroyed.

nameof ago

Thanks had been looking for this again, exactly like the steps you mention, feel like many people u know have been destroyed here in MARIN county by whatever this magic is. I don't really honestly know how I survived it it's very strong. It's killing peop e I think. I think there's a combo of the colors the words, in step as you said, plus street drugs, or cheap beer, and a person does that pattern once or twice and bang they are lost, oh yeah combined also with the constant trigger words on tbe radio. I sound paranoid but in just im my comfort zone.

Dressage2 ago

If you look into colors with MKUltra as others mentioned, green is another big color. I remember reading some book that said there is an individual that goes by Dr. Green and they use that often to trigger kids same as the color pink, etc. Google Dr. Green and find all sorts of info. I also believe there was pedo that someone posted months ago and his name was Dr. Green.

Jem777 ago

Dr. Green is the new identity given to Dr. Mengele "the Angel of death" Nazi Scientist that was instrumental in MK Ultra founding. He was brought over to the US in Operation Paperclip and given the name Dr. Green. He was a monster.

@dressage2 GW also mentioned Voodoo donuts

Dressage2 ago

Very good! Wild Voodoo Donuts.

Jem777 ago

Yes. We need to focus on these locations. There are only six I think. One is in Portland which might be why GW is so aware...hometown.

Celticgirlonamission ago

in that video about kinsley the peso that looked identical to Podesta was "named" Mr Green wtf

Gothamgirl ago

I think I shared somone elses post that had that, and other cyphers from Elsagate.

darkknight111 ago

Owners are Tres Shannon and Kenneth Pogson. Considering looking into them for more leads.

-Edit: Kenneth Pogson has an instagram but it is private. (Maybe search for deleted tweets).

DonKeyhote ago

Jesus christ what more do you want on these fags?

Why dont you -- gasp -- find others so theyll shut their doors like several i have seen, notably goat hill pizza.

The one in DC for example is called Astro.

DonKeyhote ago

Fuck off, prick.

bullfyta ago

This info comes from a DID support group and the color coding used for mind control. The code deciphered makes sense after you read this.

Colors Explained

For instance, pinks are the innocent children prior to programming. Reds are the programmers

Some of the verbiage is confusing but it appears to be written by a survivor almost talking child-like (split Personality). I hope this helps.

DerivaUK ago

Certainly helped me understand. Thanks for this. Upvoat.

carmencita ago

I remember reading about some very old tunnels in LA that they used to move Chinese workers back and forth during much of the building for the city. Slave labor.

bullfyta ago

Here is a decoder I found from one of HoneyBee's posts.
Ceasar Decoder

Edit: first three words on the op is 'Made J Mad". Having trouble deciphering the rest because the letters are hard to read.

1guynAscumbagchan ago

Was it that 4chan is the premier clear web site for child and animal abuse?

remedy4reality ago

user @ESOTERICshade is most likely DISINFO...

Tallest_Skil ago

Prove your claim, then.

remedy4reality ago

or you could just review his comment history ...

i don't jump through hoops for lazy faggots

Tallest_Skil ago

So no, you have no evidence, then. Thanks for admitting it. I don't give a fuck what he is one way or another. When you make a claim, you present proof. It's only hard for those who don't have any. Do your fucking job and you won't be called out on it.

remedy4reality ago

you are now officially on the list, cunt..

has not worked out well for other who ended up there..

Tallest_Skil ago



Holy shit, you autistic retard, get a fucking grip. Prove your claims or don't make them. That's why this site exists.

remedy4reality ago

now you're claiming the parameters of VOAT ?

hall monitor faggot, indeed.

Tallest_Skil ago

Prove. Your. Claims. Or. Don't. Make. Them.

remedy4reality ago

cunt can't stop cunting

Tallest_Skil ago

Prove. Your. Claims. Or. Don't. Make. Them..

remedy4reality ago

you fucking faggot... how the fuck did you end up on this thread, anyway?

what a pathetic piece of shit you are... go play hall monitor somewhere else you fucking cunt

remedy4reality ago

yep... I can spot them a mile away...

nice list... hey @tallest_skil, here is some fucking proof for you, you kid fucking faggot.

10026836? ago

/u/Tallest_Skil, did you rape and murder a girl in 1990? Why?

Get the fuck back to Reddit. No one is falling for your forum sliding here.

Tallest_Skil ago

oy vey I'm mixing my paid shill scripts!

you can "forum slide" on voat! Totally!

Reply to literally ANYTHING I have posted which is on topic to the discussion or refute ANYTHING I have said. I'll wait. You won't.

10026876? ago

Reply to literally ANYTHING I have posted which is on topic to the discussion or refute ANYTHING I have said. I'll wait. You won't.

That's ironic, considering I just pasted 20 links showing you abusing the report system to try and get mods to censor people you don't like, and you haven't been able to reply to any of them. Now that you've been called out you're shrinking back like a cockroach with the light turned on.

Tallest_Skil ago

You mean the links where no such thing happened? Cute. Reported, by the way.

Reply to literally ANYTHING I have posted which is on topic to the discussion or refute ANYTHING I have said. I'll wait. You won't.

10026945? ago

You're proving that you didn't report people who are hurting your fee reporting someone who's hurting your fee fees?

You're abusing the report system to try and get mods to censor people you don't like. You're SRS.

Tallest_Skil ago

my strawman means you're wrong

Reply to literally ANYTHING I have posted which is on topic to the discussion or refute ANYTHING I have said. I'll wait. You won't.

Tallest_Skil ago



10/10; would trigger like the autistic toddler you are again.

OoLaLaFrenchGirl ago

This sounds very much like the same coded messages that have been found in regards to some of the Elsagate kids videos on YT. Creepy! Looks like this could tie Elsagate & Pizzagate together.

pnwpatriot97 ago

Anyone look at their website yet? Filled with Boy lover symbols, even pentagrams. Make sure to out the voodoo donuts "special occasions" page too, biggest thing that stuck out is in that section. Near the bottom of the selection for these "special occasions" you should find advertised a wedding ceremony listed as "The Whole Shebang" priced oddly enough at $6,660. The description of the wedding ceremony as written on the website:

"Legal wedding Ceremony.

Air fare to Portland Oregon.

Hotel accommodations.

Personal tour of Portland with Voodoo Doughnut owners Cat Daddy and Tres, including some of their favorite spots and places you’d like to see. Contact us for more information about this special one of a kind package."

Something urks me about this. No reviews from anyone getting this "wedding ceremony", but plenty reviews about the other listed"special occasions". Just posting this so others can see for themselves, and so that we can find out some info on these two oddly named individuals that happen own Voodoo donuts. Maybe they are a good friends with Alefantis.

Wouldn't surprise me a bit with what has been found lately.

Happy hunting fellow patriots!

spacewitch ago

I can really well picture "Cat Daddy" as the nickname of a child trafficker...

pnwpatriot97 ago

You're not alone with that thought.

pnwpatriot97 ago

Finally something that ties the state of Oregon in! As someone who lives in Oregon I can say there is plenty more to look into other than voodoo. I wonder how many elites have vacation houses for getaways up & down the Oregon coast.

DonKeyhote ago

My favorite part about reading the meticulously thorough research y'all post is how you don't even use Google maps when you find a suspicious location. Like, fuck it, right??

carlofusilier ago


Edit: come the fuck on

benefit of the doubt, they do a lot of 'in the news' donuts, but look at them yourself. Lots of donuts dedicated to pedos. Blue swirl on the mascots stomach as well.

PaisaHunter ago

That swirl is definitely NOT Voodoo symbolism.

They also posted this weird message saying Voodoo Austin would be closing at 6pm for an unexpected repair.

Sounds like the stuff they do at Comet Pithza and Ping Pong.

Blacksmith21 ago

Everyone remember the guy in HS who called everyone a "fag"? They always turned out well....LOL.

Precipitate ago

In the 90s everybody called everybody a fag

DonKeyhote ago

Wouldn't know, I quit HS when I was 14 to go to college because I'm far smarter than my peers -- you may have noticed. And your GED, what year was it earned?

Blacksmith21 ago

HS drop out. And college dropout. And a liar to boot.

ThePuppetShow ago

Don Quixote, you didn't discover VooDoo Doughnuts. A quick search has you beat by months.. LARPing shill hahaha

DonKeyhote ago

"I was pleased to stumble upon a Voodoo Doughnut location in Austin"

That doesn't sound like someone claiming to discover Voodoo. So I guess you're a pathetic lying faggot?

In fact given your reply in this thread it's YOU who thinks any of that post is new except the message.

Don't you get tired of being humiliated by me? Are you a sadomasochist? How does it feel to be so far behind of someone you openly despise? Must suck.

ThePuppetShow ago

Humiliated by you? LMAO check the history, moron. You're nothing more than a shill that makes false claims that are never backed up. Now you're pointing your finger because you got called out for LARPing. Your thread had nothing to do with tunnels under VooDoo, shill boy.

DonKeyhote ago

Actually YOURE displaying your (the whole fag brigade) MO yet again: simply state things as if they're facts, usually a declaration of victory, and hope observers never confirm it themselves. For example having been called out on your LIE you change goalposts -- but my post does mention tunnels: that's the significance of its proximity to the OTHER PEDO LOCALES INDICATED and Stratfor and governor's mansion, RETARD!

ThePuppetShow ago

They are facts Don Quixote, you're just desperate. Here's your post.. No talk of tunnles, but plenty of talk of "fags". Reminds me of William Donohue, again.

I was pleased to stumble upon a Voodoo Doughnut location while hovering above the liberal oasis of Austin, a stone's throw from the governor's mansion and capitol building.,+212+E+6th+St,+Austin,+TX+78701/@30.2676502,-97.7409022,13z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x8644b5a771205af3:0x86f416ea2f93d43c

Typical of the brand it is on a shitty street locals call Dirty Sixth. One block down there is a family-friendly pizza bar with gay-friendly owners, as evidenced by their Instagram:

As we all know but won't admit, gay is a PG red flag. Other IG posts are blatant if you've followed PG at all:

Sex joke with kids dressed as adults

Piece de resistance?

Browse while you can, I called it quits after Alice tried to deepthroat that slice. They host Chef Camp with absurdly young kids, it's on the IG. but remember this is a breadcrumb and there's weird shit all over there.

Here's you getting your ass handed to you for the 100th time..

Facts are facts, Don Quixote.

Why are you still here with all these people you hate?

DonKeyhote ago

Yale is a nest of jewrats regardless of who founded it.

I will leave because you shills waste my time -- it is noted that your interests coincide with the blatant shill mods.

ThePuppetShow ago

The mods delete my threads all the time, even when I connect the Rothschild family in 3 difderent ways. Fuck off with your flailing tantrum on the way out, Don Quixote.

DonKeyhote ago

I understand and see that your sole objective is to convince people the Rothschilds arent Jews. It largely explains why you contribute nothing to PG. They probably delete it because its embarrassing your side with its inanity.

ThePuppetShow ago

I really don't give a shit if the Rothschilds are Jews. My "objective" is to present the facts. Something you don't seem to understand.

DonKeyhote ago

LOL right you dont care whos a jew. Thats your entire reason for being here. 100%.

ThePuppetShow ago

More deflection?

carmencita ago

Is that some code to do with MK Ultra or Project Monarch?

carmencita ago

This is what it said on 4chan:> Urban explorer found coded message in tunnels there Now it did not say which tunnels BUT the last of the code said Pink Core Persnality Entirely Destroyed. I am wondering if anyone knows what it means.

notdivided ago

that's mk coding. Personalities are given coded colors. There are also multilevels of personalities, pink personality isn't the same as pink core personality- core are the important ones , if I understand correctly deleting Pink core would delete any associated pink personalities. If you understand basic database system setup this is how they modeled it. You can see how this would be used to trigger specific personality parts only.

carmencita ago

Upvoat4U! Thanks for explaining that. I had been countered and I knew it was correct. It can be confusing for a tech deficient person like me. And yes all the colors were listed.

carmencita ago

Thank you. Very informational, but I had to stop right after reading about the disembowelment of the goat and the finding of the womb of the female goat with the baby goat inside. This Satanic Ritual by the Finders is beyond disgusting and there is no punishment too harsh for them. I could stand no more.

bibigirl_ ago

It mentions the codes

carmencita ago

Thank you. I will try again. I would like to see that.

bibigirl_ ago

It ends up being that this video, which looks like an innocent baby color learning vid, uses the same colors you describes and only those colors. There is a video titled "the execution of henrietta and igor" in code on youtube with more code as the description which is the code you said in an earlier comment. Well, "the execution of Henrietta and igor" just so happens to be the name of a document found in a finders cult location. The one with the pictures of kids and adults in sheets sacrificing 2 goats. That was the name of the document. There were rooms that produced video and an indoctrination room

carmencita ago

It all seems like a horrible nightmare on elm st. Does it not. I could never even come up with scenarios like they are doing. It could never eve enter my mind. So sad, the Finders. :(

Gothamgirl ago

I used the code for pink Core personality and found only one video on youtube. I am not sure its related to the 4 chan post.

bullfyta ago

I found this but it's referring to Pink, the artist. Still an interesting read about MKUltra. Pink's Core Personality

carmencita ago

I Doubt That. It said Pink Core Personality Entirely Destroyed and not Pink"s Also it said: GREEN DENIAL OF EVENTS AND ATROCITIES COMMITTED AGAINST THEM and listed the other Color Codes as well, Red, Blue, etc. I think it is the Color Code for MK Ultra.

bullfyta ago

Yes. Sorry. I misread the article, not your post but it did relate to MKUltra and the rabbit hole found in the coding so I left it.

spacewitch ago

I remember this mentioned on youtube videos coded comments that someone decyphered.

They talk about it on this forum :vigilantcitizenforum/youtube mk ultra programming aimed at children

carmencita ago

It also had some members of Finders and one was the alias name of Kenny Rogers and also THIS:Arico, Paula M. (children: Mary and John Paul Pope/married I have no idea what that last one means with the Pope's name.

carmencita ago

Here is one deciphered code in the first archived paste bin link: ALL PROGRAMMERS FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT TO ALL PROGRAMMERS FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT TO BLUEBIRD @ ZEAUX_CXT Perfectly normal, huh? I am reading the rest.

ThePuppetShow ago

Since the thread is already archived...

Anonymous (ID: tX+rDlhR) GN Archived

Voodoo Doughnuts has 6 locations in U.S.

First location was in Taiwan of all places, less than 500 ft from Taiwan’s Criminal Investigation Bureau

Can confirm, open source, 5 of 6 Voodoo Doughnuts locations are within 1 mile(as the crow flies) of a publicly known access point to an underground tunnel network

6th location is located inside of Universal Studios (popular “family” amusement park)

At least 2 of the tunnels (Portland, Denver) are documented as being used for human trafficking/prostitution

Voodoo Doughnuts logo is exact match of Little Boy Lover pedophile symbol, sells child-sized coffins full of doughnuts

22 SW 3rd Avenue, Portland, OR

Shares a building with “Shanghai Bar”, an underground bar that was part of the Shanghai tunnels in Portland

Shanghai tunnels were built to kidnap young men and sell them into slavery aboard ships and young women into prostitution

1501 NE Davis Street, Portland, OR

Within 1 mile of Voodoo Doughnuts 1st location/Shanghai tunnels

Across the street from large public park, almost equidistant between two high schools and a middle school

0 East Broadway at Willamette Ave, Eugene, OR

Less than a mile from University of Oregon campus

UO has at least 4 miles of underground tunnels, very elaborate, many are well lit and all are very secure

1520 East Colfax Avenue, Denver, Colorado

Less than a mile from Brown Palace Hotel, known access point to Denver underground.

Built to shuttle politicians/prostitutes in between important hotels/brothels/government buildings in Denver in early 1900s

212 East 6th Street, Austin, Texas

Less than 1 mile from UT Austin campus

UT Austin also has vast underground tunnel network

Urban explorer found coded message in tunnels there

thisHoCwilltumble ago

If anyone wants to take one for the team, periscope yourself in the tunnels

darkknight111 ago

I suggest looking into any missing persons reports near Universal Studios. Especially involving children.

This could be an important clue to the Hollywood branch of pizzagate.

BIGLY17 ago

Get real. Disney and Universal created the content-inept media. Every once in a while you'll hear of a boy being nabbed by a gator but they won't tell you about the tens to hundreds of children who go missing from central FL, daily. This has been going on a long long time, especially with Disney, to the point that digital content agencies (entities namely in the business of buying publisher placement space for advertisers [In this case Disney/Universal] to ensure their ads are never posted on publisher sites which feature their ads). Not sourcing shit and not doxxing myself - do your own research here as you see fit.

On an aside - that one day when Voat n 4/8 got DDOS'd wasn't there an article about VDD that was recently released that day? I know there were quite a few theories on that all but not sure what most concluded based on their research.

abcdeabcde ago

they won't tell you about the tens to hundreds of children who go missing from central FL, daily

Interesting claim here, do you have a source for it?

BIGLY17 ago

publisher sites which feature these stories**

darkknight111 ago

In regards to "missing from", is that the child's home residence, or where they were last seen?

If the later, then the ones last seen in Los Angeles and Universal City (site of Universal Studios) are the ones we need to focus our attention on.

darkknight111 ago

This is big. Red flag about being a front for human trafficking. Those tunnels are how the traffickers hide their movements.


They probably move the kids when the near by school lets out, to blend in.

fuckdavidbrock ago

Brand new post, thread is already archived. OP shows 5 of 6 Voodoo Doughnuts locations are located near known access points to underground tunnel networks across the US.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

That coded message looks awfully similar to the coded messages in all of the Elsagate videos

nameof ago