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Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

So, a non per reviewed paper tries to debunk something that has been studied by countless of researchers? Great!

Tallest_Skil ago

Kill yourself, you fucking retard. There is no peer review of global warming.

Land “readings” are diverging from satellite data (which NASA itself says is accurate and should be the standard instead) because over 40% of land “readings” are estimates made for places without recording equipment.

To illustratively do something that the psychopaths love to do, I’ll cherrypick the last 20 years to show that there has been no warming there, despite CO2 continuing to rise. Even using just the satellite record, the world isn’t warming. If we refer back to one of the hottest years in recorded history, we see the difference. Never mind that there have only been benefits to CO2 rising.

“Waaaaa! What about the ice caps!”

They’re not melting. They go through cycles. 1974 had less ice than today. Oh, and don’t listen to what scientists say, whatever you do. Nowhere is melting out of turn, not even Greenland (where it has been growing for something like 30 years).

“But the sea level is rising!”

It has been rising for 13,000 years. In that time, it has never risen more slowly than right now. Were our ancestors belching out CO2 faster than we were? Maybe they were farting a lot more. It’s rising more slowly than at any time in that history, and it’s also rising more slowly than any claim made public by any outlet. Here’s the source data for that chart. It’s an FTP link, so it should automatically download the raw file (which you don’t need to worry about, as it’s a bunch of undifferentiated numbers). Turns out that NOAA marks the average as 0.63 mm per year. Not 3.3. Not 2.8. Certainly not a foot per year, which is needed for the most modern public “predictions” about this bullshit.

“But ocean acidity!”

Guess what? It’s also cyclical.

“Okay, not ice caps, but what about the glaciers?”

They’ve been melting since at least the 1780s when we started measuring them. I also have information for the Alps and other areas. Was our pre-industrial civilization responsible for “greenhouse gases” too?

“But but but but but but but but muh consensus! They agree! Because I say so! That makes what they say true!”

Sorry, there never was any consensus.

“Then why don’t climate change deniers publish papers?”

Because they do (and because papers often aren’t published because the publishing groups are owned by AGW liars).

”So what the hell is this all about?”

The purposeful destruction of the economy and infrastructure of the Western world and only the Western world.

None of the data supports the existence of AGW.


Because there is no other record of meaningful scientific value anywhere. The GHCND set of stations has slowly been closed down… and what’s this! The stations being closed down ARE FAR FROM THE EQUATOR. What does that mean? The average latitude of GHCND stations IS FIFTEEN FUCKING DEGREES CLOSER TO THE EQUATOR than it used to be. Do you imagine that might raise temperatures? If you answer no, don’t bother answering in the first place.

The United States has a network of 1200+ USHCN stations with data going back to 1895 and earlier. The raw USHCN temperature record shows that there has been a slight cooling since 1920 (see above). USHCN is a subset of GHCND (Global Historical Climatology Network Daily.) Cooling doesn’t suit the needs of your masters, so they cherrypicked a small subset of GHCND stations (which show a large amount of warming since 1920) for use in the global GSN temperature record.

So let’s stop this madness, right? What happens when we take data from SCIENTIFICALLY SOUND SOURCES? That is, 1. stations active for a long time and 2. stations that don’t move (meaning keeping the same latitude). We see what I said above. NO. FUCKING. WARMING.

At the very best (for your delusions), you (meaning your own authorities) can say that there has been zero change since modern recordings began. Your bastard king himself, James Hansen, ADMITTED TO THIS.


And yet there has been zero warming SINCE THEN, too, so you don’t have a leg to stand on.

Funny how sea level is identical to 1870 and 1901, huh (La Jolla and La Jolla; Sydney and Sydney, respectively)? Funny how all the gauges show a 0.63mm/yr rise (which, again, is smaller than at any time in the last 11,000 years). Not 3.3. Not 2.6. Not 1.4. Certainly not “a meter by 2050.”

“But weather is becoming more extreme!”

Nah, less. Universally. What’s more, do you imagine? Not fires. Ha! Not floods.

USGS research has shown no linkage between flooding (either increases or decreases) and the increase in greenhouse gases. Essentially, from USGS long-term streamgage data for sites across the country with no regulation or other changes to the watershed that could influence the streamflow, the data shows no systematic increases in flooding through time.

Not tornadoes. Five (nearly six now) consecutive years of below average events. Not hurricanes. Every single indicator shows they’re not only becoming less frequent, but also less powerful. Not even drought. Hilarious! So what is it? What’s worse? Tell us. Is it anything at all? Anywhere? At any time? No. Of course, this has been known for a while. It’s global cooling’s fault, after all! Oh, wait… NOAA wouldn’t want you to hear this now, would they?

Your narrative is predicated on laziness. Your narrative is predicated on people not doing their homework and not comprehending the data they see. Your narrative is predicated on appeals to authority and the expectation that your masters will never lie to you. That’s the only way it has ever existed.

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

It seems you have no idea what peer reviewed is.

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting that everything listed there is scientifically accurate and peer reviewed. Global warming does not exist. Fuck off.

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

Great Barrier Reef?

Tallest_Skil ago

No, global warming. Try to keep up.

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

Global.... warming. Got it!

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported for being a paid shill. Global warming does not exist.

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

Ohh noes! I am reported, what will become of me now?

Please un-report me, I will oblige to your censorship!

Tallest_Skil ago


You have no comprehension of free speech or scientific truth. Commit suicide, because you're just going to be rounded up with James Hansen and the rest of your friends and executed for crimes against humanity anyway. There is no stopping it now. Global warming doesn't exist and never has. This is scientifically proven.

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

Luckily we have you to save the day! How comes a god like you has time to reply to a peasant like me. Is it because you are unemployed?

Tallest_Skil ago

You were proven wrong. Fuck off, paid shill.

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

Believe what you want to believe. I am amazed you keep replying lol.

Tallest_Skil ago

Kill yourself, science denier.

Land “readings” are diverging from satellite data (which NASA itself says is accurate and should be the standard instead) because over 40% of land “readings” are estimates made for places without recording equipment.

To illustratively do something that the psychopaths love to do, I’ll cherrypick the last 20 years to show that there has been no warming there, despite CO2 continuing to rise. Even using just the satellite record, the world isn’t warming. If we refer back to one of the hottest years in recorded history, we see the difference. Never mind that there have only been benefits to CO2 rising.

“Waaaaa! What about the ice caps!”

They’re not melting. They go through cycles. 1974 had less ice than today. Oh, and don’t listen to what scientists say, whatever you do. Nowhere is melting out of turn, not even Greenland (where it has been growing for something like 30 years).

“But the sea level is rising!”

It has been rising for 13,000 years. In that time, it has never risen more slowly than right now. Were our ancestors belching out CO2 faster than we were? Maybe they were farting a lot more. It’s rising more slowly than at any time in that history, and it’s also rising more slowly than any claim made public by any outlet. Here’s the source data for that chart. It’s an FTP link, so it should automatically download the raw file (which you don’t need to worry about, as it’s a bunch of undifferentiated numbers). Turns out that NOAA marks the average as 0.63 mm per year. Not 3.3. Not 2.8. Certainly not a foot per year, which is needed for the most modern public “predictions” about this bullshit.

“But ocean acidity!”

Guess what? It’s also cyclical.

“Okay, not ice caps, but what about the glaciers?”

They’ve been melting since at least the 1780s when we started measuring them. I also have information for the Alps and other areas. Was our pre-industrial civilization responsible for “greenhouse gases” too?

“But but but but but but but but muh consensus! They agree! Because I say so! That makes what they say true!”

Sorry, there never was any consensus.

“Then why don’t climate change deniers publish papers?”

Because they do (and because papers often aren’t published because the publishing groups are owned by AGW liars).

”So what the hell is this all about?”

The purposeful destruction of the economy and infrastructure of the Western world and only the Western world.

None of the data supports the existence of AGW.


Because there is no other record of meaningful scientific value anywhere. The GHCND set of stations has slowly been closed down… and what’s this! The stations being closed down ARE FAR FROM THE EQUATOR. What does that mean? The average latitude of GHCND stations IS FIFTEEN FUCKING DEGREES CLOSER TO THE EQUATOR than it used to be. Do you imagine that might raise temperatures? If you answer no, don’t bother answering in the first place.

The United States has a network of 1200+ USHCN stations with data going back to 1895 and earlier. The raw USHCN temperature record shows that there has been a slight cooling since 1920 (see above). USHCN is a subset of GHCND (Global Historical Climatology Network Daily.) Cooling doesn’t suit the needs of your masters, so they cherrypicked a small subset of GHCND stations (which show a large amount of warming since 1920) for use in the global GSN temperature record.

So let’s stop this madness, right? What happens when we take data from SCIENTIFICALLY SOUND SOURCES? That is, 1. stations active for a long time and 2. stations that don’t move (meaning keeping the same latitude). We see what I said above. NO. FUCKING. WARMING.

At the very best (for your delusions), you (meaning your own authorities) can say that there has been zero change since modern recordings began. Your bastard king himself, James Hansen, ADMITTED TO THIS.


And yet there has been zero warming SINCE THEN, too, so you don’t have a leg to stand on.

Funny how sea level is identical to 1870 and 1901, huh (La Jolla and La Jolla; Sydney and Sydney, respectively)? Funny how all the gauges show a 0.63mm/yr rise (which, again, is smaller than at any time in the last 11,000 years). Not 3.3. Not 2.6. Not 1.4. Certainly not “a meter by 2050.”

“But weather is becoming more extreme!”

Nah, less. Universally. What’s more, do you imagine? Not fires. Ha! Not floods.

USGS research has shown no linkage between flooding (either increases or decreases) and the increase in greenhouse gases. Essentially, from USGS long-term streamgage data for sites across the country with no regulation or other changes to the watershed that could influence the streamflow, the data shows no systematic increases in flooding through time.

Not tornadoes. Five (nearly six now) consecutive years of below average events. Not hurricanes. Every single indicator shows they’re not only becoming less frequent, but also less powerful. Not even drought. Hilarious! So what is it? What’s worse? Tell us. Is it anything at all? Anywhere? At any time? No. Of course, this has been known for a while. It’s global cooling’s fault, after all! Oh, wait… NOAA wouldn’t want you to hear this now, would they?

Your narrative is predicated on laziness. Your narrative is predicated on people not doing their homework and not comprehending the data they see. Your narrative is predicated on appeals to authority and the expectation that your masters will never lie to you. That’s the only way it has ever existed.

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

Are you a clever idiot, you posted this for the second time.

Tallest_Skil ago


You'll figure it out.

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

It seems you are a paid shill, pressing the same shit on me over and over again. Get a move on, it is 2017!

Tallest_Skil ago


You're behind the times, kike. It's Current Year+2, also known as the Modern Day by conservative reckoning.

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

Modern day is the best day. Everyone gets to be a scientist, well, everyone with an internet connection that is!

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting that global warming does not exist.

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

You know that my comment also reflects on you right? So we are no step closer to solving this.

Thanks for showing you do not have the ability to understand English.

Tallest_Skil ago

You know that my comment also reflects on you right?


So we are no step closer to solving this.

We are. I have. There is no such thing as global warming. None of the claims your kikes make are factual. This has been proven by all the data. I posted said data. It's done.

Thanks for showing you do not have the ability to understand English.

Said the cocksucking faggot who thinks that AGW exists after being shown the data.

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

I love how much you care about pushing your "facts" on me. If the "facts" are indeed in your favour, why do all great scientists agree with global warming?

Hard mode: Come up with theories why global warming is not a thing without tin foil hat nutter arguments.

Tallest_Skil ago

why do all great scientists agree

  1. Reported for being a paid shill.
  2. Appeal to majority is not an argument.
  3. Appeal to authority is not an argument.
  4. There is no consensus among the scientific community in favor of global warming.
  5. There is consensus among the scientific community against global warming.
  6. This is all proven in the links. You didn't read the post. You are a paid shill. Commit suicide before you are executed for crime against humanity like James Hansen.

I love how much you care about pushing your "facts" on me. If the "facts" are indeed in your favour, why do all great scientists agree with global warming?

Hard mode

Reported. This isn't a game.


I don't need theories. We have fact. All scientific data ever collected by every single recording agency on Earth disproves the claim that the world is warming, that weather is becoming more extreme, that the sea level is changing, and that floods or droughts are happening more often. None of your claims are valid. All are disproven. The links show this. You didn't read them. You are a paid shill.

tin foil hat nutter arguments

That is the foundation of your entire worldview. Prove global warming, you filthy fucking kike. I dare you.

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

Lol, there he goes again with the reporting. It almost seems like you are trying to stop me from having free speech! You should go back to reddit!

And you are just brainwashed by the oil companies.

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported for being a paid shill. You have no argument. You have admitted that global warming doesn't exist.

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

No not going into a flame war with a nutter, but instead just staying away from the confrontation, is admitting something nowadays?

You are a bigger nutter than I thought you were!

Tallest_Skil ago

Enjoy your falsehoods (and your suicide), I guess.

Land “readings” are diverging from satellite data (which NASA itself says is accurate and should be the standard instead) because over 40% of land “readings” are estimates made for places without recording equipment.

To illustratively do something that the psychopaths love to do, I’ll cherrypick the last 20 years to show that there has been no warming there, despite CO2 continuing to rise. Even using just the satellite record, the world isn’t warming. If we refer back to one of the hottest years in recorded history, we see the difference. Never mind that there have only been benefits to CO2 rising.

“Waaaaa! What about the ice caps!”

They’re not melting. They go through cycles. 1974 had less ice than today. Oh, and don’t listen to what scientists say, whatever you do. Nowhere is melting out of turn, not even Greenland (where it has been growing for something like 30 years).

“But the sea level is rising!”

It has been rising for 13,000 years. In that time, it has never risen more slowly than right now. Were our ancestors belching out CO2 faster than we were? Maybe they were farting a lot more. It’s rising more slowly than at any time in that history, and it’s also rising more slowly than any claim made public by any outlet. Here’s the source data for that chart. It’s an FTP link, so it should automatically download the raw file (which you don’t need to worry about, as it’s a bunch of undifferentiated numbers). Turns out that NOAA marks the average as 0.63 mm per year. Not 3.3. Not 2.8. Certainly not a foot per year, which is needed for the most modern public “predictions” about this bullshit.

“But ocean acidity!”

Guess what? It’s also cyclical.

“Okay, not ice caps, but what about the glaciers?”

They’ve been melting since at least the 1780s when we started measuring them. I also have information for the Alps and other areas. Was our pre-industrial civilization responsible for “greenhouse gases” too?

“But but but but but but but but muh consensus! They agree! Because I say so! That makes what they say true!”

Sorry, there never was any consensus.

“Then why don’t climate change deniers publish papers?”

Because they do (and because papers often aren’t published because the publishing groups are owned by AGW liars).

”So what the hell is this all about?”

The purposeful destruction of the economy and infrastructure of the Western world and only the Western world.

None of the data supports the existence of AGW.


Because there is no other record of meaningful scientific value anywhere. The GHCND set of stations has slowly been closed down… and what’s this! The stations being closed down ARE FAR FROM THE EQUATOR. What does that mean? The average latitude of GHCND stations IS FIFTEEN FUCKING DEGREES CLOSER TO THE EQUATOR than it used to be. Do you imagine that might raise temperatures? If you answer no, don’t bother answering in the first place.

The United States has a network of 1200+ USHCN stations with data going back to 1895 and earlier. The raw USHCN temperature record shows that there has been a slight cooling since 1920 (see above). USHCN is a subset of GHCND (Global Historical Climatology Network Daily.) Cooling doesn’t suit the needs of your masters, so they cherrypicked a small subset of GHCND stations (which show a large amount of warming since 1920) for use in the global GSN temperature record.

So let’s stop this madness, right? What happens when we take data from SCIENTIFICALLY SOUND SOURCES? That is, 1. stations active for a long time and 2. stations that don’t move (meaning keeping the same latitude). We see what I said above. NO. FUCKING. WARMING.

At the very best (for your delusions), you (meaning your own authorities) can say that there has been zero change since modern recordings began. Your bastard king himself, James Hansen, ADMITTED TO THIS.


And yet there has been zero warming SINCE THEN, too, so you don’t have a leg to stand on.

Funny how sea level is identical to 1870 and 1901, huh (La Jolla and La Jolla; Sydney and Sydney, respectively)? Funny how all the gauges show a 0.63mm/yr rise (which, again, is smaller than at any time in the last 11,000 years). Not 3.3. Not 2.6. Not 1.4. Certainly not “a meter by 2050.”

“But weather is becoming more extreme!”

Nah, less. Universally. What’s more, do you imagine? Not fires. Ha! Not floods.

USGS research has shown no linkage between flooding (either increases or decreases) and the increase in greenhouse gases. Essentially, from USGS long-term streamgage data for sites across the country with no regulation or other changes to the watershed that could influence the streamflow, the data shows no systematic increases in flooding through time.

Not tornadoes. Five (nearly six now) consecutive years of below average events. Not hurricanes. Every single indicator shows they’re not only becoming less frequent, but also less powerful. Not even drought. Hilarious! So what is it? What’s worse? Tell us. Is it anything at all? Anywhere? At any time? No. Of course, this has been known for a while. It’s global cooling’s fault, after all! Oh, wait… NOAA wouldn’t want you to hear this now, would they?

Your narrative is predicated on laziness. Your narrative is predicated on people not doing their homework and not comprehending the data they see. Your narrative is predicated on appeals to authority and the expectation that your masters will never lie to you. That’s the only way it has ever existed.

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

And again with the long list lol.

Instead of copy pasting from other people, just make your own arguments!

Tallest_Skil ago

from other people

I wrote it, shit for brains. Reported for being a paid shill. YOU HAVE ADMITTED THAT GLOBAL WARMING IS FAKE.

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

Lol, calls me shit for brains, but somehow beliefs I admitted that global warming is fake, while I never did. Also thinks he has to write in bold letters to show everyone how right he is. How is living in your single mother's basement?

Tallest_Skil ago

Still not an argument. Thanks for admitting that global warming doesn't exist.

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

Lol, even other people are downvoting you now since you are obviously a troll.

Tallest_Skil ago

ha ha do you see that my other sock puppet accounts have downvoted you now?

ha ha that means you are wrong because people disagree because i say so

ha ha you are a troll because i say so

ha ha global warming exists because I say so

ha ha no i don't have to prove any of my claims you're wrong because I say so that makes it true because i say so


Land “readings” are diverging from satellite data (which NASA itself says is accurate and should be the standard instead) because over 40% of land “readings” are estimates made for places without recording equipment.

To illustratively do something that the psychopaths love to do, I’ll cherrypick the last 20 years to show that there has been no warming there, despite CO2 continuing to rise. Even using just the satellite record, the world isn’t warming. If we refer back to one of the hottest years in recorded history, we see the difference. Never mind that there have only been benefits to CO2 rising.

“Waaaaa! What about the ice caps!”

They’re not melting. They go through cycles. 1974 had less ice than today. Oh, and don’t listen to what scientists say, whatever you do. Nowhere is melting out of turn, not even Greenland (where it has been growing for something like 30 years).

“But the sea level is rising!”

It has been rising for 13,000 years. In that time, it has never risen more slowly than right now. Were our ancestors belching out CO2 faster than we were? Maybe they were farting a lot more. It’s rising more slowly than at any time in that history, and it’s also rising more slowly than any claim made public by any outlet. Here’s the source data for that chart. It’s an FTP link, so it should automatically download the raw file (which you don’t need to worry about, as it’s a bunch of undifferentiated numbers). Turns out that NOAA marks the average as 0.63 mm per year. Not 3.3. Not 2.8. Certainly not a foot per year, which is needed for the most modern public “predictions” about this bullshit.

“But ocean acidity!”

Guess what? It’s also cyclical.

“Okay, not ice caps, but what about the glaciers?”

They’ve been melting since at least the 1780s when we started measuring them. I also have information for the Alps and other areas. Was our pre-industrial civilization responsible for “greenhouse gases” too?

“But but but but but but but but muh consensus! They agree! Because I say so! That makes what they say true!”

Sorry, there never was any consensus.

“Then why don’t climate change deniers publish papers?”

Because they do (and because papers often aren’t published because the publishing groups are owned by AGW liars).

”So what the hell is this all about?”

The purposeful destruction of the economy and infrastructure of the Western world and only the Western world.

None of the data supports the existence of AGW.


Because there is no other record of meaningful scientific value anywhere. The GHCND set of stations has slowly been closed down… and what’s this! The stations being closed down ARE FAR FROM THE EQUATOR. What does that mean? The average latitude of GHCND stations IS FIFTEEN FUCKING DEGREES CLOSER TO THE EQUATOR than it used to be. Do you imagine that might raise temperatures? If you answer no, don’t bother answering in the first place.

The United States has a network of 1200+ USHCN stations with data going back to 1895 and earlier. The raw USHCN temperature record shows that there has been a slight cooling since 1920 (see above). USHCN is a subset of GHCND (Global Historical Climatology Network Daily.) Cooling doesn’t suit the needs of your masters, so they cherrypicked a small subset of GHCND stations (which show a large amount of warming since 1920) for use in the global GSN temperature record.

So let’s stop this madness, right? What happens when we take data from SCIENTIFICALLY SOUND SOURCES? That is, 1. stations active for a long time and 2. stations that don’t move (meaning keeping the same latitude). We see what I said above. NO. FUCKING. WARMING.

At the very best (for your delusions), you (meaning your own authorities) can say that there has been zero change since modern recordings began. Your bastard king himself, James Hansen, ADMITTED TO THIS.


And yet there has been zero warming SINCE THEN, too, so you don’t have a leg to stand on.

Funny how sea level is identical to 1870 and 1901, huh (La Jolla and La Jolla; Sydney and Sydney, respectively)? Funny how all the gauges show a 0.63mm/yr rise (which, again, is smaller than at any time in the last 11,000 years). Not 3.3. Not 2.6. Not 1.4. Certainly not “a meter by 2050.”

“But weather is becoming more extreme!”

Nah, less. Universally. What’s more, do you imagine? Not fires. Ha! Not floods.

USGS research has shown no linkage between flooding (either increases or decreases) and the increase in greenhouse gases. Essentially, from USGS long-term streamgage data for sites across the country with no regulation or other changes to the watershed that could influence the streamflow, the data shows no systematic increases in flooding through time.

Not tornadoes. Five (nearly six now) consecutive years of below average events. Not hurricanes. Every single indicator shows they’re not only becoming less frequent, but also less powerful. Not even drought. Hilarious! So what is it? What’s worse? Tell us. Is it anything at all? Anywhere? At any time? No. Of course, this has been known for a while. It’s global cooling’s fault, after all! Oh, wait… NOAA wouldn’t want you to hear this now, would they?

Your narrative is predicated on laziness. Your narrative is predicated on people not doing their homework and not comprehending the data they see. Your narrative is predicated on appeals to authority and the expectation that your masters will never lie to you. That’s the only way it has ever existed.

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

Lol, why would I bother making another account to downvote you.

And again with the copy pasta you obviously didn't make.

Tallest_Skil ago

why would i bother

Because you're a paid shill who thinks that AGW exists.

didn't make

  1. Made it myself.
  2. Irrelevant. Prove it wrong. You can't. Reported for being a paid shill.

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

Lol, is that how you base your opinion:"I made it" without any proof? That is nice.

Good luck making it in life m8

Tallest_Skil ago

lol u no proof i say so lol ignore the 50 links wow lol u wrong no proof


Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

lol u no proof i say so lol ignore the 50 links wow lol u wrong no proof

did you have a stroke or something? Or did you turn of your keyboard app and now we see the real you?

Tallest_Skil ago

what is quoted text lol

Reported. You're an autistic lunatic.

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

That may be, but you are the kid that is trying to be the science guy while infact he is a basement dweller.

Tallest_Skil ago

Still no argument. You have admitted that everything I said is scientifically accurate and that global warming does not exist. Fellate a shotgun, you mentally defective piece of shit.

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

Kek. I said it before, but I will say it again. I never admitted anything, thus you thinking so makes it highly likely that you can't read or processes even the simplest of sentences. So why would I or anyone trust you with your views of scientific results?

Tallest_Skil ago

Still no argument. You have admitted that everything I said is scientifically accurate and that global warming does not exist. Fellate a shotgun, you mentally defective piece of shit.

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

You really are the special ED kid of the town aren't you?

Tallest_Skil ago

Reminder that you're a paid shill and have been proven wrong.

Land “readings” are diverging from satellite data (which NASA itself says is accurate and should be the standard instead) because over 40% of land “readings” are estimates made for places without recording equipment.

To illustratively do something that the psychopaths love to do, I’ll cherrypick the last 20 years to show that there has been no warming there, despite CO2 continuing to rise. Even using just the satellite record, the world isn’t warming. If we refer back to one of the hottest years in recorded history, we see the difference. Never mind that there have only been benefits to CO2 rising.

“Waaaaa! What about the ice caps!”

They’re not melting. They go through cycles. 1974 had less ice than today. Oh, and don’t listen to what scientists say, whatever you do. Nowhere is melting out of turn, not even Greenland (where it has been growing for something like 30 years).

“But the sea level is rising!”

It has been rising for 13,000 years. In that time, it has never risen more slowly than right now. Were our ancestors belching out CO2 faster than we were? Maybe they were farting a lot more. It’s rising more slowly than at any time in that history, and it’s also rising more slowly than any claim made public by any outlet. Here’s the source data for that chart. It’s an FTP link, so it should automatically download the raw file (which you don’t need to worry about, as it’s a bunch of undifferentiated numbers). Turns out that NOAA marks the average as 0.63 mm per year. Not 3.3. Not 2.8. Certainly not a foot per year, which is needed for the most modern public “predictions” about this bullshit.

“But ocean acidity!”

Guess what? It’s also cyclical.

“Okay, not ice caps, but what about the glaciers?”

They’ve been melting since at least the 1780s when we started measuring them. I also have information for the Alps and other areas. Was our pre-industrial civilization responsible for “greenhouse gases” too?

“But but but but but but but but muh consensus! They agree! Because I say so! That makes what they say true!”

Sorry, there never was any consensus.

“Then why don’t climate change deniers publish papers?”

Because they do (and because papers often aren’t published because the publishing groups are owned by AGW liars).

”So what the hell is this all about?”

The purposeful destruction of the economy and infrastructure of the Western world and only the Western world.

None of the data supports the existence of AGW.


Because there is no other record of meaningful scientific value anywhere. The GHCND set of stations has slowly been closed down… and what’s this! The stations being closed down ARE FAR FROM THE EQUATOR. What does that mean? The average latitude of GHCND stations IS FIFTEEN FUCKING DEGREES CLOSER TO THE EQUATOR than it used to be. Do you imagine that might raise temperatures? If you answer no, don’t bother answering in the first place.

The United States has a network of 1200+ USHCN stations with data going back to 1895 and earlier. The raw USHCN temperature record shows that there has been a slight cooling since 1920 (see above). USHCN is a subset of GHCND (Global Historical Climatology Network Daily.) Cooling doesn’t suit the needs of your masters, so they cherrypicked a small subset of GHCND stations (which show a large amount of warming since 1920) for use in the global GSN temperature record.

So let’s stop this madness, right? What happens when we take data from SCIENTIFICALLY SOUND SOURCES? That is, 1. stations active for a long time and 2. stations that don’t move (meaning keeping the same latitude). We see what I said above. NO. FUCKING. WARMING.

At the very best (for your delusions), you (meaning your own authorities) can say that there has been zero change since modern recordings began. Your bastard king himself, James Hansen, ADMITTED TO THIS.


And yet there has been zero warming SINCE THEN, too, so you don’t have a leg to stand on.

Funny how sea level is identical to 1870 and 1901, huh (La Jolla and La Jolla; Sydney and Sydney, respectively)? Funny how all the gauges show a 0.63mm/yr rise (which, again, is smaller than at any time in the last 11,000 years). Not 3.3. Not 2.6. Not 1.4. Certainly not “a meter by 2050.”

“But weather is becoming more extreme!”

Nah, less. Universally. What’s more, do you imagine? Not fires. Ha! Not floods.

USGS research has shown no linkage between flooding (either increases or decreases) and the increase in greenhouse gases. Essentially, from USGS long-term streamgage data for sites across the country with no regulation or other changes to the watershed that could influence the streamflow, the data shows no systematic increases in flooding through time.

Not tornadoes. Five (nearly six now) consecutive years of below average events. Not hurricanes. Every single indicator shows they’re not only becoming less frequent, but also less powerful. Not even drought. Hilarious! So what is it? What’s worse? Tell us. Is it anything at all? Anywhere? At any time? No. Of course, this has been known for a while. It’s global cooling’s fault, after all! Oh, wait… NOAA wouldn’t want you to hear this now, would they?

Your narrative is predicated on laziness. Your narrative is predicated on people not doing their homework and not comprehending the data they see. Your narrative is predicated on appeals to authority and the expectation that your masters will never lie to you. That’s the only way it has ever existed.

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

Haha, what a funny retard you are. When you are at a loss you post that copy pasta you found somewhere again. And than you go about telling me you reported me, that I admitted you are right and that you wrote the list yourself. When I tell you that you can't read, you report some more and than you repost again and repeat. I hope mommy is proud.

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported. Thank you for admitting that global warming does not exist.

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

You really are a moron are you?

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported. Thanks for admitting that global warming does not exist.

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

Can you say other words than that?

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported. At least try a little.

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

You are becoming boringly repetitive.

Tallest_Skil ago



Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

Well, 2+2 actually equals 4....... Can I report you now?

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported for being a paid shill. You have admitted that global warming does not exist.

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

I am beginning to think you are either a bad bot, or just a very dumb person.

Tallest_Skil ago

i am wholly unaware of the irony of my statement

Thanks for admitting that global warming does not exist.

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

You are probably a flat earth nutty too right?

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported for spam and for admitting to being a paid shill.

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

Sure mr flat earther.

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting global warming doesn’t exist..

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

Thanks for admitting you are a retard.

Tallest_Skil ago


Thanks for admitting global warming doesn’t exist.

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

You are an amazing little fellow aren't you?

Tallest_Skil ago

And you’re The Little Paid Shill That Could. Now answer my fucking questions.

Kael_thas_Sunstrider ago

Because you never asked me any. Stupid paid shill.

Tallest_Skil ago

lol it no happen because i say so

Hi, paid shill.