JimmyLionstar1 ago

Oh we havenĀ“t forgotten about you "Little Ricky" we will be coming for you..

cantsleepawink ago

Interesting revisiting the Hampstead case with hindsight: https://hroldblog.wordpress.com/vid-10-a-child-trafficker/

The children allege that a man named Felix is carving churches out of the bones but there must be other bones.Well, Marlene is Friends on Facebook with a Fern Rocha. Fern runs the Fired Treasures Pottery and Art Treasures Gallery that is situated just down the road from Hampstead. Fired Treasures runs courses for children from its catchment area, which includes Hampstead.

Check out the spiral in the logo http://imgur.com/a/W2jGS


CAFCASS have an inverted pentagram in theirs.

s2s ago

"Drain the Sewer." That's a keeper.


Devious1 ago

Epic bread

Devious1 ago

Do you have the archive link? Content removed by jewgle

AngB23 ago

SS of info. And don't use jewg, try duck duck go and see if link works




Devious1 ago

Web sites been taken down. Always achieve before posting....

AngB23 ago

I can still open it today. Not sure what's going on but here's the archive


Devious1 ago

Ok, weird, I work in IT and found it strange, the videos of the kids being interviewed to me ring true, the kid then gets sent off to some mk ultra place and comes back saying she made it up - yeh right...

Not sure if you've seen any of the Lou Collins stuff - I posted on voat about it and a day later website removed: very interesting article about the uk elites, I somehow think they maybe all interlinked, there's a couple more archive links: let me know if your interested and I will did em out. https://archive.is/F0Kcl

AngB23 ago

Wow! Never saw this before and def will be reading thru this. Crazy to think how Disney has glorified Cinderella, Princes, Princesses so kids grown up idolizing these people. The fairy tale, glamour, jewels and shit. When in actuality, they are dark, satanic people. Tavistock/movies did a great job brain washing the masses with these people.

Devious1 ago

You've got it. Let me know what you think to the article when done.

I'll then red pill you on Jersey, that's allmost definitely still happening but no one can talk about. Monuments in gardens explaining what's going to happen that day boys or girls - sick shit - went to Jersey (Uk Channel Islands) years ago saw it then, but didn't click!

Peace out and take care.

Devious1 ago

Thanks - appreciated:

kazza64 ago

you're a legend i'm trying to get swordfish trending on twitter but its hard when they delete most of my tweets

bibigirl_ ago

Werewolves of london

AngB23 ago

Interesting, but check out the comments. Lots of links to different info


And another which calls Ricky "Letter to cannibal Dearman" http://proutscandinavia.blogspot.com/2015/02/letter-to-cannibal-dearman.html



AngB23 ago

Another one from the list of directors. Of course, deals with children.


Marfa-Lights ago

The two Tavistock children described in detail birthmarks, moles, and tattoos that were by or around the genitals of some of the abusers. It would be good to find past lovers of these people to confirm these markings. I feel that getting to the bottom of the Tavistock case could blow open holes everywhere.


Agreed. Share!


Dr Sturge Tavistock High Witch https://vid.me/SbgZ


Screenshot Everything.

FuckkNazis ago

Youd be lucky to drive ol rickys ball sweat. Stop this madness before i come down there and knock you around.

DerivaUK ago

Last video link is invalid. Have you another?

DerivaUK ago

Unavailable, sadly. May be a UK thing?


private video

Jem777 ago

I am following you. I know the Hampstead case back and forth. Not at a computer now I will be contributing in a bit

AngB23 ago

Check out one of their vids...I'm trying to understand it but I have a hard time with accents. The little girl says it happened "in Morroco, during the holidays" and then she says "No,he never knew that" I don't know this case well enough to know what she means or who is talking about.

DerivaUK ago

In very brief terms: a brother 7 (Gabriel) and elder sister 9 (Alissa) gave a full blown account in a police interview accusing their father and a number of staff and parents at their Hampstead school of serious sexual and ritual abuse, (including the murdering and eating of babies). These allegations had first come to light during a recent holiday in Morocco with their mother and her new partner, Abraham. After their interviews they were removed from their mother's care and placed in the hands of "social services" for a couple of days, and afterwards they both made statements retracting their initial allegations, claiming that Abraham had bullied them and coerced them into making the accusations in the first instance and told them what to say. However, when Alissa is asked if Abraham's bullying and telling them what to say had taken place in Morocco she claims that it hadn't, as "he never knew about that at the time". By saying this, Alissa is inadvertently confirming the original story to be true in that Abraham had no knowledge of their allegations before they told him, in Morocco, and thus could not have bullied, coerced or prompted them to say what they did (as he didn't know about it yet). It is speculated that when these children were taken into "care" they were actually "reprogrammed" in some way to make this retraction, but Alissa's words would indicate that the programming wasn't that successful in removing the actual truth from their minds and that their retraction was completely scripted, I hope this helps.

Aasb ago

Wasn't there an audio file of the mothers friend Abraham teaching the children to lie about the whole situation? Im just curious.

izze ago

to add, i think alot can also be said for the facial expressions and mannerisms of the children when they are saying what has happened to them. one particular face the girl makes will stick with me for the rest of my life

AngB23 ago

Thank you very much for the highlight. I do remember this part now. I also remember both kids had too much detail they talked about for them to remember as kids if they were faking this. Also, if I remember correctly, a medical professional examined them and said they both were sexually molested.

Then Aaron Dover came out and stated he too was molested at that school. He was killed https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1773723

Jem777 ago

Aaron Dover's mother Jenny Dover works at Tavistock. That is the message he was trying to get out. These children were taken to Tavistock for mind control. FBI anon said Gorge Soros owns Tavistock and Tavistock owns the US. Check out "Tavistock the greatest secret the United States does not know" Tavistock institutions are everywhere in the US.

You just have to watch the original police interviews to know the children were telling the truth.

For those unaware Tavistock has a statue of pedophile Sigmund Freud standing on its grounds and pay homage to Aleister Crowley.

equineluvr ago

"FBI anon said Gorge Soros owns Tavistock and Tavistock owns the US"

WHICH "FBI anon?" Whichever one you quote is FOS.

The Tavistock Institute is controlled by MI5/MI6, not Soros.

The Crown own the U.S, not Tavistock.

AngB23 ago

Exactly, but some of these "directors" including Ricky himself, it goes way beyond that. Ricky seems to be either a "talent scout" or gets a hold of the kids. Everyone has their role it appears.

Can someone archive this stuff??

DerivaUK ago

Yes. And there is still much to be learned about that as yet, I believe.

AngB23 ago

Exactly. I've researched so much stuff for the past 8 months, but my memory sucks so I forget stuff. Not too mention, all of this is mind blowing. What's with the jewelry heist connecting the father? Hatton Garden? You're name says "UK" so curious what people think/who they think Barbara Kahan really is in the U.K.? Somehow this is all tied together and I cant help but think this all goes direct to Queen E

DerivaUK ago

lve just read this about Barbara Kahan, short lived director of over 11,000 companies. Good explanation in the responses here: http://www.justanswer.co.uk/law/8dm6p-barbara-kahan-not-real-person-new-company.html Unsure as to the significance of the diamond heist or why Dearman's directorship was scrubbed beforehand.

AngB23 ago

Definitely a mystery. Another vid claims Barbara Kahan is actually Mohamed Javed Akhtar. Then another points to Baphomet.

DerivaUK ago

Wow. Too much news here and I've been around for months too!! Not sure of the Hatton Garden Heist link or Barbara Kahan. I feel like I've just been defrosted - can you enlighten?


It's the place Ricky Dearman had one of his shell companies, which he tried to scrub off the internet prior to the Diamond Heist. Wonder what they were hiding there....

AngB23 ago

I have an idea now and the diamond heist was merely a shiny object/distraction. Someone was finding out something.


Jem777 ago

Do you have a vid to show everyone the connection of Tavistock & Pedophile Sigmeud Freud or better yet Aleister Crowley?


Coram:CAFCASS:Tavistock:Anna Freud https://vid.me/GmbX

Jem777 ago

Yes exactly. Thanks for that vid. People need to be following carefully. Listen to the children say CafCass repeatedly in their initial interviews as involved. Cafcass is CPS in the U.K. Think about that. These Whistleblower children named "CPS" as involved in their MK Ultra & Satanic Ritual Abuse at ChristChurch. They also stated police officers, social services, priests, etc were involved. Their father who they also stated abused them Ricky Dearman was an actor and involved in the Clinton Foundation in Haiti. The children were able to describe in detail and draw pictures of locations of abuse, body parts, genitals including tattoos and piercings of those they accused which were found correct.

The children were then taken away from their mother who brought them to the police and placed with CafCass and Tavistock. They have never been returned.

Forgetmenot ago

What a nightmare.