equineluvr ago

Sabine is an unusual name. Everytime I see it, it reminds me of the Rape of the Sabine Women. (In Roman mythology, the city was founded by these RAPISTS.)

"The rape of the Sabine Women" is the common name of an incident from Roman mythology, in which the men of Rome committed a mass abduction of young women from the other cities in the region. It has been a frequent subject of artists, particularly during the Renaissance and post-Renaissance eras."

Painting by my Illuminatus ancestor:


MasterLucifer ago

"According to legend, when Tatius attacked Rome, he almost succeeded in capturing the city because of the treason of the Vestal Virgin Tarpeia, daughter of Spurius Tarpeius, governor of the citadel on the Capitoline Hill. She opened the city gates for the Sabines in return for 'what they bore on their arms.' She believed that she would receive their golden bracelets. Instead, the Sabines crushed her to death with their shields, and she was thrown from the rock which since bore her name"

equineluvr ago

Hmmm.... Were your posts downvoated because of your moniker?

MasterLucifer ago

Definitely not.