angry_mob ago

david icke is awesome. russell brand is awesome. more grasping at straws here.


Mind control freaks.

angry_mob ago

what's with the too loud stupid music?


I'm activating people's pineal glands.

cantsleepawink ago

Peter Ferris was the drama teacher for Russell Brand as well as Ricky Dearman's agent. So, there's a link between the two.

And that's another rabbit hole...

10565181? ago

Those pictures seem like they are out of a horror movie!

ListenUp ago

Speaking of horror movies, a Youtube channel called "MK Ultra 666" produces videos on their channel related to the Hampstead case. They are "Hoaxtead Research" related, meaning the opposition (alleged abusers?), trolls, shills, cover-uppers, pedophile protectors...whatever you want to call that dark menace....MK Ultra 666 produces videos calling Hampstead a hoax and the campaigners for the children, crazy, pedos, psychotic, evil and / or foolish (page 3, paragraph 16) for believing the children when they told us that there is a group of people raping and murding children in a church in London. This channel, MK Ultra 666 produced horrific videos to prove to us that they don't create & produce horrific videos...brilliant strategy don't you think???

Check out this video, trigger warning... There are others of this caliber on the video list.

ListenUp ago


9968028? ago

The links in this link that has the vids are gone! The one that says ..One donor likes to take photos of scared little girls and calls it “Art” is broken .

ListenUp ago

That link was to photographs, seen in this gallery (first & second row)

I'll fix the link-thanks!

XsWORDFISH ago mail forwarding so people stay hidden...........




Some of the UK cult own REAL ESTATE COMPANIES and give the cult access.


Was Debbie mentioned in those emails?

Jem777 ago

What is Russel holding in his hand? Several prominent celebs have done this?

8887766554433221 ago

Do you see Katy's demeanor change?

AngB23 ago

Yes. This is all Tavistock. Mind control, brain washing, control the masses thru psychological warfare- music, media. Art, science, psychology... plus evil crap mixed in of porn, child abuse, satanic rituals.

8887766554433221 ago


8887766554433221 ago

"OBEY" Pendant.

Jem777 ago

Thanks for the confirmation