Truthseeker3000 ago

Interesting. Yet another victim falls murdered in the wake of the Clinton killing machine. One thing to note is that Haiti was well planned in advance, so much so and to prove that is that the HAARP weather machine controlled by the military or DARPA is so powerful that it can make an earthquake happen anywhere in the world and that is exactly what they did to Haiti. All the crazy weather in the world is NOT global warming but, rather, man made by our government and the military. I won't go on about the why's etc on this post but believe me, Haiti was planned down to the earthquake itself. Sad.

Gbuggers ago

Chaulk another one up for the clinton body count. Incredibly obvious

Julie12 ago

Once again "God" has proved to be on HRC side as his Mighty Hand has smoked another crusador for truth and justice.

nameof ago

Did he od on helium too??

flyingcuttlefish ago

He was part owner of a popular PIZZA RESTAURANT also -

source - The Outer Light [ he has more sources in his video description ]

more -

Dressage2 ago

Wow, you just can't make this shit up!!!

flyingcuttlefish ago

No you can't!

BUSTED! Leading charity-worthiness website that gives CF 4 stars is run by . . . (drum-roll) . . . CF!!

Viridia ago

This should really be flagged for "Possible Disinformation" at this point.

The author gives no source to back up Eberwein's anti-Clinton stance. Multiple posters ITT have asked for proof and nothing has been provided. Not to mention, it's from YourNewsWire, which has a terrible reputation.

I've spent the last ~20 minutes searching for any proof of his presence at the Clinton Foundation protest or his alleged claim that only 0.6% of the donations went to Haitian citizens. I came up empty handed.

Chinada3 ago


SChalice ago

two gunshots to the back of the head

cantsleepawink ago


Votescam ago

Chalk up one more for the Clinton list --

lurkinginvestigator ago

congrats you just got clintoned

artfullyours ago

So much for protection...

Blacksmith21 ago

They are starting to clean up their problems.

neo50 ago

I hope he gave someone an "insurance" file. It's so sad for the victims and enraging (for me) that the Clintons' continually evades prosecution.

Pizza_Hacker ago

Where is a source that says this man was going to testify on Clinton? Is this fake news?

UglyTruth ago

Apparently some people that it's suicide to stand up against institutional corruption. These people should either pull their head out of their arse or grow a pair.

stellardrome ago

Yournewswire is fucking trash. Would be interested to know if he was actually going to reference the Clinton Foundation. The Herald article on this is interesting enough, no need to use trash like yournewswire. That site is utter intentional disinfo garbage. They take good leads just to disinfo them and add a couple fake details to throw off investigators or interested readers, who then make everyone looking into the subject look like idiots. Breeds confusion.

Herald Article is here

"Klaus Eberwein, a former Haitian government official, was found dead Tuesday in a South Dade motel room in what the Miami-Dade medical examiner’s office is ruling a suicide.

“He shot himself in the head,” said Veronica Lamar, Miami-Dade medical examiner records supervisor. She listed his time of death at 12:19 p.m. The address where Eberwein’s body was discovered according to police, 14501 S. Dixie Hwy., is a Quality Inn. A supporter of former Haitian President Michel Martelly, Eberwein served as director general of the government’s economic development agency, Fonds d’assistance économique et social, better known as FAES. He held the position from May 2012 until February 2015 when he was replaced. He was also a partner in a popular pizza restaurant in Haiti, Muncheez, and has a pizza — the Klaus Special — named after him. “It’s really shocking,” said Muncheez’s owner Gilbert Bailly. “We grew up together; he was like family.” Bailly said he last spoke to Eberwein, 50, two weeks ago and he was in good spirits. They were working on opening a Muncheez restaurant in Sunrise, he said.

But it appears that Eberwein had fallen on hard times. An Uber spokesperson confirmed that he worked as a driver for awhile in South Florida. During and after his government tenure, Eberwein faced allegations of fraud and corruption on how the agency he headed administered funds. Among the issues was FAES’ oversight of shoddy construction of several schools built after Haiti’s devastating Jan. 12, 2010, earthquake. Eberwein was scheduled to appear Tuesday before the Haitian Senate’s Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission, the head of the commission, Sen. Evalière Beauplan confirmed. The commission is investigating the management of PetroCaribe funds, the money Haiti receives from Venezuela’s discounted oil program."

Truthplease5 ago

he is within the 7 degrees of separation but far enough away that his deaths wasn't immediately connected to the clintons

kestrel9 ago

House of Pedo strikes again!

pushthis ago

These medical examiners yo...

BlueDrache ago

"Eberwein" ... "Haitian government official"

Sounds (and looks) like he should be an Israeli, no?

autism_speaks ago

the killer clowns strike again

vastrightwing ago

Right. Nothing suspicious. No correlation or causation.

4warned ago

Wow! Excellent post! And, we have a link to the CARIS FOUNDATION. Mucheez pizza joint sponsored the Caris Kids Day in Haiti. Looks like we could check out the other sponsors.
Here's a post from VOAT thanks to @rooting4redpillers discussing Caris foundation links to Haiti.

cantsleepawink ago

Have you got a link to verify that Muncheez pizza sponsored a Caris Kids Day in Haiti? If so, this could get very interesting.

4warned ago

Glad you asked. (I archived link, but only part of article copied.) Here's an quote excerpt from the article

"Thank you so much to all of our sponsors for your generous donations and support for making this possible: Continuing Promise 2015, USNS Comfort, Union School, Croix-Rouge Haitienne, Brasserie Nationale D’Haiti, Societe de Production Industrielle et Alimentaire, Mirage Industries S.A., Maison Handal, Acra Distribution Company, Compas Market, Projet Alimentaire Mondial, Oriental Cosmetics S.A., SO.DIS.A S.A., Digicel, Olivier Dupoux, JPerry, L’etoile S.A., Muncheez**, Satigny, Ayiti Yoga, Zumbayiti, Daupin S.A, and the Caris team."

And here's the link.

Union School! Sponsored this....Monica Peterson taught there...

cantsleepawink ago

Thank you very much. In that case, I've got another related post to do :)

stellardrome ago

Actually it's not an excellent post because it cites fucking Yournewswire, which is pure shite. Citing a decent source on something like this is really important BECAUSE it is a legit interesting lead.

Dressage2 ago

What is considered a decent source these days? Wash Post, NYT, CNN? You used to be able to say that, but not anymore. I would respect Drdge, Breitbart, Daily Caller, ZeroHedge or a blogger any day over those other fake news sites.

stellardrome ago

Any publication that does not intentionally disinfo legit leads.

Yournewswire and Neonnettle are pure garbage. If they bring up a legit subject that SHOULD be investigated further, they always add misinfo. Much in the style that George Webb will add disinfo to legit information, poisoning the well of indy media and legit investigative journalists.

Legit sources: Zerohedge, Caller, HA Goodman, Cait Johnstone, Wikileaks, and more on that line. Drudge too, as well as Judicial Watch, and others.

quantokitty ago

WTF? Another robbery gone wrong?!!! Next his family will pull a Seth Rich and tell us to stop politicizing his murder ... I mean, death. Such a shame. They need to give these witnesses a 24.7 armed bodyguard. Remember, Kimdotcom wanted protection before he came over to testify.

This is getting ridiculous ... Hello, Attorney General Sessions!!! We think we've uncovered a serial witness killer!!!! tttt

Sharipie ago

President Trump, please stop the serial killers Hillary and Bill and Podesta and company!

TrishaUK ago

I was just about to report on this. I am getting so sick of reading about these deaths, especially as she is swanning around free as a bird. This is infuriating!!!! Come on President Trump, there is a mountainous pile of evidence, charge her and all her evil cohorts starting with Wasserman Schultz! FULL EXPOSURE: Whole video excellent but especially but for time ff to 5:40mins - President Trump will not forget this appeal! New FBI Director .......... get them all!!!!

Commoner ago

How are the shills going try to pin this on Trump?

SwampAintDrained ago

Proof of these claims?

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Well, not without trying to source this for real. THERE is a connection between Klaus Eberwein's death and Clinton. Petrocaribe.

He was scheduled to before the Haitian Senate's Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission on Tuesday – the commission is investigating the management of PetroCaribe funds, the money Haiti receives from Venezuela's discounted oil program

Then, who wrote this major Petrocaribe article? David L. Goldwyn

And who is he?

Chairman of the Atlantic Council’s Global Energy Center and a nonresident senior energy fellow at the Council’s Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center. He served as the US Department of State’s special envoy and coordinator for international energy affairs from 2009 to 2011, reporting directly to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Goldwyn has authored a series of works on energy issues, including his past co-authored Atlantic Council report addressing Petrocaribe, titled “Uncertain Energy: The Caribbean’s Gamble with Venezuela” (July 2014).

You can all take it from here.

Are_we_sure ago

And what does David L Goldwyn have to do with control of funds from Petrocaribe within Haiti?


He wrote a report commenting on them. He is an outside to PetroCaribe and an outsider to the Haitain government, just as much as any one on this board. He's an analyst. Do you think when Enron blew up and the executives went on trial that outside analysts had to go on trial as well? This is an incredibly tenuous connection.

He worked at the State Department on energy issues until 2011. Now he works at the Atlantic council covering energy issues.

How do you get from there to what the Commission is investigating?

During and after his government tenure, Eberwein faced allegations of fraud and corruption on how the agency he headed administered funds. Among the issues was FAES’ oversight of shoddy construction of several schools built after Haiti’s devastating Jan. 12, 2010, earthquake.

Eberwein was scheduled to appear Tuesday before the Haitian Senate’s Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission, the head of the commission, Sen. Evalière Beauplan confirmed. The commission is investigating the management of PetroCaribe funds, the money Haiti receives from Venezuela’s discounted oil program.

paulf ago

Damn fine catch.

fogdryer ago

So weird it's a done deal She got her money Haiti is corrupt. Run by gangs organized, president is a Small leader, corrupt also Why kill this man. He couldn't do any harm It probably was just sacrifice for small sake just to send us little people a message

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Or the corruption spills over and he could be viewed as a loose end.

AncientJibberish ago

Hai, hikari san.

izze ago

is it me, but these deaths are starting to really touch a nerve. The clinton list used to be names from long ago, now its like they are being tallied daily. These people are dying to get the truth out, the slower we act the more there will be. We have to keep trying to put all the pieces together.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

You have to realize that Hillary is from a long term Satanic family but they are not killing them to protect Hillary and Bill. They are killing them all to protect the Zionist CIA Mossad MI6 masonic Sabbetean Empire......that is what all these murders are for. It goes to the very heart of the Globalist Pedo Empire.

21yearsofdigging ago

I agree

LiberationArtFront ago

Disgusting, the more I hear about this stuff the more it seems it may not be a 'conspiracy' afterall. and btw why is this sub deleting Topics of muslim sexual abuse?

This_Ruined_Pizza ago

Because this sub is only wanting to focus on Jew pedos

Crensch ago

and btw why is this sub deleting Topics of muslim sexual abuse?

Because this sub is about a specific brand of child fucking; muslim sexual abuse is a separate issue and it doesn't belong here.

ReddittRefugee ago

muslim sexual abuse is a separate issue and it doesn't belong here

This is what voatnazis like you don't "get"

Islamic pedophilia is not separate from pizzagate

There is traffic in children between the United States and countries with established pedophilic customs, especially Saudi Arabia.

In particular some of the children trafficked through pizzagate fronts are going to be child brides in places where they can be made to 'disappear' into the absolute secrecy of rich Middle Eastern houses.

The issue of Saudis in Washington participating in pedophilia right in DC, including restaurants where bacha bazi is practiced with underage boys is another link mentioned to pizzagate investigators.

Where do you think a lot of the money behind the child trafficking comes from?

So just stop beating the dead horse about how Islamic pedophilia is somehow unrelated.

Crensch ago

1) nobody gives a flying fuck what happens in muslim countries

2) Nothing found here will change what happens in muslim countries

3) No solid link to something that could get someone arrested has been presented

4) Literally fuck yourself and go back to whatever carebear website you came from.

edgelord666 ago

oh shit! crensch is triggered!!

ReddittRefugee ago

nobody gives a flying fuck what happens in muslim countries

Nothing found here will change what hapepens in muslim countries

What part of 'what happens in pedophilic muslim countries affects what happens in Washington' don't you understand?

LOL, and this guy is a moderator?

Oh well, mealtime is over, no more feedings for you

Crensch ago

What part of 'what happens in pedophilic muslim countries affects what happens in Washington' don't you understand?


Like anyone gives a fuck about your non-backed-up assertions.

LOL, and this guy is a moderator?

Go back to rEddit, faggot.

3141592653 ago

am I the only one who cringes unbearably when I hear "child fucking"? "child rape" would be much more fitting.. Just IMHO, but to each their own (as long as they're not a child abuser!)

DerivaUK ago

When would sex with a child NOT be rape? The term "child rape" in some way implies that there exists a context wherein sex with a child can not be called "rape" - so 'as awful as it is, "child fucking" is the more appropriate description imo and far more powerful than the other.

Crensch ago

"rape" has become all but meaningless thanks to feminist cunts. There's no emotion behind the word anymore, no power; "child fucking" elicits the response that you just gave among others where "child rape" is a bit more ho-hum, IMO.

3141592653 ago

""rape" has become all but meaningless thanks to feminist cunts." to be honest that is the most disgusting and ignorant thing I've heard in a long time. to me "child rape" is not ho-hum at all; "child fucking" doesn't elicit in me more outrage about child abuse, to me it just lessens the assault aspect of an adult raping a child

Crensch ago

Pretty sure it's not the most disgusting and ignorant thing you've heard in a long time.

I'm also pretty sure it doesn't lessen any aspect of raping a child.

You've supposedly been here 5 months now, you can stop with the rEddit outrage rhetoric.

3141592653 ago

I don't believe in rape and violence against children OR WOMEN. not rhetoric. feminism means equality for women. 1 in 4 women are raped. this is not coming from a woman or a democrat.

GuannaRue ago


3141592653 ago

feminism means equality for women, which actually benefits women men and children. fact.

GuannaRue ago

You are brainwashed and confused. Fact.

Crensch ago

No, it doesn't mean equality for women. It means superiority and kneecapping of men in an attempt to make you selfish cunts feel like you're not worthless pieces of trash.

It doesn't benefit women or children, and it definitely doesn't benefit men. You said:

you spend too much time around people who hold the same opinion and uphold yours.

to me, but I'm pretty sure it's the other way around. You are so wrong about everything that figuring out a resolution to start cleaning up the bullshit is an epic task.

3141592653 ago

it's hilarious that you assert I'm female when I said I'm not. very narrow minded and don't seem able to broaden that. too bad. perhaps you've been listening to fox "news" too much. yes equality for women benefits women children and men... the whole family benefits when a woman gets equal pay, the whole family benefits when the world cares that 1 in 4 women are raped and that the number one reason women go to the ER is because of domestic violence. this isn't liberal v conservative, man vs woman, or dem vs repub, its basic humanity.

and your definition of feminism, which means equality for women, seems to have a lot of projection going on. wonder why your ego is so threatened by equality.

Crensch ago

it's hilarious that you assert I'm female when I said I'm not.

You write like a bitch. I bet you have a vagina and pretend you're some otherkin or something.

edgelord666 ago

DAE holocaust is a hoax?????

DAE I'm blue collar but ironically think niggers are the vampires of society?????

Do the white race a favor, for the love of God, if you truly want to help our cause - kill or at least sterilize yourself.

edit: if you've already fucked up and had kids, do us a favour and drown them. If they're not that young, take them out for a hunting trip, shoot them, and claim it was a freak accident. I don't really give a shit how you do it, I'm fucking sick and tired of my tax money going to niggers, sandniggers, and you people.

3141592653 ago

sexist and stupid. nice.

Crensch ago

What website do you think you're on? Of course I'm sexist, because not being sexist is fucking stupid. Women belong raising children and doing housework because they're biologically optimized to do so while men should be the ones working.

I'm also racist, because niggers are a fucking plague on humanity and kikes are parasites of any aspect of civilization.

I'm also against homos and trannies and whateverthefuck you call yourself, because the statistics show that you faggots are the most mentally ill fuckbags in existence.

3141592653 ago

first you insist erroneously I'm a woman-- now I'm transgender. thanks for the laughs. there is clearly some projecting and/or reaction formation going on... so perhaps you are the "trannie".

Crensch ago

first you insist erroneously I'm a woman--

You type and think like a bitch.

now I'm transgender.

That's almost less insulting than you actually being born with a penis and typing out what you have.

thanks for the laughs. there is clearly some projecting and/or reaction formation going on... so perhaps you are the "trannie".

Maybe you're just a nigger. I'd say Jew but I have to at least give them credit for not butchering grammar and punctuation the way you do.

3141592653 ago

your hatred is so weak and boring and ignorant. go ahead and point out the grammar and punctuation errors. please.

and yes, I'm a transsexual bisexual jewish black muslim.

Crensch ago

your hatred is so weak and boring and ignorant.

If you were born with a penis, you're the most beta faggot I've ever come across personally. As far as ignorance goes, you're so wrong with every claim you have about feminism that "bubble" and "blue pill" analogies really aren't powerful enough to portray your position relative to reality.

gazillions ago

Fuck off you sanctimonious retard.

Paranoia is a bitch and it owns you.

3141592653 ago

not sure where paranoia comes into the picture. projection, maybe?

gazillions ago

Stupid. You have demonize everyone else with fake lying statistics before you can present yourself as a saviour, better than others.

3141592653 ago

projection. and very sad. keep discrediting the victims, they surely haven't been through enough. the stats are real, they are real at my hospital and all major hospitals.

hats_ ago

According to United States Department of Justice document Criminal Victimization in the United States, there were overall 173,610 victims of rape or sexual assault, or 0.1% of the US population 12 or older in 2013. While the Department of Justice did not publish a report on the breakout of rape vs. other kinds of sexual assault across the total US population, it does provide the information that rape among college aged women is much closer to 1/50 not 1/5.


The 25% number, it seems, comes from a study done in 2007. Same publication says that only 16% of all rapes are reported. Wiki and several other sources site the same paper -- here's the PDF

I don't like this study for two reasons:

Sample size - 5000 women interviewed.

Opinion - "This document is a research report submitted to the U.S. Department of Justice. This report has not been published by the Department. Opinions or points of view expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice."

Not to downplay the seriousness of the matter, but I like to look at national numbers instead of personal stories and opinions. Please feel free to site other sources; I'd like to look them over.

3141592653 ago

thanks for not being a jerk. approx. 99% of rapes are not reported. of those that are, approx. 99% do not result in convictions. I would say 1 in 4 of the women I know match up to that statistic, although that is not where I'm getting that stat. 1 in 50 college women... no way. I don't trust whoever did that study. thanks for the info.

hats_ ago

Absolutely, about the jerk thing; I'm just here to talk it out :)

I honestly want to dig into these stats a bit more... though if things go unreported, there's nothing to have a stat on. Kinda brings me to my next point - how do we convince women to report? I feel, almost, that it's similar to the black community's "don't snitch" unspoken policy. Fear of repercussions and fear of being ostracized and singled out. "Oh, she snitch on ya if ya hit on 'er" mentality.

Also, kinda speaking of again, do you think location and demographics have a factor in rates? I.e. Do you think a woman is more likely to be raped in an urban area vs a rural town? Is an urban Hispanic woman less likely to be raped than a suburban White woman? Things to consider; the U.S. is quite big.

You seem pretty fixed on that 99% figure but, no offense meant what-so-ever, do you have anything beyond personal accounts? Stats, figures or studies? I'd really like to see them as I've taken an interest in the subject -- I'm having a daughter come the end of the year! But, if it's as you say that 1/8th of our population (1/4 woman, who make up 1/2 of the US population) are raped at least once in their life... that's an epidemic of massive proportions and makes me wonder about the "rape culture" I've heard so much about.

On a final note, those were numbers directly from the Department of Justice, who gather their information yearly from police reports. They don't go beyond that - if it's reported, it's recorded. There's no way, really, to account for something someone keeps quiet about. It's not like a bruh's gonna go to the cops and say "ya, bruh, totes roofied her and did the penis game"... but, at the same time, how would she remember/report that?

Fuck, I need to drink more and think on it, 'cause now I'm thinking "what if she falsely accuses/names the wrong guy..." etc. That shit can be life shattering. Therefore, when does personal responsibility end? The tenth shot? Meh. I digress.

Thoughts? Possible solutions?

(edited for formatting)

3141592653 ago

thanks for your response. rape culture is real. it's an epidemic. have you seen the documentary "the hunting ground."? The stats aren't from personal experience, but to be honest I can't do the research for you, but have def done it in the past. women don't report for many reasons, largely shame and fear. many women are threatened with death, harm to family, and other threats if they tell. also, women are often treated like criminals or "sluts" if they try to report; police can be notoriously victim-blaming and even cruel. The test at the hospital, the "rape kit", is humiliating... and then having to go over and over the details to officials can be very re-traumatizing, after already going through an incredibly traumatic event. and then there's often more shaming from different officials. lots of victim-blaming.

congrats on your daughter :)

as for varying rates, I do know Native women have shockingly high rates, for many reasons... one reason is sovereign tribal law vs federal and state law, which at times can allow men to rape women unpunished.... white men raping native women on native land.. often there's a horrible legal loophole. also due to intergenerational trauma as a result of u.s. policies (genocide, kidnapping and forcing native kids to go to boarding schools where abuse was rampant) rates are higher... so many kids were forced into boarding schools and sexually abused... which makes abuse in the next generation far more likely for multiple reasons (repeating the abuse you learned as a kid, dealing with poverty and perhaps alcoholism and other things as a result of u.s. polices and the abuse, etc...)

and again the assault is so traumatic, many people dissociate during and after and do everything to push it from their mind, so going to the hospital and police and etc etc can be too much. the number of rapes that result in an actual court case is a mere fraction. also, some cultures teach that its the woman's fault, or that she is now "ruined" or "dirty". so some girls/women know they would be shamed, maybe for life, if they were to tell. or they believe they deserved it or brought it on which, of course, is never the case. they may believe, possibly for good reason, that no one will ever want to marry them.

false accusations are very rare. sadly, they get WAY more media attention than actual rapes, and then of course most rapes aren't reported, so this can give a false impression that false accusations are common and rape isn't that common, when it's exactly the opposite. for every false accusation story in the media, the number of rapes that happen without prosecution is staggering.

Nearly no one wants to lie about this kind of stuff. it is not fun.

thanks for being open-minded

9847480? ago

1 in 4 women are raped.

You have to go back.

3141592653 ago

back to....?

9873226? ago

Hell for perpetuating the anti-human demon spawn lie that 1 in 4 women are raped.

3141592653 ago

hell for everyone denying rape is real and happens every second. almost no one wants to lie about that shit and then have to be re-victimized by people like you.

9873284? ago

Rape happens, 1 in 4 does not.

False rape accusations happen and you are a false rape apologist.

3141592653 ago

false accusations are exceedingly rare in comparison to the real stats. just like with reports of child sexual abuse. can't begin to fathom why people keep discrediting the survivors. well, I can think of one reason.

9873329? ago

Your anti-human goal is plain for all to see.

You know you are already damned which is why you will lie lie lie, defend liars, harm actual survivors by supporting lies, all trying to drag as many down with you as you can for the little bit of time you have left to feel the light.

3141592653 ago

you sound insane and do not sound like you're responding to anything I said. totally lost.

Crensch ago

rEddit. You indoctrinated or Jewish kike scum don't belong here.

Go fuck your black dude and become a single mother of a mocha mistake or something.

3141592653 ago

you are so off target. and all you can do is spew venom. and I'm scum for being against child and adult rape. very interesting. of all the people out there to attack.... very telling. it's also really interesting that you have to keep trying to pigeon hole me into one of your hated groups to begin to make sense of what I'm saying

Crensch ago

you are so off target. and all you can do is spew venom. and I'm scum for being against child and adult rape.

You want to play that passive-aggressive yet plausibly deniable game? Cool.

I guess I'm scum for being against the genocide of women, men, and children. Why don't you care about humans?

I don't know why you say that, but I'm 100% against the rape of dogs, too; guess that makes me scum as well.

3141592653 ago

your logic and arguments have lost any semblance of sense... not that there was much to begin with. boring.

Crensch ago

your logic and arguments have lost any semblance of sense... not that there was much to begin with. boring.

You don't like it when someone else plays by your rules? Tough shit, cunt.

Crensch ago

I don't believe in rape and violence against children OR WOMEN.

Saying that as if I do doesn't actually make it true.

not rhetoric. feminism means equality for women.

Yeah, no, it doesn't. Holy shit you don't belong here. Go back to rEddit hugzone where lies like that are accepted.

1 in 4 women are raped.

No they aren't. Depending on what resolution of what population you're talking about, it's either far more, or far less, and either way, that stat is pulled out of your ass.

this is not coming from a woman or a democrat.

It's coming from an idiot, apparently.

3141592653 ago

you spend too much time around people who hold the same opinion and uphold yours. you are wrong and don't know what you're talking about. resorting to lame insults gives you away even further. who goes OUT OF THEIR WAY to discredit rape survivors? often the same people who go out of their way to discredit child abuse survivors. This disconnect is one of the problems and obstacles in the way of solving PG/ child sexual abuse. SOMEHOW there is some magical age where people stop caring about child rape victims and start seeing them as women who are "cunts" and are lying about rape (what a fun thing to lie about.....) I always wondered exactly at what age you people flip the script from caring about a survivor to attacking them. violence against children cannot be wholly separated from violence against women, and people like you are hurting the cause. so confusing why you're here discsussing PG

Crensch ago

I destroyed your argument point by point. If you have an issue with my words, perhaps you should single them out instead of writing a wall of diarrhea text in response.

Also, there's no chance you're not a woman. The emotional bullshit spewing from you is typical of female "emotions>facts" writing.

3141592653 ago

wrong again. your limited world-view is showing, as is your sexism. go on pretending to care about the kids. and you're boring me.

UglyTruth ago

Why are you diverting the topic?

HopeLiesInTheProles ago

You must be new, welcome! Pizzagate is very very real. Keep looking into the evidence (there's tons of it), you will see.

sinclair ago

Oh no, it's definitely a conspiracy. It's just conspiracy fact, not theory. Twice is a coincidence, more than is a pattern.

ReddittRefugee ago

btw why is this sub deleting Topics of muslim sexual abuse?

There's way less censorship over in /v/pedogate Somebody posted a great post over there summarizing how Islamic pedophilia works, and how it's "baked in" to Islam in a way that no other religion has.

I personally think that Islamic pedophilia is a big deal, because it's kind of like it's institutionalized in Islam, and there's a reason you keep hearing of pedophilia being associated with the Saudis, for example. And pedophilia issues arising with American contractors in Afghanistan, or US soldiers being ordered to not interfere with 'bacha bazi' practices in Middle Eastern countries. Note that many of these bachi baza kids get sold both within their own countries and internationally.

imkhan ago

There is no pedophilia in Islam, what the devil worshipping elites in the Muslim world do is a different thing

ReddittRefugee ago

There is no pedophilia in Islam

Actually, pedophilia is sort of 'baked in' to Islam:

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

This is why the ellite satanist want to make us all muslim first.....because muslims allow butt fucking kids like no other religion.

Riva ago

I mean, at this point it's funny right? No one cares and no one will do anything. Lol

islandofdelight ago

Hmm, wonder if Podesta and co. have the same control over the Miami PD as they do DC PD?... they could have lured the Haitian Official to a jurisdiction they had more control over.

stillinit ago

I believe the deep state government is based in South Florida. I dont want to give too much info, and I can't 100% confirm it. But anyone curious, look into south florida. The rats mouth.

Dressage2 ago

DWS country.

AncientJibberish ago

Little Caesar = Forbidden Pizza?

thelandofchocolate ago

This is getting ridiculous. Whatever happened to witness protection?

ReddittRefugee ago

Whatever happened to witness protection?

You've gotta realize. The people who do this shit are so high up that they're above any witness protection programs.

Remember when David Brock revealed that DNC operatives had NSA software they were using to find leakers, and expose location information of DNC critics?

The highest levels of the FBI and the Justice Department are compromized. Do you think that if a division chief at the FBI wants to find out where somebody in the witness protection program is, they can't do it by back channels? Fuck, we're talking about info that affects an ex-president and someone who ran the State Department, and who knows people on the inside personally, and has compromizing info on many senior State Department employees!

Witness protection programs are for the little guys. The mobsters who squeal to prosecutors, and women stalked by psychotic exes, not for people who are playing in the political corruption arena.

User2060 ago

PTech's version of the PROMIS Software. Serving America since 9/11.

ReddittRefugee ago

PROMIS Software

Yesss! Finally someone knows something about the real "Eye of Washington" as some have called it.

It was pirated by the Department of Justice way back in the early 1980s, and has been in use by the NSA since sometime in the mid-1980s. Vastly modified since then, of course. PROMIS is artificially intelligent, and it's the real deal. The leaks of the CIA & NSA hacking tools are small beans, they may even be deliberate distractions.

Versions of PROMIS with back doors installed were sold to other countries all over the world.

If you'd like some info on the early days of PROMIS, this interview of two French journalists may interest you:

Those two, Fabrizio Calvi and Thierry Pfister published a book in France that's an incredible read, but it has never been translated into English, probably because it's too dense a read for the public, and it never sold well, even in France, where the national security implications were enormous. Anyways, voat doesn't seem to let you post links to Amazon, so here is the bioliographic info on the book: Fabrizio Calvi & Thierry Pfister, 1997, L'oeil de Washington ISBN 2226093109 / 978-2226093103. Here's a link to the publisher's page:

It's not for sale on amazon dot com, but if you can read French it can be bought on amazon dot fr and amazon dot ca.

The book takes you back to all those mysteries of old, like the 'suiciding' of Robert Maxwell at the hands of Mossad, the 'suiciding' of Vince Foster, Contragate, and one of the creepiest political insiders of the Reagan era: Ed Meese.

User2060 ago

Thanks, I'm french canadian so I'm gonna have to find those. Although I know a lot. Like how PTech which was owned by Israelis and Saudis had their system EVERYWHERE in the US government about 6 months before 9/11. Then they have so half-hearted raids done to them by the cops when they shredded and destroyed every proof in like april 2002 and now they're still around with a new name, although I got no idea if it it's in 95% of all US Depts imaginable. See Indira Singh (she does a video interview about her experience when Ptech guys were invited over at JP Morgan with no versions of the software working and them wanting to look at their computers with all defenses down...)

ReddittRefugee ago

@User2600, PROMIS is actually 10 years out of date now, and is only in use by foreigners and non-intelligence US agencies.

If you want to see where people and asset tracking using state-of-the-art AI is at now, look into Palantir

User2060 ago

I know the whole thing must have changed...PTech changed names. Like the very suspicious US company that is some kind of small Dyncorp that used to be named ISIS and now is named SIS, look at what they are doing, contracts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Italy (?), Germany(US base there, STILL), Syria. Must be why Obama said ISIL always not to piss off his corporate masters.

ReddittRefugee ago

Hi @User2600,

PROMIS was installed all over the United States by the late 1980s. Its use during 9/11 was just one of an ongoing application.

Here's an article from 1995 detailing much more about the origin and purpose of PROMIS:

You might be interested to know that both the US and the Israelis have versions of it that work with hardware bugs to physically steal data from target computers.

User2060 ago

Canada (RCMP) too.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

You would think a high risk target would have armed guards, etc.

ReddittRefugee ago

a high risk target would have armed guards

LOL, only if the Clintons, or somebody in Florida (Debbie Wasserman Schultz?) actually wanted them to avoid getting killed

SwampAintDrained ago

Remember when David Brock revealed

When he allegedly revealed...

ReddittRefugee ago

When he allegedly revealed...

Given that he said it plainly in a chat to coworkers, forget "allegedly"

He did

SwampAintDrained ago

According to a leak that could've easily been forged. Do you have proof of its authenticity?

ReddittRefugee ago

Do you have proof of its authenticity

LOL. I wondered if you'd start sealioning.

Do your own research. I'm not your PI.

SwampAintDrained ago

Ah, so you don't, and its just baseless conjecture. Someone around here has to care about facts and pesky details, otherwise you guys will ruin the truth movement. I saw that alleged leak, and at the time there was no verification of authenticity.

ReddittRefugee ago

LOL, you sealioners crack me up.

Someone around here has to care about facts and pesky details

Yeah, and what we don't need is sealioning trolls like you ordering people around to spend time on work you should be doing yourself.

We're not your Girl Fridays, who ask 'how high' when you say 'jump!'

at the time there was no verification of authenticity

At the time, yup.

Do your own research.

Anyways, mealtime is over.

SwampAintDrained ago

No worries, I've done my job, which is to point out that there is no evidence for this claim. It may or may not have happened. good night.

Lobotomy ago

0.15 Shekels have been deposited into your account.

SwampAintDrained ago

Newsflash, you don't get shekels for telling the truth.

Lobotomy ago

Whatever you say, moishe.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

The former director general of Haiti, who also served as an advisor to Haitian President Michel Martelly, was also a partner in a popular pizza restaurant in Haiti, Muncheez, and even has a pizza — the Klaus Special — named after him.

What a coincidence.

carmencita ago

Muncheez. The word in the islands for Man is pronounced Mun Mun=Man Mancheeze? May sound strange to some, but a lot of their names are strange and hide a lot. Also the Clintons are related to association with ex Haitian President Michel Martell. You know they would have ot be related to any of the Presidents. Remember that the Clintons have been connected to Haiti ever since they went there on their Honeymoon. This is an OLD Wa Po article and is chock fullof info. But the Clintons are deep deep deep into Haiti. That is why this guy probably died. This would also bring down many global companies that are also involved in bilking the Haitian People.

cantsleepawink ago

The word is also a play on the "munchies" that you get when you smoke a lot of weed.

carmencita ago

Thanks! Not into that so would know, though I am not against it. Just not into all the lingo.

AncientJibberish ago

Little Caesar = Forbidden Pizza?


DarkMath ago

I don't think he was going to expose anything. He himself had been accused of corruption along with the Clinton Foundation:

Maybe I read that Miami Herald article wrong. I didn't see any mention of him "turning state's evidence".

hookednosedjoooo ago

I combed through every single article about this dude and couldn't find anything about him testifying about the Clinton Foundation. He "likes" Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation on facebook but I haven't seen any compelling evidence that he was against them or protested against them

DarkMath ago

Yep, neither could I. More disinfo.

kestrel9 ago

I was getting that same sense from reading a couple things as well... However, his testifying could have lead to uncovering details of the Clintons interference in the Haitian elections! Not a great issue for the Elitist DeepState and or the DNC worker bees still serving their Queen of Death at the moment.

Here he is tied to Obama and Clinton election fraud and interference in Haiti: Michel Martelly – the post-earthquake Clinton/Obama imposed president of Haiti- was not only fraudulently elected but also not qualified constitutionally to hold office. He’s used at least one non-Haitian passport. Other US covert operations include the controlled opposition in Haiti and electronic voting programing ....

The system” of electronic fraud was put together, Dupuy reports, by M. Klaus Eberwein, the Director General of Fund for Economic and Social Assistance (FAES),

That was from a site of which we shall not speak LOL An excerpt from the article reads:

On the informative broadcast, Dupuy says, he’s confirmed, through the radio’s trusted and highly placed sources, that there is a program to spy on Haitians in Haiti. There is also a system ready to electronically steal Haitian votes, if elections are held under the Martelly regime.

Reportedly there is already in place, names of people who are vetted to win the next Haiti elections. Dupuy cited the names of a few people who are in “the system” and are expected to be “elected” should Haiti go to elections.

“The system” of electronic fraud was put together, Dupuy reports, by M. Klaus Eberwein, the Director General of Fund for Economic and Social Assistance (FAES), who is a good friend of former Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe.

Lamothe himself didn’t meet the 5-year residency requirements for his position. He was forced to resign on December 13, 2014 amidst widespread public protest calling for the fall and resignation of both Martelly and Lamothe. Together, Martelly-Lamothe are known in Haiti as “bandi legal“- the legal bandits – held in office by the even more lawless International mafia (“Core Group”) who are perpetrating this electoral and other governance fraud with military force against the protesting Haiti population.

It’s also reported that “the system” was put together by the Director General of FAES with former International Republican Institute employee, Stanley Lucas, helping to find a company to develop the program.

paulf ago

You're not thinking like a Clinton, DM. They get word that this man - that they know very very well and have done for years - is going to be appearing in front of an ethics commission talking about the Foundation. Boom, headshot is the logical next step.

Are_we__sure ago

You are correct that YourNewsWire is pushing fake news. And nothing in the original article in the Miami Herald mentions he is facing corruption charges.

But then you make a further charge which is not supported by the article. Provide evidence the Clinton Foundation has anything to do with the investigation by the Haitian Senate’s Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission mentioned in the article.

DarkMath ago

"you make a further charge which is not supported by the article."

Which was that?

Are_we__sure ago

The article has nothing to do with the Clinton Foundation. The committee investigating this guy has nothing do with the Clinton Foundation. So where's your evidence for that claim?

DarkMath ago

"So where's your evidence for that claim?"

Here ya go AreWeSure. Once again your un-diagnosed white privilege has once again led you astray. According to the Haitian based reporter Klaus Eberwein was expected to testify about the Clinton Foundation among other things:


When Hillary & Co are finally brought to justice a thousand Historians will replay the tapes a thousand times. They'll undoubtedly find their way here and find your steaming pile of institutionalized naivete stinking up the place and have to address it. How could they NOT? You are the most naive person on planet Earth.

What questions will they ask? They're going to start asking how and why the AreWeSure's of the world could be so severely out of touch with reality. The Historians will have to address those questions because knowing the answer will be crucial in preventing a future cluster fuck of this magnitude.

@Are_we_sure @kestrel9 @stellardrome

Are_we_sure ago

You are a very dumb person and a terrible diagnostician.

Go look who that article links to? Don't see the links. That's because that dishonest site doesn't put the links in body of the article. Look at sources. Most of that article is directly ripped off from the Miami Herald. The other source is YourNewsWire.

@kestrel9 The article is not originally reporting. Check the sources. It literally takes everything from the Miami Herald and YourNewsWire.

Post source : Miami Herald, YourNewsWire

So this is incorrect. The Miami Herald omitted nothing. YourNewsWire add fake news and the Haiti Sentinel points back to their fake news.

July 12, Miami Herald omits info implicating Clinton Foundation, info that is included on the Haiti Sentinal coverage of the story on July 15.

As for that Brett Baier report, he had to apologize for that story two days later after other news organization ripped it apart. Nov 2

On Date November 2, 2016 Fox News Channel’s Bret Baier reports

Nov 4

Fox’s Baier apologizes for report on Clinton indictment

Fox News anchor Bret Baier on Friday apologized on-air for reporting that there would “likely” be an FBI indictment against the Clinton Foundation for alleged pay-to-play schemes. "That just wasn’t inartful, it was a mistake, and for that I’m sorry. I should have said they will continue to build their case,” Baier told host Jon Scott on Fox’s “Happening Now.”

"Indictment obviously is a very loaded word, Jon, especially in this atmosphere, and no one knows if there would or would not be an indictment no matter how strong investigators feel their evidence is," he added.

DarkMath ago


AreWeSure's favorite defense is the Straw Man. AreWeSure has no proof the Haitian Sentinel made up the story about Eberwein testifying about the Clinton Foundation. So what does AreWeSure do? Easy, make the debate about something Bret Baier said on Foxnews about a likely Clinton indictment. That's the same thing right?

AreWeSure please, this was officially the 100th Straw Man you've built to defend Killary Clinton. Don't you think it's getting old? It's impossible for you to prove or even know what the Haitian Sentinel reporter did and didn't know. In all likelihood they had a contact at the Miami Herald and/or YourNewWire and waited for them to break the story. Why?


It's entirely possible the Haitian Sentinel WANTS YOU TO THINK YOURNEWSWIRE MADE IT UP. If you were afraid of getting suicided that's a completely rational approach to getting the story out. That's what I would do. I'd "shard" out the truth among as many people as possible to increase my chances of survival. Then I'd start praying. :-D

AreWeSure you need to apologize for that Straw Man. It's no longer acceptable for you to distort the truth so egregiously. Why? Because the evidence against the Clinton Foundation is coming out fast and furious (tee hee) these days. Remember when Eric Braverman wouldn't sign off on the Clinton Foundation's books? Of course you do.

So what I'm going to do from now on is role out the Clinton's victims wherever they are and MAKE YOU REMEMBER. Here's today's victim:

White Phosphorous + Children = AreWeSure couldn't give a flying fuck.


Are_we_sure ago

AreWeSure has no proof the Haitian Sentinel made up the story about Eberwein testifying about the Clinton Foundation.

There's a giant problem with your thesis. The Haiti Sentinel (not Haitian) themselves point to who they got the story from. And it's YourNewsWire. Thus, they cannot be confirmation of the claim from YourNewsWire at all. You really are not competent enough to use the language of logic. You should stop, it's embarrassing.

Far from from using a strawman, I'm pointing out something you once claimed to know about. (Actually this is a correct example, you had used it incorrectly.)

There's also a giant problem with your reading comprehension, because the Brett Baier story is a direct reply to something Kestrel9 brought up.

DarkMath ago

"language of logic"

I addressed this already AreWeSure. The Haitian Sentinel is, duh, run by Haitians. If they were afraid of running a story critical of the Clinton Foundation then, duh, it makes perfect sense for them to say they got the story from YourNewsWire or wherever else.

Ever hear of Gary Webb? He reported on the Clinton's drug running operation in Mena Arkansas. He "committed suicide" by shooting himself in the head with a shot gun........twice. The Haitian Sentinel saying they got the story somewhere else IS EXACTLY WHAT I'D EXPECT from a reporter who didn't want to end up being the next Garry Webb.


Oh and what about Larry Silverstein AreWeSure? You were supposed to address Larry Silverstein's comments and explain why they're not evidence pointing to a controlled demolition. Are you going to address the issue or keep pretending it doesn't exist?


kestrel9 ago

I'm well aware that the article sourced the MH, and yes I meant to change the word 'omit', but unfortunately lost track as I was looking for other sources for any of the content NOT included in the MH..i,e. the paragraphs you correctly identified as not being in the MH but in YNW. My question was whether or not I could find a source besides YNW.

In the process (and not even close to an exhaustive attempt), I found the quote describing the details of the gunshot etc. Well THAT wasn't in the MH, I'd like to know where that came from.

The point being that the MH isn't necessarily the only game in town for details involving the suicide, or the investigation that Eberwein was supposed to testify at. If you want to comment strictly on the MH article, then yes, they did not mention the Clinton Foundation.

But the Clintons do have ties to people in the investigation, that is certain. Perhaps MH isn't going to go into details about Clinton emails tying the Clintons to people involved in the Haiti investigation after an upcoming witness commits suicide, especially after running this back in 2014.

Laurent Lamothe is part of the investigation.

Other articles are of interest too, for people wondering about Clinton 'connections'.

Former Prime Minister Jean Max Bellerive issued over 300 million dollars of public works contracts under what the Ethics and Anti-Corruption permanent Commission of the Senate of the Republic of Haiti established to have been rigged bids. 

As Prime Minister he co-chaired with former US President Clinton the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission.

It is useful to add that this audit and control agency is the one that had approved the initial contracts of Jean Max Bellerive with Bautista, thus making it openly bias when asked opining on legality and compliance of such dealings.

It is fair to recall that neither the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission did not enjoy much credibility when, in March 2016, the honorable Youri Latortue, in his capacity as president of said Commission, launched the investigation on the Petrocaribe funds from 2008 to 2016.  

Public opinion was unconvinced, not only because there is no recent precedent to such an endeavor but also because Latortue who had served as Michel Martelly’s advisor and, by his own admittance, cultivated “excellent rapport” with Jean Max Bellerive and Laurent Lamothe, was expected to be partial.

As the conclusions of the Commission’s work emerged with confirmed wrongdoing across party and ideology lines, those doubts subsided; just as the camaraderie between  Bellerive and Lamothe, who proceeded to engage in a mediatic war against Latortue withered.

As of this week however, with the release of copies of Hilary Clinton’s emails where unease about Bellerive and even Martelly is expressed, the Commission has scored bonus points.

Laura Graham, in referring to Jean Max Bellerive’s team writes to Bill Clinton as follows: “it’s unbelievable what they did and how stupid or arrogant, they were in doing it because when you see it, any idiot can see it’s fraudulent.”

This article discusses Laura Graham revealing that she works for the Clinton Foundation

Eventually, Hillary Clinton traveled to Haiti in late January 2011 to apply further pressure on the government. The day before the trip, there was an ongoing discussion among State Department staff about potential backlash against the international community and the U.S. Mills forwarded Clinton an e-mail from Laura (the last name has been redacted, but it is likely Laura Graham, an official with the Clinton Foundation) with the message: “Let's discuss this on plane.”

While I've yet to see a source of YNW's claim about Klaus Eberwein being ready to spill the beans on the Clintons, I can see why it wouldn't be a stretch to believe that he could, something I mentioned in an early response on this thread regarding elections in Haiti.

Mrs Clinton’s campaign has said she never did anything at the State Department as a result of donations to the Clinton Foundation.

But potential conflicts of interest have emerged.

After the earthquake, disaster capitalists flocked to the nation of 10 million people, which is about the size of the US state of Massachusetts.

Private contractors were eager to sell services, in what one US envoy described in a Wikileaks-disclosed diplomatic cable as a “gold rush”.

In email exchanges with top Clinton Foundation officials, a senior aide to Mrs Clinton, who was then-secretary of state, kept an eye out for those identified by the abbreviations “FOB” (friends of Bill Clinton) or “WJC VIPs” (William Jefferson Clinton VIPs). “Need you to flag when people are friends of WJC,” wrote Caitlin Klevorick, a senior State Department official who was vetting incoming offers of assistance coming through the Clinton Foundation.

So there's another person from the Clinton Foundation discussing Haiti with SoS Hillary Clinton.

Enough of that already....

Regarding Bret Baier, why not finish posting what he said ? Do you have info we don't, that the Clinton Foundation Investigation, not MATTER, is over? Knowing what we know now about FBI Director James Comey, that he was busy making sure to follow Lynch's direction in protecting Hillary, it's little wonder the Clinton Foundation Investigation received little notice. What is curious is why the DNC would run a candidate with so many ongoing investigations, and then ensure that she would win the primaries. /s

Baier said he stood by his sourcing on the ongoing active investigation into the Clinton Foundation but added that a prosecutor would have to take the case and make it to a grand jury before an indictment could take place.  

“[We] are working to get sources with knowledge of the details on the record and on camera, hopefully today,” he said.

Are_we_sure ago

yes I meant to change the word 'omit', but unfortunately lost track ....My question was whether or not I could find a source besides YNW.

Fair enough.

However, YNW didn't cite other sources, they based their story on the Miami Herald and they did so dishonestly. They deliberately and deceptively adding an accusation that the Miami Herald did not make. And they hoped people wouldn't follow their link.

But the Clintons do have ties to people in the investigation, that is certain.

So what? For one that doesn't give YNW license to make up fake news. For two, I don't doubt you make connections from the Clinton to Haitian officials and others. My point is are these connections relevant to the investigation by the Haitian Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission? There are zero news story mentioning anything about the Clintons and this commission before YNW made up it story.

kestrel9 ago

July 12, Miami Herald omits info implicating Clinton Foundation, info that is included on the Haiti Sentinal coverage of the story on July 15.

Eberwein’s death came a day before he would have testified before a Haiti Senate Committee on the management of the PetroCaribe fund and to alleged misappropriation of international donor funds by the Clinton Foundation following the 2010 earthquake.

The commission is investigating the management of PetroCaribe funds. He was also widely expected to testify that the Clinton Foundation misappropriated Haiti earthquake donations from international donors.

So much of the both articles is included the same info, I wondered if there was another source that predated the MH article. A very brief look didn't give me that thus far, but it did give yet additional info that is very interesting...

Si è suicidato sparandosi alla nuca un colpo che è fuoriuscito in sede temporo frontale destra. Il medico legale, immediatamente chiamato, non ha ritenuto necessario fare eseguire l’autopsia: sarebbero bastati sette minuti primi di ispezione fisica per stabilire che si fosse trattato di suicidio. Giudizio sulla base del quale il magistrato inquirente ha immediatamente archiviato il caso. Il corpo dovrebbe verosimilmente essere cremato.

Google translate:

He committed suicide by shooting at his neck a shot that spilled into the right frontal right. The legal practitioner, immediately called, did not consider it necessary to do the autopsy: seven minutes of physical inspection would have been enough to establish that he had committed suicide. The judgment on the basis of which the investigating magistrate immediately filed the case. The body should probably be cremated.

I went to try to find another source for the YNW quote "“The Clinton Foundation, they are criminals, they are thieves, they are liars, they are a disgrace,” Eberwein said at a protest outside the Clinton Foundation headquarters in Manhattan last year." It was actually quoted a day earlier here

I did find a similar quote by someone else, Dahoud Andre on Nov 3, 2016 (this article is a great read on the Clintons in Haiti)

“The Clinton family, they are crooks, they are thieves, they are liars,” says Haitian activist Dahoud Andre. He has been leading protests outside the Clinton Foundation headquarters in Manhattan and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign base in Brooklyn for the last two years.

He said protesters from his small activist group, the Committee to Mobilize Against Dictatorship in Haiti, will continue to level their allegations – so far all unproven – if the Democratic candidate wins the White House.

A comment on the article, provides strong motive for the DNC MSM obsession with their nonstop, essentially: 'obstruct duly elected president's governance at all costs narrative', they certainly don't want anyone having a split second to remember, much less talk, about this:

Bret Baier: FBI Sources Believe Clinton Foundation Case Moving Towards “Likely an Indictment” Posted By Tim Hains

On Date November 2, 2016 Fox News Channel’s Bret Baier reports the latest news about the Clinton Foundation investigation from two sources inside the FBI. He reveals five important new pieces of information in these two short clips:

  1. The Clinton Foundation investigation is far more expansive than anybody has reported so far and has been going on for more than a year.

  2. The laptops of Clinton aides Cherryl Mills and Heather Samuelson have not been destroyed, and agents are currently combing through them. The investigation has interviewed several people twice, and plans to interview some for a third time.

  3. Agents have found emails believed to have originated on Hillary Clinton’s secret server on Anthony Weiner’s laptop. They say the emails are not duplicates and could potentially be classified in nature.

  4. Sources within the FBI have told him that an indictment is “likely” in the case of pay-for-play at the Clinton Foundation, “barring some obstruction in some way” from the Justice Department.

  5. FBI sources say with 99% accuracy that Hillary Clinton’s server has been hacked by at least five foreign intelligence agencies, and that information had been taken from it.

DarkMath ago

"The committee investigating this guy has nothing do with the Clinton Foundation."

I know. They're Haitian officials investigating corruption within Haiti. But that doesn't exonerate the Clinton Foundation. I'm surprised you want make such a point.

banusaur ago

I would gladly die defending the victims of the CF and the elite. His name was Klaus Eberwein.

AncientJibberish ago

Little Caesar = Forbidden Pizza?


2impendingdoom ago

her mob buddies is the cia and they are financed by our tax dollars