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thelandofchocolate ago

This is getting ridiculous. Whatever happened to witness protection?

ReddittRefugee ago

Whatever happened to witness protection?

You've gotta realize. The people who do this shit are so high up that they're above any witness protection programs.

Remember when David Brock revealed that DNC operatives had NSA software they were using to find leakers, and expose location information of DNC critics?

The highest levels of the FBI and the Justice Department are compromized. Do you think that if a division chief at the FBI wants to find out where somebody in the witness protection program is, they can't do it by back channels? Fuck, we're talking about info that affects an ex-president and someone who ran the State Department, and who knows people on the inside personally, and has compromizing info on many senior State Department employees!

Witness protection programs are for the little guys. The mobsters who squeal to prosecutors, and women stalked by psychotic exes, not for people who are playing in the political corruption arena.

User2060 ago

PTech's version of the PROMIS Software. Serving America since 9/11.

ReddittRefugee ago

PROMIS Software

Yesss! Finally someone knows something about the real "Eye of Washington" as some have called it.

It was pirated by the Department of Justice way back in the early 1980s, and has been in use by the NSA since sometime in the mid-1980s. Vastly modified since then, of course. PROMIS is artificially intelligent, and it's the real deal. The leaks of the CIA & NSA hacking tools are small beans, they may even be deliberate distractions.

Versions of PROMIS with back doors installed were sold to other countries all over the world.

If you'd like some info on the early days of PROMIS, this interview of two French journalists may interest you:

Those two, Fabrizio Calvi and Thierry Pfister published a book in France that's an incredible read, but it has never been translated into English, probably because it's too dense a read for the public, and it never sold well, even in France, where the national security implications were enormous. Anyways, voat doesn't seem to let you post links to Amazon, so here is the bioliographic info on the book: Fabrizio Calvi & Thierry Pfister, 1997, L'oeil de Washington ISBN 2226093109 / 978-2226093103. Here's a link to the publisher's page:

It's not for sale on amazon dot com, but if you can read French it can be bought on amazon dot fr and amazon dot ca.

The book takes you back to all those mysteries of old, like the 'suiciding' of Robert Maxwell at the hands of Mossad, the 'suiciding' of Vince Foster, Contragate, and one of the creepiest political insiders of the Reagan era: Ed Meese.

User2060 ago

Thanks, I'm french canadian so I'm gonna have to find those. Although I know a lot. Like how PTech which was owned by Israelis and Saudis had their system EVERYWHERE in the US government about 6 months before 9/11. Then they have so half-hearted raids done to them by the cops when they shredded and destroyed every proof in like april 2002 and now they're still around with a new name, although I got no idea if it it's in 95% of all US Depts imaginable. See Indira Singh (she does a video interview about her experience when Ptech guys were invited over at JP Morgan with no versions of the software working and them wanting to look at their computers with all defenses down...)

ReddittRefugee ago

@User2600, PROMIS is actually 10 years out of date now, and is only in use by foreigners and non-intelligence US agencies.

If you want to see where people and asset tracking using state-of-the-art AI is at now, look into Palantir

User2060 ago

I know the whole thing must have changed...PTech changed names. Like the very suspicious US company that is some kind of small Dyncorp that used to be named ISIS and now is named SIS, look at what they are doing, contracts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Italy (?), Germany(US base there, STILL), Syria. Must be why Obama said ISIL always not to piss off his corporate masters.

ReddittRefugee ago

Hi @User2600,

PROMIS was installed all over the United States by the late 1980s. Its use during 9/11 was just one of an ongoing application.

Here's an article from 1995 detailing much more about the origin and purpose of PROMIS:

You might be interested to know that both the US and the Israelis have versions of it that work with hardware bugs to physically steal data from target computers.

User2060 ago

Canada (RCMP) too.