crashing_this_thread ago

This seemed silly at first, but then the shills came so it's pretty much confirmed.

zx74125800 ago

WTF, Pizzagate? How old are you? VOAT has no content editing nor age limitations?

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

Don't tell me Buffett's a part of this too!!! He's the ONLY Billionair I actually liked. 》:( DAMIMIT IS NOTHING SACRED ANYMORE. I'M SO SICK OF ALL.OF THIS!

YingYangMom ago

But he doesn't like you back lol.

Buffett favors the multiplication of money, but not people. He contributes to groups advocating radical population reduction.

YingYangMom ago


You guys might want to archive and/or upload on other platforms (vidme, vimeo, et al) the videos linked below.

40 Year CIA Director Bill Colby Stating the Franklin Abuses Occurred - William Colby, Dead in "Canoing Accident" 1996 [File under Franklin Case] (1:45)

Ted Gunderson Files and Reports

DeCamp’s e-book “The Franklin Over-up”

Paul Bonacci court transcripts from Lawrence King lawsuit

Rusty Nelson – Interview of former Franklin Photographer (Please read, this might be very important)


“Rusty risked his life and/or re-incarceration to grant this interview. So it disturbs me when I learn that Nick Bryant, author of the book, The Franklin Scandal, has convinced Paul Bonacci and others that Rusty’s accounts “don’t check out.”

Here is why I am rock-solid convinced that Rusty is telling the truth, and Bryant comes up short

“In April of 2005, I was blissfully unaware of any details about the Franklin Cover-up, other than what I vaguely recalled from press reports back in the ’80s. Something about day care centers and a credit union. Not much.

It is my belief that Rusty us STILL heavily programmed and monitored. While incarcerated, he was instilled with powerful amnesia barriers. I witnessed what I would call a “searching” expression on his face when he seemed particularly vulnerable to suggestion. This is possibly due to trauma-based conditioning.

Bryant’s direct interrogation style seemed to trigger Rusty’s amnesia. In a relaxed, low-pressure setting, Rusty gained more complete recall. Because Bryant wasn’t able to break through Rusty’s amnesia barriers, he seems to have concluded that Rusty did not play a significant role in the Franklin scandal. Yet he opened his book with a scenario that acknowledges the significant threat to elite powers if Rusty’s photographs are ever made public.

Then, I received an email from a newsgroup, which linked to a new interview by Michael Corbin. I waded through the full three-hour interview, and my jaw dropped to the floor. This information, I knew, was IMPORTANT. But few people would sit through three hours. So, I spent an entire weekend capturing the audio and editing it down to 35 minutes.

While trying to upload the audio files to my server, I kept getting disconnected. I went back @ 3:00 am and it finally uploaded with no problem.

The INSTANT I posted an article on my blog linking to the audio files, those audio files received OVER THIRTEEN THOUSAND HITS WITHIN A FEW SECONDS. I sank back in my chair. What just HIT me?”

“I called my Qwest DSL tech, and asked if I just experienced a denial-of-service attack. He emphatically stated “NO. The ONLY explanation for the activity I see is some sort of government wiretap.” He transferred me to someone who confirmed “trouble” on my DSL phone line. Then I got the Blue Screen of Death, and ALL THREE of my networked computers were wiped out. The original audio of Corbin’s interview was irretrievably lost. Was that the objective? Corbin is now dead, under circumstances shrouded by questions. Judging by the attempts by many people to obtain a copy, his original 3-hour interview is apparently lost to the world.”


Boys Town, Larry King, Franklin credit, cover up, et al.

Russel (Rusty) Nelson Interview:

(1/4) (9:40)

(2/4) (9:24)

(3/4) (8:47)

(4/4) (7:42)

Rusty on Franklin cover-up, Full and Uncensored: (1:44:17)

I hope this helps. I'm presently working on another project, but I thought I'd give you some extra tools to work with. Great post. Definitely worth investigating. I don't know about Warren Buffet. I don't have an opinion on him personally. All I know is that most people that make it big, usually play both sides of the aisle and when they are done playing, they either spill the beans themselves, point the finger, disassociate themselves from the scandal and go on as if they had nothing to do with any of it. Not saying Buffet is guilty of anything here, just saying that it's always a possibility. This is strictly an observation and NOT a condemnation.

Silverlining ago

I watched the Rusty 1:44:17 - so sad.

YingYangMom ago

I know... very sad.

Silverlining ago

Slightly off topic. Does Phil Schneider mean anything to you?

@privatepizza - good to see you back buzzing - epic post in the last couple of days - @newworldahead

YingYangMom ago

Yes, I've heard of him and the DUMBs. Here is a great link on that subject.

privatepizza ago

Awesome, just awesome YYM! You show the way it's done! You too, and good luck with this @HereticalPeasant , don't stop ;)

HereticalPeasant ago

Wow this is excellent. Thank you very much. Yes I'm going to compile all of this together and will post my ongoing findings in future posts. Thank you

YingYangMom ago

Welcome :)

Vindicator ago

Thanks for the ping, @HereticalPeasant. I will give this a "Needs More Sources" flair to encourage further research and documentation. Why not a "Potential Lead" flair? Here's why:

Here is the "evidence" you've presented:

  • Buffet is ridiculously successful and owns a lot of different kinds of businesses
  • One of those businesses has a triangle spiral
  • Buffet is from Omaha
  • Franklin Scandal happened in Omaha during his lifetime
  • Seth Rich was born in Omaha
  • DeCamp says Buffet funds negative population growth

Conspicuously missing from this research post:

  • Any actual documented associations with pedophiles, pedophilia, child porn, or pedo-normalization
  • Any documentation of criminal activity of any kind by Buffet or his closest associates
  • Any actual quotes from DeCamp claiming Buffet is a pedo (only quotes implying this)
  • A bullet list of what DeCamp DOES actually say about Buffet or Berkshire Hathaway
  • Any analysis of DeCamp and what his motives might be in writing the book

Your main argument seems to be that Buffet owns businesses that could be used to run a global trafficking racket and that this idea constitutes the "Pizzagate Mother Lode".

These companies employ thousands of everyday folks. In order for your hypothesis that Berkshire is running a massive child sex slave ring through them to be true, those employees would have to be complicit. Somehow, Berkshire would have to be able to keep them ALL from reporting criminal activity, or blackmailing the world's 28th richest man with the info, or suing him for creating a hostile work environment. Yet you've glossed completely over this and provided no evidence of a Buffet Body Count.

To say this post needs more research is a understatement of epic proportions. Please start by filling in the missing pieces I've listed.

HereticalPeasant ago

Understood. Thanks for responding. I will continue to work on this and So further research. I will make new posts, but link them all together to this original post.

Pizzalawyer ago

The logo was designed in 1925 by L. Moore and represents an "M" inside a triangle. It has been modified only slightly in recent years. Triangles are used alot in graphic design for the construction and engineering industries.

HereticalPeasant ago

What exactly were the modifications?

Pizzalawyer ago

I'll have to go back and research again which I'll do later. The above info from a History on Benjamin Moore Paint Co. I still haven't figured out out to copy and paste on a cell phone so I'm really hampered as a researcher and feel pretty stupid about it.

lump ago

HereticalPeasant ago

Oh thank you. This is very helpful. I'll add it above.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Buffett owns railroads or railcars, so makes sense that he would use them to move people! Evil!

anonOpenPress ago

Thanks for pinging, what's up?

Pizzalawyer ago

Warren Buffett owned the newspaper Omaha World Herald which attempted to discredit the Franklin Scandal. I haven't read John de Camp's book so I don't know if Buffett was implicated beyond that connection.

HereticalPeasant ago

yes I did not read the book either. I have only researched it online and watched videos on it. I just download a copy of it. PDF. If you like you can too. Here you go my friend:THE FRANKLIN COVER-UP

I am reading through it now.

Silverlining ago

Quick search through the book yields no accusations of pedophilia against Warren Buffett. Catchiest mentions below:

Warren Buffett may have done some more private socializing with Larry King, if a former Omaha city employee is correct in his report, that when Larry King was crowned "Queen" at The Max gay bar, Warren Buffett was his escort.

In 1972, Warren Buffett executed a maneuver around Boys Town, which is not fully understood to this day. His own Sun newspaper ran a series of articles, that targeted Boys Town for having too large an endowment. The Sun wrote, "members of the board of directors of Father Flanagan's Boys' Home generally seem little concerned that the institution has amassed a net worth of more than $200 million while going to the public twice a year with a plea of poverty." Of the cited $200 million, $175 million was the "liquid endowment."

"What do Ronald Reagan, President George Bush, fanner CIA Director William E. Colby, Democratic presidential candidate Bob Kerrey, billionaire and second richest man in America and now head of Salomon Brothers-Warren Buffett, and Ronald Roskens, the current administrator of the Agency for International Development, all have in common?" I asked my close friend and adviser William Colby one day in 1991. "I give up," fanner head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Colby said. "What could that group have in common?" "Three things," I replied, "all of them a burden at times for those who have to carry them. The three things are me (John DeCamp)

Pizzalawyer ago

Thanks for the info on the book. I dont think Benjamin Moore Paint is involved but who cares, it led you to a great find on Buffet and the Franklin Scandal. We won't question the mysterious ways in which the higher powers work.

HereticalPeasant ago

Exactly. I believe likewise. We should press forward into researching further into this and connecting all the dots under the Bershire Hathway Umbrella which we already dug up within the entire body of the VOAT Pizzagate research.

Also, we need to look into his partner, Charles Thomas Munger and see where he fits in as a missing piece of the puzzle.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for adding this to the thread HP.

HereticalPeasant ago

Thank you for promoting the thread. And yes I put the book within the body of my post above.

HereticalPeasant ago

This thread is being shilled hard. Hardly any promotion :(

HereticalPeasant ago

@Vindicator can you please promote this thread

equineluvr ago

Warren Edward Buffett: August 30, 1930 (age 86) Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.

Interesting. They are old enough to have lived in omaha, Nebraska during the Franklin Scandal.


Did you research before posting, OP?

FE_Rebekah ago

Why the condescending and rude remark? It's so unnecessary in PG research.

OP was posting what they found and suggesting possible connections they thought of. If you have information her instinct was right, then feel free to share where you got the information.

Insults and snide remarks are not helpful to anyone, so feel free to keep those to yourself.

HereticalPeasant ago

I know about the franklin scandal quite a bit, just from researching online. I did not reach the entire publication by John De Camp, I watched the conspiracy of silence. This bit about warren buffet, that I did not know. I'm glad I do now. It makes a whole lot more sense as to why he's world's 4th richest person.

40yearsoftrees ago

Benjamin Moore has been using that symbol for decades, maybe 100 years. It's a sylized "M". Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway bought Ben Moore about 10-15 years ago. I'm not sure this is a mother lode.

HereticalPeasant ago

then perhaps we ought to look into Ben Moore. Surely this thing must go back decades if it has gotten so big as we are now witnessing. The purchase may have been intentional.

40yearsoftrees ago

I really don't think it's anything more than an "M". I'm not defending Buffet though, don't know what goes on in Omaha. I just don't think the paint company he bought 10 or 15 years ago is anything.

FE_Rebekah ago

Shrugging your shoulders and telling people to ignore possible evidence is what the MSM does. This is a terrible way to investigate crime.

40yearsoftrees ago

Investigate all you want. I've had lots of contact with many Ben Moore people over the last 40 or so years, and I just think it's a dead end, at least the Ben Moore Part. But do whatever you feel is necessary.

jstayz44 ago

Guys, Warren Buffett was totally involved in the Franklin Scandal. Paul Bonacci names him, and never backed down even when he was threatened with a perjury charge (even though he was telling the truth.) he was willing to hold out because he was telling the truth and, without pulling up specific details from DeCamp's book The Franklin Scandal, Paul did NOT end up serving time for some reason. Alisha Owens also wouldn't recant, and served time with a perjury charge rather than any of the avusers going to jail. Several victims corroborated Paul and Alisha's stories of abuse, however every single one of them recanted their account to when threatened with jail time. Buffet is a guilty mother fucker. This is a GREAT lead, and would tie a lot together if we can nail down the details.

Votescam ago

Really helps to have people looking back at Franklin Scandal -- I've read a lot of it and seen Paul Bonacci videos, but didn't recall this ...

Guys, Warren Buffett was totally involved in the Franklin Scandal. Paul Bonacci names him, and never backed down even when he was threatened with a perjury charge<

jstayz44 ago

Thank you. I think I've been more of a dot connector than a full on researcher. I've been tracking since the start, so I'm trying to add value in that way, and REALLY appreciate your feedback that it's helpful.

Votescam ago


HereticalPeasant ago

That is precisely correct. This is the lead which unlocks and and unravels all the others.

DonKeyhote ago

Are you all retarded? Do you not know what a holding company is?

darkknight111 ago

We may now have our "howdunnit" to the global human trafficing operations.

If Warren Buffet is NOT a pedo, then he'd be the unwitting dupe/mule. This sort of thing with unwitting dupes, suckers ignornant of the details of the operation, and mules is Trafficing 101 MO.

At best, Buffet would still lawfully be an accessory or get some form of "gross negligence" charges for failing to do proper due diligence investigating the going ons of his organization.

equineluvr ago


I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone, surrounded by retards who can't research their way out of a wet paper bag.

FeLpZ187 ago

Hey dumb-o, you really think the richest person in the world at this point wouldn't know what was going on?

darkknight111 ago

I think you may have misunderstood what I was getting at.

My point was based on a "best case" scenario. Other situations such as the "guilty as sin" scenario would still be valid under my last post.

He could be very well fully guilty. Proper research requires objectivity. We can't convict without sufficient proof.

Personally, I don't trust the guy, but we can't let personal feelings get in the way. Let's let the evidence do the talking.

See what I'm getting at?

DarkMath ago

I have highly evolved and sensitive pedar. There is no fucking way in a million years Warren Buffet is a pedo. And everyone knows by now I ain't a shill. Warren Buffet is probably the most ethical Billionaire on planet Earth. Charlie Munger is a bit of a curmudgeon but he's still ethical, probably in the top 100.

This post seems sketchy to me for some reason.

YingYangMom ago

I usually agree with you, but this time I have to disagree. Ethical is not a man who favors the multiplication of money, but not people, who contributes to groups advocating radical population reduction, like Negative Population Growth, Association for Voluntary Sterilization, Planned Parenthood, Population Council and Population Institute, Sex Information and Education Council, and Federal American Immigration Reform. That's a down right globalist who's agenda is perfectly aligned with the New World Order's 2030 agenda. This has nothing to do with ethics. It's all about control and power.

DarkMath ago

I respect your opinion. And I'm no globalist and I hate rich people with the heat of a thousand suns. I prolly should have said most ethical compared to other Billionaires. Warren Buffet is a saint compared to his peers.

YingYangMom ago

LOL Anyone at the top, I cannot consider a saint. Ever. The world is upside down, I swear.

DarkMath ago

"I cannot consider a saint."

What did he do that makes you think that?

YingYangMom ago

Anyone that's for depopulation and planned parenthood can't be a saint. Come on now...

DarkMath ago

No one here agrees on everything and that's a good thing. If we did I'd be a little scared.

YingYangMom ago

I couldn't agree more ;)

FE_Rebekah ago

"I have highly evolved and sensitive pedar."

Haha. Hey guys, nevermind all that legitimate research, documents and evidence regarding this topic. We used DarkMath's new and improved high tech "pedar," and there's nothing to see here. 🙄

You can't be serious dude. I don't know who said it's been decided you aren't a shill now, but no one asked me. While you may speak some reasonable truth now and then, you also make ridiculous unprovable claims and make condescending remarks.

You literally said Buffet is the most ethical man on the planet and Munger in the top 100. You say this as if how ethical someone is can be quantified into a number, and somehow you judged everyone in the world and used a special equation to find that Buffet was the winner.

Is that how "Dark Math" works?

DarkMath ago

"you also make ridiculous unprovable claims and make condescending remarks."

I ain't perfect. But no one has a lock on the truth neither you or me. And from the looks of it many people here want to go Witch Hunting. That always occurs during this kind of shit.

I said what I said about Warren Buffet because you need to consider the possibility some of these people have been set up and extorted. That's what a Brownstone Operation IS after all. Please concede my point on this one because I've been here 6 months and I've got an idea of how this thing worked. Warren Buffet was obviously caught up in this because he ended up associated with Boys Town after he bought it I think. So you need to consider the possibility

a. Warren Buffet is possibly a Joe Paterno at Penn State character where he suspected something wasn't right but gave people the benefit of the doubt. He could be guilty but did nothing wrong.

b. Warren Buffet may have gotten pulled in without his consent. Maybe he got invited to a party and he went because he was told it was about a charity called Boys Town that was in trouble. Maybe Buffet showed up with only the best intentions and then got framed. That's what Brownstone Operations do. In this case Senator Geary got drugged and someone else killed the hooker.

And even that Senator Geary example isn't accurate because it assumes he had sex. You don't know how the world works up at the very highest levels. It can be brutal and psychotic. I'm not bragging here but I went to the Ivy League and I've lived with slices of the 0.01%. It's a little scary because they're all fucking brilliant, good looking, powerful and some are Patrick Bateman full on psychotic and it's scary. Narcissistic psychopaths float to the top in American and you have no idea all the 4D chess that goes on at those levels. I couldn't hang out up there, I have too much empathy and that ain't good at that pay grade.

This is a shit show and a cluster fuck and Spirituality is sometimes the only way to deal with it.

Vindicator ago

You do know that @DarkMath is rarely literal, right? He frequently uses dark humor to highlight the absurd horror we are scrounging around in daily here trying to sort puzzle pieces out of the septic tank?

equineluvr ago

Your ignorance is only exceeded by your retardation.

DarkMath ago

I'm just going to copy pasta horsefucker because this take down was so epic you need to see it twice.

Why do you always call me a homo? It's like you're one of the characters from Idiocracy. Anytime I suggest it would be bad to go Witch Hunting you call me a homo.)

Why is this like every conversation I've ever had with you horsefucker.?


equineluvr ago

You're a HOMO, so you can't be trusted IDing pedos for us.

DarkMath ago

Why do you always call me a homo? It's like you're one of the characters from Idiocracy. Anytime I suggest it would be bad to go Witch Hunting you call me a homo.)

Why is this like every conversation I've ever had with you horsefucker.?


sunshine702 ago

Buffett bought Nevada Power here and killed our solar. That's why I hate him. Also he hung out with Mayweather when he was in town- who is an AWFUL rich scumbag of a person. No facts that Buffett is a pedo just a ruthless businessman. Ethical doubt it.

DarkMath ago

"Ethical doubt it."

I should refine my statement. Buffet is the most ethical of the world's billionaires. As we've had the misfortune of discovering those at the top can "cut some corners" sometimes to get where they are today.

Behind every great fortune there is a great crime.

--Honoré de Ballsack Balzac


remedy4reality ago

Buffet's name came up more than once in the Franklin Scandal and has huge railroad holdings.

Cuts off relatives.. SHADY.

fogdryer ago

Do not agree

DarkMath ago

Really? The most I could see is maybe he was like a Joe Paterno character who had heard rumors but never wanted to pursue them because he wanted to give Sandusky the benefit of the doubt. But even then I just don't see either Buffet or Munger involved in deviant sex acts with minors. I can see George H.W. Bush doing that shit all day long until the cows come home. That mother fucker is psychotic. But Buffet and Munger? There's no way.

fogdryer ago

there is a lot of youtube videos on buffett and munger being a pedo as well as illuminiti member.

DarkMath ago

"there is a lot of youtube videos"

Why didn't you link to one here then to prove your point?

fogdryer ago

this site is for your investigating.

got no time for shills

DarkMath ago

"do your investigating"

I did. Warren Buffet is mentioned in the Franklin Case but there are no specifics about what he did. That's not good. People are innocent until proven guilty here in America. I'm not sure where you're from. But you can't say someone is a child rapist without some sort of evidence.

remedy4reality ago

Omaha is the original PEDOCULT city and he has lived there his entire life.

You can't be the wealthiest man ever from that city and not at least know what goes on there. Has he ever commented on the Larry King scandal?

HereticalPeasant ago


DarkMath ago

I'm not buying it. You've got to remember Warren Buffet made his money the old fashioned way, he earned it. We're not talking Jeffrey Epstein who was given a billion dollars or some Wall Street investment banker working for a Primary Dealer in U.S. Debt which is akin to being born into the Rockefeller family. Warren Buffet earned every cent he's got using his brain. He didn't steal it. So right there you can prove he's not a psychotic. A psychotic will kill their way to the top they don't earn their way there because they're not smart enough missing half their brain going into it.

Buffet's too smart to get mixed up in this shit. Brownstone Operations require willing participants who are often drunk and a little stupid. Warren Buffet's only vice is drinking Cherry Coke. The guy's an a-sexual pilgrim for all intents and purposes. I'm thinking nobody could outsmart him by getting the goods on him.

Just my two cents.

equineluvr ago

Stop repeating your brainwashing talking points.

It's obvious that you worship Buffet. Since you're a HOMO, does that mean that you suck his dick?

DarkMath ago

"Stop repeating your brainwashing talking points."

Do you even know what electrolytes are horsefucker?

@Vindicator every conversation I've ever had with equineluvr reminds of every scene in the film Idiocracy which if you haven't seen it go see it today because that and the Bible are what gets me through these days.


Vindicator ago

Oh for Christsake, equineluvr. This is Voat. Dissent is GOOD. Stop shitting in comments so people who want to share this submission have to apologize for your gratuitously foul mouth to their friends. Let's stick with debating the flaws in the ARGUMENTS.

remedy4reality ago

I'm going to dig up what I have on him... His two Omaha papers destroyed the victims in the Franklin Scandal.

HereticalPeasant ago

Oh thank you remedy. That would be awesome. I'm going through John De Camp's book.

Imagine how weird it would be if we could somehow connect him to James alefantis. I mean after all he is connected to millionaire George Soros so why not Warren Buffet. Definitely not out of the realm of possibility.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Buffett bought BoysTown in a very sneaky way, did nothing to stop the rumoured abyse, and is a member of a Nebraska occult brotherhood.

fogdryer ago

You are saying that literally Buffett owned boys town??? Interesting intestering. Common sense says he is guilty in this somehow

HereticalPeasant ago

Wow. Now we're getting somewhere. This is going to connect all the pieces together.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

A fun tidbit is Berkshire Hathaway owning a whole bunch of rail stock (as in actual rail cars / BNSF)

If someone wanted to move about a whole bunch of stuff, doing it by rail lets them do it right in front of our faces.

equineluvr ago

They own the Union-Pacific Railroad.

For chrissakes.....

sunshine702 ago

Yes they currently own the rail cars that carry the oil down from Canada. They have been funding environmental protests to the Transatlantic pipeline to protect their asset.

Jem777 ago

This really hits the nail on the head for those still addicted to "climate change." They scream climate change to stop pipelines so their oil is more valuable and they get richer.

This has never been about "climate change" it is cornering the market to prevent competition.

fogdryer ago

Are you trying to make me throw up

HereticalPeasant ago

Yep. See what I mean by "all the resources necessary"

Silverlining ago

But the big suspicion is that the CIA and other MI services are engaging in trafficking, drug dealing, arms running to fund their black ops.

Phil Schneider claimed to be building DUMBS [deep underground military bases] Died in mysterious circumstances!

The Black Budget is a secretive budget that garners 25% of the gross national product of the United States. The Black Budget currently consumes $1,25 trillion per year. [1993?]

HereticalPeasant ago

Calling everyone to please take a look at this, I believe this needs to be promoted for research: @kingkongwaswrong [O] @Crensch [O] @VictorSteinerDavion [O] @Millennial_Falcon [M] @wecanhelp [M] @Vindicator [M] @sensitive [M] @nnfx [J] @heygeorge

Also can someone link our press guy to this?

Crensch ago

Only the first 5 pings in a comment work, after that, the user doesn't get pinged.

As for the rest of it, the way this subverse is designed, [O] have little or nothing to do with the day-to-day, and it's up to the [M] to deal with all situations non-meta to the subverse. Even most of the within-subverse stuff is dealt with by [M], and really only rogue mods are [O] territory, historically.

I'm sure one of them will be happy to help you through this.

HereticalPeasant ago

Okay. Thank you. I didn't know how it worked.

DonKeyhote ago

Cringeworthy shilling

cantsleepawink ago


DonKeyhote ago

Shame on you for letting this asshole go unrebuked

Bot117 ago

Thanks for giving me Credit :) Good luck everyone. This is It.

HereticalPeasant ago

All credit goes to you my friend. Thank you so much for this find. This is huge!!!!!!!