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YingYangMom ago


You guys might want to archive and/or upload on other platforms (vidme, vimeo, et al) the videos linked below.

40 Year CIA Director Bill Colby Stating the Franklin Abuses Occurred - William Colby, Dead in "Canoing Accident" 1996 [File under Franklin Case] (1:45)

Ted Gunderson Files and Reports

DeCamp’s e-book “The Franklin Over-up”

Paul Bonacci court transcripts from Lawrence King lawsuit

Rusty Nelson – Interview of former Franklin Photographer (Please read, this might be very important)


“Rusty risked his life and/or re-incarceration to grant this interview. So it disturbs me when I learn that Nick Bryant, author of the book, The Franklin Scandal, has convinced Paul Bonacci and others that Rusty’s accounts “don’t check out.”

Here is why I am rock-solid convinced that Rusty is telling the truth, and Bryant comes up short

“In April of 2005, I was blissfully unaware of any details about the Franklin Cover-up, other than what I vaguely recalled from press reports back in the ’80s. Something about day care centers and a credit union. Not much.

It is my belief that Rusty us STILL heavily programmed and monitored. While incarcerated, he was instilled with powerful amnesia barriers. I witnessed what I would call a “searching” expression on his face when he seemed particularly vulnerable to suggestion. This is possibly due to trauma-based conditioning.

Bryant’s direct interrogation style seemed to trigger Rusty’s amnesia. In a relaxed, low-pressure setting, Rusty gained more complete recall. Because Bryant wasn’t able to break through Rusty’s amnesia barriers, he seems to have concluded that Rusty did not play a significant role in the Franklin scandal. Yet he opened his book with a scenario that acknowledges the significant threat to elite powers if Rusty’s photographs are ever made public.

Then, I received an email from a newsgroup, which linked to a new interview by Michael Corbin. I waded through the full three-hour interview, and my jaw dropped to the floor. This information, I knew, was IMPORTANT. But few people would sit through three hours. So, I spent an entire weekend capturing the audio and editing it down to 35 minutes.

While trying to upload the audio files to my server, I kept getting disconnected. I went back @ 3:00 am and it finally uploaded with no problem.

The INSTANT I posted an article on my blog linking to the audio files, those audio files received OVER THIRTEEN THOUSAND HITS WITHIN A FEW SECONDS. I sank back in my chair. What just HIT me?”

“I called my Qwest DSL tech, and asked if I just experienced a denial-of-service attack. He emphatically stated “NO. The ONLY explanation for the activity I see is some sort of government wiretap.” He transferred me to someone who confirmed “trouble” on my DSL phone line. Then I got the Blue Screen of Death, and ALL THREE of my networked computers were wiped out. The original audio of Corbin’s interview was irretrievably lost. Was that the objective? Corbin is now dead, under circumstances shrouded by questions. Judging by the attempts by many people to obtain a copy, his original 3-hour interview is apparently lost to the world.”


Boys Town, Larry King, Franklin credit, cover up, et al.

Russel (Rusty) Nelson Interview:

(1/4) (9:40)

(2/4) (9:24)

(3/4) (8:47)

(4/4) (7:42)

Rusty on Franklin cover-up, Full and Uncensored: (1:44:17)

I hope this helps. I'm presently working on another project, but I thought I'd give you some extra tools to work with. Great post. Definitely worth investigating. I don't know about Warren Buffet. I don't have an opinion on him personally. All I know is that most people that make it big, usually play both sides of the aisle and when they are done playing, they either spill the beans themselves, point the finger, disassociate themselves from the scandal and go on as if they had nothing to do with any of it. Not saying Buffet is guilty of anything here, just saying that it's always a possibility. This is strictly an observation and NOT a condemnation.

Silverlining ago

I watched the Rusty 1:44:17 - so sad.

YingYangMom ago

I know... very sad.

Silverlining ago

Slightly off topic. Does Phil Schneider mean anything to you?

@privatepizza - good to see you back buzzing - epic post in the last couple of days - @newworldahead

YingYangMom ago

Yes, I've heard of him and the DUMBs. Here is a great link on that subject.

privatepizza ago

Awesome, just awesome YYM! You show the way it's done! You too, and good luck with this @HereticalPeasant , don't stop ;)

HereticalPeasant ago

Wow this is excellent. Thank you very much. Yes I'm going to compile all of this together and will post my ongoing findings in future posts. Thank you

YingYangMom ago

Welcome :)