HereticalPeasant ago

Benjamin Moore paints is owned by Berkshire Hathaway Inc.


Headquarters: Kiewit Plaza, Omaha, Nebraska, United States

Key people: Warren Buffett (Chairman, President & CEO) Charlie Munger (Vice Chairman)


  • Diversified investments
  • property and casualty insurance
  • Utilities
  • Restaurant
  • Food processing
  • Aerospace
  • Media
  • Toys
  • Automotive
  • Sporting goods
  • Consumer products
  • Internet
  • Real Estate

Warren Edward Buffett: August 30, 1930 (age 86) Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.

Charles Thomas Munger: January 1, 1924 (age 93) Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.

Interesting. They are old enough to have lived in omaha, Nebraska during the Franklin Scandal.

Side Note: Seth Rich was born and grew up in omaha, Nebraska as well. possible benign coincidence. Not sure. Interesting nevertheless.


Interesting, they seem to have their paws in everything:

Interesting the Political personalities and Campaigns that they seem to have supported and are affiliated with, isn't it??? I mean just look at the names. The cleverly disguised PEDO symbol makes much more sense in the light of this. Does it not? THIS IS THE MOTHERLOAD. Look at the affiliations. It connects everything we've been researching.

remedy4reality ago

Not exactly... but I would like to know what the logo symbolizes from the CEO.

HereticalPeasant ago

Oh wow Benjamin Moore paints. Might want to see who the company heads are and who they are affiliated with.

Edit: see my latest comment. There may be something to this.

Bot117 ago

this is.. :) This is almost as big as pizzagate maybe bigger

HereticalPeasant ago

I agree. This maybe the missing piece of networks' tentacles. This gives them all resources necessary to carry out large human trafficking operations worldwide.

This is bigger than the Clinton Foundation. Much Bigger.

Bot117 ago

You are correct :) Get the word out to Any Trusted Researcher you know ASAP

shewhomustbeobeyed ago
