V____Z ago


V____Z ago

Some people try to discredit Ted G precisely because he was right. It's similar to ex CIA people telling us, as if they are a trusted friend, to ignore the satanism aspect of pizzagate. Ted was adamant that satanism is at the heart of the child trafficking and murder epidemic, and he is right.

Interestingly, on 911 bush flew directly to Omaha after being told about the planes, underneath Offutt AFB there is a huge underground bunker where presidents are flown when the country gets attacked. Wouldn't be surprised if Buffet met him there for a laugh.

Also Obama flew to Omaha to meet with Buffet last week, just before meeting with Silicon Valley people.

Something's up.

pizzaequalspedo ago

I've always found Warren Buffet's story of rapid wealth creation based on buying and selling companies to be a little fishy. Could he have had inside info because he had the "right connections".

Why can his performance not be duplicated?

pbvrocks ago

Folks...nothing happens in Omaha without Buffet..and 1000% the Franklin Boys dealo did not happen without his consent and knowledge...

crystalclearme ago

Absolutely good lead. Warren Buffet was involved with Franklin scandal. Owned one of the newspapers and Union Pacific Railroad.