SterlingJB ago

Wow, just read the RAW hit piece which of course leads off with character assassination. The comment section is unreal. I can't even tell correct the record bot opinion from actual person opinion. It's just seething smugness and complete lack of info in relation to the details of the case. And of course no one's asking why the hell DNC refused to release it's servers, why analysis of Seth's laptop hasn't been done and/or released, or why the video from the store hasn't been released which might help identify the assailants, all of which might squash the "conspiracy theories" and fake news they're so worried about. Just a bunch of parrots talking about how smart they are and how dumb Rs are. And this is coming from someone who is not a R and didn't vote for T. Zombies are a very, very real thing, folks.

AngB23 ago

Already have. Interesting isn't it?

Blacksmith21 ago

Someone should contact Det. Rod Wheeler, Ret. and ask him to investigate the "crisis event" at Comet Ping Pong. Specifically - where are the FOIA'd documents?

I know Rich's murder is 10X more important, but Wheeler is in the spotlight right now. Might be a good opportunity for him.

Mylon ago

1/19/2017 - Trump wins Election. Wut?

kazza64 ago

twitter will squash it

kazza64 ago

this story has blown up on twitter

nitro169 ago

Get ready for the msm spin... This is going to be the russia/wikileaks narrative tie. They are going to say Seth was meeting with wikileaks and was killed by a Russian. Just Wait...

Mad_As_Hell ago

foreverlight ago

Shills seem to be working overtime on this one here on voat and the chans, seems like this is the real deal.

DonKeyhote ago

Arent thwre rumors drudge a former boyfriend of Brock, hes def a fag

Mad_As_Hell ago

Is it Tzuday already?? "A full report with the new details will air Tuesday morning on FOX News."

jangles ago

Thanks anyway :) I lost a lot when went down and appreciate backups

Candygram_for_Mongo ago

Funny how the DC police are standing down on their investigation of Seth Rich. They are standing down on any investigation into PizzaGate. Completely bribed department run by powerful Democrats

Candygram_for_Mongo ago

They should've printed his Instagram feed for people to sign in support.

nitro169 ago

Thats gross, why does he stand with "COME" wait, maybe that says "COMEY"

jangles ago

@1ew Thanks for picking up for @pizzagatebot here

SterlingJB ago

Crowdtrike (think that's how it's spelled), the clinton co that did the analysis of the servers, aka the biggest glaring plot hole in Oprussia's save america from the traitors and russia campaign.

SterlingJB ago

Wow. I know it's just local fox, but the wheeler interview should make waves.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Retweeted by Assange and top headline on Drudge Report

Dressage2 ago

Great post!

zlomsocz ago

Seth rich timeline oulined in a visual aide i made a month ago.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Excellent! Destroy the DNC and CrudStrike's reputation in one fell swoop.