V____Z ago

I find it curious that Brock would go after Webb of all people, since Webb says he believes the perpetrators of pizzagate crimes should go unpunished https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1852330/9069644 . Seems like a voice Brock would want to leave alone, one on their side. This is as strange as Alefantis supposedly going after Jones, even though Jones preached that Alefantis was innocent.

I wonder if there was any proof to back up this claim by George.

srayzie ago

Yeah and I wonder why his videos aren't being removed. Others get their videos removed. But, not George Webb's.

V____Z ago

Cc @HolyMoly0 it's stuff like this (above), when you look at the different anomalies, you just begin to really question...

HolyMoly0 ago

He did get his videos removed a while back--everything up to 50 something. Though this is on his word. May have been that he took them down himself. But what difference does his opinion on what the perps deserve make? Isn't it ultimately up to law enforcement when the truth is finally known, and their hands are no longer tied (something GW seems in favor of?)

V____Z ago

He did that himself. And as someone else mentioned, it's unfortunate he did (never explaining why) because now we can't show you the proof of some of the crazy shit he's said.

HolyMoly0 ago

Check out Day 53. He says "I must be getting close to the truth, all my videos are gone." Do you have proof that he took them down himself? Or is this just conjecture?

V____Z ago

No, not conjecture. Maybe others can weigh in here, in case I'm wrong. But I remember at the time people asking on his Facebook why he took them down and he didn't answer. It's possible he isn't being honest.

Honestly, I'm sick of this. If you all want to trust him, I really don't care any longer.

SoldierofLight ago

It's always healthy to ask questions. About anyone, anytime, anything.

srayzie ago

Uh ok. Thanks? 🤔

SoldierofLight ago

I was agreeing with your line of questioning.

Aloha808 ago

Someone could make an awesome movie or tv series with Webb's videos

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Yeah, it should be called "News"... and would replace all of CNN's current programming.

neo50 ago

Well said!

lawfag123 ago


DarkMath ago

They're throwing David Brock at George now? I hope he fairs better than the guy the Deep State threw out there last week, a guy name Henry Kissinger.

He didn't do to good.


Jem777 ago

There was another "news" article that was going to do a hit piece on him a few days ago. It was released but immediately retracted because of outpouring of support from his researchers that contribute on the Facebook site HRC (Hilary Rodin Clinton) Ratline. He has an entire teasearch team from many countries that are contributing and FBI & NYPD has been leaking the details the whole time. He has them on film and in pictures involved in childe trafficking and organ harvesting in many countries and now in the US.

He had Comey nailed from the beginning and Acting Director McCabe as well personally for taking bribe from HRC cronies (who were also under investigation for corruption Gov. Terry McCaulliffe.

It was leaked that Brock was preparing to release a hit piece on George......I dare him'

coreylkh ago

The work that @GeorgWebb is doing is unbelievable! I don't contribute, but I lurk around because I have nothing but curiosity. I am amazed at all of you people and your efforts. Kudos!

kazza64 ago


Dressage2 ago

I am curious what Brock is doing to George? Is he threatening a lawsuit? I thought old Brocky Boy was still lying on his death bed. George is doing an amazing job.

carmencita ago

Yeah, where is he? I thought he was suppose to have a speedy recovery. I have been checking every few days and nothing. Nada. Wonder what they did with him.

jangles ago

The piece I adore about George is this is all done while rejecting all funding opportunities he is presented with. They can't procicute him for free speech!!!!

FKM ago

very interested in George devoting a segment to the disruption campaign against him, no doubt he eventually will