anonOpenPress ago

Someone pooled a list of pedophile busts, hold on I must search... That was easy, add these: (I'd like to suggest in blue)

cakeoflightylight ago

You have a couple of spelling mistakes, and the Donald Trump wins election thing is in January? The election was in November. Confused??

You should add the fake ass retraction that Alex Jones issued.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Alefantis Threats seemed like a big deal to me but it may not be in the whole spectrum

Blacksmith21 ago

False flag events - Fort Lauderdale airport shooting, CPP, what else has happened since last fall that "they" can manufacture?

Vindicator ago

Lawyer murdered in Atlanta after FOIA request re: bridge explosion. Followed by a bunch of fake news stories claiming she was investigating an elite pedo ring.

Makingspace1 ago

Also, just for good measure it would be great to plot out all the pedo busts that have been documented in the news...I think you will see an acceleration of this as more attacks build up on Trump administration.

Makingspace1 ago

This is fantastic...I was thinking something like this was really needed, but was not sure what platform it should be on. You will want to show the date "Fatherhood" video being released as well as the date General Flynn came under fire and/or removed. I remember they were about a week apart, and I found that rather interesting...i.e. Deep State gets hit with "Fatherhood" video, then Deep State retaliates by getting Flynn out.

zlomsocz ago

good point im def gonna update this with flynn / russia witch hunt dates and worldcorpo release dates, maybe include laughing horse as well

Cigarette5mokingman ago

I think calling the cpp shooter an acter will be off putting to some. Or at the very least provide a link to the imdb page.

zlomsocz ago

I left his initials because if u Google his name his IMDb profile comes up on the Google ad side bar

Cigarette5mokingman ago

You should still provide a link whenever possible. Remember. You are the researcher, and it is your responsibility to provide sources to EVERYTHING.

mrsmeyer ago

*sharing policies *forum *Brock's

EricKaliberhall ago

Skippy Video?!

Catchthem ago

Could be trap.. Wordcorp media may not to be trusted. Very disturbing, sounds exactly like Skippy.. But dont think evidence hard enough. Needs to be investigated by law enforcement.

Catchthem ago

Alefantis threatens investigators life over revealing "Killroom" found at Pegasus Museum.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

allegedly threatens

Catchthem ago

Yes correct thats better!

zlomsocz ago


Catchthem ago

5 Jan 2017

zlomsocz ago

Catchthem ago

You put the wrong date.. 5 jan 2017 Rian posted the video telling he was threatend.. He pulled the videos from "Killroom" down day before. So his phonecall with Alefantis was even earlier.

jangles ago

Here is some contribution rather than attacks.

rwb ago

I'd like to see when the Podesta Bros. E-fit Maddie McCann suspect pictures blew up as a story. I seem to recall it blooming over days or weeks, but there must have been some main catalyst, e.g., hitting 4chan or Reddit in a big way.

DonKeyhote ago

And a source for the claim they were in Portugal. I went there physically but no one remembers them or clem or the efits