neverobey ago

Today I just asked. Now answer by now … you can join in, ang ping them again.

hojuruku ago

A PIZZAGATE MOD (Mil Falcon) JUST DECLARED OPPOSITION AGAINST NAMBLA WILL NOT BE TOLERATED HERE: @jstroha0975 @charlieijoker @R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd @hookednosedjoooo @l23r @TAThatBoomerang @nnj3kv @Jakestr @anonOpenPress @redditsuckz @sid_of_d_woman @mooteensy @Silverlining @watch_this Also on topic I have heard from @sigmawarrior a long time ago that Voat is Y-Combi aka reddit - yet just saying that gets you banned here. Must be true if they censor that factoid as well as for NAMBLA scum.

hookednosedjoooo ago

Nambla enablers will hang on the day of reckoning

l23r ago

This shit deserves a post of its own. Of course crosspost at pizzagate2 because fuck_wad will delete it.

I haven't seen anyone get banned for saying Voat = Reddit. Could you please provide some links or other evidence for that? Not saying you're lying, but just that I haven't seen that and would like to know more.

Jakestr ago

Another VERY good deleted comment

The bigger issue here is the MODERATION of this community.

Make the same post you do here on v/pizzagate2 and it will not be deleted. If "they" were trying to control shit, the post would be deleted from both places. Though perhaps they just pick and choose, to create the illusion of freedumb, and that other PG group doesn't get as much traffic.

Jakestr ago

For some reason the response to my comment was deleted but I think it is a very valid, see for yourself. The comment pointed out how voat used to be whoaverse and the mascot looked like an owl. What do you think, coincidence?

sensitive ago

@watch_this, I would say the users own voat. User made the rules of this sub, too. Deleting per rule 1.

About censoring: You must have missed this sticky:

anonOpenPress ago

I've been looking that info on the ownership, the latest info here in Voat is from /u/Atko/ :

"If I missed to mention this, Voat is now a registered Delaware company and me and PuttitOut are the sole owners. Company registration is also another large cost which we covered ourselves. We have not taken any investments (although we did receive quite a few offers and inquiries)." source

sid_of_d_woman ago

Who owns voat? Yeah good question, And whys voat a homophone for Goat..hope that aint baphomet? Well perhaps not but and why does it have a goat imagery with water and fire triangles. well I guess that's none my business.

redditsuckz ago

Voat IS in fact OWNED by y-combinator [ DynCorp/Palantir-NSA ] go back & look at my post, also a whole string of comments regarding the verification of this.

Here is voat under "Y Combinator"

Peter Thiel + Y Combinator;

I guess thats why we kept seeing threads with "Peter Theil" owning voat;

Peter Thiel Wants to Inject Himself With Young People’s Blood

Jakestr ago

I have always been suspicious why the name voat? Way too similar to goat / baphomet. I also noticed some friends where important posts just are delegated to page 2 and when I posted about that, it got deleted.

redditsuckz ago

It used to be WhoaVerse;

And last mascot looked like an owl?...

sid_of_d_woman ago


l23r ago

The bigger issue here is the MODERATION of this community.

Make the same post you do here on v/pizzagate2 and it will not be deleted. If "they" were trying to control shit, the post would be deleted from both places. Though perhaps they just pick and choose, to create the illusion of freedumb, and that other PG group doesn't get as much traffic.

TAThatBoomerang ago


OhRutherfordBehave ago

Trump advertises directly on voat, so hopefully he's got the message about jared kushner....

TAThatBoomerang ago

You really think Trump admin is advertising on Voat? It's just some dude, not "official" Trump.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

No Trump advertises his website here on voat. Its the logo that looks likes Hillary's logo, but with a plane flying up and to the right. If you click on it it will take you to previously mentioned site.

TAThatBoomerang ago

Literally anybody can purchase an advertising spot here on Voat. There is 0% chance that Trump's campaign purchased an ad spot here on Voat. An ordinary person purchased an ad-spot, used an official image and linked to the website. But it was definitively not Trump.

jstrotha0975 ago

The add looks legit too me. Maybe not trump directly, but his campaign.

TAThatBoomerang ago

You don't understand, the ad looking legit does not mean anything. All anybody has to do is literally just copy-paste an official image, and use that image on Voat. It's the exact same image the official Trump campaign uses, so of course it's going to look legit.

jstrotha0975 ago

whatever man.

mooteensy ago

I'm shocked this is still up...

hookednosedjoooo ago

this place was a controlled opposition since its inception

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

The users own voat. Without us there is no site. Same with reddit. Just ask MySpace.

jstrotha0975 ago

This will definitely be deleted, I've posted similar things about how some of the Moderators may be paid opposition.

charlieijoker ago

I've already noted some odd handler speech from one of them. Sounded like the kind of stuff the Share Blue David Brock guys say, so I believe it.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Part of the issue is the rules. My first post here was about contractor misconduct in Afghanistan. It was removed for violating the rules because at the time it was not pizzagate connected.

Then people found the connections between that contractor and the Clintons, so now it pops up here from time to time.

One issue here is that the autists are new to this, they have started investigating this stuff an have only just now discovered that there are a lot of incidents, and a lot of predators running around

They are also discovering that our law enforcement is either corrupt or incompetent, probably a mixture of both.

I don't think it is being censored, i think some posts are being removed because they don't appear to fit.

carmencita ago

I would suggest you connect your title to pizzagate asap. They will be deleting if you do not follow rules and comply.

jstrotha0975 ago

Why, the title is self explanatory.

l23r ago

Not to some of the dumb_fuck mods on here.

watch_this ago

Dec 11 2013 Atko registers on Voat
Apr 2014 Voat officialy launches
Jun 19 2014 PuttitOut registers on Voat
Jun 24 2014 First posts showup on Voat
Jul 19 2014 Atko seeks a co-funder/funding
Jul 2015 Atko & PuttItOut approached by venture capitalists
Aug 2015 Voat became incorporated in the U.S.
~ Oct 1 2015 Voat added to y combinator on wikipedia
Jun 5 2016 Vote removed from y combinator list
Nov 2016 Pizzagate sub created
Jan 21 2017 added to y combinator list
Jan 27 2017 Atko resigns as ceo, PuttItOut takes over

jstrotha0975 ago

What is Atko?

Silverlining ago

Founded in April 2014 as WhoaVerse, the website was initially a hobby project by a BSc student, Atif Colo (known on Voat as @ Atko), who was later joined by Justin Chastain (known as @ PuttItOut). - Wikipedia/Voat

Silverlining ago

Atko is the student who developed voat as a student project - so the founder - as I understand it.

Real name Atif Colo?

I don't think I deserve any of the praise though and I was certainly not the sole creator of voat. @PuttitOut, @Nurdoidz and @DanielFlamino have all done their share of work to help create voat.

jangles ago

This is fair yet this forum appears to have lots of pull