232 ago

totally butter

CaCtUs2003 ago

I think the only reason verse.com is taken is precisely because of your time travel shenanigans that have yet to happen/have already happened.

BillMurray ago

First off, I agree, "WhoaVerse" and the mascot need to go. I always end up thinking it is called "Who-a-verse" for some reason.

Secondly, Voat sounds too close to boat to not have some pun based on it; the similarity of Subverses to "subversive" is fantastic, but they might end up being subdecks if Boat is the new name.

Some name suggestions:


Demot (As in democrates, or democracy)



Lorem (As in Lorem Ipsum)

PuttItOut ago

Woahverse.com has to be registered by someone from reddit/whoaverse.

OWNtheNWO ago

It's not 100% but if a TM/copyright was filed and the person who owns the domain has no parallel copyright it could be considered squatting. There's also always the option of seeing if the squatter will just part with it for a reasonable sum. I just don't know if the lesson is being learned by changing the site from one misspelled name to another. Who knows though, voat my have better mass appeal.

OWNtheNWO ago

Verse.co is taken? Maybe Versus? If it's just the word Verse, then copyright/TM it the whole domain, a person can't control the word Verse.

OWNtheNWO ago

How about just, 'Verse' no need to change any URL's, etymologically, it's basically saying that your website is poetry in motion - and for marketing purposes you can just call the subs Universes or Uni's for short, also implying a higher level of information or education. It's short, it retains your site names intonation and part of the original name recognition you already have going for you. Thanks for building this site.

SuiXi3D ago

I think just changing the way 'whoa' is spelt would fix a lot. Changing it to WoahVerse would be a lot better IMHO.

Jivicus ago

One word for you: Schwarzenegger

Just imagine if he changed it to Smith or something similar because it was easier to pronounce.

Do NOT change the name. Repeat: DO NOT CHANGE THE NAME.

Whomever is advising you is wrong. The nature of the mind is to learn. When working with the complex like the name WhoaVerse the mind will retain all aspects of the word; both the pronunciation and the proper way to write it when writing the name. Once we have learned the brand we will long for it - desire it. If you change the name to a dumbed-down version of something you think is easier you will lose retention value as well as the personal desire that comes with achievement of learning something complex. It will become just another web address quickly forgotten.

Again, changing the name now will be the deathblow to the entire operation. You may exist in some form or fashion for a short period of time - but it will be a prolonged period of exit strategy- not growth management.

Finally, if you do proceed with the name change be prepared to return immediately to WhoaVerse and then fire whomever advised you away from your vision and into theirs. Atko, the person urging you to change the name/brand is absolutely and completely WRONG.

Just ask Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Atko ago

You make a valid point. We'll give it more though. We will go through all the comments given on this thread and see what people said. Thank you for the comment.

Jivicus ago

What about a value-added approach to the next level of WhoaVerse?

You have WhoaVerse as it is and now you're offering the first of several enhancements to the WhoaVerse - universe - via the brand new voat.co. This new site is very familiar in GUI and scope because it is a child of WhoaVerse, but it is a more narrowed niche of a particular segment at any given time. You begin voat.co with one main topic to drive discussion/involvement and voats. The topic stays forever and runs its main page course over a set period of time (think countdown clock to participate) then a new topic is started and moderated and the countdown begins anew. The topics never end their availability to the community (archived) to read and post comments to, but their ability to travel to the front page via voats is done.

This is all linked to through the WhoaVerse main site as well as promoted externally as a stand alone brand. This technique allows you to retain WhoaVerse as a central common ground for all that it is and to continue to create new improved niche sites like voat.co. Two brands are better than one; in this instance you've created two potential ad revenue streams.

Just a thought on how you can have your cake and eat it too.

feeltheweird ago

Whoaverse is definitely a name I enjoy and voat isn't one I'm crazy about but I don't really care cuz I'll be here anyway. However, I'm sure reddit had similar issues with people continually typing "readit" so why change it, people can use their bookmarks, your logo can assist with pronunciation by differentiating the whoa from the verse. However, if you are going to change it and are looking for suggestions may I recommend "Communiverse"? Too long? "ComVerse"? Clearly, I like the universe theme and think subverses should exist...."WeVerse"? "ThreadVerse"? "Threadex"? "ThreadX"? getting into a vortex theme now..."Communex?" Im sure I'll be back...

Edit: Clarity

Oz ago

This is a smart decision. Short, simple. I think the current name and mascot is hokey, as well as any variation of 'verse'.

MatAeronautics ago

Ah that explains the 2014ish spike.

one ago

Unfortunately not. But if anyone else does, take me with you!

OriginalGanstar ago

no good.

you say to someone "hey you should check out voat.co. it's cool!"

they go home and type in "vote.co"

one ago

I personally wouldn't mind Voat much, but I can't help thinking "boat" whenever I read it. And some suggestions, like "V.", "verse", and "universe", seem like better options in my opinion.

one ago

V would be neat!

one ago

I like the "verse" suggestion. (was going to suggest it myself but then I noticed your comment)

PM_Me_Your_Nudes ago

It's a good idea to change it. I couldn't remember for some time whether it's whoa, woah,...

However, Voat sounds kind of strange, too. Aren't there any better ideas...

erkz ago

When will the name change?

Atko ago

Probably mid-January 2015, after my finals.

Teh_Sauce_Guy ago

vo-at.co = vo atco = vo atko = atko

It was under our noses the whole time!

Atko ago

I... I'm busted. :)

Teh_Sauce_Guy ago

The confusion about the name can very easily be fixed by changing Whoaverse to Woahverse. Much easier. Please don't change to Voat.co, that just sounds very... Eh.

Kva ago

It sounds Germanic to me :3

Logan ago

That name sounds horrible. Rhymes with throat, gloat, and goat. It just looks wrong. Yeah, you can have the Voat Goat as your mascot, but it just sounds and looks bad.

It is a shorter name though, so it has that going for it. Have a few beers with some friends and you'll think of something better.

Kva ago

A Voat Goat may be bad on its own, but why not a Voat Goat on a Boat?

Atko ago

How about something like this? :)

Kva ago

I think that Voat would do just fine. Its uncomplicated; simplicity is always a plus when it comes to URL domains.

Do you plan on updating to a .com domain on in the future?

Atko ago

Thanks. The .com upgrade would be a logical next step if we mange to secure the funds.

Kva ago

I thought so. You'd be surprised how much a non-.com domain turns off people.

Doge ago

because I was bored at work again, I made another logo (using the original mascot I came up with)

Slug ago

I think that's a terrible name. I think WhoaVerse is much, much better. Though, /u/flyawayhigh has a point. It would be easier to pronounce/read/remember if it was spelled Woah. Voat is awkward, and it looks bad. I just don't like it at all.

Atko ago

Thank you for your feedback.

fantasyofnothing ago

I agree with your criticisms of "WhoaVerse". "Voat" is better, but..

It shouldn't be a homophone. People need to be able to say it out loud and know they're talking about the site.

Atko ago

It is still not too late to get another name as long as the domain is available. Feel free to do whois search on any ideas you may have and post them here or send me a PM and we'll consider it.

Teh_Sauce_Guy ago

Just have it pronounced as vo-at

Atko ago

Made my day! Thanks :D

Atko ago

I take it you're not going to buy subverse.com and donate it to us? :)

Atko ago

Because the domain is not available and owners of all the domains you guys suggested so far usually want 5.000 USD and up to sell the domain. Voat.co was available. It implies voting and voting is key component of this community. If you can buy subverse.com - I'll be happy to take it as a donation :)

MatAeronautics ago

I suggest the new mascot to be a goat :p Mainly because "Voat the goat" sounds fun.

Cameron ago

you win!

id ago


ciaran ago

And have it in a boat.

PuttItOut ago

I believe this would be an ideal thing (it is both funny and genius at the same time). It would create a visual association, a linguistic mapping, and a phonetic relationship all in one. It would make the word "voat" seem natural and unforgettable.

MatAeronautics ago

Plus goats are trending.

zefyr ago

Voat seems fine, short and simple. If you're going with misspellings though I might try something like "tawkverse" or "tawknet".

Atko ago

Great ideas, but most of those are taken since 1997. Try using the website who.is to see if a name is taken and you'll soon figure out that all good sounding names are taken.

SchrodingersCatPics ago

How about reedr.com?

And subs could be called reeds?

Edit: Or is that too close to reddit?

Atko ago

Taken since 2009.

ghostofchristmaspast ago

For what it's worth, I just found this site again after looking through my browser history because my girlfriend and I couldn't remember the name. Also as a keyword, "voat" has relatively little search competition (just like "reddit," another misspelling... or something). That being said, you do have a brand built up here. If/when you switch, don't forget your 301 redirects.

PleaseNotVoat ago

You said you like 'subverse' as the name for the sites 'sub-communities'. And you're not alone on this one. Many like it, it's catchy and easy to remember. So, give me any good reason why to change it! I agree 'whoaverse' it not easy to pronounce and not as 'cool' as 'subverse', but why do you intent to drop both just to make them fit each other? If you really want a good name for the site, then I suggest not thinking too far: Just take 'subverse' as a start and build up from that one. What about 'Anyverse'? Just please, not 'Voat'. As others in here mentioned, it translates to 'detained' as well as implies it's all about upvotes. Do you really think this fits with the idea of your project?

PuttItOut ago

Let's be realistic on the translation thing though... 18 million speak Malagasy. So considering the world population of ~7.28 billion that is 0.25% of the world.

GizaDog ago

Well the US word sounds the same but is spelled "Vote". So its still confusing. It needs to be more unique!

Kva ago

The UK uses "vote", too. I think "Voat" is simply a stylish misspelling.

MrHarryReems ago

FWIW, I'm not a fan. As KyloRen noted, it does seem to indicate a general emphasis on the upvotes. Also, I feel that not having a .com domain is a detriment.

That said, at the end of the day it doesn't make much of a difference. You can call it pooverse.tv and I'll still be here.

Teh_Sauce_Guy ago

+1, we should call it pooverse.tv

MrHacks ago


Maybe some better thought should go into coming up with a new name. (Hopefully all URLs will be redirected.)

What inspires people?

A bat inspires Bruce Wayne to be Batman.

What inspires Atko to make Whoaverse become something else and what would that something else be?

721r ago

By the way, consider "communities" instead of "subs", that's how they are called in livejournal.

erkz ago

Cleaner, simpler, better - great move! I like it.

e-duncan ago

What about Reddit? You took the structure why not the name too?

Atko ago

Reddit took the structure from digg. Reddit was a digg copycat when it first came out. Weird, eh?

reticulated_python ago

Are you the same e-duncan I rap with?

that ago

It always takes me a couple of attempts to figure out the right spelling for whoaverse.com. Voat sounds much better, but I think it should be something with a .com domain available.

gamehelp16 ago

Tbh I think the word "voat" is actually weird :/

typesoshee ago

Makes me think it's some unfamiliar foreign language, like Dutch or something. Maybe ok for European users that are used to seeing foreign words in their daily life, but I think it feels particularly weird for North American English-speaking users.

tabularassa ago

I definitely agree with this. The fact that when you wrote it, right away you had to explain how it's pronounced sounds like a bit of a problem to me.

A name needs to be not only catchy, but ideally also simple to remember, spell and pronounce (how many times did you see people asking how 'whoaverse' was pronounced? Definitely not the best thing you want in a brand name or internet site name).

AssuredlyAThrowAway ago

Honestly, whoaverse is better and more unique.

You already have some decent word of mouth PR going on with the whoaverse name. I wouldn't waste that by changing names.

OWNtheNWO ago

How about just 'Verse', and you can call the subs Universes. See my separate comment.

jcd_1999 ago

Then we can say welcome to the 'Verse!

whoa_there ago

I agree. -- at least put it to a vote.

thesaltyrainbow ago

Agreed. If you are determined to change the name though, consider sticking with the "verse" theme (as in universe correct?).

Nick ago

I have no complaints.

I'm wondering IF there was a 'cool' translation for discuss or discussion in another language, German, Russian, Japanese or whatever.

swagath ago

There's charcha in Hindi. Pronounced like churr-chah. Means dicussion.

zeldras ago

It's a meh to me, whatever shorter domain is better

721r ago

I think it's okay, any unusual website name looks weird for some time :) This one reminds me of goats lol

Atko ago

Goats? Me too! Goats, boats.. quite a lot of things rhymes with voat :p

glUniform4fv ago

Whatever floats your voat, man.

Also goatse.

721r ago

voat.se :)

glUniform4fv ago

I was thinking about starting a subverse by the name of v/voatse for this kind of (very) special interest content. But I don't really want to be mod in a place like that.

Atko ago

Taken :p

ciaran ago

Sounds good, and will probably help it get more of an audience.

Atko ago

Glad you like it. I was afraid people would go mad (nobody likes changes) but so far the feedback seem to be positive :)

KyloRen ago

I actually hate it. It makes it sound like it's all about getting upvotes. Doesn't sound "cool" either. Why not "UnitaVerse" . "Unita" is Latin for Unite, I think. As in uniting different topics and people together. I kinda like the sound of "Subverses"

Edit: Sorry if I sounded harsh. That was not my intention.

weezkitty ago

Today I learned that not too long ago, "Voat" was called "Whoaverse" and people were opposed to the name change

typesoshee ago

"Subverse" even sounds and works better than "Subreddit." It's less syllables to pronounce than Subreddit, and it sounds like a "sub-universe" where WhoaVerse is the main universe. "Subreddit" is just "sub" tacked onto "Reddit," which isn't as clever.

Atko ago

Thank you for the feedback. I too like the sound of subverses, but we need to have a catchy, short and easy to remember name. Finding suitable and available 4-letter domains is not easy though.

a_wild_zubat ago

I like the simplicity that Voat has, but like /u/KyloRen said, it sounds like the site is all about the voting. I do agree with you though, that WhoaVerse should not be the final title, but I also am cautious about names like UnitaVerse because it comes off as a little corny.

P.S. Please consider the sloth mascot idea.

obnoxious_commenter ago

Yea, the name change is meh. Regardless of what the final name is, subverses should stay.

Brian ago

Much, much better than WhoaVerse. Hopefully theres a way to change the names of subverses like "ideasforwhoaverse".

Atko ago

Thanks! Sure thing, it will take a while and it will take quite a bit of effort, but everything should work out in the end.

flyawayhigh ago

WhoaVerse is difficult to pronounce and it is difficult to write and remember.

That's because it should be spelled WoahVerse

Shouldn't you pick something that is a .COM?

masterverse.com ... is not taken ... I need TIME TO THINK!!

PuttItOut ago

Haven't you heard... .co is the new .com.

Nameless ago

I guess that means I'll be detained. ;-)