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ASolo ago

Astounding connection and I do believe you've probably hit the motherload. Just an amazing collection of epiphany's from understanding a possible trafficking route and venue (most DEFINITELY for illicit substances) to an angle on Aaron Swartzs' death and more, great work.

Huge upvoat.

swordfish69 ago

This is 100% Skull and Bones. Not simply that they're mostly Yale/Connecticut globalists--the family links are unmistakable. People need to understand how connected the Comet Ping Pong gang is to this operation.

Laskar ago

Connecticut is a CIA bedroom. Even Comey had to move there when he became head of the "FBI", which is in reality under Homeland Security.

equineluvr ago

"Even Comey had to move there when he became head of the "FBI", which is in reality under Homeland Security."

Nope on both counts..

Comey was living high on the hog in Westport as a hedge fund manager when he was tapped to become FBI Director in 2013, at which point he moved to Virginia.

"James Comey was a high roller when he lived with his family in the tony enclave of Westport, Connecticut until he was tapped to run the FBI in 2013."

"The only thing I regret is maybe answering the phone when they recruited me to be FBI director and I was living happily in Connecticut.”

Comey moved to Connecticut in 2010 to become the general counsel for Bridgewater Associates, based in Westport."

The FBI is still part of the DoJ. I have firsthand experience with this so know it is a FACT. That is NOT to say that the FBI isn't involved with some DHS operations.

Laskar ago

Yes, thanks for the correction.

stens ago

The Sandy Hook Hoax, a gun-grabbing false flag orchestrated by the CIA and DHS. It's all connected.

Laskar ago

Have an upvote!

I believe Sandy Hook deserves it's own post here because of the MKUltra and pedo aspects alone.

ASolo ago

Exactly. I see you mentioned Sussman, another important connection here. "They're mostly Yale/Connecticut globalists" - my sources tell me that the island retreats of Vinalhaven and North Haven where the Turner Farm and Nebo Lodge are provide exclusive 'services' and mk-ultra training.

"Donald Sussman, another big Clinton Foundation donor, who resides in the secluded and uber elite islands off the coast of Maine with worldwide personalities that have had a wide array of influence over the panopticon of international economics and politics like Prescott and currently Neil Bush, The Dupont's and IBM's Watson. His art tastes are as big as his wallet, I wonder how interested he is in the styles of art like those of James Alefantis, Tony and John Podesta?"

And of course we have the Aaron Dover saga:

I have insider information on a global money laundering syndicate of hedge funds and IBs linked to the Clinton Foundation -by AaronDover

"I was a partner in a hedge fund owned by Donald Sussman one of Clinton's main backers in the election and the "godfather of the hedge fund industry". I have vast amounts of information on fraudulent financial markets which are fronts for dollar payments between criminal groups. The figures we are talking about are billions of dollars PER DAY in transactions going through these markets. The markets are operated by the Crown. I need to get in touch with researchers who can use my information. Please can you get in touch if you want to discuss this info. I have plenty of documents proving what I have to say. I was gagged by the High Court of the UK from sharing this info but my current circumstances place me outside their jurisdiction. PDF VERSION: My Witness Statement to the High Court Regarding a Worldwide Crown Money Laundering Syndicate."

RIP Hampstead Researcher/Activist Aaron Dover Dead Aged 42

A bit of news today, Aaron Dover, who wrote this piece here on has been reported as having died by The Times, UK. Aaron was a student at the same Christchurch primary school in Hampstead, London that Ella Gareeva's children attended and testified about having been complicit in their abuse. Aaron's mother, Jenny Dover, worked at the school as well as the Tavistock Centre in Hampstead apparently.

To see more:

The Sandler Foundation, D.Sussman, Pizzagate, Hampstead and the Death of Aaron Dover