hojuruku ago

FYI: reposted what google censored 6 times and it got 500 views and 25 upvotes https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1851417 @Truthseeker300 @Jem777 @equineluvr @paulf @redditsuckz @paulf

equineluvr ago

Schnoebelen should be taken with a BIG bag of salt.

This guy has a book about nearly every occultic topic under the sun: He claims to have been: a witch, a vampire, a 90-degree Freemason, a Catholic priest, a Mormon, a born-again Christian.... whew! He claims to have had sex with a fallen angel.


WHAT NONSENSE. He claims to have had a werewolf encounter in addition to encounters with ghosts. More recently, he is into flat earthism and geocentrism.

"Schnoebelen claims that he made a deal with Satan himself. After signing a deal in blood, Schnoebelen was given seven years' worth of funky superpowers on the condition that, at the end of the period, he would be killed and sent to party on forever in Hell. He claims to have considered this a win-win situation. His spirit guides then helped him to join the Illuminati, where he was able to speak with the spirits of people such as Jesus, Adolf Hitler, and Aleister Crowley. At around this time he also had sex with a fallen angel.

He later became a Catholic priest..."


Bill has been peddling this BS for 25+ years. If this stuff were true, he would be revealing Masonic secrets and would have been offed a long time ago a la Captain Morgan.

hojuruku ago

Thanks for that. I was going to use him for psych warfare against the OTO. What I have proven is that the OTO drink blood, and people were jailed in Australia for claiming they do. I go their own training videos on Gnostic Catholic mass from 95... Ooops because of AIDS we have to cut back our drinking blood in our cakes of light.

The enemy is fucked :P - so that guy isn't good for court but he is good for pissing off the OTO. Why doesn't the OTO sue him, when they jail ozzies for exposing their links to a preschool and massive child abuse that occured there in OZ.

Jem777 ago

Here is information to add your post on the OTO & from Crowley's own writing on Thelma religion and the sodomy of children especially young boys. http://parareligion.ch/sunrise/xi.htm

hojuruku ago

that's in the OP. I've reached out to the author of that site Koering - who seems to be ex OTO himself. It turns out the guy who wrote leadbeater.org Dr Gregory John Tillett also founded the homosexual vilification laws that are being used to normalized pedophilia in Australia, and Gregory Tillett is OTO. Koering and tillet have worked together:

https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/120032956/ Publication:The Sydney Morning Herald iLocation:Sydney, New South Wales Issue Date:Thursday, July 15, 1976Page:Page 22 Tillett recruiting for the OTO in the papers, just like the OTO admits in their self-history here: https://vid.me/NFcS

Tillet wrtting OTO letters in '95 http://www.parareligion.ch/dplanet/html/s2.htm https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/alt.magick/AA_-OkTTvuM

http://enfolding.org/a-thousand-kisses-darling-sex-scandal-and-spirituality-in-the-life-of-charles-webster-leadbeater-some-conclusions/ https://magicoftheordinary.wordpress.com/tag/oto/ http://www.parareligion.ch/dplanet/html/oto_au.htm

http://www.nevilldrury.com/nevill-drury-books.htm http://worldcat.org/identities/lccn-n78088184

Tillett also founded the special gay child sexxer protector police (http://facebook.com/policeglbti)) that is the bane of my existence I'm trying to get jailed this week. Gregory Tillet was in the Thule society the religion of the SS - so that's why The NSW GLLO gay child sexer police proudly wear the waffen SS designed pink-triangle.org logo with pride. Proof of that is here: http://archive.is/ymfqy

http://archive.is/l590z http://archive.is/5PMtH http://archive.is/83CjF http://archive.is/aTRKr Here's another good one. OTO operatives threaten DEATH IN PRISON of Legg and Devine - and they can't deny it. http://archive.is/YYrpw

Also about Legg & Devine http://pcfpc.org/call-for-probe-into-police-involvement-in-victorian-pedophile-rings-part-1/ http://pcfpc.org/call-for-probe-into-police-involvement-in-victorian-pedophile-rings-part-2/

Jem777 ago

Don't know about the name game either? Jem777 has to do with memories of a lost life & scripture reference. Nothing else.

hojuruku ago

https://pedophilesdownunder.com/ritual-abuse-in-australia/ Details on the OTO mass child rape mornington incident that CSAPP.NET child sexual abuse prevention network was sued over (Dr Riena Michleson) by David Bottril Leader of the child fucking OTO.

hojuruku ago

https://www.facebook.com/collective777/videos/1218773404810637/ OTO getting children to do satanic art near the childcare centre in the mornington peninsular involved in the Legg Devine mass child rape allegations, that were since confirmed as that dossier predicted channel 10 had a mass gay child rape pedo ring accurately before the story broke in the mainstream news with mass arrests (e.g. the lead actor of Janus). https://www.facebook.com/collective777/photos/a.538970999457551.1073741828.538917802796204/945688612119119/?type=3

And you've allready see then collective777's link to dirty dancing kellyx on this comment thread. Just so you know why I said that.

Jem777 ago

Wow that is very disturbing and blatant. The number 7 especially is a biblical number used by God as a sign of completion and wholeness and restoration. It is hard to believe someone linked to Satanism would even come near that. It is like cryptonite to Superman. Quite shocking actually. Occultist will not use it even as a disguise they consider it "bad luck" for them.

That's why you see 666 mentioned that is actually written in the Bible. Never heard of this Facebook group. Not on FB. Will look into it.

Truthseeker3000 ago

I thought Peaches Geldof was killed by the OTO because she exposed names of the women who offered their babies to be sexually abused by another member, shortly thereafter she was killed and made to look like an overdose of heroin yet she was in the process of weaning off the drug and loved her child so much she never would have done that. Her father is a member, bob geldof and Peaches herself claimed she was a member at one time but it sounded like after the birth of her child she tried to get away. Sad.

hojuruku ago

@t0mcahill my 2IC investigator is an expert on this. I'll bring him in here. yeah as the OP exposed she gave up the names of OTO Witches supplying babies for rape, thats why peaches had to be killed off. She was stupid to join the OTO in the first place, and I don't pity her.

Tom found some rather disturbing things in relation to Peaches Mom. Tom fill us in....

hojuruku ago

@redditsuckz any thoughts. Thanks for your tip before "If you are in Australia you should check this place out;

Comet Pizza Australia;

http://i.imgur.com/UOAefw0.png http://i.imgur.com/TNYDvse.png http://i.imgur.com/cc7ZItU.png"

I would love to chat for a few hours about all this but I dont think its the best idea yet. Is there a website like voat or reddit or some kind of an open forum that has discussions on the OTO in Australia?...because surely you cant be the only one fighting this evil. I hope more people in AU have heard of pizzagate and come to help us as I know people from here will be glad to help out on your front in the AU. This really is worldwide.

Take a look at the Facebook accounts of Amanda Kleinman and James Alefantis and his Father;


Just like that woman in the video said many jewish families look freindly on the outside but many were doing satanic things and if Amanda and James were doing these satanic things their parents were to.

CC @Joe_McCarthy

Your submission /v/pizzagate/1599063 has been deleted by: @Kwijibo on 1/28/2017 1:57:24 PM

Reason given: Rule 1

Original Submission

SCOTUS: Famous victim of gay parenting & child abuse as a child prostitute admits also being put to work in pizzeria by his lesbian child pimp mothers Guys Tell me this lesbian judge who gave a first tranny to ever get a taxpayer funded sex change in jail and first to use a woman's bathroom legally anywhere in the world mass AIDS rapist Noel Crompton Hall .5 million dollars doesn't look satanic??? http://archive.is/UpSRl

hojuruku ago

seconds after posting this i got a downvote. You can guess who. Someone who believes a homosexual must never be vilified even when they are calling for a RAINBOW NEW WORLD ORDER or raping infants. She's in good company. My dad was found guilty of the crime of hating baby rape too. See comments: http://thegoldwater.com/news/2531-Real-Footage-Jilted-Thai-Man-Hangs-Baby-Kills-Self-On-Facebook-Live

redditsuckz ago

We are not allowed to discuss truths regarding "The Jews"..."Gays"...and "Trannys"...

Well guess who rules over us?...The Jews, The Gays and the Trannys...or "The Gay Jewish Trannys"...


hojuruku ago

P.S. the oto founded transgenderism. Read the parareligion.ch link on the OP or in the comments brought up by @Jem777

redditsuckz ago

The "god" Baphomet they worship is also a Tranny.

During the Weimar Republic in Germany the Jews were doing secret transgender operations in the 1920's - 1930's. So they had a lot of time to perfect the operations to where the male/female features are barley noticeable. So you really have no idea if the person you see on the TV was born a male or female.

hojuruku ago

So is the leader of the special gay child sexxer protector police (http://facebook.com/policeglbti)) who this week on facebook said (as they said when I found out in 2007 and was charged with 60c nsw crimes act - crime of knowing an occult secret gay cop is gay) they are partnered with twenty10.org.au exposed on kidsrights.org.au as a child sex cult. NSW GLLO GAY CHILD RAPING PEDO COPS help 13 year old boys emancapate themselves from homophobic parents and deliver them to the gay activists rent boy child prostitute dorm around the block from the "The Wall" where gay judges buy boy ass every night as exposed in Parliament here:

http://krwordpresscontent.s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/17144816/ImageSSCAblurred.jpg Twenty10 exposed in Parliament as a child sex cult: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xH0V-AnnnRw

Justice Kirby UN gay judge who I got North Korea to attack after dropping a dossier on him at their embassy in hanoi (yep I did that :P ) being callled a gay pedophile in Federal Parliament: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVW0eryLagw

Here's the dirt on Catherine Burns de-facto leader of the gay police who sent my gay stalker after me and my dad after we criticized the special gay police. Look for the pink-triangle on vid dot me slash ozzieslovepedos for more. They also have special jewish police in Australia, America and England. The Shoreim they are called. Gays and jews beleive normal police aren't good enough for them, because normal people can't be trusted to treat the elite gay, or elite jew, or elite gay jew equally - only a fellow gay jew is morally superior enough to do their bidding (institionalized bias and corruption) https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/05/200k-people-watch-luke-mckee-expose-gay.html http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/04/last-post-legal-announcement-due-to.html http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/04/catherine-judith-burn-head-of-anti.html (search those links in archive.is if the blog is censored due to OTO Australia child sex cult lawsuit underway - that's the legal advise we are getting)

hojuruku ago

Voltaire also warned about people who think they are the sole guaridan of the truth and like to censor. I'd look up that quote too, and have a guess who did the only downvote on this thread after they were tagged :P read the comments.

hojuruku ago

@Jem777 @paulf @sound_of_silence (2 of those nicknames remind me of the OTO - one is the name of their podcast the other is 777 - sorry it had to be said guys even though you been nice to me)

This is going to trigger David Seeman but I don't care.

The OTO is a JEWISH PEDOPHILE CULT, Bill Cooper played these same clips before he was killed. A video proving that got recently censored after I linked to it, so this substitute will have to do.


I'm not the only person saying this: https://www.dailystormer.com/radio-stormer-narrations-the-jewish-roots-of-the-ordo-templi-orientis/

Now here's proof David Bottrill leader of OTOAustralia.org.au child sex sacrifice cult doing the bidding of the Australian Executive Council of Jewery as exposed here: http://archive.is/QljSZ and in my interviews with Jim Fetzer



And here's infowars with jews on staff talking about the OTO being a child sex sacrafice cult:


sound_of_silence ago

@Jem777 @paulf @sound_of_silence (2 of those nicknames remind me of the OTO - one is the name of their podcast the other is 777 - sorry it had to be said guys even though you been nice to me)

have never heard of the podcast.. i picked this name b/c of the silent protest i tried to get going here when i was new (it was deleted by a mod after it had 100 or so comments). ...

thanks for pulling all this info together about the existential religion these evil people are involved in.

paulf ago

Thank you for this. There's a great summary here of sex magick here that ties it all together.

Jem777 ago

That is a great summary @paulf for people to understand the sex majick sodomy Ritual.

hojuruku ago

wow that's a great link. Combine the dirt on the Wikipedia founder being a child pornographer in that link you gave with the JIDF controlling it and you have an idea how Wikipedia is a TOTAL LOAD OF SHIT. http://www.thejidf.org/2008/10/list-of-heavily-biased-anti-israel.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dGJDJoeAok

Jem777 ago

Thanks for posting this again. Have been writing & posting about this since the investigation started no one wanted to hear. All I got was SHILL, etc.

I wrote awhile back that the OTO was the influential factor in NAZI Germany. I have eye witness testimony regarding this from someone who died at age 80 in 2010. Was inside Hitler's inner circle. Crowley was a British Foreign Intelligence Office agent (a spy) who also led the OTO. He also helped start the OTO in the US influencing Parsons who created rocket fuel & initiated L. Ron Hubbard into Black Sex Majick.

So in essence that means Crowley, Parsons, Hubbard all were members of OTO & members of elite intel government agencies. Crowley was instrumental in Hitler's initiation as well. Hubbard went in to swindle all of Parsons money and started his fake blackmail religion of Scientology with CIA. Parsons was despondent had been cut out of his very inventions of rocket science by the US gov. and lost his security clearance. He died at age 37 in "allege" explosion that many believed was a gov. assasination.

Crazy how these people are connected to such evil.

hojuruku ago

David Bottrill or Bottrell is keeing a close eye on Crowley's bloodline in Australia if you see the links and his immigration job is just a cover for him to go to embassies around the world (Turkey for example) as an ASIS Spymaster. The legacy continues. That faggot sent the Australian embassy officers and Heidi Hendry to my job on my first day. I blew her cover before it started which is a long story and quit my job before he first day at it so she couldnt' plant stuff on my computer. She never took the job once I quit the Sunday before her first day, and they tried to make a false allegation to the police I stole something from my work which ended with recorded telphone apologies. We have her resume and address claiming to have 3 citizenships when she was in the last Australian election as a GREENS candidate for Murray Darling breaking S44 of the Australian Constition and voiding her US citizenship. I am more than happy to dox that bitch working with the OTO/Australain Embassy in Hanoi in a failed plot to frame me up. Ask me for the details.

hojuruku ago

NSFW: OTO and Occult dancer KerryX http://archive.is/E3GG5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiaHH3S2Ce8 Kerryx.com crossdressing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dz_IqBBOmYg More cross dressing and burlesque stuff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHVhl5mgo4s

hojuruku ago

More talk of children in sex magick rituals & mentioning david Bottrill http://richardboyden.com/oto_satanists.htm David Bottrill talking about how evil the OTO is: http://www.redicecreations.com/winterwonderland/OTO.html Legg and Devine being kidnapped for a law that doesn't exist in NSW, in 2017 the NSW Supreme court of appeals ruled the victorian tribunal had no business or jurisdiction in NSW on a constitutional ruling: https://www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au/decision/58900a94e4b058596cba3975 https://www.dailyexaminer.com.au/news/apn-protest-website-lands-two-in/133340/ Some of my internet banter predicting this March 3rd victory would upset the OTO and they would appeal as what has come to pass: http://8ch.net/pol/res/9189950.html#9194013 The Legg Devine Dossir that predicted Channel 10 had a pedophile ring before the mass arrests there: http://www.declarepeace.org.uk/captain/murder_inc/site/abuse/illuminatiring.txt

My personal battle with David Bottrill and how he sent a stalker Heidi Hendry after me abroad using his ASIS contacts. https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/04/censorship-repost-how-dark-satanic.html

hojuruku ago

Podesta linked to the OTO And David Bottrill talking about how we kill babies: http://www.lawfulpath.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=713&start=70

Michael Borusiewicz responds to David Bottrill Since David Bottrill first threatened me for legal action even though he or the OTO were nowhere to be seen on the site except for a short blog exposing an OTO member who was caught and convicted for having child porn on his computer, I have done a fair bit of research into the OTO and one of it's founders that they base their "religion" on, Alistair Crowley who was nothing more than a sexual deviant and a chronic drug addict. They all seem to be right into getting right out of it on drugs as apparantly this gets them in the right state of mind to do the things they need to do in secret. Some questions for you David Bottrill 1. Seeing as you are the highly esteemed "treasurer" of the OTO in Australia, is it your job to supply OTO members with the drugs they need to be a part of your group? Let's face it, being high up in the immigration office in Australia would make you a likely candidate as how much easier could it be to organise immigrants to smuggle drugs into the country. 2. Not knowing what you do in secret I ask you, do you sacrifice babies? Are you in charge of bringing them into the country too, utilising your position as "Outreach officer" in the ministry of Australian immigration? 3. How does being in a cult that promotes drug use affect your work? Obviously they don't drug test the workers at the immigration office in Canberra, Do they? 4. Would you be willing to supply a sample of hair to undergo a hair folicle drug test to prove you have not taken any drugs in the last six months. 5. Can you get drugs for a friend of mine or is it only OTO members you supply, if that's what's happening? 6. Do OTO members get free drugs or do they have to pay? (My friend is thinking about joining). http://www.lukesarmy.com/content/ordo-templi-orientis-australian-national-treasurer-david-bottrill-taking-lukes-army-admins

http://complaints367.rssing.com/chan-14310031/all_p18.html ndustry Outreach Officer ACT & Region Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Department of Immigration and Citizenship) Direct Phone: (02) 6283 5250 Fax: (02) 6282 2436 Mobile: 0434 078 554 [email protected]

David assists Chamber members with visa and immigration issues.

So now you are stalking me on facebook David Bottrill???

hojuruku ago

1 Karney Street Kambah ACT 2902 [email protected] Another threat of legal action from David Bottrill National Treasurer of OTO in Australia

Michael Borusiewicz

Dear Mr Borusiewicz

Concerns Notice pursuant to the Civil Law (Wrongs) Act 2002 (ACT)and Defamation Act 2005 (QLD)

I refer to the page on your website lukesarmy.com at

Paedophile rings protected by police and politicians in Australia http://wwwlukesarmy.com/content/paedophile-rings-protected-police-and-po...

This provides the text of a document authored by Ms Reina Michaelson which purports to describe events in Victoria, including a conspiracy involving high profile Australian citizens, a major television network, police and authorities and the education department in a criminal network which commits cannibalism, murder and paedophilia and/or the organised ritual sexual abuse of children. There are references in the document to the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) and the document purports a link between the OTO and these criminal activities.

These accusations defame the OTO and its members. Legal action was previously initiated against the author and a publisher of this document. As the then National Treasurer of the OTO I was a lead party in all proceedings. Despite being given a legal venue in which to do so Ms Michaelson did not produce any evidence to support her claims.

Your posting of this document repeats the defamation of the OTO, its members and me.

I refer you to the Civil Law (Wrongs) Act 2002 (section 127) and demand that you:

a) immediately remove the document and any references to it from your website,

b) place a comment on your site in its place advising you regret providing a link to a document that contains defamatory material, admitting you have no firsthand knowledge or evidence to support any of the claims made in it, and apologise for any hurt or distress caused by your actions,

c) provide a signed written apology (as above) for the hurt and harm caused by your publication of this material which includes an undertaking to refrain from further postings of this document and desist from further defamation of the OTO and its members including myself to me .

d) provide a written apology (as above) to the OTO (care of myself).

e) advise who provided the original document to you and when this occurred

f) advise if you have authority from Ms Michaelson to publish this document

g) advise if Ms Michaelson is aware of your publication of his document

h) advise how many person have viewed this page

I) advise if you have authorised the reproduction and distribution of this document and if so provide details as to when, how and to whom you provided the materials (names, addresses emails etc)

j) make an appropriate offer of amends reflecting the hurt and harm you have caused.

In making your offer of amends you should consider what it feels like to be falsely accused, on a public forum, by someone you have never met, of being a member of an organised paedophile ring.

For the avoidance of doubt, this letter is to be construed as a “Concerns Notice” pursuant the Civil Law (Wrongs) Act 2002 and the Defamation Act 2005 (in QLD) and its counterparts in other states and territories and this letter is not for publication.

Removal of the Michaelson document should occur immediately.

Within 24 hours of the date of sending of this email and I require a response (send to [email protected]) setting out what steps have and will be taken to comply with the other demands above. Compliance with all other requirements should occur within 28 days.

If you fail to meet any of these deadlines, fail to provide a satisfactory response or publish further false and defamatory material regarding myself, the OTO and its members I reserve all rights including commencing proceedings for defamation against you.

I shall rely on this letter on the matter of damages and may seek exemplary damages and indemnity costs reflective of the length of time this material is online.

You may be hearing separately from others affected by your actions in due course

David Bottrill

Michael Borusiewicz [email protected]

22:28 (18 hours ago)

to david.bottrill

Can you show me the section of text you are referring to on the site? That is the largest link on the site so you will have to narrow it down for me. I am not responsible for all of the material posted on the site or that particular page as people are able to register and post their own content on the site. Therefore I am unable to say for certain who posted each separate comment on the site.



I look forward to reaching a satisfactory conlusion to this problem for everyone,

Kind Regards, Michael.

David Bottrill

05:54 (10 hours ago)

to Michael

Dear Mr Borusiewicz

The entire article authored by Reina Michaaelson should be removed as well as the text where, in the Comments section, you have posted (on Mon, 04/29/2013 - 17:02 — Lukes Dad) hyperlinks to federaljack.com/ebooks/ / Dr Reina Michaelson - Declarepeace.org.uk / http://webcache and below that make a further reference to the Order in the section entitled “A teacher called 'Dick Newman' came under suspicion”.

Michael Borusiewicz [email protected]

07:21 (9 hours ago)

To David

So you believe the things which Reina Michaelson has exposed should be covered up. Are you some sort of paedophile too? What sort of sick person tries to stand over people to cover up for paedophiles? You are welcome to post a comment on the site to state your view, which is all that Reina has done as far as I can see.

hojuruku ago

MysticMa ago

All I can say is WOW!! Unbelievable how many layers on the ONION. We've just begun to peel...