hojuruku ago

@Are_we__sure -1 points (+0|-1) 4 minutes ago

This is bullshit and nonsense and shows you can't near a case without bringing in the crazy.

For example, show me evidence Hillary Clinton even knew what Spirt Cooking was before last year.

[–] hojuruku 0 points (+0|-0) 1 second ago

https://www.infowars.com/bombshell-hillary-clintons-satanic-network-exposed/ https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/16498

JOHN PODESTA INVITING HILLARY & The the Spirit Cooker to a party, but says he's busy on OTOAustralia.org.au child rape business in Australia. Nice try. Depending how you take this I'll report you to the shill list. Respond to that after seeing the evidence.

http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/nov/4/wikileaks-john-podesta-invited-to-spirit-dinner-ho/ More faggotry OTOAustralia.org.au sperm eating linked to Spirit Cooking.

Are_we__sure ago


Knowing Marina Abramovic doesn't mean you know anything about Spirit Cooking. Even folks who know her don't know all of her work. Unless you're a hardcore Art scenester, you probably didn't know about this. It's not what's she's famous for. She was not very well known outside art circles in the 1990's. I don't even think Spirit Cooking is in the documentary about her career. That infowars article is just a bunch of nonsense. In particular this is not true whatsoever.

Abramovic in particular invited Podesta to a “spirit cooking” dinner, an occult ritual started by infamous Satanist Aleister Crowley, which involves eating semen, blood and breast milk.

This evidence fails too.

JOHN PODESTA INVITING HILLARY & The the Spirit Cooker to a party, but says he's busy on

You are completely misreading that email. Hillary is not part of that email thread at all. The email address is not her personal email. It is the email of her campaign. John Podesta is not the one doing the inviting. John is being invited by his brother.

Ambramvoic is the one who says she's busy and that is from a completely different event and not in relation to the dinner. It was in relation to the Official Campaign Launch on June 13th. Abramovic was replying to an old MASS MAILED Marketing email and thought she was replying directly to John Podesta!! That email went out to anyone who subscribed to emails from Hillary Clinton's campaign. It was signed by John Podesta, but it did not come from his personal email. It came from [email protected] and was inviting people to come to this public event http://time.com/3920332/transcript-full-text-hillary-clinton-campaign-launch/

The email literally has an ubsubscribe link

Click here to unsubscribehttp://links.hillaryclinton.com/ctt?kn=2&ms=MjI3NTE1OTkS1&r=MTE2MzYyMzY4NjcyS0&b=0&j=NTgwMDgwMTEyS0&mt=1&rt=0.

and absolutely none of this is Satanic.

pbvrocks ago

Can anyone make sense of this? hojuruku any way to simplify this info...it is overwhelming to look at...perhaps break it down into several posts? It does seem important...

hojuruku ago

It's personal for me. My dad was found guilty of the crime of hating gay baby anal sex. See comments: http://thegoldwater.com/news/2531-Real-Footage-Jilted-Thai-Man-Hangs-Baby-Kills-Self-On-Facebook-Live

hojuruku ago

https://vid.me/RQoY Even infowars calls the OTOAustralia.org.au a child sex sacrifice cult. Does having it presented to you by sugatits Milli saying "Child Sex Sacrifice" cult make it easier for you to understand?

hojuruku ago

https://voat.co/v/PizzagateMemes/1588657 A certain gay /pizzagate/ mod said you must not be against gay cops who download child porn of gays pushing dog penis into child arse, then testify in the Fresno Supreme court that gay men pushing dog penis into little boy bottoms isn't a depraved act. This actually happened if you see the other comment i put here with youtube videos on the subject.

hojuruku ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1837508 10 min info video of myself on infowars talking about case law where the government says you must always respect a gay man - even if he's pushing is penis inside a screaming Russian Infant Drake Netwon. As exposed here by Russia Insider with 200k views detailing Mark Newton and Peter Truong GAY DADS BABY RAPE saga.


Rob Dew Infowars promises to write an article about this, but as it turns out it is linked to the Australian Jewry - so out comes reneging on his promise on air to do it for the sake of ZIONISM.

My dad and friend were accused in case law of the Crime of Hating baby rape, because all Good Australian's must respect those who push their penis in screaming Russian infant arsehole.

More info: https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2016/07/if-nsw-anti-discrimination-act-1977-was.html (censored and reposted after facebook.com/policeglbti raid - John got Sued for what I wrote twice by Garry Burns boylover 666 - see the comments to see his penis picture he sends to children when requesting bareback AIDS child sex - but in Australia it's the norm for gay pedophiles to be protected by the special gay child sex police founded by the OTO) http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/04/last-post-legal-announcement-due-to.html http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/04/catherine-judith-burn-head-of-anti.html http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/04/last-vid-jim-fetzer-phd-luke-mckee.html (how the OTO founded the NSW GLLO special gay child sexxer protector police aka facebook.com/policeglbti) http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/04/bernard-gaynor-nsw-gllo-gayped-police.html (how gay police say homosexuals have the special right to threaten to kill you and your family of 7 wrote by an Australian politician who got 250k votes in the last federal election.) My dad's comment on the saga: http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/04/geoff-mckee-fall-of-great-boylover-666.html Gay police who are trying to jail my mate in 30 mins in Newcastle local court doing cyber-crimes to protect the pedophile who is going to the high court of Australia to defend the OTO as explained in the OP. http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/04/criminal-nsw-lgbt-gllo-affiliated.html Mainsream news article about the special gay court @NCATNSW www.ncat.nsw.edu.au - how they are saying gay pedophiles must work with children to rape again, read the case law - they are biased in favor of homosexual child rapists - only homosexual child rapists get their working with children certificate block overturned. http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/05/daily-telegraph-everyone-thinks-gay.html Gays in America call for the legal right to fuck dogs: http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/05/splc-soros-sponsor-gay-terrorist.html (just like the gay pedophile cop who attempted to murder me in the USA christopher kent bowersox who got charged for having child porn of gays pushing dog penis inside boy arse as exposed by mainstream news and my research here: PS - i have images of bowersox saying I'm a gay man after his arrest on cellpals.com - unless it's pedophile sex to have sex with an adult latino boyfriend as well as children he is gay. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2jmU-Fp_M4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ll_xtO2SFvc Jewish links to the pedophilia normalization police - the NSW anti-discrimination board etc http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?95869-CA-Bakersfield-Police-Officer-charged-with-Child-Porn/page3 https://archives.fbi.gov/archives/sacramento/press-releases/2013/former-bakersfield-police-detective-pleads-guilty-to-possession-of-child-pornography http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/05/what-goes-in-must-come-out-australian.html https://www.justice.gov/usao-edca/pr/sentences-and-plea-agreements-child-exploitation-cases - The gay child raping pedo cops handwriting is on my charge sheet for attempting to murder me - charge delay or resist own murder and nothing else on scribd.com/luke_mckee

hojuruku ago

Don't be shilling.... Watch the videos shill of you being walked through it in HD by JIM FETZER PhD and myself - or SEE THE CASE LAW. Hail the OTOAustralia.org.au who admit in videos (from the USA) they drink blood/semen & rape kids - or go to jail for RELIGIOUS VILIFICATION THOUGHT CRIMES - without TRIAL like Vivivanne Legg and Dyson Devine did - with total disregard for the Australian Bill of Rights (aka Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006) that says you must be tried IN PERSON before being jailed. Unfortunately no Juries in Australia - or this would never be happening.

Make sense yet?

hojuruku ago

And to think this used to get quickly censored from /pizzagate/ https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1810901 .... Thank you mods for leaving it here for a change.

YingYangMom ago

Awesome thread! Thanks for sharing, OP.

hojuruku ago

For the proof this is connected to Pizzagate / Hillary Clinton / jay Z spirit cooking et all see: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1842864 And here's the video version of this that hasn't been censored yet thank god. More videos on vid dot me slash ozzieslovepedos including the OTO's plans for "RAINBOW NEW WORLD ORDER" and their own admissions they include children in their sex magick ceremonies.






hojuruku ago

I wasn't joking about it being censored 6 times see archive.is/johnsunol.blogspot.com.

John Sunol is in court tomorrow for the crime of being associated with someone like me who does anti-pedophilia activist. The police say it's a crime to be against a gay man ejaculating HIV+ semen in a child prostitutes anus, or coming into possession of evidence the greatest Gay Marriage Activist in Australia is doing it... See comments here: https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2016/07/if-nsw-anti-discrimination-act-1977-was.html - gay judge rules in case law that children must enjoy their child rape - namely Robert Oscar Lopez PhD who gave the main evidence against gay marriage to the US Supreme Court Case about his child rape. He's been ruled a hate criminal for not enjoying the rape he got in 1984. https://www.supremecourt.gov/ObergefellHodges/AmicusBriefs/14-556_Robert_Oscar_Lopez_and_BN_Klein.pdf Details about Sunol's court appearance tomorrow in Australia for the crime of associating with those who hate child sex (me) - he's being prosecuted by gay police who stole his phone and updated his google blog profile to i love donkey dick in and around my mouth. We are trying to get the special http://facebook.com/policeglbti special gay police prosecuted for cyber-crimes. http://8ch.net/pol/res/9888527.html#q9889684 http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/04/criminal-nsw-lgbt-gllo-affiliated.html

1NationUnderAGroove ago


hojuruku ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1842864 This shows the OTO links to Pizzagate & Hillary Clinton's spirit cooking. So spirit cooking is ran by a cult that admits on camera they are into drinking blood and raping kids. There is your probable cause for a law enforcement investigation of pizzagate starting with Hillary and her campaigning buddy Jay Z.

hojuruku ago

please tweet to the pedophiles like @t0mcahill is. @NCATNSW / @nodiscrim = nsw anti-discrimination board @ACTHumanRights = working with the OTO to sue John in 2017 @VEOHRC = jailed legg / devine @garryburnsblog = the infant sex normalization activist exposed on other threads of mine who is defending the OTO all the way to the high court of Australia as exposed in my Jim fetzer interview. And the Australian executive council of jewery / zionists and of course @AUGL_OTO headed by David Bottrill who says all must respect his religion of child sex and blood drinking and go to jail.

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Sorry, I don't 'tweet' or social media...I actually have idea what is going on with twitter posts..

I will read your posts here and upvoat where needed!! Thanks for the posts!!

hojuruku ago

Look the gay mafia follow the OTO religion of child sex. This is OTOAustralia's operative in Brazil that's really cleaning house on corrupt pedos in Government right now https://twitter.com/pornmagus93 And here's the twitter account of those in America that admit in video in my vid me they drink blood and include real children in their sex magick ceremonies. https://twitter.com/KT_OTO

hojuruku ago


Read the description on that. they admit they drink blood (without a doubt) and make admissions that children must be included in the Gnostic Mass which is known to include sex magick.

The government has jailed Christians for disrespecting the blood drinking baby raping pedophiles without trail. "Legg Devine" in austlii.edu.au case law database. Case law not conspiracy theory, but you saw the op link already so you know i'm not full of it.

snefru ago

Former British penal colony now run by the CIA for natural resource exploitation. Not too surprising that country is a basketcase politically.

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Technically Australia still is a penal colony under rule of Mother England, basically common law is the only law that has a proclamation certificate from the Queen to be upheld .. so any other laws/police forces etc are operating illegally and privately by enforcing their so called 'state and federal laws' 99% are not endorsed by the Queen and the states are profiting from crimes against the Queen by enforcing these 'laws'...

Check out this site, it's primarily based around the UK system, but you'll see how much Australia is a real joke


hojuruku ago

This explains the same with Humor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umVj5XQYAi8

Also I thought admiralty law was a load of shit... until the Government RULED BART SIMPSON IS A "PERSON" and he can be a victim of child porn. You think I'm joking? I wont give links. You google it and give me your responses. Google "NSW Supreme Court rules Bart Simpson is a person child porn"

hojuruku ago

Also this OTOAustralia.org.au pedo cult has lots of Jewish links. See the forensic links linking the Australian Executive Council of Jewry to the OTO here: http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/05/what-goes-in-must-come-out-australian.html