hojuruku ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lffKj0ixqyo That's the infowars video i mentioned at the start of the discussion in the video.

equineluvr ago

What did he say about SH that makes you doubt/suspect him?

hojuruku ago

The Jim Fetzer PhD Interview exposing the OTO pedophile cult going to the high court of Australia:





Description: UPDATE: CONTENT IN THE VID CENSORED BY GOOGLE 7 TIMES TO APPEASE PEDOPHILE CULT ARCHIVE.IS MIRROR: http://archive.is/QljSZ More info: http://8ch.net/pol/res/9751779.html

VictimsofGayBullying.com & http://mediabroadcastingcenter.com/the-real-deal/ PRESENT in 1080p (though still a rush job..... but part 1 dedicated to the boylover isn't - it's being opensource professionally edited as well as the documentary DON'T HATE GAYBY BABY RAPE - HOW THE BOYLOVERS WON IN AUSTRALIA) An exposé showing that, in Australia, Christians are being ordered by civil tribunals stacked with gay activists, to publish apologies for "vilifying" satanic pedophile cults, in newspaper ads, or go to jail for contempt of court. The same applies for those who were found to have "vilifed" state- media-praised "gay dads" same-sex marriage activists who were later found and jailed for sexually abusing their own infant son due to their deviant homosexuality. Whether homosexuality is deviant, or "normal" these tribunals do not differentiate. Any person reported for "vilifying" actions or behaviour of homosexual persons will be ordered to apologise, because it is unlawful in New South Wales Australia to "vilify" any person who happens to be homosexual. However it is OK for homosexuals to "vilify" heterosexual persons. John also got a letter last month from a "human righs" tribunal for not respecting OTOAustralia.org.au. That outfit is an Alex Jones Infowars Confirmed Satanic pedophile cult, but in Australia it is deemed to be a religion, and therefore it is not allowed to be "vilified" under religious vilification laws. This is what my own father and friend John Sunol are facing, for vilifying the "gay dads" Mark Newton and Peter Truong, referred to above. Who is doing this? Gay judges and gay activists without law degrees who sit on panels as part of the State Tribunals of Australia: @NCATNSW @VEOHRC @nodiscrim @ACTHumanRights @ACTSupCourt @LWBAustralia @VGLRL @NSWGLRL @PIACNews @Justice_Connect & of course the great boylover @GarryBurnsBlog

And who's fighting back?

@BernardGaynor & Tess Corbett in the High Court of Australia! Luke McKee has never solicited money in his 10 years in exile as a UNHCR Confirmed Political refugee from Australia/NZ, the latter due to backing of warrants scheme - the same problem Julian Assange has and still wont yet ask for a cent. But he asks that everyone who wants to see a global end to these thought-crime laws already in some American states please donate to Bernard Gaynor's legal fund. Other victims include @gamke, @t0mcahill @SunolJohn @TruthNewsOZ loveforelife.com.au lukesarmy.com (Facebook) and many many others that have been sued by "gay activist" Garry (aka Gary) Burns and the OTO, including those in Government and public life. Remember the Gay CEO of Apple Tim Cook previously has tweeted to Obama that these same laws be enacted and set loose upon the American people. Do you want to be next?

Part one is being edited into a documentary style presentation due for release in a few months focusing on the homosexual vilification thought crimes only. American Allies in the war for free speech! MassResistance.org / AllianceDefendingFreedom.org

Links: https://globalfreedomofexpression.columbia.edu/cases/burns-v-sunol/ http://johnsunol.blogspot.com (main story link keeps getting censored search this address in archive.is) http://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/04/last-post-legal-announcement-due-to.html https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2017/02/anti-discrimination-law-thought-crime.html https://johnsunol.blogspot.com/2016/07/if-nsw-anti-discrimination-act-1977-was.html (and check johnsunol.blogspot.com in an archive.is search to see what the censors got!) http://theothermccain.com/2016/05/26/gay-australian-rugby-player-arrested-by-fbi-sought-sex-with-6-year-old-boy/ http://theothermccain.com/2016/05/14/australian-gay-marriage-crusader-was-fugitive-wanted-on-kiddie-porn-charge/ http://bernardgaynor.com.au/please-help/ http://bernardgaynor.com.au/off-high-court-twice/ http://bernardgaynor.com.au/beyond-18c/ http://bernardgaynor.com.au/ncat-deputy-president-has-questions-to-answer/ http://bernardgaynor.com.au/nsw-anti-discrimination-board-gay-beats-and-private-schools/ http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/school-holiday-locations-listed-as-best-places-for-gay-public-sex/news-story/a216bf74a3cf578d59cac9c88e1df3f1 http://www.canberratimes.com.au/national/public-service/we-need-the-clarity-of-a-high-court-ruling-on-bernard-gaynors-free-speech-crusade-20170329-gv9foz.html http://www.canberratimes.com.au/national/public-service/be-wary-public-servants-of-speaking-freely-in-an-election-year-20160401-gnwagn.html http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/foster-carer-linked-to-sex-abuse-slipped-past-the-barriers-20101212-18u1w.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6NtQ8hqARw Case Law keywords for www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au or austlii.edu.au (national): "Garry Richard Burns" "Gary Burns" "Garry Burns" (serial applicant uses different names in court over 20 years) "Burns Gaynor" (see 2017 case)"Corbett Burns" "McKee Burns" "Legg Devine" (VIC x4) "CRISTIAN v BOTTRILL" "Sunol Collier". All cases are equally great travesty of justice, and the case law is defamatory to the respondents when you research actually what happened in the courtroom. TIP: The Filter search results by database feature is very useful on Austlii if you know what state it's in

Howmanyarethere ago

I voted this up but the count promptly went down again. Is this a glitch issue or are there that many people hating on it?

hafen ago

Due to caching or something, your input on this site can be delayed. If you look on the sidebar this submission has no downvotes.

hojuruku ago

ycombi who owns reddit according to wikipedia in archive dot is own voat.

hojuruku ago

Fetzer has spoken out on pizzagate at a conference. He says the videos will be coming out soon. Having a double phd exposing pizzagate in Academia is a good thing.

PeesInPools ago

Looks like there's some good info buried in that archive link re: OTO and legislation, but there's so much gobbledygook around it in the typical conspiracy stream-of-conciousness format, that it's difficult to parse through. Would be more useful to extract relevant portions when posting things. As for the video, isn't AJ/IW controlled ops? I mean half the pizzagate news in the MSM is about the shooter and the other half about Jones' apology. Seems odd they'd continue to have callers on the show after they had to backpedal or risk being sued or worse.

hojuruku ago

see the description of the video. Alex Jones had booked an OTO witch wearing Alister Crowley's OTO symbolism around her neck right after I was on. I associate with all types to get the message out. Don't judge me by association to infowars. They have been doing a good job hammering the OTO over the last 6 months.

PeesInPools ago

I didn't mean to judge you, and the article and video have some solid info.

I was referring to the article having an overwhelming amount of jargon, arranged in a confusing manner, and was also questioning the agenda of Jones regarding Pizzagate, due to his staunch public disassociation with it. Thus the relevant value of the post to this thread.

There's no doubt InfoWars does some good work, and I know truth is truth regardless of source, agenda, or worldview. Many sites have good work mixed with questionable work, like Rense, Marrs, and even the batshit insane Icke. But I've also closely followed Jones for years and know he has a history of mixing truth and falsehood, refusing to talk about Zionism, going into insane childish tirades, inciting fear hatred and anger, and other things that are indicative of a controlled opposition where the goal is to discredit theorists in general. The recent limelight on his network furthers suspicion, and several other ardent followers have expressed similar disillusion despite Jones introducing them to the red pill and the world of deep state. I know this isn't exactly the right venue to attack Jones, but I wanted to clarify my statement.

hojuruku ago

I have dirt on Alex Jones (Lee Anne's linked in only follows the jobs page for AIPAC), Renegade, and a little on dailystormer ("Michael Slay" bated me to their site doing stories on Garry Burns I archived - later revealed to be a jewish terrorist jailed as Joshua Goldstien), and well even toben.biz has as a few problems with some rense guys.

X22 is OK but obsessed with the money system too much. Nobody is perfect. My mission is to get the intel out there and WAKE UP THE PATRIOTS. I don't care who's platform gets hijacked to get it out. By associating with infowars I don't ensorse all they do and their editortial that goes as bad as fox news some days. I can still remember the old Alex Jones before he had his fox news manager talking in his ear talking about gays getting the gift and dying from AIDS and how sick they are. You won't hear that these days, he's changed his tune to be PC.

I'm an activist just trying to sound the alarm bells. Bernard Gaynor is doing a blog post about Sunol vs the OTO. Canary in the Coalmine is the title of the article. This cause celebre has the potential to end the political correctness thought police world wide. That's why I am getting this intel out - and of course exposing the OTO pizzagate pedo religion whilst i'm at it. Now the ACL.org.au will crush these satanist scum in the high court of Australia or expose Australia as a doomed nation under Satan.


PeesInPools ago

Thanks for elaborating. I totally understand where you're coming from, and I appreciate all your hard work.

We may in fact share quite similar views, especially being open to "testing all things". Others on this forum, while well-meaning and whose work is still invaluable, seem unable to consider things past a certain point; that is, how deep the rabbit hole goes. There's often a line drawn at discussion involving GLBT, Satanism, and the spiritual world, for example.

Though unfortunate, it's also temporary; people are willing to dive so deep for Pizzagate out of both an insatiable desire for justice and desire for knowledge, that they're getting exposed to other, larger worldview-changing revelations as a necessary consequence. That fact alone, along with the ample evidence that there are masses out there still fighting so hard against hidden evils, is in itself such a blessing to come out of such tragedy. It's exciting that things like Wikileaks and Pizzagate are creating big waves among not just the MSM but also the conspiracy community, startling many out of complacency and into the seeking and defending of truth.

hojuruku ago

Here is the evidence displayed in the Jim Fetzer Interview censored 7 times by google bloger http://archive.is/QljSZ

hojuruku ago

OTO is PIZZAGATE, Pizzagate is OTO. These links from 3rd parties kind of prove that. http://www.veteranstoday.com/2016/11/06/hillary-is-campaigning-with-aleister-crowley-devotee-jay-z/ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2312632/Introducing-Satanic-sex-cult-thats-snaring-stars-Peaches-Geldof.html https://www.informationliberation.com/?id=55787 (on spirit cooking being OTO) http://frequencyoftheunknown.com/2016/11/04/so-whats-the-deal-with-spirit-cooking/ <- clearly shows that the OTO is linked to Hillary's spirit cooking sessions. Please don't delete this and say it's off topic because it's NOT!

hojuruku ago

Video description: 4/5/2017 Infowars Live Broadcast. Luke McKee fills in Rob Dew on the OTO Satanic pedophile cults lawsuits in Australia. Put "Legg Devine" into austlii.edu.au case law database to see this is case law not conspiracy theory. The Australian Christian Lobby (acl.org.au) legal team will be fighting David Bottrill (OTOAustralia.org.au) ACT Human Rights Commission complaint, in addition to bernardgaynor.com.au defending the constitutional law victory at the high court that state of NSW did kidnappings and jailings without due process for disrespecting the satanic pedophile teachings of Alister Crowley - prophet of the OTO. Also after I came on a woman wearing an OTO Thelma neck pendant came on next. Interesting eh? https://youtu.be/ycX0r_yJdUA?t=2h23m20s Links: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/legal-affairs/human-rights-law-alliance-formed-to-fight-for-essential-freedoms/news-story/2fdc1a2b046d5322d2e08c5226a2cf09?nk=6f95df95092cbd50de3ee75b4697fdb5-1493879907 https://www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au/decision/558b3c8ee4b0f1d031de9eb8 (McKee Burns) https://web.archive.org/web/20140722080525/https://www.causes.com/posts/891061 (my dad's hate speech with video of |Mark Newton and Peter Truong gay dads baby rapists that auto plays that gay judge rules that doesn't so isn't relavent in case law contary to the truth that is self evidence) https://www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au/decision/58b7789fe4b058596cba49b5 (abcplugspedos) https://www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au/decision/58900a94e4b058596cba3975 (Feb 3rd 2017 victory proving the NSW Government did illegal kidnapping of Legg/Devine for religious vilification of a satanic pedophile cult) YOU MUST SEE THE HD1080p interview with Jim Fetzer and myself breaking this all down. Luke Mckee - UNHCR Political refugee bit.ly/aurefugee2 I have moved to vid.me/ozzieslovepedos due to blogger.com censorship in support of the same satanic pedophile cult I am talking about here. Please subscribe over there.