Kwijibo ago

@hojuruku I do not see how this is pizzagate related. Removed for rule 1.

hojuruku ago

Child prostitutes in court records working in pizza shops not related to pizza gate? Ok I hear your judgement.

hojuruku ago

I'm not john you boylover. read who contributed the post at the bottom of the blog.

I am mr burnpassport.mp4 (- google it - notice only guy named in that video had both of his arms broken a month later and was top general council for the NSW Police Service). The war against the pedos have been raging for decades down in Australia.

hojuruku ago

Why you denying Case law and mainstream news about Robert Oscar Lopez Phd and his child sex experiences at the hands of lesbian mothers and working in a PIZZA shop?, or the Lesbian judge also in the article that covers up women being raped and given AIDS in prison by a Tranny they put there , because they allowed him to sue the state $25 grand for the sex change and to be put into a woman's prison.

Don't HATE RAPE OF WOMEN! You sound like you are with the patariachy you lame leftist hahaha!

this got clipped from the blog He needs to write this up to destroy NCAT.

They covered up the rape in prison of female inmates because they let him sue the state for $25,000 back in '99 (under his male name no doubt) for his right to go to a woman's prison then there were like 4 rapes, and rape charges covered up....

Then in 2006 when Anne Britton was covering the case the rape charges were being covered up in Parliament and in the media!!!!

THE ADB was responsible for all that AIDS infection and RAPE in a women's prison... then after the cover up the tranny rapist who was segregated from other women claimed discrimination because of his AIDS status, and even though it was spoken in court the rape allegations... Anne Britton can't put it in her court decision because they were waiting for the media circus to die down before the truth came out.

Bernard Gaynor - - nail her to the wall for my research..

Bernard Gaynor Australian Military Intelligence will fuck up this dyke judge like he fucked up the last dyke judge with my research. Wanna read? The last judge ruled AIDS is not a disease it's gender identity. So a gay man who chooses to have AIDS semen spirt up his but willingly can force private health insurers in Australia to pay to keep him alive (not the government) but a child dieing of cancer doesn't get the exemption for a pre-existing ilness in Australia. Typical pro-pedophile @NCATNSW court ruling that the gay man must be put above the child ALWAYS.

@NCATNSW that pro pedophile court is linked to the OTO satanic pedophile cult behind pizzagate. You didn't know that?

hojuruku ago

I wasn't going to share this post here but then I saw this in the blog as I was pressing the publish button...

“The money I received for sex certainly helped me financially because it allowed me certain spending money beyond what I earned with my teenage jobs at a pizzeria and in my mother’s [psychiatric] clinic,” he states in the brief. “But the money was not as impactful as the fact that I needed to feel loved and wanted by an older male figure, even if for only as short as a half hour.” From Robert Oscar Lopez Phd who gave the main argument against gay marriage in the SCOTUS supreme court decision. Breif here:

Read how the gay societies were studying him as a model child being raised by gay parents in 1985 - one year after he was tied up and drugged and raped in his bedroom in 1984. Yet if he talks about what it was like to be grown up and raped under the care of gay parents he is attacked by the GAY MAFIA, much like I and my friend are.

This was given to the US supreme court to stop gay marriage in America, he was one of the main witnesses against it.

hojuruku ago

I wonder what pizza shop it was......