Laskar ago

Why would any serious researcher care what happens on Reddit?

DrTeethateJanice ago

They've been flooding the comments for months now creating doubt and pushing their narrative. I had one mod over there delete my comment fucking with a guy who I wasn't sure was real or a bot. He was pushing the narrative that pedo's are mentally ill and we should feel sorry for them, basically acceptance. The was around the time that the people in r/Pedofriends were outed and they started infiltrating conspiracy. Reddit has always been a shithole.

ThePedoHunter ago

True. Love the Zep too (breaks me though that Page followed that demonic idiot Crowley).

Keep fighting dude.

contrarianism ago


I saw all this stuff fresh, uncensored, undeleted, including that image.

Lots of creepy stuff got flushed from there and youtube. There was one video of a kid working at CPP who said "You take care of us, we take care of you. We don't tell secrets." Another video of a young kid, obviously a trauma victim, promoting CPP along with his dad; the kid had a monotonic delivery that was chilling.

archons ago

That kid was Eli Sizemore who he is now a transgendered teen probably due to the abuse and control of his "dad."

Here is all of his videos I saved and named them as they were on the youtube channel.

contrarianism ago

Did you see the one of the young man working at CPP who said "we look out for you and you look out for us" ?

It was smoking-gun quality.

archons ago

No, where is that at?

contrarianism ago

Idk but its good

mooteensy ago

God damnit. I would PAY to see those vids/original comments and likes. Someone else has to have seen this too....?

archons ago

Check my comment above to see all the videos. I did not save any comments but I don't remember there being many on the videos.

TheHolyMoly ago

You're communicating now.

jangles ago

You should stop communication in this community, it is underdeveloped and uninformed

TheHolyMoly ago

Most people eat tortured animals. Aliens think we are just as bad as the Podesta crew.

TheHolyMoly ago

It was the limo driver who shot JFK

spezSentMe ago

We actually have a lot to thank Spez for! Look, for example, who sent me here. Edit: and u should all be fucking super happy I'm here.

TheHolyMoly ago

Why is spez so into cannibalism?

spezSentMe ago

Maybe because he's cannibal..? Or maybe his side dad is mr. Skippy, himself? He probably learned from the be(a)st.

TheHolyMoly ago

So Skippy is the side dad of Alefantis and Spez. Tony is trying to marry silicon valley and the aliens intend to take them out.

It's all just so, what's the word... Inevitable.

spezSentMe ago

I believe Skippy to be the side dad of most male Washington DC residents born after year 2000. Every single one of them are having free hot dogs from his stand every Monday morning. The aliens taking out Tony Pedosta, I can't say I'm familiar with - but happy hunting to them. Let's hope they spirit cook his ass long and good.

remedy4reality ago

you must be a conspiracy theorist to believe that

( snark )

TheHolyMoly ago

A little bird tells me you work for CIA/NSA remedy4reality.

remedy4reality ago

Funny.. it's blatantly obvious what your m.o. is here on PG

no little bird needed

TheHolyMoly ago

Just how many people are running your account remedy4reality? I count at least 4.

TheHolyMoly ago

Cultivate the good where ever you can. Think of the animals just as you said... We torture them.

vonHugenbuben ago

I can't believe no one noticed the shirt before. It bothered me the second I saw the pic.

8874932? ago

I don't get how so many didn't notic that. I saw it and noticed and im terrible with that stuff... also pretty sure it was pointed out and discussed here ages ago.

fartyshorts ago

It certainly was last year.

kazza64 ago

that would be a joke t-shirt for an adult when you put it on a child in the context its in it becomes a while different meaning caris appears to be a honeypot for alefantis to lure and lull children being trafficked into a false sense of security

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

It starts from the cradle....they own our media and education system and they endlessly propagandize. It is their whole reason for living. To enslave humanity and constantly show off with public dominate displays.

JPPennypacker ago

Their whole reason is to continue changing money so they can print it out of thin air, lend it to incompetent governments, and collect interest on money printed out of thin air in the form of taxes in some sort of free range slavery.

It all comes back to the Central Banks in the end.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago


truthstrangerthanfic ago

The day after Thanksgiving, because of another stupid thing spez had done, I learned that Reddit had deleted an entire subreddit called "Pizzagate" and I asked myself 'why on earth would they do that???' Because of that I began to look into it. It was then I became red pilled after investigating every single major event since JFK. Thanks to spez for opening my eyes to what is really going on behind the curtain - it was because of his stupidity that led me down this path (aka 'the rabbit hole').

fartyshorts ago

Welcome, brother. We need people like you!

TheHolyMoly ago

Here's a question, why did spez moderate the cannibal sub?

Betty_Swollocks ago

I don't think it was Spez' idea to shut down that sub. I'm thinking it was on the orders of JA or some other higher-up. Same as when Infowars had to issue an apology, that threat came from JA too. Don't get me wrong, Spez is an utter cunt who probably enjoys walnut sauce on his dominos too, I just feel shutting down the sub was pretty drastic and came from the top.

Death2Masons ago

Sandy Hook red pilled me in 2012, but PG is the last straw. Maybe worse than 9/11. My roomate warned me about 9/11 being not what we were told, but the limited hangout of Farenheit 9/11 had me thrown off the trail back then. Michael Moore is a phoney and outs out disinfo. Would never work on me now.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Yeah I was aware of Pizzagate a little but the banning was a huge red flag and really got me interested. So I would say Reddit and then all the MSM obvious shilling for Alefantis who I could not understand why they would defend a little pizza shot owner like they were doing. That was before we realized he is a damn Rothschild and one of the CIA chosen ones.....destined to supply kids for sex his whole life.

ThePedoHunter ago

Ppl are so fcking naive ...i mean, so much scrutiny and second guessing for a youg girl with the pizza slut logo...."oh my, that cant be, can it"...stupid ignorant cunts....yet you have kids getting raped to death on video or raped endlessly and abused.....reddit scum need to red pill and quick.

Chatman ago

Reddit did help launch pizzagate after closing the subreddit & to delete stuff from conspiracy sub of all subs!