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truthstrangerthanfic ago

The day after Thanksgiving, because of another stupid thing spez had done, I learned that Reddit had deleted an entire subreddit called "Pizzagate" and I asked myself 'why on earth would they do that???' Because of that I began to look into it. It was then I became red pilled after investigating every single major event since JFK. Thanks to spez for opening my eyes to what is really going on behind the curtain - it was because of his stupidity that led me down this path (aka 'the rabbit hole').

Death2Masons ago

Sandy Hook red pilled me in 2012, but PG is the last straw. Maybe worse than 9/11. My roomate warned me about 9/11 being not what we were told, but the limited hangout of Farenheit 9/11 had me thrown off the trail back then. Michael Moore is a phoney and outs out disinfo. Would never work on me now.