ploppy ago


privatepizza ago

Go Rebel !!

RebelSkum ago

the plot thickens

Piscina ago

Really well put together piece. Thank you.

lude ago

Great read

DonKeyhote ago

All memes should link to the wiki as it enables people to search for any sector of society they might care about.

Old Haiti post of mine with other possible CIA names that I thought mentioned wasson, can't find the thread but another Wasson did unwitting CIA work on hallucinogens and shrooms in Mexico, by I never could prove a family relation

Edit: J Gordon wasson, wiki has MK ultra documents as proof

PizzagateBot ago

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DarkMath ago

It's worth mentioning the following in case any lurkers are doubtful that child and organ trafficking may have occurred down in Haiti:

Mind you this is a CNN interview and that's Christian Amonpour. This isn't "fake news". Ok cancel that, I forgot it was CNN for a second. This isn't some unheard of reporter. Haiti is in the top 3 of the world largest centers for human trafficking. This stuff is happening down there. The Haitian government wouldn't let Laura Silsby leave for precisely this reason. They suspected something was up with her.

Now does that make the Maccoby's complicit? No, not at all, in fact I suspect they're above board. But it's quite common for some of these relief organizations to unknowingly harbor pedophiles. As horrifying as it is to deal with you have to be aware it can happen:


shoosh ago

Have you researched journalist reporter Jake Morphoneus' assertions about the Maccoby's?
I don't know enough about it, but would welcome your comparison between this and Morphoneus' report.

DarkMath ago

"Jake Morphoneus' assertions about the Maccoby's?"

Yes I saw that. And I think he was pretty clear he wasn't accusing them of anything rather he was just putting out the facts. And the facts point to a connection between Laura Silsby and the orphanage the Maccoby father was connected to.

I personally don't think the Macooby's did anything wrong, in fact it's commendable they have helped. I think the Macooby's are probably in the same position as the 10 missionaries who went with Laura Silsby. In other words good people who are honestly just trying to help out may be used as cover. I believe that's the takeaway from the Haitian government releasing all 10 missionaries without charge. It was only Laura Silsby who they suspected of child trafficking. And I think that's also why Laura Silsby's original lawyer fired her. She was told numerous times by the officials in the Dominican Republic and in Haiti to not take the children out of the country or she would be arrested.

To me that smacks of desperation on the part of Laura Silsby and that ain't good. I don't think any of the kids were orphans and some hadn't even been told they were bought from their parents. It breaks my fucking heart every time I think about it.

Jobew1 ago

what do you make of the younger Maccoby screaming that he'll personally take anyone "down" regarding cpp trying to force through their permits a few years ago? sound like a good person (even if they think cpp is an innocuous pizza parlor)?

shoosh ago

Thanks for your response. Where does Izette Folger's innocence play into your interpretation? I'm not saying that her family are guilty by associtation with Izette, but I've followed some of the forum threads she would be worthy of investigation imo.

DarkMath ago

"Izette Folger"

I don't know, I haven't really followed that connection. Can you paste in a link?

DonKeyhote ago

Folger family hugely implicated. What exactly is your exculpatory evidence for the maccobys when they're closer to alefantis than dozen of others. Fyi the relation alone is damning.

DarkMath ago

"What exactly is your exculpatory evidence"

Exculpatory? They were never charged with a crime. People are innocent until proven guilty. Merely a connection isn't enough. And like I said in the comment the way these traffickers work is to use normal honest people for cover.

"the relation alone is damning"

I wouldn't go that far. That's got the sound of a witch hunt to it and that ain't good. That reduces our credibility.

DonKeyhote ago

" I will personally destroy anyone who messes with comet ping pong"

DarkMath ago

" I will personally destroy anyone who messes with comet ping pong"

Sketchy as hell? Yes

Is there more to the story we're not seeing? Yes

Based on the information we have today did someone break the law? No

People are innocent until proven guilty. That's a good thing for both sides. And for the moment today in America they can't put you in jail for your thoughts.

shoosh ago

I suck at using this forums inadequate search. aaarggh.

I wonder if someone better equipped to fight with this forums search engine can supply the links?

Where's the forum robot with info links when I need it? :/

DarkMath ago

You can use google to search instead of voat by adding the site keyword to your search query in google:


shoosh ago izette folger james alefantis

and izette folger

I typed it into google and am not sure if it supplied all the links in the forum but it may provide some insight to this topic.

Maybe Izette is one of those relatives that the rest of the family rolls their eyes over? I've got a few of those myself.

You can type it in and click on the links.

shoosh ago

After a few seconds of frustration over the search I decided I'm just not even going to attempt to further search this forum, cause I know it will be a time waster.

I'm hoping someone will supply the links because I'd definitely appreciate your opinion in this area.

There are threads about Izette's connection with JA, some surround the instagram photo and a few threads went deeper.

Edited to add: their older threads.

DarkMath ago

"After a few seconds of frustration over the search I decided I'm just not even going to attempt to further search this forum"

That's too bad. Are you sure you can't get Google Advanced Search to work? I just used your example and it works for me. If you put the following into a google search text box it should return the results you're looking for.

izette folger james alefantis

shoosh ago

Thanks. yes your suggestion called up a lot of links. I'd be interested in hearing you're opinions on them. Thanks.

equineluvr ago

Very detailed, comprehensive yet easy-to-follow layout of the connections between them. Well done!!! ^