TruthTrumps ago

I wonder if Ted Talks will remove this video as they apparently removed another one that people were tweeting about with the hashtag pizzagate.

Omnicopy ago

Trump doesn't drink. It could be that he went once to the island and saw what they all did, everyone else was drunk but him. He left the island disgusted and never returned. That article is a bunch of fake news!

artfullyours ago

Twitter took this down.

pipo44 ago

And it's gone.

pipo44 ago

Thank you OP!

Drunkenmoba ago

Gone. They removed it.

DarkMath ago

I'd throw Trump under the bus in a second if those accusations are proven true. I already kind of half think Trump isn't going to rock the boat down in DC despite all his bluster.

It doesn't matter though. If Trump doesn't drain the swamp then the people will. That's the exact reason the 2nd Amendment was put in place.

vonHugenbuben ago

Do you have join Instagram to see pics? I clicked the link but it said it was unavailable.

vonHugenbuben ago


banenya ago

It's gone. Did anyone archive it?

remedy4reality ago

pizzabot on the case

scroll down

Silverlining ago page not available Please say you archived it.

remedy4reality ago

archived at the bottom of the thread


Image is no longer there.

DonKeyhote ago

Bad example as Groening is probably a pedophile and his music man Danny elfman definitely is

FriesischShipping ago

But little girls make him feel so 😊

DerivaUK ago

Fair point but only in probability as you state. But he was simply chosen as a random to make mine.

horse-with-a-name ago

And don't forget this picture of Miley Cyrus with a pregnancy scan that shows a "pizza baby"!

PizzagateBot ago

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Omnicopy ago

I found a picture that says I want to be inside of you and has a piece of pizza and in the comments is the hashtag #wewanttobeinsideyourrearholes

Northern_Soul ago

Cheeky... You mean i found it

DarkMath ago

"freedom of speech on topics like sex"

Where did I say the guy isn't allowed to speak?

You should be smart enough to know what a Straw Man is given the "UK" in your username. And you just built a doozy. You can't attack my argument which is fucking children is wrong. So what do you do? Why you make this about free speech and then try to brow beat me into submission.

That sex educator has every right to give that talk. And I would fight to the death to make sure he will always have that right. But guess what, free speech goes both ways. I get to come here and make fun of his idiot ass. That's MY right.

I don't know how you ended up here but your comment is odd as fuck. It's very close to accusing me of "Hate Speech" which is the Left's polite way of robbing someone's right to express his opinions.

"In the future Fascists will be called anti-Fascists." - DarkMath


DerivaUK ago

Ignoring your misplaced quotation, I was merely making an observation about the video regarding the use of metaphor in regard to sexual reference and speech and making the comparison about our differing cultural restrictions. No attack or refutation of your argument was either implied or intended. Nor similarly any accusation of hate speech. Indeed, we agree on your fundamental premises that fucking children is wrong and the right of this man to say what he wants is worthy of a battle to the death. However, I will argue that the right to call him an idiot is not yours exclusively. There was no informal fallacy here. I was not arguing with your statement, my comment was purely observational, as stated. Maybe you're shill weary and it's maybe making you hyper touchy, for your apparent "counter attack" was not justified given that there was no attack from me (or even argument) in the first place. I have respect for you, in truth.

DarkMath ago

"Ignoring your misplaced quotation"

Misplaced? You didn't know that Churchill didn't say that?

Regarding the remainder of your comment I can tell you're highly educated, English and possess a high verbal aptitude which basically means you could "concern troll" a vulture off a meat truck. I think if you go back and look at what you wrote again you'll acknowledge use of the words "taboo" and "censorship" along with the freedom of speech line we just talked about all add up to a "Begging the Question" fallacy where in this case you put down "taboo", "censorship", and "freedom of speech" and pray the reader starts to feel like a deplorable shit lord.

But the problem is I'm American and can spot your ruse that I'm pretty sure you can't even see yourself and you wrote it.

Whiiiiiiiiiich gets to my final point, the problem isn't criticizing a man for slinging around an idea that's so wrong and morally repugnant my teeth hurt.

The problem is you're English. In England evidently you're too polite to call a spade a spade. Isn't that the English way? Be polite at all costs?

But why and for what? There is no reason. The English aren't polite, they're afraid. The aristocratic class has brow beaten you poor sods for so long it's still part of your culture even though your aristocracy went the way of the doe-doe.

It's time to break your shackles random English guy I'm talking to on the Interwebs. We did it a little over 225 years ago and it feels sublime.

Free your mind and your ass will follow.


sugarskull ago

My mantra!! Fly on children...

educate_yourself ago

yo math i usually respect and appreciate your shit greatly but honestly, when i read their comment and read it again it doesnt really come across to me like they are arguing with you... more making an observation. i would be on the fence except the last sentence seems to support you, ykno? im not a shill and im certainly not a concern troll or anything else and i could so easily be wrong but i got a pretty decent education and perhaps its just the language itself that is off putting or how it reads to you? i could be wrong deriva could be shilling or w.e but it just didnt really read that way to me. either way always enjoy ur cmoments

DarkMath ago

Have you ever been to the UK?

educate_yourself ago

what youre saying is bc they are from the uk and so wishy washy its bs? nah, i havent

DarkMath ago

In the UK or anywhere in Europe for that matter there's still residual respect for the aristocratic class a.k.a. the elites. The average peon was abused and brow beaten for so long they've forgotten how to resist. Us Americans haven't, in fact we've been rolling back the 1% for 250 years. Admittedly the elites took back some territory starting in about 1963 but that's about to come back to haunt them in spades. They're about to receive a grievous chastisement of their own making I doubt any of them quite realize the power of yet.

In short DevianUK has no point or argument whatsoever. Busting the TED talk speaker's balls for being a Stage 5 pervert and a douche bag is exactly what's required, politeness be damned.

educate_yourself ago

bro over the last 250 years they have stolen and gained more grround than any other time in MODERN ACCEPTED HISTORY. likely our modern history is a fucking sham and a lot more has been going on for a lot longer but at least in modern times they have exponentially grown since 1800s. every depression they double or tripled from 1700s to today. i hope you are right but the bottom line is america was founded by the very same occultists that took over everywhere else and anyone who fought back like andrew jackson was forcibly stopped.

yo i agree with you that ted shit was gross i was just saying the person didnt come across to me as trying to shut u down. i may be looking at it wrong tho u know? i sure hope the ruling class get shitkicked. i have my doubts about 1963 im currently engaged in a tough convo on here about it

DarkMath ago

" i have my doubts about 1963"

What makes you doubt it was a conspiracy?

There is no question it was a conspiracy. Even Congress finally admitted that fact.

educate_yourself ago

i dont doubt it was a conspiracy i just have my questions about jfk's complicity and a few other things

DarkMath ago

"just have my questions about jfk's complicity and a few other things"

Like what?

educate_yourself ago

ok so heres the bottom line for me. ive researched this for long enough that i have a hard time believing jfk got where he was and was takingadv of women like he was and fuking illuminati mk beta kittens like he was with his familly without being complicit in their shit. which maeks me question stuff plus his being elevated to this like deity status or w.e and being used as a symbol for good........ makes me wonder

DarkMath ago

"like he was with his familly without being complicit in their shit."

You're conflating two separate issues. The first being the fact the Joe Kennedy Sr was Irish Mafia, he was. And the second being that fact meant he would have taken America down an equally albeit different path towards destruction.

H.W. Bush and JFK were both mafia, Yale vs Irish respectively. That doesn't mean JFK was anywhere near as evil as H.W.. They were both bought and paid for, it's just one wanted to execute a Fascist takeover.

educate_yourself ago

what we are seeing is two competing groups i guess but for me the bottom line is they are bound by occult connections and whatnot. what is the kennedy bloodline? what doest his mean? that even though many of them may have been murdered, theyve mostly shown to be corrupt like any other. im not saying he wasnt killed i just dont know and there is enough room for me to question the validity especially considering alts main piece of evidence as to his character is basically a misrepresentation when you listen to the entire 20 minuteespeech or however long it was............ idk man, i just dont feel the sadness and true loss that i used to beecause i canthelp but question the 2nd biggest mass ritual on american soil. u feel me?

DarkMath ago

Nope. You lost me.

DerivaUK ago

No. I had no idea Churchill had ever said that. I'm sorry but you've misconstrued my observational comment to be an attack. I can't defend that. This is a debate on semantics rather than content and I apologise if I did not express myself clearly enough in that regard (see, Im being polite again) I do however, welcome the backhanded compliment although refute that my aptitude should ever be used for such purposes. I do agree about the British having been beaten into submission when it comes to argument with politeness and that it is indeed endemic - although I personally am not shackled by it - but identify with a sense of fairness that is intrinsically linked to that politeness, and I won't knock that as you do - hence the apology. That you would describe this as weakness or fear is where our opinion would differ. We are on the same side when it comes to the fundamentals, friend. Potato - potahtoe debates aside. Careful with those gender assumptions though ;)

DarkMath ago

"I personally am not shackled by it"

You could have fooled me.

"but identify with a sense of fairness that is intrinsically linked to that politeness"

There are many reasons people are polite. Some are natural but some are forced. We're polite to judges and to police, at least I am. That politeness is because of the exact opposite of a "sense of fairness". I'm polite to judges and police because I don't want to risk them being unfair.

Gender? So you're a woman. That explains everything.

DerivaUK ago

"I'm polite to judges and police because I don't want to risk them being unfair" Take that as a backhanded compliment by return. As for the clip? I'll take that as you intended, and at least I will leave with a smile ;)

remedy4reality ago

Great Catch... they are literally all over PG Voat right now: new accounts with proven disinfo tactics and snarky, unhelpful contributions.

redditsuckz ago

Some notable images from Spacepizzaband and reanimatorcoffee;

supports reanimatorcoffee;

reanimatorcoffee supports mypizzabrain;




mypizzabrain responsible for this ad;

I eat little babies

Northern_Soul ago

davidknightus ago

this is a joke about eating to much pizza to the point you feel pregnant

blablah ago

there are still so many blindfolded ppl that are laughing at you when u say that "pizza" is used by pedos as code. ...even if u show them they won't believe it. good posting! Upvoat!

NotAnIdiot ago

It was on Urban Dictionary before the conspiracy theory was even a thing. People that deny this is a code are idiots.

blablah ago

...idiots and ignorant ppl that can't stand the truth so they just deny it to feel good.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Yes it's all a coincidence, as is all the illuminati and pizza symbolism in Katy Perry videos. You crazy conspiracy theorists haha. Sarcasm for anyone who missed it ;)

DonKeyhote ago

Same pic found on Austin piZzeria by Voodoo Doughnut.

That whole block is probably cia fronts. Few blocks from Strafor hq also. Downtown Austin where subway tunnels run right through there to the capitol building. Nobody likes breadcrumbs here -_-

remedy4reality ago

They are building entire communities just like New Orleans in the 50's and 60's, just like Newtown, Austin, Denver, Racine, Waco..

Edit: boosting archive link to deleted link >>>

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Thanks for the relevant link.

DarkMath ago

It's not often I paste in a link that so clearly demonstrates just how much the current demonic clown fraud has eaten away at America's foundation. Today is one of those occasions. First it's a TED talk. That fact alone and you know what's coming. TED talks exemplify the complete detachment from reality many in Silicon Valley experience in epidemic numbers today. When you see through everything you see nothing at all.

But the real nugget of nonsense is when this blathering idiot tries to explain how pizza needs to replace baseball as a metaphor for sex:


In the fucknut's defense this was pre-pizzagate but I think you all know what he's up to. You know as well as I do had Hillary won and there'd been no pizzagate at some point this guy would have done another TED talk and it would probably have been to subtly introduce the normalization of pedophilia. It'd have been just like the other countless attempts in the MSM to do the same thing.

neverobey ago

OMG! Disgusting! He says "it means that if a youg person, specifically a young girl has pubic hair, she is old enough to have sex with." (people laughing) What the +#x$%&+# ?!

It's not even from like a self powerment perspective. He is not saying she is old enough to have sex, she is old enough to have sex WITH!!!

DarkMath ago

Yep. The termites have almost completely eaten away the foundation. It's scary.

No problem though, it's an easy fix. We just jack up the house, remove the wood and put a full on concrete basement in, use rebar so it'll sit for 10,000 years.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Yup and they start in our school system.

neverobey ago


Madwack ago

Are they trying to connect pizzagate with flat earth ?....hehe

Northern_Soul ago

Upvoat for you.

linked to my recent submission if no one has seen it