ploppy ago

Lots of great work here.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

"On February 7th, 2010, The Sunday Times reported that Bill Clinton had intervened to strike a deal with the Haitian government, securing the release of all co-conspirators except for Silsby"


redditsuckz ago

Some notable images from Spacepizzaband and reanimatorcoffee;

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

This needs to move somewhere where it can be chronologically ordered and organised on a platform that won't pull ALL evidence gathered as Reddit once has. There is a great effort going on at Pizzagate subverses but the "mod" situation and lack of search bar is wearing thin.

nnfx ago

You're welcome.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

I have this bookmarked thank you but found it to not bring up some Pizzagate results (embarrassingy I didn't understand or pay attention to the parent options etc hehe so never saved so many fabulous posts I have read). Is there anything I may be doing wrong?

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Search Voat is a tribute to Voat but is not authorised by, or in any way associated with Voat. No liability accepted, no warranty offered, use at your own risk etc. v/VoatSearch

Does that bit at the bottom not concern you? @pizzagatebot mentioned clicking on a certain google link can give show our identity. Could this not do the same?

I know would help right. I was thinking of getting a notepad to keep track. Duh. Hehe.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Has anyone contacted the owner of Voat about these constant and intrusive changes?

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle PostDate LinkOrigin John Podesta's Pizza Mansion , "CAMP CAZADERO " "Goat Rock" ..... "Hunting Grounds" For The "Elite??" (New Information) 4/15/2017 OP Followup, more on Northwood Golf, Skippy's, MacKenzie, Schaap, Bale, Korbel, Neville 4/15/2017 OP

Northern_Soul ago

Thanks Bot. I was beginning to think it was your day off .

PizzagateBot ago

Happy Easter :)

neverobey ago

Sorry, but this is not Laura Silsby on that photo.

Northern_Soul ago

I've corrected it.

neverobey ago

thank you!

Pizzaagent ago

This needs fairing urgently.

Northern_Soul ago

Thanks for the awesome contribution... "Added"

neverobey ago

how do more photos proof it better? When were they taken? But the more important question to me is: I can find no connection of their names. I don't say it's not her. I just don't know which makes it not a proof but a suspicion.

blablah ago

Northern_Soul ago

Thankyou, I've made the correction... still connected tho!!

neverobey ago

ok, thank you. This indeed isn't her.

educate_yourself ago

i read quickly and every quotation slows me down bc i say it out loud in my head and dont for everything else it got fucking tiresome and no im sorry but for a number of reasons i disagree. i think great find and great info most likely but im not gonna look at it not tonight at least but probably not at all and i dont thin it gets us closer to anything i hope we accomplish something but at this point whatever we find will tell us the truth but people will just not watch hillary in the act if they dont wanna know. then they will pretend it didnt happen or deny and because satanists are in charge of literally everthing literally fucking everything nothign will change maybe a few heads roll but thats fucking it. because we as humans have become so fucking docile and retarded cocksuckers that most people will just do nothing even if they know the truth its safer and more comfortable that way not my kid. thats humanity

remedy4reality ago

lol You're obviously a total douche or a shill after complaining about 'quotation marks' and then writing a nearly incomprehensible paragraph just minutes later.

educate_yourself ago

looooooool oh no you caught me im both.

maybe my paragraph was incomprehensible but either way i dont think we will win anything and itwas a replacement for a longer more thorough thought out thing where i was more of an asshole so i think i just wanted to get the gist of it out and didnt really care so long as it WAS COMPREHENSIBLE so ha! sorry for being a dick anyhow iguess im actually a total douche idk

IAMDeMolay ago

CHECK THIS OUT, THIS BAND PLAYS @ ORTLIEBS, WHICH OP MENTIONS I wana fuck you song (babies) Songs To Eat Brains To (young boys) Confimation these sick fucks enjoy raping babies

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

The Instagram pic has been taken down. Did you archive?

neverobey ago

Hey @IAMDeMolay, user for 1,1 day. I am sorry. You're not making your self more trustworthy by calling out names. The site doesn't give her name and this woman doesn't look like her. I still need more to believe in this connection. Not to offend anyones work but (just take a look.

IAMDeMolay ago

ANDREW SOLOMON, serves on the boards of PEN; the Metropolitan Museum of Art; the World Monuments Fund; Yaddo; and The Alex Fund, which supports the education of Romani children. (Clinton connections and more)

equineluvr ago

SOLOMON. Yet another JEW.

This is shocking, I say! SHOCKING. (NOT!)

neverobey ago

well, yes that's interesting. Thanks for your patience.

neverobey ago

Can you give me a source for the photo of the two? To me the woman doesn't appear like Laura Silsby. Silsby was very skinny when she was in Haiti. This woman seams to have bigger breats and is "rounder" than Silsby.

Mad_As_Hell ago

No need for the aggression, that photo wasn't in the original post

LostandFound ago

2013 Online fund raising for land for Love Orphanage organised by Ahaji Schreffler of Drexel Uni. 2016 fund for new building same organizer. Seem to be getting some undisclosed amounts which are in excess of 1000 usd, one which came from Drexel Uni. Nothing untoward unto itself just said I would post this up.

Northern_Soul ago

Thanks, you've led me to another connection. I'll post it after some more digging.

educate_yourself ago

whats with the excess of fuckin quotation marks

Northern_Soul ago

Sorry, I'll bare that in mind for next time.

educate_yourself ago

yo man i owe u the apology i was being a dick. although i dont disagree with what i said earlier i tend to just be an asshole with a keyboard at 5am, not really intentionally but its not cool. you did great work sorry for being critical but it was like imagine scanning it all without a sound but every quotation u say the word within as though it you are doing bunny ears or w,e with ur fingers whiile saying it. for some reason my brain was doing that and im sorry for bein a dickabout it

Northern_Soul ago

"Holy Cow" Is that actually "Gabriel Fedelus" "Lauren Silsby" in a group photo.. How did you find that??

4565465 ago

Gabriel Fedelus, choose to leave his job and create a home for orphaned and abandoned children after the devastating earthquake in Haiti in 2010.

On January 29, 2010, Silsby was arrested with nine other American nationals attempting to steal 33 children from the country, most of whom were not even orphans and had families according to some reports.



DerivaUK ago

Try as I might I'm struggling to see the connection between Fedelus and Silsby why it's so "huge" especially as they do not appear together in the photo??

Mad_As_Hell ago

Sorry perhaps I'm missing something but is there any connection between these two people apart from the fact that they were both in Haiti at some point in the year 2010?

Northern_Soul ago

Thankyou so much, adding to the main piece..