MattHelm ago

Yes it's Podesta 100% it's him but nothing will be done. Comey FBI are covering it all up. Trump won't push them to prosecute and AG Sessions won't do anything either. No arrests will be made. If anything Trump will be impeached by the Swamp they have blackmail on Trump and he is now their slave.

V____Z ago

I hate that you are right.

sunajAeon ago

One thing I wanted to mention is the reference to James Woods-why is it anyone would want to give credence to an ACTOR who has been among the Hollyweird crowd for decades and we never heard a peep about any of this from Woods before? I just think people ought shit-can the celebrity worship, referring to a Hollywood icon is troubling at best

3141592653 ago

And james woods starred in Oliver stone's movie discrediting the McMartin victims

dickface8 ago

Well James Woods has gone on record saying he doesn't care if he never works in Hollywood again because he's done and they're mainly scumbags.

Gothamgirl ago

That site ties to all the other sites we found recently. Its the real deal, some youtubers have slowed the video enough that you actually see a guiter handle come into the frame a few times.

Fateswebb ago

Unfortunately the worldcorp videos are not podesta...

Anonymous987654321 ago

Damn this is some scary shit. We need to get all this info out to the public and demand an investigation

VoaterFrog ago

Where are these video of child torture coming from?

DangerPizza ago

Perhaps the reason it is being taken down is because you reported it? The FBI would not leave evidence for an investigation floating around... especially if the kid went witness.

Vindicator ago

Okay people, for the sake of us all I am flairing this 'Unverified' just to make absolutely clear to all and sundry that the headline of this post is an hypothesis under investigation, not a conclusion.

mooteensy ago

fine dad

Votescam ago

If we do someday and somehow find out that this is actually John Podesta we have to consider whether he is showing us the abuse he received as a child. We can't ignore that possibility.

Are_we_sure ago

Their first questions would be where did you get this? Why do you think it's John Podesta?

DarkMath ago

"What about using that clip to fuel a ridiculous fictitious conspiracy"

Oh shit, I agree with you this time. Yeah that's not John Podesta. But here's the deal PG_IS_AN_IDIOT why would someone go to such great lengths to create such a red-herring?

Interesting you love to dismiss evidence but you never seem to want to look at any evidence pointing to a crime like mango-flavored heroin, charity fraud, child trafficking poor black Haitian children.........etc etc.

SayWhatNOWAY ago


srayzie ago


Psychanaut ago

You're mentioned and quoted here because of amazing work finding and posting videos:

V____Z ago

thank you!!!! just saw this.

Psychanaut ago

great red pill because once you click those videos and read your post, it's all over. share the link around to the article. it posts well on facebook and twitter. legit style and it's a way to spread around the videos without using your name or by using voat, Quora is way vanilla so it's a great way to inject pizzagate into mainstream consciousness.

V____Z ago

Am doing so - it's a fantastic article. Very clean and simple, about a very dirty and complex topic!

Vindicator ago

@jstayz44, @V____Z, @dickface8, @cakeoflightylight:

I think you are operating under a misconception about the purpose of the submission guidelines, Voat's censorship policies, and mods intentions.

First of all as you probably know, removing posts that fail to satisfy submission guidelines is not censorship, according to the the Voat User Agreement:

Can I submit links to any subverse I want?

Each subverse has its own rules which are usually stated in the respective subverse's sidebar. If you ignore said rules, your account may be banned from submitting further content to the subverse or in some cases, globally.

Secondly, our submission guidelines were established early on by the community in order to focus content on v/pizzagate on RESEARCH posts, for the purpose of advancing the investigation and caching the information that could actually be helpful to law enforcement and media in bringing elite pedo scum to justice. To that end, we created submission guidelines, and several sister-subverses for non-research but still-important posts:

You can't just slap a few links into a post and claim you have satisfied the submission guidelines. You actually have to fully satisfy them all such that you have created a RESEARCH post that provides linked sources backing up every claim. Linking to a source that offers no actual evidence itself does not satisfy Rule 2. That is, I can't just send out a tweet giving my opinion that John Podesta is the guy in this video, and then link to that tweet as a source. Without some kind of link showing actual evidence this is JP, it's never going to be anything more than speculative. If you put a title on it claiming it is John Podesta, it's going to be removed for Rule 1 or 2. It belongs in our speculative sub.

Finally, there is no proof this video is connected to elite pedophiles at all. v/Pizzagate defines "pizzagate" as having to do with sexual abuse of kids by the GLOBAL ELITE, not the four pedos that live in your neighborhood and work at your local McDonalds.

Mods did not choose these rules, they were developed by the whole community through a series of stickies over several weeks, in an effort led by @Kevdude and @Crensch of v/ProtectVoat.

Without submission guidelines, mods would not be able to remove anything but adspam from this board, and truly valuable research posts, such as this one, would be slid from the board by Share Blue spam. Take a look at the Hentai spam carpet bombing attack we had last night. That 9217 post came in right in the middle of it and still has received little attention, even though it is part of a research effort that is going to break open a real, elitist New Age pedophile ring.

And speaking of disruption by shills; if you really care about it, why are you constantly playing into their "mods are compromised" "Voat is a limited hangout" narrative by trashing mods for doing their jobs and removing posts that don't fulfill the mission of the board? Your energies would be much better directed toward downvoating the shill posts, helping other users understand the submission guidelines and how to make posts that comply with them, and upvoating great contributions. Seriously...what the hell?

You could also be commenting in research post threads linking people to interesting speculative threads in v/pizzagatewhatever that you feel deserve more attention. This serves two purposes: it gets people to sign up for and visit that sub, and it causes great research threads to rise in "HOT" and gain more visibility.

And yet, you come and bitch and moan and echo the shills and dump a bunch of negative, toxic bullshit into the community discussion. If you really care about the kids, you need to knock this shit off.

Please, by all means, keep an eye on removed submissions. Sometimes we do remove legit posts -- usually because the user has not spelled out how something is pizzagate related. We don't know or see every connection, and many users assume the connection is obvious. When you find one, please ping the mod who removed and let them know why you think it was a mistake. If it was a mistake, we WILL apologize and ask the user to repost. There are also sometimes research posts that get put in v/pizzagatewhatever and never seen -- ping us about those, too, so we can invite the user to post on the research board and give them any tips they need to satisfy the submission guidelines.

V____Z ago

What I hear you saying in your comments here is that if we haven't officially proven that this is Podesta, we have to post a submission like this in v/pizzagatewhatever. You admit you personally don't believe these are real, but a trap by anti-pizzagaters. If i'm not mistaken, you also hold the belief that Ted Gunderson was not legit. IMO mods here should not be acting as judge, and censoring (unless, for instance, you can conclusively prove this is a hoax video and therefore damaging to v/pizzagate).

Usually, as with George Webb videos, you allow posts that have no conclusive proof of claims within.

Anyway, thanks for leaving this up. The type of proof you say you require is exactly what we would get from an FBI investigation - the point of this submission. How else do we get proof?

I mean, there's this, from @Orlando_Kek_Follower

The best comparison was the one where a guy took the audio from "you think you're hot shit don't ya" and compared that with a video of Podesta saying "just get lost" trying to shoo away a reporter. The voices are eerily similar.

educate_yourself ago

ted was cointelpro. you could compare him to a modern day kevin annett.... some george webb shit is good i havent watched sincee like day 69 but the initial stuff was pretty good. also, i honestly wanted this clip to be podesta so bad and still do but honestly it doesnt sound lie him to me

V____Z ago

I'm not sure what your credentials are to weigh these things, but Ted was murdered slowly via arsenic poisoning. Cointelpro are people like Alex Jones, and they don't get murdered by the government because they work for them. Make sense? Ted is quoted by the leading researchers of pizzagate, he is mentioned in pretty much every major doc on the subject. There have been no credible sources questioning his legitimacy, and he has been a backbone for our research, so it gives me pause when admins claim he is discredited. The only person online who has questioned Ted, and who is behind the attacks ,on his character (now that he's not here) is himself discredited.

educate_yourself ago

my credentials are garbage. i initially trusted him and then read more than one thing about him not being good similar stuff id seen to kevin annett. upon further investigation the 2nd thing i read was basically verbatim to the first thing i read............... the irony of me being disproved by the website i based my name off of is.....palpable? lol thanks ive been enjoying your stuff lately all of it. see this verbatim of the educate yourself thing which i obviously didnt remember all too clearly in the first place anywhooo thanks

Vindicator ago

Actually, I am not qualified to judge who is in the video, VZ. And I don't have an opinion about Gunderson. I haven't read enough about him. I do know our guidelines, and I try to serve this board by administering them fairly. The problem is the headline claims this IS Podesta. The George Webb videos are not a fair comparison - they're Webb talking about his theories.

jstayz44 ago

Dude, seriously. I apologized in the same thread because emotions run high when you hear a kid screaming from torture. I posted that in the very same thread that I was irate in. Apparently I touched a nerve, and maybe that was my intention, only because I, like many of us, are frustrated and need/want something to break here. Maybe we all need to think, since we don't have any new Podesta links, that we should lighten the requirements. It's just as important to make a connection as it is to lay out original research. Maybe we need to consider the requirements based on where we stand today, along with focusing on the elite. We're all here to save kids, maybe we need to reassess again. Why? Because sometimes keeping mojo and dialogue among researchers gets you the result you want went NOT having that results in dire consequences for the mission. Peace...and I mean that!

Vindicator ago

I totally agree that the sub needs to have a discussion on this topic and have asked several users to post their thoughts on it in v/pizzagatemods. Please do so also! We are discussing what content to put in sticky to gather member feedback about how the guidelines need to be tweaked.

dickface8 ago

Thanks for the thoughtful reply. The only issue I have is that I don't see how the video very possibly depicting Podesta torturing a kid at CPP isn't "pizzagate related". That just does not compute. "Without some kind of link showing actual evidence this is JP, this is nothing more than speculative", well isn't most of what's discussed here technically speculative? Are you saying that unless we get Podestas face on camera in that video then it has no place her because it's only "speculative"?

Are_we_sure ago

You can speculate about conclusions and you can speculate about facts.

James Alefantis had a picture on his instagram and a friend commented "killroom" is a fact. The insane speculation is about the conclusion, that, thus it is an actual killroom where Alefantis and friends kill people.

This video shows John Podesta torturing a kid at CPP is insane speculation about facts. Adding "very possibly" only reduces the insane speculation slightly.

Also you have two facts you speculating on: that John Podesta is in the video AND the video is at CPP. Adding in the second part makes, much, much more unlikely to be true.

dickface8 ago

Fuck off Are_we_sure you're a known shill that tries to sew seeds of doubt amongst us. Btw, could you have chosen a less damning username to go along with your shill tactics?

V____Z ago

In this submission, we used "supposedly" Podesta and "what appears to be" child abuse, and then show people how to report these videos to the FBI for a proper investigation - something we aren't in a position to carry out, and the only way we can get the proof the mods are saying is required. People are taking note that the rules are not applied at all uniformly here, and this idea that there can't be any question about claims made does not fly when you look at the rest of what v/PG has to offer. Seriously, we host Alex Jones saying all sorts of stuff, and Geroge Webb claiming whatever he wants sans proof, and you have personally defended this saying "we don't censor, just let people downvote it".

Vindicator ago

Thank you for listening to my reply. :-)

These videos need to go in v/pizzagatewhatever, unless someone can provide COMPELLING evidence -- of the sort that would induce law enforcement to investigate him for it -- that it actually is JP. That's the deal. You are WELCOME to discuss this and link to it in comments of any thread on v/pizzagate. Speculation is perfectly legit in comments. I would recommend this thread, which includes it as part of a larger topic, without making unprovable claims in the headline.

I should also point out that enemies of PG are very likely pushing these highly triggering videos to agitate PG investigators and incite them to make public defamatory claims about Podesta that his lawyers can then go after them for. This was the tactic Jeffrey Epstein's lawyer Derschowitz used to deflect victim lawsuits and suppress the criminal prosecution. That's their MO.

dickface8 ago

Just out of curiosity, don't you think this could very likely be Podesta in the video? As I said to someone before, how many MK Ultra type child torture videos could possibly be out there with a person that sounds almost identical to Podesta (minus the slight accent), has the same lighting as CPP, and even gets called John and possibly "Skippy" too. What are the odds? Exremely slim I'd say.

Saibra ago

The FBI isn't going to do anything about this, they haven't even done anything with Weiners laptop. They probably will celebrate it. Son-of-bitch. Podesta needs to be arrested!

naturallyfree ago

Did you watch the interview with Craig Sawyer on his new org called I sent an email to the org with the YT link and a link to this page. It will be their help, and the help of The Light Reports whom we have to network with to get these people away from children. The care for the children born and bred into the cult network will need a different kind of help than those who were stolen and sold by family friends or strangers into it.

dickface8 ago

What a fuckwit he is.

dickface8 ago

Come the fuck on, it's very most probably Podesta. I've never heard a voice quite like that before, very distinctive.

sunajAeon ago

You can't approach it like that-the worst crime of all would be to accuse someone of this and be wrong-both morally and legally, it could be anything, there is some reports about a voice match but until that can be verified it is unacceptable to claim we know who the voice is, while it is obviously serious abuse it is not clear what is happening-I'm as sick as everyone else watching this but our passions need to be tempered with constraint

dickface8 ago

I get that it's not solid evidence but all signs point it being something to look at.

srayzie ago

I can't watch. Can someone tell me what this is all a about?

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

So to you, a video of a kid clearly being tortured, because its hard to tell who's in it, just forget about it? Don't bring it up at all? Just let this video exist, without trying to get to the bottom of it? How many slices of pizza do you eat daily, you sick fuck? I bet you like EXTRA cheese on yours. Go suck on Alefantis' cock you piece of shit.

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

Then why does the D.C. Police Dept claim they've done an investigation into Comet Ping Pong, but when people request FOIA proof, AS WE ARE ALLOWED TO DO AS FUCKING AMERICAN CITIZENS, each time the FOIA requests get denied. Titus Frost has proven ten times over that the D.C. Police have NEVER INVESTIGATED COMET, ALEFANTIS, OR ANY OF THIS.

V____Z ago

Go to the v/pizzagate page, scroll to the bottom, look on the right side - it's there underneath the list of admins.

palmitespo910 ago

Have the rest of you not been reporting this to the fbi already?

dickface8 ago

a) as if they're not fully aware of it already, and b) as if they would ever do anything about it anyway.

palmitespo910 ago

Yeah, that attitude is what got us here in the first place. Fuck that.

Psychanaut ago

This makes me want to fucking puke. These fucking bastards.

EricKaliberhall ago

This Video is a RedPill Tool.

jstayz44 ago

good, maybe we should use it in some other places, to wake up the masses. I'm tired of sitting idly by wishing someone would take a fucking stand against these pedos. Sorry for swearing.

EricKaliberhall ago

That's what I Mean! Use IT!

rwb ago

Should be at the very bottom and hard right side of your VOAT page under heading MODERATION LOGS

sunajAeon ago

Is there any hard proof this is Podesta's voice? I have seen a voice print, but i can't verify it

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

The best comparison was the one where a guy took the audio from "you think you're hot shit don't ya" and compared that with a video of Podesta saying "just get lost" trying to shoo away a reporter. The voices are eerily similar.

Verite1 ago

It's so great that we are analyzing this, but even if it's the "best proof" it doesn't convince me. Of course it's pizzagate in a general sense, but I do not see direct proof it's JP. It's definitely some fucking asshole but that's different

dickface8 ago

Does anyone know what happened to the original voice comparison video that started with the band playing at CPP? That Suzie chick retweeted it out at the time but the account she retweeted has been suspended (surprise surprise)...

sunajAeon ago

I think I saw that, not enough of an audio expert to tell if this is proof

cakeoflightylight ago

No @PG-_ISRetardedAsFuck my guess is that your Soros sugar daddy who gives you your paycheck (that depends upon you hitting CTRL+V all day long) will also be directly responsible for getting you and your law professor off of all charges, as Wikileaks hands you your get out of jail free ticket with the "SeaPea CIA planted it on my computer" excuse, or the "CP on your computer being planted by the Russians" or the "Fake News framing you" or "it's just a distraction or a false flag" and when you get off and go try to kidnap another child, someone will be watching you this time, and they'll shoot you in the head as you try to diddle your next kid.

Nobody is concerned about your opinion. You're pathetic and evil. Please go back to your master, Satan, now. He needs to caress your soul some more.

P.S. I will show you my law degree if you will show yours. You go first. Maybe take a shot of your boss John Podesta's face and I'll assume you are on here to get an A plus in blow jobs.

ReyaPhemhurth ago

Any ideas on what the hell is going on? Why the kid is afraid to go in the water?

V____Z ago

People have surmised it is scalding hot water, others ask whether there is something gross in the water.

wincraft71 ago

First thread I've seen about this that was not downvoated to shit. Interesting because you left out the main keyword so it has seemed to fly under the radar. They're attacking this left and right for some reason as "disinformation" but it's a real leak given to us from somebody.

At the very least that child is being terrorized, so it's still important.

V____Z ago

;) Agree on all points.

fartyshorts ago

Dialect Coach Erik Singer would be a good person to ask for analysis.

Proof of skills:

He also does private lessons over Skype, etc. Maybe he would be up for this?

LostandFound ago

I'm not in a position to watch given the content currently, is this the worldcorp video?

V____Z ago

Yes, a new portion.

fartyshorts ago

The website still says "new content coming soon" right now. I guess I'll check back every now and then.

ReyaPhemhurth ago

My thoughts exactly....why are they trying so hard to keep these vids down and under wraps? Whether or not it's you said, there's obvious child abuse going on.

we_kill_creativity ago

why are they trying so hard to keep these vids down and under wraps?

there's obvious child abuse going on.

PG__IsRetardedAsFuck ago

You can deny it all you want, you can't escape reality you dumb fuck.

cakeoflightylight ago

OMG I can't.

ReyaPhemhurth ago

He's telling the kid to get in the water....and obviously the kid is terrified. I can't even imagine what is maybe in the water..or if it's even 'water' at all....

wincraft71 ago

I've imagined that it could be boiling hot water, minor electric shock, or natural threat (like spiders, snakes, insects). Perhaps a combination of these to instill terror and fear, demoralize, and psychologically break down the victim. As well as the broomstick and yelling.

And of course forcing them to call you by your designated name which exerts dominance and is a classic breakdown tool in military and fraternity hazing.

palmitespo910 ago

I am convinced that only the hot water is turned on and the kid is being forced to stand in like 150+ degree water

DangerPizza ago

It did sound like "ow ow ow" for a stretch and quite a lot of 'dancing' I guess the mop is to whack the hands if you try to hold onto the top of the glass

YingYangMom ago

My blood is boiling right now... I can't take more of this child abuse video, it's just too sick.

srayzie ago

I can't handle watching it. Can you tell me what's going on in the video?

wincraft71 ago

Video 1:

"You think you're hot shit, don't you? You think you're -- LISTEN UP! What's my name? What's my name? My OTHER name, what do you call me? I AM YOUR FATHER. FROM NOW ON YOU WILL CALL ME YOUR FATHER YOU-- SHUT UP! I you will call me your father what am I WHAT IS MY NAME? HUH?! WHAT DO YOU WANT ME WHAT DO I WANT YOU TO CALL ME? WHAT? WHAT? SAY IT, I WANT TO HEAR IT. THAT'S IT, YES! SAY IT AGAIN! SAY IT AGAIN! Yeah, that's right! That's right! YEAH, I'm YOUR DADDY NOW! I'm your FUCKING daddy now."

All the while there is a light flashing from behind a small glass enclosure with a small child inside screaming and banging on the glass. The man yelling hits the separation with a broomstick while he attempts to control the child's screaming. There is a clear ball of light emanating from the floor and water running so I theorize it could be boiling hot water and minor electric shock. Also some say that the child screams "Skippy!" when asked what is other name is but that is controversial.

Video 2:

"In the water! In the water! In the water! Yeah! Yeah that'll teach ya, that'll--"

The child cries and bangs on the see-through seperation.

"incoherent talking... fucking disrespect me you disrespect me incoherent talking fucking"

srayzie ago

Omg ☹️ Thank you so much for explaining. I can't handle hearing it. Do you think both videos are of the same people?

wincraft71 ago

Yes it's the same voice but the first video is more direct and intense and the second video he seems to be tired or sounds like he's intoxicated

srayzie ago

Geez. Poor kid

HunkaHunka ago

how did you manage to 'see' all of that in such a blurry piece of shit video? you are actually claiming to have seen a child banging on a glass window and a man wacking the window with a mop? Are you demented?

wincraft71 ago

If you go to the original website and watch for yourself you will clearly see the banging and the broomstick. I think you might be confused because I don't know what you're on about.

HunkaHunka ago


wincraft71 ago


In alphabetical order, it's the two videos immediately after "fantasylinkA.mp4"

HunkaHunka ago

you are right, the footage looks a lot clearer. it does look like the kid is behind a glass door. this looks like some weird mind shattering mkultra crap . I realize now that I was wrong, because I had only the poor quality youtube video to go by. My theory is that they have this little kid drugged up and are using flashing lights and sleep deprivation and confinement to shatter his mind.

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

Thank you for admitting you were at first incorrect. This investigation doesn't have a place or time for egos, and I think a lot of commenters don't realize that.

HunkaHunka ago

re: near death trauma and drowning there is 'Return to Oz' where Dorothy undergoes electroshock , a blackout and nearly drowns before waking up in the Afterlife of Oz

HunkaHunka ago

I won't let pride get in the way of admitting that I may have been wrong. This video is worrisome only if it is real, though. We have to remember that we were not there to film this ourselves, so really we should recall that this could be faked. I was duped by the purportedly leaked pictures of torture from Guantanomo Bay and Abu Ghraib , and today I realize that those pictures were a psy-op. As if highly specialized interrogators and torturers are going to be dressed in official U.S. military issue fatigues and posing atop tortured muslims smeared in excrement, just so that they will have souvenirs of their little adventure....yeah right. As if...... "Hey Linda, put on your U.S. army hat and desert storm camo fatigues and army boots , and stand there smiling beside the innoccent muslim we've just smeared across the floor. These are Kodak moments that we absolutely must capture as mementos. Who cares if these pictures we insist on posing for are a massive security risk , and who cares that they might one day be leaked by British intel to the internet so that Queen Elizabeth can install globalist Obama to power. On the heels of the Truth Movement implicating white establishment males as evil nazi scum who murdered 3,000 in the WTC and blamed Muslims for it? It doesn't matter. We WANT these fun little pictures so bad. No one here at our top secret torture facility watching our every move via the state of the art CCTV camera system will prevent us from taking these photos, in complete violation of even the most basic security protocols which would be in place at this ultra-restricted, highly classified atrocity of ours. Further, who cares that the pictures might one day leak out and be allowed to evade deletion and blockage by the internet censors in charge of controlling such things. "

The WTC was empty the day the WTC twin tower were demolished. No one died. Most have figured that out by now. The 'Truth Movement' was massively financed and elaborately rolled out by British intel.

So now, when I see purportedly 'leaked' stuff like this, don't blame me for being skeptical. Or for resisting the direction that the PTB may be wanting to point me in, or the the trail down which I am to be sent howling,barking madly, growling in anticipation, huffing and puffing and drooling at the vague scent I've been trained to follow faithfully etc.

wincraft71 ago

That's what I've been thinking. There's some painful stimuli inside of the entrapment and the lights, yelling, and broomstick are there to breakdown, confuse, and demoralize the victim. If they do that long enough and the victim loses track of time for hours or days then it can have harmful psychological affects and eventually break them mentally.

And part of me makes me feel like they make a sport out of this. Like they organize parties and gather, then get fucked up on drugs and alcohol and take turns berating and abusing children to make themselves feel more dominant.

HunkaHunka ago

so that they can look at everyone else like children/underlings after they pump themselves up on endorphins and power... makes sense. The child doesn't really sound like a toddler. If you listen to the "no! no! no!" voice at the end, the kid could be about seven or eight, just a bit older than toddler. Plus you hear frightening, bizarre music playing , very loud. Possibly used to prevent sleep. the 'get in the water' part is really alarming, because of all the pool and drowning images in the pizzagate artwork. Has anyone seen all the old pictures of the icewater tubs at all the old mental hospitals , like Danvers State and those other old horror houses, the Kirkbrides? Where they would place people in tubs of ice water as some sort of psychiatric therapy....also there was considerable experimentation on inducing epileptic seizures with flashing lights...probably something to do with flicker rate REM and the third eye dream state. They have always been obsessed with TOTAL control of people , with finding ways to reduce people to robots. The movie Metropolis was partially about that. All evidence is that they used tortured people in suicide mission raids on Normandy and Vimy Ridge in WW1 and WW2. Are you aware that they used tortured prisoners from Eastern State Penitentiary and Kingston Penitentiary in WW1?

fartyshorts ago

I can clearly see the child there.

HunkaHunka ago

I tried really hard to to see John Podesta torturing his girlfriend's baby in a tiny glass enclosure with boiling water and a broom, but I couldn't quite make it out.

equineluvr ago

Alan Nowhere is to be commended for promoting ACTION instead of just going on and on about how disgusting it is like most YTers. We can all clearly hear and see how horrible the abuse was.

That said, this guy needs to temper his verbiage a little more. He is setting himself up for a DoC (defamation of character) suit. EVERY sentence needs to contain disclaimer language.

Why doesn't James Woods pay for a professional (former FBI, preferably) VSA (voice stress analysis)? He can certainly afford it.

jstayz44 ago

No doubt, why don't we blow up his twitter with requests? Now there's an action item. Upvote, and we'll make a new post to get everyone on board. To that end, thanks to the entire team for helping me to see how truly social media is, and how powerful it is to be able to connect here on Voat. I was angry earlier, on a different post, but I'm thrilled that Voat hasn't totally taken us down. Thank you Voat and mods! Thank you, team. Let me know what you think about blowing up James Woods Twitter account!

FckPizza3 ago

In an older thread people were saying that they believed this video was shot through a sky light on the rooftop of CPP. They pointed out how perhaps there is a second floor to CPP. Has anyone heard any more about this???

jstayz44 ago

No, I haven't heard that, but the view doesn't jive with your thoughts. I wish I could envision CPP...I do just need to visit. I would love to be able to answer these questions.

fartyshorts ago

There's videos of people walking through and 3D view of the outside on Google Maps.

jstayz44 ago

Where, I missed that! Holy shit, is anything identifiable?

fartyshorts ago

Early on, some investigators went there and got a tour by Alefantis.

jstayz44 ago

Where were these videos leaked, does anyone know? This is the REASON if we ever needed one more reason to act expeditiously.

fartyshorts ago

The first one made its way around the internet last year and by now worldcorpo has released two more videos.

dickface8 ago

If I recall correctly the first worldcorp video only surfaced 2 or 3 months ago.

sunajAeon ago


fartyshorts ago

Nah, WAY before that. 04/24/16 / /

Anonymous 04/24/16(Sun)08:40:04 No.17619199 Archivedβ–Ά>>17621019 >>17622641

Can someone explain this site to me?

It seems to be connected to this youtube channel...

Here's a 4chan thread mentioning both "each" and "fatherhood" back in December:

dickface8 ago

Oh ok, well most people on Voat only found out about it this year that's for sure. It was shiny and new to us all a few months ago.

fartyshorts ago

Just on a hunch, I kept digging. It's even older. "5/11 -2015 19:04:18"

You can still download that version - definitely the same video:

Someone referred to the poster as "worldcorp" even back then.

dickface8 ago

Ok I get ya, but nobody connected Podesta to the video til this year. Interesting.

fartyshorts ago

Yeah, very interesting. There was another thread today about the other websites on the same server as worldcorpo and the only one that ISN'T a mirror of worldcorpo belongs to an identifiable person. A computer scientist who works at NASA. Very strange.

fartyshorts ago

That channel had the Caillou theme song video on it ("I'm a boy who's only four, each day I grow some more...")

jstayz44 ago

Why was this deleted???

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

Because its Skippy/Podesta in the video. Anyone who pushes the "IGNORE THIS VIDEO" narrative is probably a pedo.

V____Z ago

That's how Voat and Millineal Falcon like to play. Always check the removed posts - that's where the good stuff is to be found, a lot of the time.

Silverlining ago Find removed submissions here!

sunajAeon ago

I checked this out this am and to my surprise the Mods were doing an excellent job of deleting videos, at least today, give credit when its due

jstayz44 ago

It's BS, total fucking bullshit. Are they complicit? Oh my, loaded question. Fuckers

dickface8 ago

They totally are. Even Vindicator is part of it, he never seems to have a problem with Millennial_Falcon. It's pretty simple to find the bad egg mods over time, and when the clearly bad eggs are allowed to stay it just proves that the whole mod system is a work here.

V____Z ago

Just above he admits he believes these videos are a hoax and he belives if we can't prove it's Podesta, they should go in v/pizzagatwhatever. the mods are compromised. They should not be using personal interpretation to censor.

dickface8 ago

Yes, what nonsense! Plus, pizzagatewhatever posts might get 50 views if you're lucky? Barely worth wasting your time. It's clear this video belongs here.

V____Z ago

That is exactly the point. Why is a pizzagate mod wanting to hide this information? A simple fucking request to alert authorities? And now we've got 2 mods chiming in that "oh no! Doesn't belong here because" bla bla bla. Keep on eye on these mods. They talk a good talk, but our of both sides of their mouths. (except abortionburger, s/he's legit)

equineluvr ago

As stated in the post, the former submission allegedly broke Rule 1..

jstayz44 ago

There has to be some room for correction on the part of the "post-er," otherwise we miss important stuff. Is there another way to handle it?

cakeoflightylight ago

that was the same person who used to delete all of my completely relevant posts, under various "rules" - nevermind that children are dying, right? We must obey the moderators.

dotmatrix ago

and this is why i usually stay away from places like Voat and Reddit (to be honest, almost all forums) because unless you follow the "rules" to a T then you and your posts are classed as worthless. Why can we not post information and build a case? A story full of theories etc and other users can then fill in the gaps with their information. Do that for a while and we may have the best case full of evidence that normally would not see light of day!

educate_yourself ago

the point they are making, though, is that it doesnt matter if you follow the rules to a T because if you post something valuable or important they will delete it no matter what. theydo it when there is less traffic so no one notices and they do it for a reason :/

dotmatrix ago

seems so hey :(

V____Z ago

Same here, and many many have suggested he is a shill, that's why i mentioned him by name.

dickface8 ago

On what planet is this not directly related to pizzagate? It's bullshit.

V____Z ago

If no one notices, then it doesn't matter whether he's following the rules or just trying to fuck up our investigation, i guess. It would be interesting to see other mods weigh in on this type of behaviour, but they always stick together which is why i distrust all of them.

jstayz44 ago

That's what I'm saying...children are dying...i get the rules, but can we at least get some level of update. No search bar, no idea where posts go. I have appreciated having this site for this work, but I'm getting antsy that we aren't seeing high-level arrests. I'm getting pissed off about kids being called "pigs" when their anus is stuck on some pedos erect abuse stick. I'm mad as hell.

V____Z ago

The thing is, crappy submissions that lead nowhere are left up, and really crucial submissions are removed, often while no one's looking - like they wait until there is less action on the submission when no one will notice.

cakeoflightylight ago


HollandDrive ago

Can somebody with the appropriate skills please make an attempt to isolate the music in the background so that it can be determined whether it's live or not, and even better, possibly identify the actual "song"?

equineluvr ago

That's a good idea but not necessary. Those crappy bands perform in lots of different clubs.

All that needs to be done is isolate the voice then subject it to professional VSA (voice stress analysis). I have heard claims that this has been done but haven't seen anything on it. (Well, I did see a duplicate readout, but without proper labeling and identification it means NOTHING. That is why I stress "PROFESSIONAL.")

jstayz44 ago

How about we all pitch in to a GoFund Me account, or a similar site. If we have to, we can provide cover for the fundraising, so that they have no idea what it's for. Hiding in plain sight, so to speak. However, let's say we knew it was JP based on the results of the professional...would this be sufficient "evidence" for an arrest? We have audio but can only guess at what is truly happening visually. I mean, I think we've all read enough, saw enough, learned enough about these sick fucks to "know" what's happening to the child, but is it enough for an arrest and conviction? If not, do we just add it to the mounds of circumstantial evidence and move in?

I'm all for fundraising if it makes sense. There's nothing I want more than to see some of these top level sickos go to jail.