Gothamgirl ago

He is absolutely right. Hey did you guys notice the guitar handle swing into the frames on the video to? It sure does.

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Azzipdoe ago

Sincere "fuck you" to you people spamming this worldcorp bs AGAIN. It's only making this community look like a bunch of tards, but I suppose that's your goal anyway

dickface8 ago

Nice try dipshit. James Woods even thinks it's him. There's far more to suggest it's him that there's is that it's not him, you shill bitch.

equineluvr ago

That is just a NON-expert opinion so is as valuable or non-valuable as any random poster's on here.

Is James Woods a voice analysis expert? Does James Woods have impeccable hearing?

dickface8 ago

No, but the majority of pizzagate "investigators" seems to think it's plausible that it could be Podesta in the video. You'd actually have to be a moron to rule it out. The voice is shockingly similar, the lighting matches CPP and the kid calls him John and possibly "Skippy" too. Plus, how many of these type of MK Ultra sort of child torure videos are out there you think? Not a ton I imagine. Anyone going out of their way to act like we're crazy for not disregarding the worldcorp video are fucking shills, and you can piss off with your gaslighting attempts.

TrendyCantina ago

Do have proof that this is not Podesta? I shared because I trust Alan Nowhere and other people on Twitter who are spreading this. I haven't seen the research into what's behind these videos, either way. I could easily imagine that if they are real (Podesta is in fact a sick fucker, you know), there would be accounts on the Internet saying exactly what you are, and not offering proof, just bluster.

equineluvr ago

"Do have proof that this is not Podesta?"

A negative cannot be proved. Logic 101.

TrendyCantina ago

Which is why atheism is ridiculous, I might add.

Azzipdoe ago

Not new. Not podesta.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Based on what? Definitely sounds like him to me.

TrendyCantina ago

Sources please