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2impendingdoom ago

Okay this is crazy. so you can't even help fund against pedofuckers to help save children? What a messed up world.

LaDonnaRae ago

Remember: Pedophiles love to work around children so they become teachers, day care workers, and the like. THE SAME IS TRUE OF HUMAN TRAFFICKERS. Look up Arun Rao (implicated in the Podesta Emails) and see where he works. SMFH. As soon as I started catching on to what is happening, I began cringing whenever I heard of any organization claiming to look out for children.


I don't know if you guys have realized yet, but Pizza is symbolic of ritual sodomy, and it is the core of the Illuminati/Freemasonry ideology. Uncovering Pizzagate IS uncovering the heart of Illuminati practices. They believe that the third eye (butthole/pineal gland) is opened in ritual sodomy. The symbolism is pretty fucking unmistakable:

Pizza = AssPi

Thus, the shilling against Pizzagate is going to be extreme. It is of the highest consequences to the brotherhood that runs the world.

Pizza was likely invented purely as a symbolic worship of ritual sodomy. This is the very core of the problem. We are tearing it right out of our society.

redditsuckz ago

Uncovering Pizzagate IS uncovering the heart of Illuminati practices.

That would be one of the reasons they are trying so hard to change the name from "pizzagate" to "pedogate".

Pizza = AssPi

Pi = the pedo spiral and goes on forever

The Pi Code

Martin Gardner's fictional "Doctor Matrix" used to say that, properly interpreted, the number pi (the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, whose decimal expansion begins 3.14159265358979323846...) contains the entire history of mankind.

"pedo swirl" in blood

Special Drinks = Pi;

Even the Twitter Logo has 3 t's that look similar to the Pi symbol;

That would be 3 spirals or three 6's also.

Thats an amazing amount of decoding in those videos.

And it makes this thread all the more disturbing if dog equals male prostitute and they are raping dogs/god...

mods of pizzagate = "illuminati/Dogeminati"

So they rape god in order to steal gods powers...and "god" is little children. This would also reveal that if human children are "god" or have godlike powers then that means humans are a little more powerful than they would like us to believe. Humanity was seeded by the gods millions of years ago and still carry the god DNA so that is why they drink the blood...for the power of the gods. And they would feel like gods by killing children of god.

LaDonnaRae ago

That is a lot of videos. I watched one; I understand the pizza theme in a good portion of movies. But, how does it tie to Freemasonry? Is there a specific video in this series that would explain it?

LaDonnaRae ago

GREAT!!!!! ARTICLE!!!!! Thank you! I will review everything....