had_enough ago

Excellent find!

VIrginiaPerson ago

I have to go to routine therapy for PTSD as part of my daily "pretending to be a normal person" thing that I do. My therapist likes to make Trump jokes and pro-Hillary references, which bothers me. I haven't been able to share with her how "triggered" (that's a real thing for people with real PTSD) I have been by PG and that doing what research I can helps me feel like I am contributing to the global effort to stop it. It bothers me a lot because I know she is a good, smart, qualified person, who deals with the victims of PG every day. Yet is still so asleep. Sometimes we all here have to pick our battles, as much as we would like to inform everyone.

Blacksmith21 ago

Hopefully the shrink isn't inside the Beltway. I wouldn't trust a single one of them.

VIrginiaPerson ago

Yeah it's kind of hard to know who to trust when it comes to therapists.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

Dr. Colin Ross, The CIA Doctors, is a good start as a gift to your therapist. He has the credentials they respect.

Any decent therapist will shut up the Trump jokes if you only tip them off. She's trying to find a common bridge, it happens to me too, I look like an old lefty. I Never gave a Republican the time of day before and I'm not young, but, come on,... hurry it up! I've become a one issue voter. Or, find one focused on Trauma Therapy, they are impacted by whatever "this is". Therapists have a tough time coming to terms with the psychiatric professions responsibility in this starting with operation paperclip. The FMS fake news was another.

The Therapy that works faster than talk, is what Cathy O'brien is telling us. It cost nothing. Write it down, which I think is exactly what is happening here among us all. PTSD on Amazon is the short version of her process of recovery.

Rangers_justice ago

Look at the resemblance between Aleister Crowley, Barbara Bush and George Soros.

pbvrocks ago

I red pilled a friend of mine a month ago...they actively talk about pizzagate in their church now...because people are not talking to you does not mean they are not with us and finding their own WHY....#itshappening

pby1000 ago

Fake news! Meh, meh... But, it was her turn!

TreborPJ ago

There has to be more to this clip. This doesn't look like a real broadcast. He's not proving shit not any detail was given above the issue.

13Buddha ago

This broadcast originally aired on June 11, 2013 and resurfaced 6 days ago on March 25. Everybody needs to understand that. Look at the video again and immediiately start reading the news scroll at the bottom for proof of the broadcast date.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Hey look, another story from years ago confusing people with a headline. We need a sticky for at least a couple weeks, or maybe a reminder note in the section where a post is built/written out.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

Dialing my pizza searching back is necessary often, I need to remember to live. It's been a struggle talking with family, and their thinking I've finally gone over the edge. First 9/11 then CSA, now pizzagate. It's very yucky stuff and spreads on us also, it stinks. I used to read the NYT daily and could be counted on to spout all kinds of interesting "facts". Now, all my news is "fake". My credibility has taken a huge dive. I was looking for a quick fix, a big 70 name warrant. I'm disappointed at the pace,

But,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,LOOK at where we came from ........and how far we have gone!

Five years ago, searching for help online with a flood of my recovering memories of childhood sexual abuse (CSA), I found very little assistance out there. The idea of Ritual Abuse, actual groups with a formal practice, was still disbelieved nearly universally. Satanic was in the movies just to scare us. Now all of this is in a much bigger part of the populations vocabulary than it was. It's past ridicule (almost).

Thank you All. I want to say it again. Thank you All for being here and supporting these searches and inquiry. I feel a weight lifting from a big piece of the population, certainly myself. CSA for males is 1 in 6. CSA for females is 1 in 4. That's a lot of us in these groups is my guess. We have a nose for sniffing out this stuff. It's got to be making a difference on the streets and in the palaces. It's not about getting the bad guys, it's about stopping it by letting the truth out. We have come a long ways in four short months.

Blacksmith21 ago

Thank you for coming out about this. I think having the insights from people have suffered at the hands of others gives us the ability to develop that "sixth sense". We talked about this a while ago, but one develops a "spidey sense" when looking at people - the pedo creep vibe. I warn the young adults/teens in my life about this and they laugh at me. Until Twitterpictograph whatever blows up about the rash of missing kids in DC. Then they listen, sort of. One of them, female, was accosted by an old perv in a gym recently. She listens to me more closely.

I wonder if part of the "media strategy" is just to foment so much chaos that nothing remains "above the fold" for more than 12-24 hours.

Do people realize we have been watching the equivalent of about a "Watergate per day" or at least a week for years now? And nothing happens.

Votescam ago

The lies have been institutionalized -- as we see with Sigmund Freud's still standing "Oedipus Complex" where he made the outrageous suggestion that it is infants, toddlers and young children who are the sexual aggressors against adult males.

Freud betrayed not only his own patients -- young males and females who confided in him their sexual abuse by male members of their families: fathers, grandfathers, uncles, male cousins and male friends of the family. Freud not only betrayed them, he betrayed the world with his lies.

Some have offered the excuse that Freud was unable to reveal the truth because of the power of patriarchy and organized patriarchal religion, but now it seems that Freud himself may have simply also been a child molester.

All history speaks to these crimes -- there is nothing new under the sun and that includes SRA used to frighten the public and to keep children from sounding "sane" as they would try to relate these crimes to adults.

And, blaming males -- well, yes.... Males are our sexual abusers of children and we have long recognized that. Even right wing women's groups agree with that fact. But few understand that these child molesters are also heterosexual males and that ... Homosexual males are 100X LESS likely to sexually abuse a child. Why is there that confusion? Because the Catholic Church has scapegoated homosexual priests in an alibi which seeks to hide the reality of sexual abuse of children by heterosexual priests.

Also keep in mind that the NY Times is pretty much finished - not only by the internet which has taken over "news" and supplied a two-way street of communication - but because of the lies they've told from JFK assassination/coup to Vietnam and Iraq.

And, again, as far as I know most Americans are turning off the TV's -- in fact, if we are looking for a way to make a powerful statement at some point, uniting us all to pull the plug at the same time on Cable TV would be very effective.

Especially since these cable companies -- Comcast and Verizon -- are making billions every year from internet porn and filling our TV screens with violence and porn at every opportunity.

kestrel9 ago

We know Sigmund Freud used and advocated the use of cocaine, and we know that his grandson Clement Freud was a child rapist.

Since the election and the Far Left pandemic explosion of mental illness, we've cancelled pay cable channels, and stopped watching the news with the exception of Lou Dobbs, Tucker and sometimes Varney. I hate the MSM, and detest 'activist' Hollywood, and the MKULTRA darlings of the music industry. NYT is so FOS it's worthless even as TP.

Phenomenonanon ago


formatist ago

Four year old video, right? It says so on the bottom of the screen (first five seconds)

redditsuckz ago

Is the Nation Really This Asleep?

Well hopefully more people WAKE UP but thats what happens when people are hypnotized by Alex Jones and the MSM and the radio and "internet personalities"...

@8:40 (((CIA))) agent Alex Jones does some mind control hypnotism with the words "It doesnt Exist and now you can see" and then a snap of the fingers.

Alex Jones Lays Down His Stance On Pizzagate


Why Do Hypnotists Snap Their Fingers


WAKE YOURSELF by turning off your television and shutting out anything that has to do with the (((MAINSTREAM MEDIA)))...and also you have to be careful of watching (((ALT MEDIA))) if you are unaware of all their hypnotic tricks...

What if you started to be hypnotized when you were a child?...how would you know?

The Spiral Triangle Spiral Heart and Spiral Circle are MKULTRA used on humanity to keep places invisible


Votescam ago

Alex Jones has long tried to get Pizzagate information out and it now seems obvious that it is likely he and his family have been threatened. This isn't anything new or unusual for Elites/wealthy. It's simply the way to go in using violence to get what they want or to cover up crimes.

Aderville ago

I tried watching this the other day. Didn't make it past the scene in the gym with the cheerleaders. Just gross.

whitehand ago

Give a populace enough booze, drugs, and welfare and you can literally do whatever you want.

Votescam ago

That's just more "blame the victims" where we've had 25 million or more jobless over the last two decades, long term -- most of them having used up their now limited/temporary unemployment insurance which used to be guaranteed. Same with welfare: if you're disabled or have young children, it's still a matter of you having to get out there to work for $7.25 a hour.

And who's running drugs in our country except our own government?

strix-varia ago

For sure, that's a huge part.

artfullyours ago

I think it is uncomfortably numb...the people I know are so uncomfortable talking about this stuff that they WANT to stay asleep! Don't want to get involved.

odb281 ago

This video is from 2013, so yes the nation has been asleep for quite some time.

9217 ago

it was

sunshine702 ago

We are coming against a very powerful enemy and hitting them right in their money funnel. I have no doubt that this is the Deep State. Normies do not want to be the nail that sticks up for discipline. Agreed lie. You are not crazy. The emperor has no clothes. You are the kid that can see it.

FuckReddit69 ago

orrrr..... maybe we should all be sent to the loony bin just because some people are less informed than others? Believing this exists should NEVER instill shame in anyone. That's exactly how they want you to feel to prevent people from talking about and spreading it. Fuck that. All i need is God on my side and i'll be good. Investigate all the things.

samhara ago

Yes, been that way for a while.

Blacksmith21 ago

Thanks for the correction. I wish I had the time and focus as some here to run these things down to the root.

BestRolledAgent ago

Back this video up everywhere. Share it again far and wide. THIS STUFF HAPPENS and nobody seems to mind or think its real?

downwithpizzaelite ago

The video isn't from March 25, just the re-uploaded. The original is from 2013.

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle PostDate LinkOrigin
HadGh0LcXxs Revisiting the 2013 NBC coverage of a prostition and pedophilia cover up by the State Department. 3/27/2017 OP

OhRutherfordBehave ago

The nation is very much asleep. Im being considered a schizophrenic by my family and school for talking about institutionalized pedophilia and they are trying to get me evaluated and put into a treatment program where they will likely try to medicate me...

delusionalone ago

hey man i was in a similar situation. It got so bad I had to Drop out of college right before then the election because everyone thought I was totally insane. I'll say this , it gets better. My suggestion, which is what I did, is stop making claims and just start pointing out truths. Point out Laura silsby, show them the sickening videos, show them heavy breathing, show them the artwork and Instagrams and symbolism, show them the stats. This will leave them no choice but to either call you crazy or come to there own conculisions. Then on top of this I wouldn't worry too much, talk to someone, stop any drugs if you're taking and worry about bettering yourself. And If you're anything like me this will bring you closer to god, which for me, is the greatest thing to ever have had happened to me. You've already faced the facts. Now let others do the same. And if they want to evaluate you let them. I did and they aren't giving me anything in Meds(though theyvtrried at first before releasing I was just a mess and not actually insane)

Jakestr ago

Don't let them, more than half of the country is on medication hence so comfortably numb

Cincosiber ago

I am worried that they start to imply all PG believers are crazy and push some mass hysteria narrative.

MrrHandsome ago

You need to be able to detach this stuff from you're own personal life. If it's at the point where people are worried about you're frame of mind then that means you are letting this control every aspect of you're life, which is only going to go one way. Save the pizzagate talk for online discussions with like minded people like voat obviously and when you step out the house then try switch it off and focus on different things which revolve around your own life and those around you

AngB23 ago

This stuff really does get to your head. I've cried more in the last 3-4 months than 3-4 years. Taking a break now and then is a good thing. But if I have any family members even elude for a second they think I'm nuts, I tell them before they judge me to watch a list of YT vids like The Franklin Cover up or Hamstead Case to name a few and research Human Trafficking. Needless to say, not one family memeber does NOT question the truth anymore.

sentryseven ago

Oh dear god, no. Ignore them and fight your fight.

kestrel9 ago

There's the red pill and there's mental illness. There's also people with mental illness who understand the red pill more than most probably. So for the purposes of my post, I'm only commenting on what we here, have learned about process of red pilling, institutionalized pedophilia, and the sleeping nation.

In talking to family I've noticed that there are those who are open to hearing about those three things, and those who become too distressed to hear about it, especially if they think it may be true. I don't discuss PG with most people I know, but I'm not around a lot of people most of the time so it's easier for me. One family member and one friend had no problem believing it. But they're people I've discussed other things with over the years, so it's not so out of the blue for them. My discoveries became theirs too, over time.

I had a couple major truth bomb conversations recently, one with a family member and one with an old friend. Both believe it, but considering how the process of discovering everything gave me stages of anger, one awful realization to the next, it probably wasn't fair for me to have given them the big picture so much at once. It served as a way for me to vent, but later I realized I could have spared them the ten ton truth bomb in one sitting.

Two other family members get too traumatized to think much about the subject...which is okay, it's not denial, just self protection. Initially, as one listened to my anger and frustration from the beginning, they were distressed for me, not wanting to see me unhappy while definitely becoming too traumatized to hear about the ugly picture themselves. Over time, I've adapted to the situation by gaining even more resolve, while giving them space to live red pill free (even though they aren't really), and they are supportive of my research. They have had time to adapt too, slowly being able to come to terms with the truth in their own way.

But I'm lucky in that my close family are not snowflakes or SJWs. I have some in-laws who are HRC supporters and there is no way in hell to even talk about the election or mention Trump's name, forget about PG! They are loving, not bashing them, and in the past politics have been divisive, but now the subject of politics is just taboo. Thankfully they are old school liberals who don't disown you because you voted for Trump.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

I love red pilling HRC supporters. Fucking destroys their entire narrative. Hillary Clinton is a child trafficker. As well, she is the biggest criminal of modern time and has been a career criminal since the late 60s.

kestrel9 ago

Well my in-laws live in another state so we don't talk to them all that much, plus now they're seriously butt hurt from HRC's losing.

freeagent37 ago

This is your chance to come closer as a family, because if you guys were truly close and loving and gave the time to listen to each other, a lot can be learned. Listen to them, gain their respect as they gain yours, share as we should in a true court on this planet. Be cleaver and wise and always from love, but speak the truth, always. Stop looking at everything as a battle and fight, treat each other righteous, and you have nothing to worry about.

reasonedandinformed ago

Many of us have been feeling overwhelmed by this discovery, something we want to share with others to join the fight. As horrible as we know it to be, the reality of the horrible truth is what makes it so hard for an average person to swallow. There is a level of cognitive dissonance as it attacks some core beliefs once you peel back the onion. It is much easier on the psyche to deny or ignore, thinking the source is not believable, than to face the very disturbing reality. That is a challenge we all face. It is compounded due to the politics as many view this as a witch hunt against Hillary by the right. While this actually might be literally true in the sense that Hillary may be a Satanist from what has been learned, we also know that there are many in the GOP who have been or are currently implicated. This second point, that the evil infects both parties, is a key part of the messaging as it helps to disarm the 50% or so of the population who view this the way the media has lied to portray it...as an extension of the electoral attacks against Hillary by Trump supporters. When discussing it, the easiest entry is to point to the history of this happening and being totally hidden and covered up in the past, specifically pointing to the Franklin or Dutroux cases. If in the US, the Franklin case is very powerful. Below is a sample tweet that I found brought a receptive response from people who had moments earlier been "screaming" against people in this forum for their attacks on Podesta, perceiving it to be politically-driven:

GOP is part of #PedoGate too: http://www.franklincase.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=2&Itemid=3

Try to point to the Franklin Scandal as an launching pad for exploration as it accomplishes two things at once: It shows the reality of what we are discussing, with strong documentation, and it removes the perception of this as being solely focused on corrupt Democrats. It helps to convert people who right now respond with animus if they are aligned with the left, which is actually part of the reason for the false dichotomy in our political system (an idea spawned by the Tavistock Institute). Essentially, people join a camp (left or right), and it is hard for them to accept information coming from the other side, which creates a 50-50 societal split that is more easily controlled. Pointing out that #PedoGate involves the GOP too, with supporting info, is critical for us taking this movement into the broader public.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

I agree the Franklin Scandal offers great insight into power and pedo-crime, but it's tough to get that far in such a long story. The book is thick as well as the video's being long. Few people read books anymore, and it's old news in our "only the instant now counts" new world news.

I wish i had a better suggestion, nothing has worked that I've tried. It is far easier to accept the reality of "ordinary" incest from family or relatives than to grasp how it ties into larger and larger circles as the child ages.

Many people who were abused have managed to suppress any memory of these events. It can come back later, and is probably occurring here with so many triggers being discussed. These will cause affected people to begin having flashback sort of experiences.. It feels like a bore hole or a rabbit hole that if one will go down it, all sorts of memories seem hidden there. Takes a lot of nerve to do this. Afterwards, write it down into your story. Do the best you remember, any way you want. Make a beginning, middle and end. Your still here. The writing will heal you slowly and surely. Read Cathy O'briens book PTSD. Amazon.

reasonedandinformed ago

Cliff Notes: Franklin Scandal involved over 100 kids...mostly boys...victimized by pedo ring of local, state, and national politicians and law enforcement. Stories were very consistent but threatened local leaders as well as DC politicians. The kids were threatened with perjury if they did not recant. Two DID NOT recant and were jailed. An investigator who had just picked up a box of bulletproof evidence that included photos had his plane blow up when flying to deliver the evidence to another investigator. Those implicated were primarily Republicans in this particular case, but the pattern of censorship, threats, deaths of investigators, and cover up locally and nationally by politicians and law-enforcement was identical to what we see with pizzagate.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

I meant to reply earlier. You have summarized Franklin down fantastically well. I couldn't do that. This is the best, like they say in England, Brilliant!. My handlers 1950-60 were in touch with something higher up the chain coming out of Boy's Town. The center of all was D.C.

reasonedandinformed ago

I appreciate the comments. Sometimes I feel that my role in this is to find bigger patterns and help with communication. I am not a hacker, but I can help synthesize what the great investigators in here find and reveal. My theme in outreach is that we need people to see this thing as an evil infecting both parties as the leftist LSM tries to paint this whole thing as a GOP/Trump-fueled witch hunt against Hillary that is a continuation of unfounded conspiracies. That is why I really tried to leverage the #MissingDCGirls situation and the blatant censorship there...more likely to draw in some people who generally identify with the left and see Trump as an enemy. I think the censorship angle may be the thing that is most convincing to a reasonable person, and I have loads of documentation of it (on Google - pizzagate does not even produce a result for Voat; on Twitter - I documented my #MissingDCGirls tweets were completely blocked by Twitter). If people believe there is censorship, then they become more willing to think there is something real here. And the substance should not start with words/pizza code but visuals (disturbing pictures, posters, and videos)...a picture is worth 1000 words.

YingYangMom ago

Well said. I agree that the Franklin Cover up and Dutroux Scandals are great examples to give when trying to get a positive reaction from doubters when tackling the Pizzagate issue.

reasonedandinformed ago

Thank you. Message should be: Join the non-partisan fight to #SaveTheKids from #PedoGate, an evil infecting both parties. The breadcrumbs we lay should start with history (nothing new here), then imagery (the worst of the pictures and videos), the pedo logo trail, then proof of censorship. That should open the eyes for people to then be receptive and want to look deeper. I personally think we should avoid "pizza" and Satanism/SRM, despite their potential reality, as this red pill is far too hard for 95% of the public to swallow. Let them arrive at that truth later, after they have joined the investigation from a well-built argument that is 100% fact-based.

My comment in this thread lays out the path with some useful links for spoon-feeding people.

YingYangMom ago

Awesome :)

Aderville ago

You gotta be discreet, to most people the truth sounds like lunacy and they WILL medicate/lock you up for your own good. There are plenty of people in the world and maybe your family isn't the best audience... some folks are so asleep that the reality of what this world really is will break their minds. Stay vigilant and avoid getting yourself drugged up and controlled.

OriginalReaper ago

most are too tired or afraid to care. at any sign of revolt it's not the government that quells, it's the very people being oppressed.

occupy wall street? you're fooled to thinking it's nothing. pizzagate? alt right conspiracy theory. clinton? clearly the right just made all this up. sanders? he's an old kook.

this forum is sadly full of it. instead of analyzing and at least trying to understand every just disregards all disagreeing viewpoints as dumb libtard republitards.

so you can try to rally and get shut down by your neighbor, and when he rises you'll do the same, and then we can continue to bitch and moan.

recently arnold schwartzenegger (sp?) released a video on facebook trying to rally people against gerrymandering and half the posts were conservatives complaining calling arnold a cuck and that he is too anti-trump.

i'm tired. i'm a keyboard warrior at best. just give me my paycheck and a beer.

DopeandDiamonds ago

I work with people who have schizophrenia. Between pizzagate, vault 7 and the Snowden leaks their paranoia has been justified.

I am now digging into what they have told me happens in the now closed state mental hospital system they lived in or were associated with for decades

A man was placed at this hospital in the 70's after accusing a preist of molesting him. That preist was one of the few who were outed publically 20 years later. He never struck eme as someone who was mentally ill on an orgainic level but rather an abuse survivor with severe PTSD. In the end, he was hospitalized for 16 years. His prime years, from 18 or so into his mid 30s. If that preist faces charges then, this man could have moved on in his life. Gone to school, has a wife and kids, a career he enjoyed and be living on his own. Instead he got medicated on old school shit that are away at his brain and left him a shell of what he had been. He is still a great guy but he could have had a real life of only someone believed him.

The stories i hear about the hospital are horrific. I always took their stories of organ stealing as delusions but things are adding up. I am considering a write up on it but it would give way too much personal info.

YingYangMom ago

**SUN, SEA AND SATAN ** https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1640328

A hard-hitting emotionally charged 60 min documentary by Bill Maloney who's family were all brought up in the UK care system. It covers Maloney's visit and interpretation of Jersey, Channel Islands, following the ongoing child abuse investigations of the children's care home 'Haut de la Garenne'. It highlights connections with the Sea Cadets and children being brought from London care homes for 'sailing holidays' on the Island.

The documentary contains strong language and strong opinions. Due to his and his family's experiences of Establishment care homes Maloney felt compelled to see first hand the response of Islanders to the alleged abuse claims and their general feeling for the Governing States.

It is the opinion of Bill Maloney that if a child was required - Haut de la Garenne was the venue; if an adult was required - St Saviours Mental Hospital was the venue.


Here is the documentary in question:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxZSxMuzZFs MUST WATCH!

NatashaFatale ago

DO NOT let anybody "evaluate" you for having a reality-based worldview. Do not go on any of their medications, programs, or any of that crap. Do not let anybody you know get sucked into that crap. No drugs, no treatment programs, no tests, no therapy, no personality tests, no inkblots, no dream analysis, no anything. It is a trap. I know people who have died because of the pseudoscience psychobabble neo-Freudian bullshit. The psychiatric profession is totally infested by lunatics who give out SSRIs like candy and don't think that life circumstances have anything do with the way people are feeling. Not everybody in the profession, obviously, but there are a lot of people working in that field that are totally crazy and have a massive god complex because some braindead university gave them a PhD.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

I completely agree with you.

44NJ9 ago

Relax, just know you can't do this on your own. The reality is unless we can get real law enforcement involved nothing will ever happen about this. As desperately as you want your family to be as passionate about this as you this just might not be their calling. This stuff is scary, it's mind boggling how deep it runs but we cannot sacrifice our sanity to this. Destroying yourself won't help any of these children. You sound passionate and I bet you have a warrior soul, not many do. Take a deep breath, give yourself few days off to regroup and it was the turtle that won the race. The movement just needs steady progress. The elite have been churning away at this stuff for decades to get their power structure in place, Rome wasn't built in a day. The real world needs you, keep researching and slowly keep spreading news when you think it will be accept well. Every little bit of help counts and does good.

SoldierofLight ago

I'm very much like you-- very hard for me to not be honest and say what I think, though not in a mean way. However, there are times when for self protection, people like you and me have to put on the big ears and shut our mouths. You're facing some serious consequences. Play the long game. You're outnumbered in your immediate circle for now. Bide your time. In the meanwhile, come here for support but also take breaks-- away from computers, phones, people. Find some nature if you can. Commune with the animals and trees. Find your inner peace. And stay strong. We're here for you.

birthdaysuit11 ago

How are you presenting this to others. If you force others to believe your viewpoint, they're sure to fight back and belittle you. I don't think your schizophrenic unless you have some sort of NMDA receptor problem but given that you wouldn't be able to evaluate and write down your thoughts coherently.

KnightsofHubris ago

Might I suggest something? If your family is worried about you, step away from this for a week or so. See how you feel afterwards. Mental Health issues are no joke.

This place will be still be here in a week.

Ivegotredditcancer ago

no doubt. I can only do so long before I have to go back to killing pixels and spending quality time with my family. This is all dark shit and you need some good to balance it out.

palmitespo910 ago

I second this. I had a weekend off recently so I spent all weekend sitting, at home, in silence. I wanted to have a slow, calm, stress free weekend. It allowed me to come back on Monday with a fresh mind and some rediscovered skepticism.

Death2Masons ago

Unfortunately, this place will still be here in a year.

strix-varia ago

Maybe much longer.

Vindicator ago

As long as it takes.

FuckReddit69 ago

"The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."

-Thomas Jefferson

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."

-William Casey, CIA Director 1981-1987

Frankly, considering current times, I would say being accused of schizophrenia should be worn like a badge of honor. It's so bad now you can literally walk up to sheep and cock smack their faces with the truth and they still wouldn't know. It's ok man, this was by design, don't be so hard on yourself at least you are more informed than most ( we are ). Don't know if that's a good thing (ignorance is bliss?)

YingYangMom ago

"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn" - Alvin Toffler.

Votescam ago

Jefferson was talking about a time when there was no standing Army. Today we have a MIC complex with atomic weapons and its not uncommon for it to drone citizens everywhere, NATO moving ever closer to surround Russia and China, a CIA working 70 years now to raise the Fourth Reich in US and around the world, while NSA is spying on every American.

We have thousands of years of pedophilia by RCC and 65-70 years of CIA's MKULTRA Mind Control program using physical and mental torture and sexual abuse.

There are also early precedents for our government kidnapping native American children and forcing them into "Church schools" run by RCC and Mormons where they were beaten, murdered, sexually abused. Not really anything new.

Americans can think their way out of "False Flag" events from 9/11 to Nice -- and I do believe they are turning off the "news."

FEAR still works as the best mind control.

kestrel9 ago

Ignorance is bliss, except for the snowflakes, who live in mental hell from the Deep State sanctioned disinformation program.

shachalnur ago

Ok,listen up.

There's something you are not aware of.

Do you have any idea how many people have been either victim or perpetrator if it comes to pedophilia?

Any idea how many guys downloaded childporn "for research purposes",and will shut up?

Women that let their children be abused for whatever reason?

Are you aware most of the population has been brainwashed by media,commercials,TV and internet that pedophilia is cool and children suck?

You are a minority at the moment if you see any problem with pedophilia.

Go watch The Matrix again,because you probably didn't take it seriously enough.

If you want to stay out of trouble ,do your talking to like minded people.

Right now many people are getting triggered by al this pedogate stuff,and can turn hostile.

if you don't take this to heart ,you're gonna get yourself into trouble.

Yes Mr.Smith and zombies do exist,they are all around you.

And never forget who won in the end.

Be smart.

AngB23 ago

Watch the Matrix again and def Eyes Wide Shut.

shachalnur ago

Eyes Wide Shut is just predictive programming,and social engineering.

It looks very cool,mysterious and attractive.

Most men,and even women watching this are having wet dreams about being part of such parties.

The movie might have been an eyeopener for the entirely ignorant untill now,but at the moment it's diverting attention away from the childtorturing and child eating Satanic sect.

It's not about having sex with pretty adult prostitute women,it's about killing small children,and harvest their energy,blood,organs,Andrenochrome and Melanin

YingYangMom ago

What are you saying?? Go back to sleep? No way.

shachalnur ago

Quite the opposite.

Just be carefull if you loudly give your opinion to people around you.

Some of these people have a history or thoughts they might want to hide,and then a person like you might be seen as a direct threat.

Most people around you will declare you sick ,and a threat to others,

And trying to shut you up might become a real option.

so,if you don't have likeminded people around you,it's better to keep in touch with likeminded people,for example here, to keep your sanity.

And keep spreading the info to people that might be open to this.

Discussing with zombies around you is dangerous,because you will become a threat to them.

So no,not going back to sleep.but just be wise and don't waste energy on people that are unable,and unwilling to accept what's happening.

My point is there are more people brownstoned than you can imagine,and many are getting triggered now ,in a bad way,and will become agressive

YingYangMom ago

Thanks for clearing that up. I agree that it's unnecessary to waste energy on people that are unable to accept what's happening. I never did and I don't think that I ever will, but we do need to find the open-minded people out there and start waking them up, slowly, gently. We can't afford to pass on that, out of fear.

shachalnur ago

Tell the whole world,on the net or fysically anywhere you want.

Just be carefull with people too close,especially if they are triggered.

They will take it personally,

And always keep a close eye on your kids,things are gonna get worse for a while.

Ultimately kids are guilty to the fact that pedophiles exist,as we are gently being taught now.

YingYangMom ago

Ultimately kids are guilty to the fact that pedophiles exist,as we are gently being taught now.

No they aren't. It's like saying to all the women in the world that they are the reason rapists and wife-beaters exist. Or to all the animals, that they're the reason cruel and sadistic people who like to hurt and torture animals exist. You can't turn a victim into a guilty party. The innocent is innocent, just as the guilty is guilty as charged.

Maybe what you meant is that they are a target?

And as far as my kids go, I've always been a protective mother. I am sure as hell not going to stop now, right? LOL

shachalnur ago

Maybe it's my use of language,English not being my native tongue.

And trying to be sarcastic ,when I shouldn't.

I was trying to say that slowly MSM,TV,Commercials etc are normalizing pedophilia and are pushing the fact that kids are trouble and deserve whatever happens to them.

We're living in sick times.

I've got 6 small kids,by the way,and the amount of predators and abusive adults around is shocking.

YingYangMom ago

I had a feeling, you didn't mean it like it sounded :) And God Bless you for having six, I have four myself and I'm exhausted, hehe. I know all about what you're going through, trust me. I grew up surrounded by male relatives (huge family on both sides) but my mother was especially tough and protective, so she raised me to be strong like her. Today, I am doing the same for my own :) Btw, english isn't my first language either, french is. So no worries.

shachalnur ago

Good job,YingYangMom

On a less heroic note: I'm the guy.

Keeping them healthy and safe is a full time job.

G_d bless

Dingolicious ago

I don't think that's what they're saying. I think they're saying to play it smart and keep your cards close to your chest.

You don't win with a Royal Flush if everybody else folds before you can show 'em.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Ya its hard for me to shut up man. I'm like the opposite of a psychopath, I cant help but be honest about everything.

Z11Mama ago

I hear you. Upvoat from me.

MolochHunter ago

tell your concerned family that if they worked in social services, theyd know that the services that deal with recovery from paedophilia have the longest waiting lists by far

carmencita ago

The best advice someone just gave you, step away for a few days. You are a lot like me. I cannot stay away more than two days, but I felt so much better and calmed down when I took a breath and stepped back. Do not talk about it to those people that think you are mentally disturbed, just to the people that believe you. Not for a while. This will come out. Be patient. We need all the help we can get, so we rally need you to take care of yourself. Be calm and step back. Just a little. If you need to talk about this some more, PM one of us and let it out. Keeping it in is not good. Peace.

birthdaysuit11 ago

KNOW that there are a lot of people that are concerned just like you. Keep that in mind if you ever feel like no one is listening to you. Sanity is insanity in this world. You took the red pill, unlike the majority of other Americans, you're the minority.

reasonedandinformed ago

Yes, the blue pill is much easier to swallow, which is why it is hard to convert people. Someone has to be willing to open their eyes and process some horrible stuff to join this movement, and this is not easy for anyone. It takes time and patience. I have found that keeping it non-partisan helps (http://www.wanttoknow.info/mind_control/19890629_washington_times_franklin_affair)), and images/videos are much more effective than words/screeds. Show them the actual web site (http://heavybreathing.net/)) and a few of the worst videos (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQPy6dz3w5g, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zo_euND7Acs, http://heavybreathing.net/index.html, http://heavybreathing.net/a.html)) by Heavy Breathing/Majestic Ape (also look at this: http://www.theapes.com/babas1.html)), then show them the band posters welcoming all ages (https://www.google.com/search?q=comet+ping+pong+band+posters&rlz=1C1CHWA_enUS541US541&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi1sdvg7v_SAhUC4iYKHTvgB5IQ_AUICSgC&biw=1366&bih=589)), then the worst Instagrams (https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1480124, #killroom and #chickenlover should suffice). Then show the pedo logos and how they literally litter the block (http://i.imgur.com/U142r7B.jpg)). Then show that this is the tip of the iceberg by revealing the Silsby story, trafficking 33 kids...caught red handed yet personally handled by Clinton for her release...and she now sits on the executive team for the company that runs Amber Alerts (https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1577190)), protection of pedos from within the system at the highest level...point to the LA County sheriff badge (https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1612852)) that integrates the pedo logo and explain why they do this (visual/silent handshake to pedos that they have inside protection)...link them to this current story that exposes the corruption in the DC Police (https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1752192)) and active effort by Twitter to censor this info (https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1752421)) ...tell them to google "pizzagate" so that they can see this forum with 13,000+ prolific subscribers dedicated to this topic is literally blocked from showing in any result on that simple search (https://www.google.com/search?q=pizzagate&rlz=1C1CHWA_enUS541US541&oq=pizzagate&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i65l3.1485j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)). You need not mention pizza code, and it is actually better to avoid this as it loses people. Videos/pictures and patterns is the method to conversion.

Damnpasswords ago

Pick up a habit. Do it Everytime you think of telling people close to you about pizzagate

SaveTheChildren ago

Thanks now I'm a heroin addict!

Damnpasswords ago

Perfect, they treat those better than psych patients.

GladToBeHere ago

Yep. Going sane feels a lot like going crazy

kestrel9 ago

That's such an awesome turn of a phrase, I'd buy a t-shirt with that on it! :)

shachalnur ago

That's good.

But be aware you are a minority now and vulnerable.

But the few that are strong and smart enough to fight this war wisely ,will be the future leaders.

And that includes you.

nomorepepperoni ago

Jesus...well I hope you get reasonable doctors evaluating you who realize you're just fine (assuming this is all they're upset about). That's scary to hear.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

I don't think there are any reasonable doctors in the university system or the UN model town I live in.

nomorepepperoni ago

Well then in the eval, try to play dismissive about other things perceived by sleepers as paranoia (like thinking you're being watched) and if confronted directly on this, calmly explain the evidence you've seen. Try as best as you can not to seem too emotional about it. Just my spitballing 2c. Good luck to you, I hope you don't get poisoned for thought crime.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

And as far as I know no one can find the rest of the video! What is going on. People watch this then look at us like we are mad for suggesting it?

Blacksmith21 ago

That's a very interesting point. I would love to hear the whole thing. Probably scrubbed.

remus_schmitt ago

That video clip is from like 2013 or 14.

And people think we're mad because of a thing called cognitive dissonance. A terrible cliche in the "conspiracy" world that has been seriously watered down. However, in the realm of "pizzagate" and "pedogate" it takes on a new light. The nature of these crimes are so intricate and complex, so twisted and sick, a person just trying to live their life and get by cannot come to terms that this has been going on for a VERY long time and a LOT of VERY powerful people are doing terrible, terrible things. Powerful people we elected, watched on television, listened to the on the radio. Doing it right under our noses while sat here fat, dumb, and happy. Get angry people.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Well said.