SaveTheChildren ago

Not surprised at all they deleted this thread..

neverobey ago

I don't think it's a coincidence that all Disney child stars go through the same terrible psychological development as we were able to see the last ten years. If you add the fact that Diseyland was build the same year CIA started the MK ultra program you really have to get suspiscious about the behavior of stars like Britney Speas, Amanda Bynes, Shia LeBouf …

And I think it is really important that we see the simularity between ritual child abuse and MK Ultra.

Same methods, same effort. So we should think about this #Pedogate even in terms of like an "education system" for the next leaders or something.

neo50 ago

Also, remember The Micky Mouse Club? Disney had continued access to the same child over years while they were in the club. They didn't have to even look for kids; parents were pushing their kids to get in. Brittney Spears, Justin Timberlake and Chistina Aguilera were just a few of the current entertainers that Disney shaped/controlled.

Fatty9000 ago

Please find some real evidence that Disney has anything to do with human trafficking before making claims. The Podesta leaks/and Clinton ties are overwhelming. Saying "they have a satanist on their board, now here is Shia Labouf" makes the whole anti-human trafficking, and anti-pedophile movement look like idiots. This is reaching.

Piscina ago

I've never liked Disney. They've butchered and bastardised every single Greek myth, every legend, every fable, every fairytale, every classic they could get their grubby hands on. Any Disney book that came into our house to be read to our children, was edited before being read. And even then, I didn't like them.

kazza64 ago

fiona barnett australian victim of mk ultra and elite paedophile abuse states that disney was a paedophile

burntheswamp ago

The pedophiles also put a lot of disney themes into their art. They know what disney is. For instance if you look at Tony Podesta's artist one of the paintings of a girl shows her with a mickey mouse ears shirt.

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charmeuse ago

There has always been something deeply creepy about Disneyland. Also, I thought I read that now kids have to wear a tracking bracelet when they are in there. The whole place is a PsyOp. An exhausting whirl of trauma induced mind control, with all those weird rides.

twa800 ago

There's a Podesta email with a picture attached of some people including kids wearing those bracelets ( There's a lot of Disney talk in general, Disney seems almost like some sort of aggregator for all the worst shit in Hollywood that also functions as a semi covert political arm.

dFrog ago

I didn't know Dorsey was a board member at Disney. We should exploit the shit out of that, especially with "Twittergate." Seems like a golden opportunity.

redditsuckz ago

With the Twitter logo sideways you have the letter "t" that looks like the "pi" symbol;

Illuminati & Occult symbolism of Pi and Pi Day 3/14

P I E (Paedophile Information Exchange)

PIE was a British pro-paedophile activist group, founded in October 1974 and officially disbanded in 1984.[2] It was described by the BBC in 2007 as "an international organization of people who trade obscene material"

Twitter, Google/Youtube, Microsoft, Facebook are Connected to NMCEC by Vice President John Shehan of INHOPE

DefenderOfTruth ago

Not saying Pi isn't occult, or that Twitter is is clean, but if you look at the standard writing of Pi, the T in twitter looks nothing like it. It's missing the curve down on the upper Left side and the curve up on the lower Right side.

redditsuckz ago

When I first looked at the twitter logo upside down my first thought is it looked liked the Pi symbol but not exactly. Just like the 3-4 6's hiding in Disney's logo dont look "exactly" like 6's;

Properties of the number 6666


6666 Symbolize the legions of Satan, similarly to the number 666 which represents Satan himself.


According to the occultists the troops of Satan include 6 legions of 66 cohorts of 666 companies to account for 6666 demons.

According to the Gospel of Barnabe, chapter 21, the person possessed cured by Jesus (Lk 8,26) had in him 6666 demons.

The king Solomon enclosed in a bottle, for a period of a day, Belial and its legions (522180 demons) and he arrived, another time, to make enter a ring 6666 demons that had dared to resist to him.

The Disney Logo backwards shows similarities to the Masonic symbol G symbolizing the anus/god and the "line" or phallus going through the backwards "G".

Part 9 - The Sodomite Gateway - Tools of the Trade

“The belief in the occult world is if you could sodomize God, you’d get God’s power. You become as gods through sodomy; that’s the way the Greek gods became gods. Alexander the Great was a great sodomizer and his Greek army was the most fierce. Hitler tried to pattern his SS and military after the Greek warriors using sodomy. When you put that all together, the civilizations that God wiped out boiled down to the practice of sodomy. ”

FuckPro3000 ago

Yes. I believe such movies directly influenced the perception I had at 13 a completely illegal relationship with a man three times my age was normal. It was also many other environmental factors, though, such as a narcisistic mother who expexted me to hold the responsibilities of an adult and never allowed play time with peers my own age. So, just like in the movies my mother was either MIA or over-bearing/evil Queen, daughter falls for "forbidden love", Father unable to prevent - a sory not unlike the popular Di$ney storylines of Al@din, Booty & the Beast and The Tiny Fishgirl that were the hits of my generation from my ages 3-10

YingYangMom ago (NYT article)

She explained: ''They would call you out of the basement, and you'd get a bath and you'd get a dress, and if your dress was yellow you were probably going to Disneyland.'' She said they used color coding to make transactions safer for the traffickers and the clients. ''At Disneyland there would be people doing drop-offs and pickups for kids. It's a big open area full of kids, and nobody pays attention to nobody. They would kind of quietly say, 'Go over to that person,' and you would just slip your hand into theirs and say, 'I was looking for you, Daddy.' Then that person would move off with one or two or three of us.''

Also: (2015 - 101 Disney Employees among arrested in Child Sex Ring) (2014 - 35 Disney employees Arrested on Child Sex Charges in less than 10 years)

MyPasswordPassword ago


Your submission /v/pizzagate/1730445 has been deleted by: @Vindicator on 3/19/2017 7:15:09 AM

Reason given: @TuringTest: Rule 3

Original Submission

"We were shipping babies"

TuringTest ago

Great Post.

Oh it's mine. Good work brain.

Your submission /v/pizzagate/1730445 has been deleted by: @Vindicator on 3/19/2017 7:15:09 AM

Reason given: @TuringTest: Rule 3

Original Submission

"We were shipping babies"


Im curious if teletubbies is mind control technology. When i watch it or rather when i stunbled upon it years ago, i could not take my eyes off them. It was so bizarre. Im far from a teen and was thinking im either fucking weird or these things are subliminal....

Gorillion ago

Check out another one "In the night garden".

They're theoretically supposed to be "non verbal" entertainment for young children who can't speak yet, and have a wonky sense of linear time, but everything I ever heard about early childhood learning prior to the modern Tellytubbie age is that you should avoid baby noise and baby speak and abstractions. That's why classic kid's shows had adults as hosts speaking gently but clearly in proper English. Equal split man and woman for exposure to different voice types. And they'd repeat difficult phrases whenever they came up. Didn't matter if the kid hadn't learned to speak yet, their brains had already started wiring for verbal communication. You ain't teaching the kid, or trying to relate to them as a kid and be their buddy, you're teaching their growing brain to make important life-skill connections.

I'm sure current early learning theory is infested with SJWism and MKUltra-style shit. These abstract nightmare and fever-dream like "non-verbal" sounds and images may be implanting some kind of dog-whistle responses in their deep subconsciousness.

If you want to see what a kid's show based on actual MKUltra recorded practices looks like, go hit youtube for "Don't hug me, I'm scared". You can read this guide before or after to find out WTF everything means:

That site is written by a guy who sees MKUltra everywhere, so I don't want to say that he's right about everything, but "Don't Hug Me" was clearly making some interesting connections between children's TV and publicly available MKUltra data. Whether they're being subversive and saying that regular, respectable kid's TV should be viewed as a form of brainwashing-to-the-norm, or creating it as a warning that children's media is being used to create an army of western culturally subversive zombies, you'll have to figure out for yourself.


Thanks for sharing all this info mate!!!

TuringTest ago

Nazis won the war

TuringTest ago

Simon Cowell ... Simon's early productions under S Records include Teletubbies

Steve Brookstein‏Verified account @stevebrookstein

Follow More So Simon Cowell paid bail for convicted paedophile Jonathan King and had convicted abuser Max Clifford as his PR. Interesting.

Z11Mama ago

Michael Jackson had his own little Disneyland.

Many years ago, I remember being a regular at Knott's Berry Farm, near Disneyland. We went to Disneyland a few times but didn't like the vibe there. Why was Knott's so much different? I know one thing, the owners were awesome people. Special people.

TuringTest ago

Waht? You like the Aztec pyramid, well feather me serpents dude.

Ho-Chi-Min-Me ago

Disney Land began building the same year the CIA started MKultra, their mind control experiments. The Stanford Research Institute (SRI) helped with Disney Land's design, SRI was also involved in mind control experiments and MKultra.

redditsuckz ago

The Spiral Triangle Spiral Heart and Spiral Circle are MKULTRA used on humanity for mind control

Flight of the Navigator 1986 Spiral Triangle;

More than 10 spirals in Disneys "Moana" poster...can you spot them all?;

TuringTest ago

Also so were... Hmmm Oh yes, McGills. Major MKultra, even Leonard Cohen.

I wonder if it is because the Cohen blood is treasured for certain psychic traits.

TuringTest ago

Stanford Prison Experiments, I know Zimbardo recently did The Lucifer Effect book/lecture series.

Tony Podesta was for MIT, before McCarthy work.

SaveTheChildren ago

I despise Disney. It's clearly satanic/pedo.

PizzagateExpert ago

Plus Disney Club is MKultra Nazi shit.

HarveyKlinger ago

Do you actually know what pizzagate is? My guess is, no.

PizzagateExpert ago
