Vindicator ago

@TuringTest: Please repost this in a way that complies with the submission guidelines in the sidebar. Link posts need to accurately and clearly explain what they link to and how it relates to Pizzagate. This doesn't meet the requirements of Rule 3:

3 LINK posts (VIDEO, IMAGE, ARTICLE, etc.) all need to include an accurate description of the actual content. If you can't provide an accurate summary in the title of a Link post then you must submit it as a Discussion post where you provide the link with a brief description of the content.

TuringTest ago

I'm not sure how much more you need than "we were shipping babies"

Oh sorry I forgot you're not human, my mistake.

Vindicator ago

If you bothered to read the guidelines, you would know you need to identify WHAT you are linking to mention what the key bits of supporting material are, preferably with timestamps.

Users who refuse to respect the community-developed submission rules can be banned.