Silverlining ago

Rabbit holes RUs

Silverlining ago

The Forbidden Book-The English Bible

Learn how God’s Word was originally scribed in Hebrew and Greek. Walk with Dr. Lampe among the ruins of the very first Christian Church ever built above ground… not in Israel, but in England! Discover how the Word was preserved through the 1,000 year period of the Dark and Middle Ages, when possession of scripture in any language other than Latin meant certain death at the hands of the organized church.

Blacksmith21 ago

@RebelSkum - Your JSOC link just got scrubbed.

RebelSkum ago

Lawl, but of course!

Silverlining ago

Link, please - save me googling. Full text if you have it. Thanks.

Ample4th ago

Fascinating read!

Silverlining ago

"Sex abuse party with George Bush Snr" | The Franklin Cover-up | Paul Bonacci testimony

@pby1000 Please, please, please, annotate your links and archive them

Blacksmith21 ago

I can confirm that the JSOC account is 100% true to the best of my knowledge. Refer to my prior posts for confirmation.

Silverlining ago Any chance you can find your own JSOC links, please?

Blacksmith21 ago

Will this suffice? Anything more and you will have to service your own intellectual laziness.

Silverlining ago

Many thanks. I would not have found it without your help.

@Blacksmith21 on 13 December 2016 or thereabouts

If it provides anyone comfort, chances are very good that the PEOTUS and his team have access to full-on, state-level resources to include datamining, structured data analytics, link analyses, and relationship mapping programs. I'd bet good money that they have access to national assets as well.

Here is what most don't realize - you have the former G2 of CAG as NSAdv. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then don't weigh in.

I know the man. I know these people. I'm out of the game now, but I can assure you, they are on it. CAG The 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D), commonly referred to as Delta Force, Combat Applications Group/"CAG", "The Unit", or within JSOC as Task Force Green,[2] is an elite Special Mission Unit of the United States Army, under operational control of the Joint Special Operations Command. Flynn served as the assistant chief of staff, G2, XVIII Airborne Corps at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, from June 2001 and the director of intelligence at the Joint Task Force 180 in Afghanistan until July 2002.

I hope all here want this pizzagate horror to stop. And the quicker the better.

In Trump we Trust. God seems to be sitting this one out!

Blacksmith21 ago

MysticMa ago

Which now gives total validation to this horrible reality that has affected so many, many lives. Truth has to be brought to light for any future to overcome the past. Awesome read TY!

VieBleu ago

Such a well written submission. Much to ponder and look further into.

The best write up I've ever seen on JOSC is in the beggining of the book "Another 19" written by the lead scientist who formulated the steel that went into the WTC and who became a whistleblower for 911 as an inside job based on what he knew about the formulation of the buildings themselves. He goes into the background of the military before 911 and JOSC is discussed thoroughly and intelligently. "Another 19" refers to another 19 suspects he identifies (from the American political establishment mostly) as alternatives to the 19 terrorists that were charged.


Silverlining ago

SIATPASIITW What does this mean, please. Google suggests Sir Patrick Stewart!

VieBleu ago

John Kennedy's ideas for the CIA - read the OP sumbimssion again

Silverlining ago

SplinterIntoAThousandPiecesAndScatterItToTheWinds by @dskies

You must assume you're dealing with idiots if we are to be useful!

VieBleu ago

the phrase was mentioned twice in OPs sub above. : )

Silverlining ago

Another Nineteen Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects [email protected]

RebelSkum ago

Boom! #SIATPASTW is much more character-limit friendly :P Sounds almost like an MKULTRA subproject too, lol

VieBleu ago

I want the Tshirt ; )

thomccc ago

If Stalin had gotten his way, we wouldn't be going through all this horror.

Stalin wanted to shoot 100,000 Nazi officers, but Churchhill cried like a baby and Roosevelt tried to pretend he thought Stalin was joking.

They had such a problem with punishing the ones who caused over 100million deaths, but they had no problem bombing and punishing Dresden, and others who never wore the uniform.

The head Nazis ended up over here and lived out their lives like kings.

NeedPolyGF ago

I think your info is wrong.

thomccc ago

What specifically?

equineluvr ago

Yes, Stalin with his gulags. What a saint he was! If only we had listened to him! /sarc

What you people don't seem to realize is that WWII, like WWI, was a huge theatrical production. Hitler, Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt were all 33rd-degree Freemasons.

And the plans for the world wars were all laid out in Pike's letter of 1871.

Taking a side is like choosing your favorite Kool-Aid flavor. Orange or grape, in the end it's still Kool-Aid.

thomccc ago

If it was all theatre, how come the USSR, ended colonialism and crushed british homogeny just like the Russians have done to every world domination project that has ever come down the pipe?

All these people want are their human sacrifices they don't care about anything else, not what you believe, what politics you favor, what race you love or long as the HS, keep going they don't give a fuck.

The USSR, under Stalin ended abortion which in effect leaves no place for the pedo to hide behind.

That's why all the hatred for other reason.

When people are guaranteed the basics to live, they are no vulernable people are children to exploit..comprende?

Stormer-chan ago

The German people fought against the deranged behavior as well as criminal activity we are fighting now, National Socialists, who threw out the central bankers & social engineers pushing self-destructive degeneracy.

RebelSkum ago

The German citizens who acted and spoke against the Nazis were pure guts.

As punk band Aus-Rotten put so eloquently, "Fuck Nazi Sympathy"!

NeedPolyGF ago

I don't think the Nazis were bad guys. The Zionists and Allies seem to be the bad guys.

Jem777 ago

Could the Nazi's and the zionists be the same guys? Possibly the US & Allies fighting against banking elite playing both sides of war as they did in WW1. Would you be shocked to learn the Vatican helped indoctrinate German children against Jewish children. I have personal eye witness whose father was in Hitler's inner circle...who was met Hitler in person many times. Very wealthy German family & big part of the SS. She carried the dark secrets until she was 80 years old. Trust me on this Hitler was evil beyond what I can mention. The US soldiers were heros to the Jewish people still alive in camps and the German people still alive in Berlin. She was there when they marched in and captured Berlin.

So as Rebel Skum wrote the German people who acted against Hitler and the Naz's was pure guts. So we're the soldiers of the US who landed on the beach in Normandy at 18,19 years old to give their lives not just for their country but for innocent German citizens who happened to be Jewish (not in faith, Hitler went by bloodline, genealogy)! & the US soldiers freed the German citizens who had fought valiantly against the Naz's...the top made money as in WW1 betting both sides. Disgusting

Silverlining ago

And so, black is white, up is down and cold is hot!

lawfag123 ago

makes a lot of sense to me. nice writing too, rebel

RebelSkum ago

Thank you kindly!

Jem777 ago

The biggest story that is missed is the CIA was and is an arm of the Vatican. That is right the Vatican & Hitler were on the same side. There is personal eye witness testimony to this and the inner dark occult of the black sun represented by the swatstika.

NeedPolyGF ago

I'm not readily going to believe that Hitler was a bad guy any more.

RebelSkum ago

Hitler was the last Holy Roman Emperor, but let's not look too into that dripping with sarcasm

NotHereForPizza ago

Then it gets even scarier when you learn that Hitler was mainly funded by the wealthiest jews at the time.

The more you study about religion, the easier it is to understand that the centralization of spirituality is a complete mockery. Spirituality is an individual's journey. The ones that use our spiritual tendencies against us are the most sinister of all.

NeedPolyGF ago

I read last year that the funding of Hitler by Jews etc was false info.

Jem777 ago

That is the point. The aryan race was an attempt to strain certain Jewish people out of these khazarians. This involves bloodtyping & DNA. Genetic code

Silverlining ago

There was a link in a thread that I forgot to clip about genetics. If you find it, please ping me.

Silverlining ago

The Genetic Quirk Of PizzaGate by @TheHolyGrail - coloboma and more.

equineluvr ago

Based upon your comments, you have no idea who the Aryans were/are.

RebelSkum ago

My thoughts on institutional religion exactly.

"I don't believe in God, but I'm also not an atheist. You know the universe is chaos, but chaos plays favorites." - Wingnut Dishwashers Union

Jem777 ago

You are brilliant RebelSkum but I challenge you to start a post or thread on this topic. Can all of us collectively disprove God! I wonder if this very universal investigation actually proves the existence of God. Maybe the greed & corruption of men ruined it. Like the catholic bible. Why do they have their own special seperate bible when Rome was involved on day one A.D. Then Rome wrote their own rules again in their own book and kept secrets namining this catholicism? Really

Jem777 ago

Unbelievable & totally believable and true. You want to know who killed JFK look no further than his son JFK jr. He set out to expose the truth about his fathers assasins. He created a magazine and named it GEORGE. Everyone asked why GEORGE?

Who was the most famous George at that time?

Shortly after he is killed in a strange plane accident with his wife & confidante. He was planning a run for Senate at that time. Who won after he passed away. The outgoing Hillary rodham clinton who then became Senator. Then SOS.....and so on and so on.

DarkMath ago

" Who won after he passed away"

Holy fuck I never knew that. Of course that's what she did. God almighty this woman is psychotic. Obviously it's almost impossible to prove but we all know what happened. Anybody who's followed this investigation for a while knows there are no coninkydinks anymore.

I remember thinking at the time how in hell did JFK jr not know how to read an artificial horizon. It never seemed plausible someone could have been that incompetent.

Then there's the auto pilot which I bet was active. I think one of the features of an auto pilot is to not only maintain altitude and speed but also maintain "wings level". I think the term is "Wing leveler auto pilot" I'm not sure though. If the auto-pilot was on it's impossible to flip the plane basically. ...........Unless the auto-pilot was tampered with.

Then there was Michael Hastings, same odd one in a million type of accident. What a massive cluster fuck this is going to be when everything comes out.

NeedPolyGF ago

I read some years ago that JFK Jr had a co-pilot who was apparently programmed to crash the plane. Then someone went to the crash site and removed his body from the plane under water.

RebelSkum ago

Starting to think @Jem777 is a closet Blues Brother. They're on a mission from "Gawd"! :p much love

Jem777 ago

Explain the blue brothers? And mission from Gawd

RebelSkum ago

It's a great classic comedy, and the plot is basically two blues playing secret agents from God

Jem777 ago

Exactly! And what was the name of JFK jr magazine? GEORGE

DarkMath ago

I'm sorry but I didn't follow the "GEORGE" point you were making. I think JFK jr named the magazine George because it was about politics. I didn't get the impression he named it George because he wanted to be a senator.

Jem777 ago

No he was naming the CIA agent responsible for his father's death. You are right over the mark. Who had that name & was a former CIA director and higher?

DarkMath ago

Interesting. Yes I knew/know George H.W. Bush killed JFK. But I still think JFK jr named the magazine George after George Washington.

And it doesn't matter what he named the magazine because it was Killary Clinton who probably signed his death warrant.

sugarskull ago

another gem of a find from Jem!!