Silverlining ago

It's just about proof of every conspiracy theory you've ever heard about. Quite why it is more believable from a Harvard professor [?] than David Icke or Alex Jones escapes me. But it is all laid out in 18 lectures.

In this year's lecture series, he must be persuaded to include pizzagate and the infant and toddler torture and rape, the sex slave and body parts trafficking and the pedo/satanist rings controlling the US and other governments.

Aloha808 ago

George Webb mentioned that quote in a video

Silverlining ago

@Aloha808 Do you have a link to the George Webb video you have in mind?

Aloha808 ago

Let me get back to you, I basically have just been reading the George Webb cliff notes of every episode.

dskies ago

I'd really like to have George Webb & Daniel Sheehan sit down & do a podcast together

Silverlining ago

He sounds like the perfect lawyer to advise on how to progress our pizzagate investigation. And here is his email - [email protected] [email protected] @cantsleepawink @YingYnagMom @privatepizza @newworldahead

dskies ago

I have his number ...we can send him a text msg. Just need the area code

Silverlining ago

Harvard University Massachusetts Hall Cambridge, MA 02138 Tel: (617) 495-1000

Contact: 740 Front St. • Suite 265 • Santa Cruz, CA 95060 • (605) 299-5261 • [email protected]

zip 01451 Harvard MA area code 978 Worcester

Try 978 - 605 - 617

dskies ago

Silverlining ago

The origin and rise of the 1% Who controls the government and how they pass power to the next generation. The ascent of the CIA and heroin. Who killed Kennedy and who gave the green light and why. The corporate fix - limited liability - no liability for shareholders and directors - free speech for corporations - donations. Who financed the Nazi party and why. Iran Contra.

dskies ago

& Nixon's reason for bugging Larry O'Brien @ Watergate, How John Kerry became Democratic Presidential nominee in 2004 instead of VP nominee in 2000, Why Narco/Arms traffickers out of Ilopango became so closely linked with Iran & how the CIA was not paying ransom but blackmail (William Francis Buckley)

Silverlining ago Syllabus and reading list.

Harvard history course from Spring last year [2016] Roughly things you would never learn about the 1%

Cowell #126 The Trajectory of Justice in America Rulers of the Realm: A History of “The 1%” and Their Influence on American Policy (Both Overt & Covert): 17762016 Lecturer: Harvard Law School Graduate Constitutional Attorney Daniel Sheehan [email protected]

Week #1 : The 2016 Election: “The ‘Logistical Moment’ In Which We Americans Find Ourselves” The 2016 election can be seen as a microcosm of a persistent conflict in American history between populist and elitist politics. Bernie Sanders attempts to represent the egalitarian, idealist, democratic socialist strain of US politics with a campaign based on economic justice for average Americans. Donald Trump chooses to appeal to nostalgia, xenophobia and antigovernment sentiment amongst the electorate with a campaign based on “restoring” America to glory of its imperialist past.

Week #2: The End of the Cold War & The ReAscendance of The Robber Baron Ethos: The LongerTerm “Tactical Moment” In Which We Americans Find Ourselves

The StillLongerTerm Dynamic Operative in The United States: “The Invisible Empire”

Week #3: The Robber Baron Era The 19th Century American Response To The Robber Barons; The Chautauqua

Week #4: The Conscious Campaign of The Robber Barons To Suppress Reform

Week #5: Fascism in American History

Week #6: Cold War Foreign Policy and Finance

Week #7: The 1% and the Creation of the CIA

Week #8: Richard Nixon and the Global War on Communism

WEEK #9 The Assassination The Cabal “Green Lights” The Assassination of President John Kennedy The Watergate Burglary; The Church Committee Hearings; The House Select Committee on Assassinations Findings & The Iran/Contra Scandal

This lecture series will focus on the small group of men who control foreign and domestic policy of the United States from behind the scenes. This small group of people had roles in the Kennedy assassination, the Watergate burglary, the resignation of Nixon, the Warren Commission, the creation and running of the Central Intelligence Agency, the funding of the Third Reich, the rise of Hitler, and the supply of heroin to the United States from Southeast Asia via Cuba, to name a few.

In addition to these “Rulers of the Realm,” this class will focus on those that have opposed such activities, beginning with the rise of the Chautauqua Movement.