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Blacksmith21 ago

Personally, I think it is significant when combined with a few other data points:

  • LTG Flynn made reference to "child sex crimes" in a confirmed Twitter;

  • Giuliani used to be the Mayor of NYC. He was close to Ray Kelly and all of the other top guys, some of whom are still there. He knows the real story. Trump superinsider;

  • Erik Prince, founder of Blackwater (and other various endeavors), confirmed these statements, also corroborated by his sources. Like him or not, he is the mercenary eagle scout crusader of christ and he doesn't mess around. Prince also has been fully red-pilled.

I make note of this as often times with any type of analytical process, people often forget to go back and look at the earliest "evidence" through a new lens. Lemme ask you this - do think the incoming National Security Advisor, former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and the former Director of Intelligence for Join Special Operations Command (JSOC) - think DEVGRU and CAG - would post something like that on Twitter without putting some thought into it? They've known for some time.

party1981 ago

Don't forget:

  1. Roger Stone
  2. Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik