playzfahdayz ago

Its better to have idiots run the government than corrupt pedophiles/a shadow state.

Spot on, I couldn't have said it any better myself. #drainem

Kapao ago

Yeah, we all know the FBI quickly re-closed the case right after Comey felt there was enough evidence to re-open it that close to the election. They scrubbed 650k emails in a few days but State dept needs months and months beyond their deadline to provide the courts far less? If you think that's plausible, fine. I don't - at all.

Regarding the release of the info, if FBIanon is to be further believed, this whole mess is far larger than the Clintons and their foundation. Congress has several ongoing investigations. I think it's smart to wait until Obama is no longer able to grant pardons before releasing anything.

Kapao ago

Wow, you point to a KOS article to discredit? Really sound institution. And while they mock the article, as of course they would, they provide no evidence to the contrary at all.

Come on man. Kool Aid mustaches are only cute when you're a kid.

Kapao ago

You ok man?

Blacksmith21 ago

You are a liar and a shill. Verified right on Flynn's Twitter. Go check it out for yourself asshat:

LostandFound ago

pow - nice work

playzfahdayz ago

What a blatant miscarriage of justice and it would completely destroy any semblance of rule of law in this country.

Yeah, no doubt.

Kapao ago

Verified by whom, exactly? CNN? It hasn't been refuted by the police chief either, has it?

I posted it because it was pertinent and interesting to me. Comey reopened their investigation because of whatever they found on that laptop. I don't buy the narrative - I don't believe he would risk his career to reopen the investigation unless there was something substantive that was brought to his attention. His actions were unprecedented. He's not an idiot. I'm confident it wasn't done thoughtlessly.

I can't get myself to swallow the line that we're being fed - that 650k emails were scoured in a few days and nothing was found. Additionally, a great deal of what FBIanon has said has proven true. This article's substance is in line with what he put forth. Not proof, but I'm not dismissing it as you suggest I should.

MAGABoomer ago

If she lives that long. My guess is they're hoping the insurance files don't get opened...which at this point seems unlikely (although I can't find the "team" to watch/cheer for today, hoping they found a safer place to work) and once that shit hits the fan...Hill et al gonna have a horrible plane crash.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Don't be so stressed out about it, its just cover for other discussions.

playzfahdayz ago

There should be riots if they release all the evidence they have

Well, FBIAnon was explaining that it's basically an internal war within each agency (FBI, CIA, NSA etc) and that even if FBIAnon leaked every bit of information they have, the destructive aftermath would only promote what Soros is attempting to do, which is to destabilize the nation to cause enough civil unrest for FEMA and DoS to get involved. This is specifically why they're slowly (strategically) leaking their information, bit by bit, so that once Trump and his administration hold authority, Trump should be able to start recommending names to the DoJ, one by one, to the point where they'll get antsy enough to simply start resigning themselves...

At least... this is what FBIAnon stated during that same AMA back in late July.

DarkOne ago

dude/babe is a goddamn hero

SlutsAgainstSlavery ago

Tried to access the link, OP. Got this:

Kapao ago

Weird, still works for me.

LloydK ago

  • It's interesting if Wikileaks actually quoted something on True Pundit, if the latter is a little known news site.

  • It's also interesting that True Pundit is said to have only news stories that quote anonymous sources in high places.

  • If those two statements are true, it seems one must conclude that Wikileaks is no longer being truthful (and maybe Assange really has been abducted or killed), or True Pundit was set up by someone associated with Wikileaks.

playzfahdayz ago

one must conclude that Wikileaks is no longer being truthful (and maybe Assange really has been abducted or killed)

Exactly, I've been saying the same thing since the morning he went MIA...

LloydK ago

I was following the story about Assange being possibly captured etc, but haven't kept up-to-date. I was planning to see if there's a Voat subverse on it.

playzfahdayz ago

To be honest, I'm not sure if anyone is keeping tabs of Julian Assange on Voat. Honestly though, I'm moving all my stuff over to anyway since the main sub is being conflated with shill slide-posts.

Any amount of censorship is destructive given what we're dealing with here so Voat is now my secondary.

LloydK ago

Here's the actual link to the Assange subverse:

playzfahdayz ago

Doesn't seem too promising... Almost even looks like another CIA psyop sub to keep the censorship train rolling... Either way, he's still definitely MIA.

LloydK ago

I found a Voat subverse on Where is Assange at

I looked at lately, but I don't remember if I succeeded at registering.

playzfahdayz ago

I looked at lately, but I don't remember if I succeeded at registering.

You have to queue for it and it takes about a week to get in (all the more reason to join, given the on-going censorship issues).

playzfahdayz ago

Published November 2, 2016

Slide post, slide post, slide post, will the censorship ever end?

Edit: To op, if you're legit with the post, they aren't touching her until Trump gets into office. FBIAnon has been saying this since the AMA they did back in July.

Kapao ago

Yeah, that's the only thing that makes sense. As bad as it would make him look, I imagine Obama would be pressured into blanket pardoning her. I half-expect that to happen regardless.

playzfahdayz ago

I imagine Obama would be pressured into blanket pardoning her.

Obama's reputation is already shot anyway so no doubt he'll try slipping something in before he leaves office... Not that he'll be the one to make that decision anyway.

thicktail1730947 ago

Sure wish I could verify that "NYPD Chief" quote...

MAGABoomer ago

Yeah, that's an issue. Only so many NYPD chiefs...easy to find the one in Wiener's jurisdiction...and I'm guessing that NYPD chief was added to lend legitimacy.

It is likely Weiner's computer had a shit ton of nasty on whomever wrote that article just made it a OMG thing.

Kapao ago

The FBI did reopen the investigation as a result of whatever was there... then closed it a week later. "Oh, nothing to see here...".

Does anyone really buy that? To my mind, there's no way he'd put his neck out and re-open the case without some obvious evidence in there. I fully anticipate that folks are keeping quiet until 1/20. Congress is still investigating on "several fronts", as Chaffetz confirmed this morning.

Stab ago

Comey did not close the case. He simply said the FBI and DOJ had reviewed all emails sent or received during the time Hillary was Sec of State.

He did not say all 650,000 emails have been reviewed, only the ones while she was Sec of State.

Here she is requesting classified info from Podesta a year after her term as Sec of State ended:

Erik Prince is also a reliable source and so far nothing he has said has been proven false:

Kapao ago

Thanks, I hadn't seen that Erik Prince article.

Interesting how quiet this whole thing has been since November 8th.

MAGABoomer ago

I am not expecting Comey to come out clean. But yeah, seems like we just need to be patient. Hope Rowdy Gowdy is on the case :D

DarkOne ago

Chaffetz and Gowdy have been cleaning house and are primed to take on Hillary. don't know about the FBI, but these guys are on point!

Blacksmith21 ago

Personally, I think it is significant when combined with a few other data points:

  • LTG Flynn made reference to "child sex crimes" in a confirmed Twitter;

  • Giuliani used to be the Mayor of NYC. He was close to Ray Kelly and all of the other top guys, some of whom are still there. He knows the real story. Trump superinsider;

  • Erik Prince, founder of Blackwater (and other various endeavors), confirmed these statements, also corroborated by his sources. Like him or not, he is the mercenary eagle scout crusader of christ and he doesn't mess around. Prince also has been fully red-pilled.

I make note of this as often times with any type of analytical process, people often forget to go back and look at the earliest "evidence" through a new lens. Lemme ask you this - do think the incoming National Security Advisor, former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and the former Director of Intelligence for Join Special Operations Command (JSOC) - think DEVGRU and CAG - would post something like that on Twitter without putting some thought into it? They've known for some time.

party1981 ago

Don't forget:

  1. Roger Stone
  2. Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik

quantokitty ago

Very old news ... not even news ... conjecture.

Kapao ago

Might be old - first I had seen of it.

Personally, I think the NYPD chief's quotes make for more than conjecture.

heygeorge ago

“What’s in the emails is staggering and as a father, it turned my stomach,” the NYPD Chief said. “There is not going to be any Houdini-like escape from what we found. We have copies of everything. We will ship them to Wikileaks or I will personally hold my own press conference if it comes to that.”

The NYPD Chief said once Comey saw the alarming contents of the emails he was forced to reopen a criminal probe against Clinton.

Holy manufactured sources, Batman!

Are you kidding me? Are you hearing what you want to believe? You think that the director of the FBI is having a personal audience with some low-rank chief and talking about the investigation?

itchy8me ago

As it is worded, it would appear comey was put under pressure by the NYPD.

JudaismForGentiles ago

Low ranking chief? That's an oxymoron, no?

heygeorge ago

Do you say this with any sort of knowledge of the hierarchy of the NYPD? Sure, in a city of 50,000 a police chief is far more powerful.

Edit: How did you get 4 upvotes on this throwaway question? You only have 5 CCP total.

itchy8me ago

Why is that so far fetched? It has been said that the NYPD have a serious grudge against clinton and have been sitting on information for a long time. Looking at what is in wikileaks, and the correlation with pizzagate and other far older knowledge of pedophile practices amongst the elite, it seems totally legit actually.

Kapao ago

Curious - are you refuting the Chief's quote about how he felt when he saw the evidence personally? Or just his statement about Comey's reaction? I don't see where he said he personally met with Comey.

heygeorge ago

How would this unnamed source even know what Comey thinks in any meaningful way? He wouldn't.

Kapao ago

Weird thing to say, IMO.

I wouldn't find it at all surprising that a police chief intimately involved in this case might hear how the feds reacted when they saw what he had seen.

heygeorge ago

Try using your mind: If this 'case' we're so sick and huge and heinous, why would a LEO who was 'sickened' by it risk flight of the suspect by tipping their hand like that? And you said 'feds' while the article says Comey.

At the end of this same piece, it erroneously states that the FBI was repoening their investigation on Shill, which also didn't formally happen and is not something they would even comment on.

Perhaps it just seems way too convenient that this piece includes every single anti-hill talking point during the campaign. But now here I am making conclusions out of little information.

Antonius ago

Ye olde newse...