Gothamgirl ago

I wish someone would clean this video up & reduce the traffic sound & compare to the worldcorpo video.

It sounds like Dad or daddy in this video to.

nomorepepperoni ago

Will all due respect, NO. We are NOT doing this WorldCorp shit again, nor Rob the Pedo. (If others want to, be my guest.)

Please present evidence of his social media connections to CPP's Insta (aside from what looks like he gave a like in one photo of CPP's) and we can dig from that side, but we've otherwise bashed our skulls in far too much over Rob and his shitty site. Thus, I cannot in good conscience encourage bashing our heads in even more for a black hole, depravity, and vacuum BJs.

reasonedandinformed ago

He was connected early on to CPP through their instagrams, which is why he got attention from us in the first place. In the end, whether it specifically ties to CPP or not, this guy is sick and a concern to me. This "missing girl" sign, which has the date 1/7/16, was uploaded to his Flickr on 1/18/17:

Why would we not be concerned with following up as this guy's posts are twisted, he is a convicted pedo tied to CPP, and he is sloppy, meaning a deeper look might provide some good evidence, even if it only stops him from hurting kids.

nomorepepperoni ago

Ok, so I looked through the Flickr for a bit and saw some pics where he's outside and there's some horses and a reindeer petting zoo? Point is, near kids. Pretty sure there's some law about convicted pedos being near kids?

If those photos are recent, I'd send them to Augusta PD and report him. Otherwise, this book needs to be closed.

rwb ago

I have no idea why you are so insistent that this particular book needs to be closed. The OP has compiled interesting information that is certainly new to me, in spite of following the worldcorpo video angle closely. If Casio has or had any connection whatsoever to JP, CPP, or JA, that would be one or two degrees of separation, and a massive step toward validating the videos. As someone with 30 years involvement in audio related industries and very keen listening skills, the voice in the Worldcorpo videos is so close to JP's, a match cannot remotely be dismissed out of hand, and every lead in this realm should be followed up, even if it annoys you or anyone else.

nomorepepperoni ago

Because we dug and dug and could not find a connection to anyone of interest. We bashed our heads on this for ages and only drew turnips and an old guy drinking his own piss.

As I said, look into Maine's laws regarding convicted pedos and their proximity to kids. Flickr may be evidence Rob should be back in jail, based on those laws. After that angle's been checked is when the book should be closed. Again, by all means look for a link to JA or JP if you want to. I'm just concerned this mires us in low-level creep that gets us nowhere. Please do prove me wrong, though.

rwb ago

I can appreciate the frustration of hitting dead ends repeatedly, but fresh eyes always hold promise of something new, and I think that's what the OP was hoping for. Will continue reading.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I agree this Evil fag needs to be thrown in Gitmo! Not sure, other than someone calling authorities. Then we face the all too familiar "not enough" evidence BS from authorities. I think there should be a site that calls out these freaks! Then again, we could face a lot of legal issues doing that.

reasonedandinformed ago

My thought was that an autist might dig and find some some incriminating evidence related to our investigation. This guy is reckless and has been connected to CPP via social media, so that was the reason for the post.

nomorepepperoni ago

See my last post. Isn't he supposed to stay far away from kids? If so, those photos are pretty good evidence.

reasonedandinformed ago

It would seem so. His posting of the missing girl flyer just gave me a chill. He does so much online that many eyes might discover crimes on his part or that there is a promising lead related specifically to this forum.

nomorepepperoni ago

Well there's always the chance that he killed that girl, is behind WorldCorp, and the GPS coordinates "anonymous" displayed on WorldCorp's homepage is where she is (do a search or check and you'll see the GPS coordinates I reference).

Of course, that was rampant speculation without evidence of such.

I think the Flickr images where he's hanging around kids is a stronger case to raise.

nomorepepperoni ago

He's sloppy, but he's also already been busted before. Some disturbing things were found and reported to the appropriate authorities. HoneyBee and sheilaaliens reported some of his videos if I'm not mistaken. Then the guy posts here complaining about police at his place.

And I see he was "connected" to CPP through Instagram, but to what extent? Did he like one flipping photo? Or was he a regular commenter? And were they creepy comments to boot? (For the record I never saw the original CPP ties, just people suddenly chasing him.)

Otherwise, deeper looks have gotten us little more than a headache listening to some guy ramble and whine about how crazy we are, amongst other things.

SayWhatNOWAY ago


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