Dropping by as I noticed a good amount of people asking a question I asked earlier.
To be clear, there is no direct proof or link between WorldCorpo and Pizzagate... Obviously it's creepy as fuck, but for those that trade in certainty and speculation, rather than 'creepy', this is likely not the best use of time.
3rd post on WorldCopro in a day, and every post has a massively sensational title, with only a link to a video and no 'Statement' to help smooth over the sensational titling.
starseedlover ago
I have a gut feeling Robert Robinson is going to come in handy at some point in this case. Maybe an informant or something.
Touchdown50 ago
It takes 3.
CannuckBatman ago
Hey Everyone,
Dropping by as I noticed a good amount of people asking a question I asked earlier.
To be clear, there is no direct proof or link between WorldCorpo and Pizzagate... Obviously it's creepy as fuck, but for those that trade in certainty and speculation, rather than 'creepy', this is likely not the best use of time.
CannuckBatman ago
I... had a similar thought, actually.
3rd post on WorldCopro in a day, and every post has a massively sensational title, with only a link to a video and no 'Statement' to help smooth over the sensational titling.
Not saying Rob, but definitely seems... odd.
Touchdown50 ago
I agree but that freak is a shady pedo fuck.
BadGuacamoleTV ago
David= Rob The Pedo again
Touchdown50 ago
No wonder he stalks children. Hes a man child.
Honeybee_ ago
Don't give him that much credit...
BadGuacamoleTV ago
Halberstram, Tauntaun and DavidRay are all Rob, Bee.
Honeybee_ ago
BadGuacamoleTV ago
Another post by Rob seeking infamy. Tauntaun = Rob The Pedophile
Tauntaun ago
Ask Sheilaaliens....