Nana66 ago

jamesthehotdog was the one who shared the post of his youtube videos that I posted.

Robert responded to my post with this video...paid for stock video, my ass.

dickface8 ago

I'd have to say anyone as creepy as he who's using the term longpig knows EXACTLY what it means... I've heard it before while reading about sickos.

rodental ago

PM spez on reddit and ask him, that's his crowd.

wokethefkup ago

Google cannibal forum you'll see a forum for muscle heads in which they discover and talk and show pics of snuff shit found on a well known cannibal forum where they mention long pig. Forget the lads name but he invited a young willing male to be eaten and he cut off his penis and they ate it together until he died in a tub etc. Disgusting shit.

Nana66 ago

That sounds just like a movie I watched.

wh0care ago

yes it could easily be chineese food...but for sure its weird with this name...i dont know if the description of him on the last video warning about "child molester on" is true, but if true ,for sure it raise suspicions...

wh0care ago

most of the peeps liked the video on seems to be fake account created on same day (just one day after OP video was posted) or/and with same picture without any video shared and who have only liked this video...apart one account who have a short video about what seems to be an archery competition of an asian girl (both account have been created on 23november) this last account is named Chang Hye-Jin- (here : ) - i goolged her name its name of a south Korean girl who won Gold medal in olympic game in 2016) . there is only one account with an other creation date in september

the OP video also have been shared on reddit /creepypasta under title "a guy received creepy video" 2months ago by a dude named eddomommie (which was new account at the time) no upvote or comment on thread..

here the list of thoses account the empty ones created on same day with just one like first:


"NYCPolice" :https//



this one, same creation day again only one like, it show 2 comments but they didnt appear, maybe it was on some deleted video (there is an adress on the pics maybe nothing but i mention it in case it disappear 962 4th street (city?),with an old closed Mercedes shop) named: 50sflashlight:

This one FARM the only one created before on 11september 2016 and with also only one like (on the weird vid Op mentionned) and it show one comment on a video named "Beware of the child molester on" which seems directly directed to this Robert (and his multiples accounts) according to this video description he is "a convicted child predator and also a lifetime registrant sex offender in the state of Augusta, Maine"

here this video : and the full description under it : "Robert Robinson A.K.A Robert Casio, Dr Casio, CasioDarkMoon 1 to 19, Psycho Rob, Robert Robinson TM & Robert Ripley is a convicted child predator and also a lifetime registrant sex offender in the state of Augusta, Maine. This pedophile has invaded Vidme because he has had 11 or more accounts terminated on YouTube Links in the description as follows: His sex offender registry - Videos of him wanting to do disgusting stuff to dolls -

Encyclopedia Dramatica page that he wrote! -

(note of myself: it say in this encyclopedia dramatica page that he run a darkNet sort of chat room for pedo and teens to meet/video "chatting"...and in this description it stated that its HIM who writed it ? wait, he accused himself of being a pedo ?!? hmmmm..maybe he is just some kind of weirdo LARPer....)

end of description: Forums he stalks :;wap2 "

Fateswebb ago

Wow that's some creepy sht who is this dude wtf?

gurneyx ago

the creepiest stuff ever....kinda scary

redditsuckz ago

Language Japanese to English Translation of the video titles;


-The closest underground hatchery of homosexuals


-He will not make us a knight Joe


-Throw away your television.

goodguy1367 ago

That definitely isn't bacon, nor does it resemble any sort of animal meat, I've never seen human flesh been cooked before but shiiiiiit I think it would look something like that but. Fuck this