ArthurEdens ago

I halfto compare but this looks like the same house as the worldcorp video of the two boys hanging out in the living room

islandofdelight ago

It is John Podesta in the video and worldcorpo is an FBI evidence leak operation.

DarkMath ago

I think I've figured out what this hoax is all about. Someone is trying to smear John J Callanan for some reason, maybe because he's an internet marketer, I don't know. Whatever the cause the most likely explanation is someone stole John J Callanan's profile picture and added it to an existing facebook page tying it to "shitfreak99".

I'm almost 100% sure this is what happened. Obviously it doesn't explain the fatherhood video, whoever is in that video has yet to be found.

Ushil ago

More info about the people behind WorldCorpo:

Fateswebb ago

Gotcha! Good job, mystery solved, now someone arrest the asshole since I am pretty sure there was enough trauma to the boy in the video to be considered abuse

palmitespo910 ago

I am thoroughly looking at this worldcorp site, anyone else see ALL of the hidden words and links and phrases? Dates? Coded language? It's incredible.

MrMysterious ago

Do not post info that can be used to harass people. (Document it definitely, and you can mention that you have it) However, giving out information like Phone numbers is bad... Now the odds of this individual being tipped off are nearly 100%. (maybe that was your goal?) This could interfere with actual legal investigations by tipping him off... He now can focus on scrubbing as much as possible if he is guilty, before justice can be done...

srayzie ago

Can someone tell me who Robert Robinson is?

KingDumb ago

No seriously though... John Callahan is a 4chan shitpost meme, how does noone know this. Alot of people use his picture as a profile pic as a joke.

rodental ago

Fuck off Podesta, everybody knows you rape and murder children.

KingDumb ago

I really really like this image, mind if I save it? You didn't really just try to Nana thread us did you mate?

slickleg64 ago

Ok. What I am about to write seems to always be ignored or deleted, this will be the last time I will write this. This is important regarding this topic.

Robert Robinson's video justifying the picture, he ADMITS its him Robert Robinson claims that the host of WorldCorp stole the images of him in a bathtub drinking chocolate milk, this was the image found by Sheilaaliens on the websites directory. He denies any involvement with worldcorp.

His Pateron is proof of his identity

Wtf as im writing this I've just notice @Sheilaaliens has deleted her posts and videos, that fucking blew what i was going to write, fuck this.

Sheilaaliens ago

This is coming a bit late as I never checked my VOAT inboxes before. But I'm sorry about what happened there, I got hit with a community guidelines strike by Robinson himself, so I removed the video(s)... I've reuploaded them on

And yes, Robert admitted it was him in the picture. His only qualm was that he WASN'T drinking fecal matter in the picture. Ha

VieBleu ago

I am on hiatus from any WorldCorp or HeavyBreathing materials. But good you posted for others and good point.

My response about this stuff is this - pizzagate is real, we don't need to expose ourselves to MK Ultra for the Masses in order to prove it. It conditions and normalizes this violent sleaze. It doesn't deserve my attention even though it is an element of pedogate that cannot be ignored. A true contradiction.

PizzaStreamerLive ago

That detailed description made me vomit a bit. Never the less. Good job collecting!

VoaterBR529 ago

Although I do personally think that Robert Robinson might be involved in this, and is the guy singing Each day I grow some moreMP4, he sings the same way as in this videoYouTube

These two voices are not remotely alike... Way different builds. I didn't check the rest of your post as it has the feel of something less than legit. JustMy2Cents. btw... Amazing how fast this post showed up on twitter.

Touchdown50 ago

Fucking psycho.

cerber ago

I highly doubt this for a variety of reasons.

1.) Worldcorp has changed direction on numerous occasions.

One thing that was hinted at several times in the discord chat was that WorldCorp's main content creators had come and gone. The only consistent member of worldcorp is the CEO, "Melvin Creepyhands" (I saved several of his public statements online here, see the txt files). At one point, when asked about an older version of the site (the google plus page and he responded by saying "we don't use that acct" and that the original design time was "rip." These accounts are most likely from a person who is no longer in worldcorp.

2.) The CEO doesn't sound like the person in the video.

I have heard the CEO talk in the discord channel before. At one point when a guy from voat was pestering him, he broadcasted a voice message to everyone in the channel (transcript) as a way to annoy him(?). (I have no context of what happened in the voice chat other than hearing his broadcast, so if im wrong forgive me) Our friend "Melvin" here had none of the same inflections in his voice.

3.) The CEO is an actual CEO.

Most of this was pointed out to me by a friend who browses the chat and the mic often, however the Worldcorp CEO appears to be an actual, elected CEO of worldcorp, who's only job is to guide the direction of the company. My friend does not believe him to be in content creation based off a few attempts at technical marketing discussion. This is obviously sourced to other people.

3.) Why would the CEO publicize child molestation?

Face it. If you were engaged in this type of creepy shit, you wouldn't tell everyone. Why would he make a video of it? Assuming the above post is true (when it is only loosely connected, the profile pic in the OP that forms the only "connection" could be ripped easily), why make a website to advertise it? If you could provide a reasonable answer to this question, your explanation would make a lot more sense, however there is no reasonable explanation. The WorldCorp CEO didn't make the videos, and if a worldcorp member did, then the CEO might not have even been around at the time.

Fateswebb ago

A 5 year old could code that website in notepad in 30 minutes. It's not a real company. It's a couple people fucking with your head.

cerber ago

I never said that the worldcorp was an actual company, nor did I say that html was hard to make. How does this make me wrong?

Fateswebb ago

I can play that card, I never said you were wrong....

SayWhatNOWAY ago

The guy in that freaking shower was not a fat guy! Sorry not buying that it was this guy!

MAGABoomer ago

That's because it's a troll site and the content was taken from other people's shit that Anon trolls all the time and compiled into a breathless collection of bullshit to troll the outraged FB people who sadly found this site.

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

I will tell you that I saw that video before, way before any mention of all this. I don't recall when but I am inclined to think it was due to a Reddit post with this video as to where I saw it.
There has to be others that saw this way before PG. I personally do not think it has anything to do with Podestas, but who knows?

Pipebomb ago

That's a creepy photo, bit it looks like chocolate milk?

Godwillwin ago

He has evil in his eyes. That background image is VERY disturbing. This guy looks like a classic sociopathic serial killer. He has the classic "qualifications" of a textbook serial killer: moderately successful white male mid 30s that seems charming to some and has a hidden life. This guy gives me the ceeeos more than podesta.

blind_sypher ago

Yeah this sounds like something a spook came up with.

jordankelly ago

Agreed. Move along folks

Godwillwin ago

Big up voat for you!!! Great work! Yes please send this to the FBI - send it to the New York branch Here's where you can submit a tip to their Albany location

I would do it, but I submitted so much stuff before the election that they probably have me on ignore 😬

LincolnsMullet ago

Nice digging. The Fatherhood video itself is worthy of police investigation here. That isn't normal. It's beyond the pale. At what point is an investigation warranted, a dead body?

I listened to some of this guys shitty ass songs on the worldcorpo twitter account. His lyrics are fitting and just as grotesque. He talks about killing himself a lot among the depravity of his lyrics. "Basement garbage" has all you need to hear. This guy has serious issues.

Votescam ago

Agree that on its own "Fatherhood" video needs police attention. Someone further down suggests that the "Fatherhood" video has been edited? Would think that most people would have passed by the video because not immediately clear what it even was. Took quite a bit of examination to figure out it was a child being tortured.

DarkMath ago

I'd be careful here. The guy in the bathtub looks like Robert Robinson and not John J Callanan.

I also listened to one of John J Callanan videos and his voice is totally different than the voice of the adult banging on the shower door with a push broom in the fatherhood video.

To me it looks like someone may have stolen a picture of John J Callanan and used it on their twitter page. Why I have no idea. That's my gut instinct here. My gut tells me this is an elaborate hoax. Someone is trolling /v/pizzagate with worldcorp.

I sure hope the FBI looks into this because that picture of the dismembered body on the bed was highly disturbing.

starseedlover ago

This. The voice in John Callanan video is not at all like the Podesta sounding voice in the Fatherhood video.

It occured to me that this might be the actual Father of the child in the video?

If not, I am of the impression that this pic was random or stolen and the association is coincidental. Or maybe he's tangentially involved. He doesn't look like the dude with the artistic chops to create a "bad" design site like To get that aesthetic nowadays you have to actually have an artistic intention to get that retrowave faux 90s website look. To be honest, it's much easier to create a professional looking website these days than an actual "amateur" one with the plethora of themes and templates out there.

I second the comments from @VieBleu about it having that same look as Heavy Breathing or other hipster bands like it.

fartyshorts ago

Yes. The voice is not remotely close to me either.

It's not very likely to be the child's real father either, as he seems to imply that he's the daddy from now on.

rwb ago

If the implication is that John J Callanan is the same John in the Fatherhood video, there are two major problems with the theory. 1. The image you cite is of a heavily built man. The John in the Fatherhood image is a rake, like JP. See here: 2. The John you cite has youtube videos still up for his business. Here is a link to one: Clearly the voice and his build is not remotely a match for the Fatherhood video. It's also worth that there could well be multiple John J Callanan's out there.

Votescam ago

Among those here who examined the "Fatherhood" video and listened to it numerous times seem to agree that what is being said is, "John Podes" -- not John Calla.

Took a great deal of work by someone here to even figure out what the video involved and I imagine that most people would have simply passed it by.

But comparisons to floor shows/lighting at Comet PP are a concern.

plitern ago

tip the fbi

VieBleu ago

Why does the aesthetics of WorldCorp look so much like the Heavy Breathing aesthetics? (I know that porny pop 70s sleaze-trash does not qualify as a genuine "aesthetic" to most all of us, nevertheless specific design choices are made from graphics to camera work to create a specific effect so for all intent and purposes it is a "look" that has to be achieved. but I digress.)

Is it a CIA culture shaping operation like this one?

Is John McCallanan CIA? If we could find that out, it could go a long way towards explaining its appearance here.

Let's collectively remember HOW MANY TIMES links to that website/video were posted over and over again for a few days. That was not random.

Touchdown50 ago

Its as james alefantis called it- his culture. The scat gore culture is always hanging on the fringes of poor taste and they revel in it. Pedophilia or open Pedophilia by people who are into this stuff is always done very cryptically. I mean they are sick but they are not stupid to alert the authorities.

MAGABoomer ago

That was not random

No shit sherlock. Just like OP I have continually told people it's a hoax site. But carry on.

VieBleu ago

I'm not saying it isn't a "hoax site". The question, Watson, is who put it up, and what was their agenda?

There are more possible answers to those questions than just "trolls". I don't think it merits nearly the attention it has gotten. A sideshow, but like all sideshows it has an eery fascination for a short time.

Votescam ago

Right -- is anyone even satisfied as yet as to who is the owner of WorldCorp or whether someone else has hacked it? Robert Richardson? John J. Callanan -- or someone else?

And was "Fatherhood" video stole from someplace else? Richardson claims his "bathtub" pic was stolen.

MAGABoomer ago

I told you, and I've been telling. It's black hat anon the website says so all over it. And it's a compiled troll site. People who don't Internet real well will literally fall for anything.

VieBleu ago

Well I'm telling you, it's a black hat kulture kontrol CIA operation along the lines of this black hat all the way with multiple aims - 1) degrade and shock US culture 2) send warning to Podesta, who they control. 3) CIA gets to do art projects which they luv, like Alefantis and his MK Ultra puppet "band". They work through Brock shills to keep getting it put before us.

See just because I tell you, doesn't mean it's necessarily the truth, same with your unbacked up assertions. (although I think my theory is better than yours) At least I provided a link fer chrissake that provides alarming context to my claim. Why don't you spend one minute and look it over? that will save you a little bit of breath and us another round of your complaints about your self-annointed policing role.

You are not going to herd a bunch of chaotic internet cats with self-righteous bluster.

MAGABoomer ago

It's useless. Literally useless. I did not make any UNBACKED assertions. Just because you don't "Internet real good" and have zero clue what I was TRYING to explain to you has nothing to do with unbacked assertions. JAYSUS the Anon symbols were all over that site waving to people in the know...and I have no idea what happened to this site, but all the real researchers have done got up and left because of what the FB lot has done to it.

It's like wandering into bizarro world. I explain why the site is a troll and because you don't understand what I'm saying, my assertions are "unbacked".

Isn't websluts feeling lonely for their top sleuthers?

VieBleu ago

Honestly you sound a bit unhinged to me. You explained nothing, don't know what symbols you are talking about, don't care. I think the site is a CIA troll site, so unless you have something evidence based to add kindly back off and perhaps get some rest.

And if you would stop chasing me around here I'd stop replying and maybe this thread will get less comments and drop off? Hows that for a plan.

MAGABoomer ago

It is not a CIA troll site. YOU are probably trolling me. Black/White hats only means moral non moral fags in the Internet context.

OMG fucktard. I'm not following your stupid ass anywhere. If you ever had a brain, you've been sitting those close to 300 pounds on it for years.

It's good you're not using your real name.

And don't you tell me what to do or where to post. This ain't websluts. You twats are instantly recognizable almost anywhere you leak out into the real world.

You don't know what I'm talking about but you're sure it's wrong and you're right. LOLOLOL >9000 right there. Comedy fucking gold. If you want a safe space go back to Websluts. You don't run this. WE do.

VieBleu ago

mmm kay. you must have lost your evidence in your nappies. whatever websluts is I'm not bothering to google it cause I don't care. bye bye, hope you get better.

jv209 ago

the only thing I can tell you about worldcorp is that I don't understand worldcorp. It seems like a site dedicated to posting pedo/scat porn that isn't quite illegal, but certainly pushing the limits. the video of that kid being suffocated with a trash bag they uploaded yesterday has to be illegal though. that was child abuse.

MAGABoomer ago

It is a site composed of various shit, one guy in particular (Callahan) to troll people and get them to pass fake information along. The signs are all over that site that it's a troll. The fact that the site is still being changed should clue you in.

nnfx ago

The guy in the bathtub is Robert Robinson. He confirmed this him self in a youtube live stream 2 days ago. He said that this photo of him was stolen from somebody on worldcorpo and he isn't related to them.

He answered questions about that pic. Saying it was chocolate milk and that it was a female friend and roommate who took the pic. Also responding to someone "No, I'm not Shitfreak99"

Votescam ago

If Robinson is claiming a picture of him was stolen by somebody on worldcorpo, couldn't the "Fatherhood" video itself have been stolen by worldcorpo?

Godwillwin ago

Now I'm really confused

MAGABoomer ago

Again, I will reiterate. The worldcorp site was purpose built with things taken from people Anon finds offensive. People have been trolling R. Robinson for years and claiming he's a pedo. He's a hair freak and a scientologist. They stole his stuff and the stuff of others and videos long out on YT to troll people. The outrage of idiots spreading this has created a massive wave of LULZ among the Black Hats.

I have been saying this on here since the very first day it came out and I saw Anon's calling card on the site and cautioned people. Since then the site has been altered (things added, easter eggs and shit) and the video of "john" has been altered. Ever since the FB crowd found this site it's been trolled six ways to Sunday.

Godwillwin ago

I think e everyone is getting antsy waiting for arrests to be made. Since this group effort investigation by Anons into pedos started, we have found a LOT of shady red flag can't just be a coincidence nasty sick circumstantial evidence. A LOT. So at this point I think we need to keep spreading the word. Hopefully an arrest of at least one of the many we've been investigating will take place soon.

Out of all of them, I'd like to see Alefantis go down first.

MAGABoomer ago

I can't wrap my mind around people thinking there's actually going to be high-level pedo arrests. Please stop believing that.

They will go down for RICCO, treason, illegal arms trading, and MAYBE human trafficking. There are actually penalties for those crimes.

They will publicize the pedo stuff to expose them, and they can do that because they won't be charged with it. This will give some a chance to off themselves. Charging them with pedo stuff will get them the DuPont treatment. Probably most prison inmates are victims of some form of childhood abuse. Pedos die in prison. But the rich ones ask for separation from general pop or get probation. DuPont raped his infant and his older son. The judge let him out "he won't do well in prison". He's a registered SO, and got probation. Is that what you want to see for Podesta et al? I will be SO excited the day Podesta is sentenced to FedPen. He won't be tried on the pedo charges but everyone will know..and he won't have any excuse to ask for separation from general pop. He'll go right in with everyone. And everyone is gonna know he's a pedo. Think about it.

All three Clintons will die in a horrible plane crash. Just wait. She's gonna get the same treatment she handed out to JFK jr.

Alefantis and Brock will be hit with murder charges. Possibly a few others for conspiracy.

I'm not frustrated in the least. I'm more frustrated that people seem committed to doing stupid things on the Internet. Like visiting WorldCorp over and over. It's a troll site. If these are the sort of Anon that also do crime, please be aware that by visiting that site and depositing your IP address, (unless you were wearing condoms) and would have all your personal information, address, phone, everything...within about a hour or less of them having your IP. I cannot say one way or the other which sort of Anon built that site. LULZ Anon, Crime Anon...and at this point I really don't care. I tried to do the right thing and caution people because it was really really clear most of the people who flooded this site after most of us ran off had little to no experience whatsoever in the dark regions of the net.

zzvoat ago

Thank you for explaining all of this. I'm going to be fine with it if people will know exactly who these people are and what they have done, in part because I want my friends and family to know.

"You said they were pedos. You were wrong. They only committed RICCO violations."

There are some really talented researchers in here. Some may be 75 and retired while others are young phd theoretical physicists... and everywhere in between. People don't know what they don't know and this is not everyone's area of expertise. It's not mine.

I believe what you're saying because it's a theme that is beginning to repeat itself on many of the forums I inhabit. I once believed they'd be arrested and convicted for the pedo stuff. Now I see the bigger picture but only because people like you take the time to explain things and help us understand.

MAGABoomer ago

While I doubt there will be pedo charges, I do believe the pedo evidence will be leaked. We don't want them CHARGED with pedo stuff as the sentences are negligible. Skinning the cat a different, more effective way :)

Godwillwin ago

I never went to the site. That stuff freaks me out. I think they will be charged for all their crimes. Murder, child rape, laundering, human trafficking, treason in regards to Hillary and huma. Theft in regards to the Clintons. Drug and arms trafficking. Trump will uphold the law. Hillary will probably disappear/plane crash before arrest. This would be a good thing for Trump because the left would go even more nuts - if that's possible - watching their "queen" being sent to prison

MAGABoomer ago

It's possible that the pedo stuff would be a crime among many..but my intuition tells me that they're going to go for irrefutable, down and dirty convictions rather than dragging this country through 30 long trials filled with nothing but delays. They could drag it out so long they'll never see the light.

What I think would happen is the worst of the pedo stuff will be held back...and reverse blackmail could happen..meaning "plea to this" or the rest will be released. They will release enough to do damage..but say they have a video of John and Tony gang raping a 4 year old..they will hold that back to ensure they plead to the other charges. We really want them to go to prison...not sit about in their fancy houses sipping champagne while their expensive lawyers get them continuance after continuance.

Votescam ago

Does anything from the past "trolling" you're claiming make clear who is doing it?

Quote: "People have been trolling R. Robinson for years and claiming he's a pedo.">

Seems you've been watching the website closely -- can you explain this?

Quote: "and the video of "john" has been altered.">

What did the alterations include? Changes to the voice? Other changes?

MAGABoomer ago

  1. Anyone who Internetz knows R. Robinson. They stole his shit and used it on that site. It's literally nothing. He's a creeper who loves hair and partially mentally disabled. He's literally a tard. But he makes himself a target by continually posting stupid shit. He's actually been physically attacked and he's constantly bullied. That and he's a clam.

  2. I saw the site the day it went up and was posted here. I analyzed each video so the delicate and SKEEERED wouldn't have to do it. There were two videos hotlinked. I am not going to explain that again. Anon left their calling cards ALL over the site and a few of the videos. For those in the know it was a big fat OH HI GUISE. The original video is WELL KNOWN on youtube. It's been discussed and debated and trolled for a long time. They took that video and put it on that site and hotlinked to it. BIG CLUE> It has been so altered I'm LMFAO that people are still chasing it. Just wait, next week you'll be able to clearly see John Podesta's face and his little dog too. The audio in Fatherhood ..the child originally screams DARREN or TERRENCE...a TWO syllable word. Where the video came from is anyone's guess. It could be a clip from some obscure horror flick for all anyone knows. The last thing I'd do is embarass myself by sharing that as if I did know. The lighting is different, LOL by the time they're done "cleaning it up" John will be confessing or the kid will be screaming JOHN PODESTA.

The ignorance about what can be done to video by probably half the b/tards on the Internet blows my mind. No wonder people are so easy to fool. The first "editor" only mixed the voices (with sound mixer) it was an ok job but he was just trying to get a rise. OMG that one went around the world and the attention...they must be having a blast. I'm not.

I was trying to be nice by cluing you people in. (who the hell ever knew I'd have to do that on VOAT for Kek's sake). I took the piss here. As soon as I did that they got pissed at me and started DV me and calling me a pedo for trying to "hide the evidence". Then so no one would see my analysis they remade the thread about 6 other times. Stupidly feeling sorry for the "kind hearted" people...all I discovered is that you can't help anyone else unstupid themselves.

The video currently going around no longer bears any resemblance whatsoever to the original video on that site, that's how altered/edited it was.

There were no Easter Eggs on the site when it first went up.

What part of you all are being trolled don't you understand? They go and add shit or post about having found hidden shit and they're LOLOLOL their asses off.

I'm so fucking sick of people who don't know jack about Internet culture and who can't wrap their minds around how delicious this is to the black hat trolls..and to be honest, I wish i hadn't done the right thing and analyzed it because it's been painful seeing how many fools, (and how easy people are to fool) there really are in this world. I have explained this shit up one side and down the other so many times "doing the right thing", I'm over it.

Now I'm just...gobsmacked by the sheer amounts of people who have come to this Voat, with good intentions, but complete and total idiots about Internet culture.

zzvoat ago

If there's a video going around the world that everyone actually thinks, or is pretty sure, is John Podesta abusing some kid in a shower, to me, that's a win.

Why would it matter who made it, who edits it, or who laughs about it.

I hope they make more about Podesta, maybe one or two about Alefantis, and ten about Hillary.

They can toss Obama into any of them, too, for bonus lulz.

MAGABoomer ago

How is pushing fake shit helping anyone? That's the Hillary team. If you flood the "atmosphere" with fake shit, it's like crying wolf. When the real shit hits the fan, why would anyone believe you?

Votescam ago

Seems no one here knew Robinson - I don't. Anon? You mean a fake Anon? And why would they leave fingerprints if they're trying to fool everyone? So you're suggesting that the "alterations" are being made to suggest Podesta involvement? That was also suggested in the McCann case involvement of the investigator who seems to have cast doubt on the mother/family he was representing and stolen funds from them. An Irishman, he found an Irish witness alleged to have been in Portugal at time of the kidnapping who seems a false witnesses but the computer generated photos of alleged suspects came from that source. As we see in many of these cases, suddenly someone like Clement Freud pops up in their lives. In the Hampstead Case, wives suddenly find new boyfriends who physically abuse their children, though not sexually. (Re wife of Ricky Dearman, pedophile father UK abused his own children and headed up pedophile ring UK.)

Hard to figure out why you're here among we fools?

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Hmmmm... very interesting. I don't particularly want to click on any of those links. But, according to FBI Anon and DHS Anon, you just did submit this to the FBI.

Again, my biggest question is still - where did WorldCorpo come from? Who found it/submitted it? How did the seemingly random video library somehow get linked to JP in the midst of all this research?

Also... why would new videos be added to this if there was any chance that the owner could be found and is leading a double life?

He either wants to be caught or whomever is responsible for creating this site wants the content to be discovered.

I'm at a loss.

Godwillwin ago

Are the anons on 4chan right now??!!! I always miss them. I hope they are

MAGABoomer ago

Once the FB worried mothers got here and literally believe anything, the White Hats are working somewhere else and the Black Hats are making shit to keep the FB moms busy.

Godwillwin ago

Confusing me again. But if you're making fun of me, that's ok. I'm very math and book smart, but I don't catch sarcasm and never get jokes. It's like only one side of my brain works at its full potential.

Oh and I don't Facebook. Facebook is annoying. It promotes self absorption while one thinks he or she is socializing. It panders to the me me me look at me generation. I facebooked for 2 years, then realized it fed narcissism so stopped.

Annnnnnyway, on 4chan, the trump administration guy, "legit Daily inside news"--- I think is his "name" ----seems legit. He says something big will be announced Friday. This is the first time I really think something big will actually be announced. I know we've been hearing that every week pretty much, but this is the first time I feel really confident that the Anon REALLY has inside info. FBI anon did too, but he hasn't been on since November.

MAGABoomer ago

I haven't read that 4chan. I'll have to go poke around. Did you happen to mark it? I'm gonna check the catalog but if you have a link that would be great. One caaveat...usually using "legit" is a sign it's not (legit) to the initiated. However this person may be genuine and not know that. There's a lot of "legit" memes...seems legit.

You're a genuine weaponized autist pede. I didn't mean you, but I think you know what I mean.

Godwillwin ago

This is the first thread he posted. He doesn't answer more than a few questions so they aren't long to read. My fave part is his saying trump loves all the memes we post on 4chan. I bet he really does get a kick out of ones with him in knights armor guns ablazin. Lol

And the one from tonight is here

MAGABoomer ago

He kinda screwed up on this one. The very bottom..that bit is not true. Does he post fake shit too? Cause 80% of the military adores Trump & Mad Dog. There's no way the military would put down a revolt on behalf of Trump.

I wonder if Trump will reveal our hyperspace program? Tr3B ain't nothing. Both the US and Russia have that ability. That's why the ISS cuts the feed when they're coming in. (and probably for legit aliens too). Tom DeLong's book Sekrit Machines is good..part 2 is coming soon. But I have actually see the I can easily believe we can and do make hypersonic flights!

Godwillwin ago

I don't see anything about the military that he posted.

MAGABoomer ago

It was at the bottom of that pic. Anyway he was probably LARPING about the military. No one called him out on it but what he said wasn't true...but it would make the snowflakes comfortable to believe they could win a coup :D LOL too funny.

Trump1Member was also on /pol/ unless it was someone larpin him :D

Godwillwin ago

I still don't see abythinh about the military. The only pic he posted was Kennedy at the podium and there's no words on it.

I'm on my cell so maybe I can't see it?

He talked mainly about NASA announcement and an announcement on Friday and that's really it, right.

The first thread a few days ago, he mainly talked about Flynn and fake news.

Can you copy the military stuff and paste it? I want to believe this guy. The high level insider guy I can't believe because of his whole Obama is osama narrative. I believe FBI anon and trumps first insider though.

What did trumps first insider say on 4chsn? I saw his first Reddit thread but nothing else

Godwillwin ago

I saw it but Haven't watched the videos yet

I'm falling asleep. I'll catch up on that thread in he morning

MAGABoomer ago

Thanks for that. I'd seen the first one. Today's was interesting

Also, in other news concerning science, we have also been in contact with a few NASA heads the past few days, I think they may be planning to make a announcement soon, not sure of their time frame however, only "soon". So look forward to that.

This is true. NASA is planning to make an announcement about something out THERE...on the 22nd

So here's the time stamp on that archived post

02/20/17(Mon)23:03:09 No.113606365

Here's the announcement article from the UK

time stamp Monday 20 February 2017 17:34 GMT

In other news not related directly with President Trump, be looking for FBI / DoJ announcements before weeks end, probably Friday as it will be bigger news that President Trumps announcement. This will be a highly televised and discussed.

and this? quite possibly outing the leaker.

I dunno. Could be a Larper. Could be legit :) thanks, hard to tell at this point.

Godwillwin ago

Yeh. This one really really does seem legit though. I'm telling you. I'll link you in a sec. going grab it now

MAGABoomer ago

113609669 I will not go into a lot of detail, but there is a legit reason why Elon Musk likes President Trump now.

But that is all for now, I do have to do.

Thanks everyone.

I bet Trump is releasing the Tesla papers to Musk. That would be EPIC!

Are these two supposed to be the same?

This one ^ is Trump1member from Reddit. He did a great AMA with that u/n.

Godwillwin ago

Yes. Both threads I linked are same guy. he posts with the pres Kennedy pic . Trumps first member was on Reddit. He was verified there. I don't think rumps first member

LincolnsMullet ago

What keeps you around?

MAGABoomer ago

I pop in once a day to pass shit on to people who I know need to know.

zzvoat ago

Pleeeaaaase keep coming back in here and sharing things and teaching us.

lawfag123 ago

It sure would make it easier if some videos came out showing bill clinton rape a victim. With any luck, some friendly insiders will leak videos in the wake of the pedophilia discussion surrounding Milo.

VieBleu ago

lol so awful but true - it would be a relief?! to see that.

lawfag123 ago

Look at the shills come out of nowhere to upvoat and shill.

I share the same questions as you. Sometimes a helping hand can become a manipulating hand. Just like the shills singing the praises of the post.

Tarapheus ago

I don't really know why everyone is suddenly talking about WorldCorpo. It has many results on Google. People are discussing about it on 4chan, Reddit, VOAT, etc... As to why a video got linked to John Podesta... It's been posted many times on Youtube. My guess is, people are SO willing to link everything to the ELITE of Washington, they will do everything they can to relate everything together.

As for WorldCorp, I don't think it is directly related to Pizzagate. But perhaps this is still a separate network of dangerous retards...

MAGABoomer ago

thank you for thinking. I've been trying to tell these tards they're not only wasting their time but passing on bogus info edited on purpose (from the original on the site)...and completely ignoring the calling card of Anon on the site and in some videos. It's frustrating.

Godwillwin ago

I agree that it's not podesta. But yeh worldcorp needs to be looked to as does this guy with a multilated body on a bed as a background pic.

pls-no-lynch-nsa ago

Good shit man. Bump.