Reminded me of Rites of Spring (Igor Stravinski) Part I 00:01 Introduction 03:27 Augurs of Spring 06:36 Ritual of Abduction 07:53 Spring Rounds 11:50 Ritual of the Rival Tribes 13:38 Procession of the Oldest and Wisest One 14:17 The Dancing Out of the Earth

Part II 15:55 Introduction 20:08 Mystic Circles of the Young Girls 23:07 The Naming and Honoring of the Chosen One 24:32 Evocation of the Ancestors 25:16 Ritual Action of the Ancestors 28:57 Sacrificial Dance

Perhaps Wikileaks are pointing to the start (Year Zero) of a coming purging.

Singleservename ago

Madeleine McCann disappeared on 3-5 at age 3.

The Podesta emails mostly start after that date, in the spring of '07.

Well I can hope.

pipo44 ago

Historia de la vida y viajes de Cristóbal Colon, Volume 1. Capitulo VI pag. 561-562

A History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus, Volume 1. Chapter VI pag. 267-268

Screenshot from the text book

It was about the middle of April that Columbus arrived at Barcelona, where every preparation had been made to give him a solemn and magnificent reception. The beauty and serenity of the weather in that genial season, and favoured climate, contributed to give splendour to this memorable ceremony. As he drew near the place, many of the more youthful courtiers, and hidalgos of gallant besaring, together with a vast concourse of the populace, came forth to meet and welcome him. His entrance into this noble city has been compared to one of those triumphs which the Romans were accustomed to decree to conquerors. First were paraded the Indians, painted according to their savage fashion, and decorated with tropical feathers, and with their national ornaments of gold; after these were borne various kinds of live parrots, together with stuffed birds and animals of unknown species, and rare plants supposed to be of precious qualities: while great care was taken to make a conspicuous display of Indian coronets, bracelets, and other decorations of gold, which might give an idea of the wealth of the newly discovered regions. After these followed Columbus, on horse: back, surrotinded by a brilliant cavalcade of Spanish chi-valry. The streets were almost impassable from the countless multitude; the windows and balconies were crowded with the fair; the very roofs were covered with spectators. It seemed as if the public eye cpuld net be sated with gazing on these trophies of an unknown world; or on the remarkable man by whom it had been discovered. There was a sublimity in this event that mingled a solemn feeling with the public joy. It was looked upon as a vast and signal dis-pensation of providence in reward for the piety of the monarchs ; and the majestic and venerable appearance of the discoverer, so different from the youth and buoyancy that are generally expected from roving enterprize, seemed in harmony with the grandeur and dignity of his achievement.

rodeo13 ago

Thanks, man! I think we need to start looking at all of Jim Sanborn's work (the Lingua and Kryptos sculptor). He may be hiding clues to the global conspiracy in plain sight through his art.