Forgetmenot ago

The truth needs to be told and spread!

Forgetmenot ago


TheRedPi11 ago

"the end game appears to be to create a new world order or one world government where they were in charge..and it appears this WILL NOT happen now..." is a YUUGE sigh of relief, but we can never stop watching & fighting them back, they're not going to give up EVER. This is a spiritual war & it's been going on for the better part of history. Satan & his minions work tirelessly, so we will always have our work cut out for us. We can never take freedom & democracy for granted, or leave it in the hands of government.

Jem777 ago

I will break it down. Absolute Power Corupts Absolutely! Soros is the biggest puppet master alive right now yes that seems true. He has many puppets dancing for him right now. Many people do not understand what is in his veins, what is in all their veins. They have committed atrocities as we are discovering. They thought as Hitler did they could create or maintain a separate elite bloodline. Maybe grow parts, live forever, have multiple organ transplants, find the fountain of youth. The have made sacrifice to have this and then sacrifice to this power but it is not a game. The biggest puppet master is playing all of them. They will not outlive Judgement.

TheRedPi11 ago

Yep the father of lies has em all deceived, they won't get what he promised, they'll get hell :(

Jem777 ago

CIA actually starts for Catholics in Action. They originally worked with the Vatican who helped Hitler in WW11. They had to invert and become
CIA and go Dark in the black budget. Because Americans would never have excepted it. JFK stated he was going to destroy the CI A into s 1000's pieces. He was sh He was shot in the head not long after.

Jem777 ago

Amazing how many Christians became part of the true investigators. We could sense that was spiritual warfare fri the beginning.

rooting4redpillers ago

Also amazing, how so many remain clueless. I'm trying so hard, to carefully redpill my Christian friends without freaking them out. Starting with the ones who cheerlead for unchecked refugee immigration and open borders, in the name of "love" and "compassion."


Soros is low level illuminati scapegoat.

FriesischShipping ago

It's a collective organization/oligarchy with oligarchs and everyone has a role to play. He's definitely at the top and sits at the table. The theory rolling out now is that Kissinger has been sitting at the head of that table since '74.

FuckReddit69 ago

Dont compare Soros to Hitler, that's an insult to Hitler.

Whitemail ago

Soros is a Jew. He betrayed his own people to work for the Germans to save his own ass.

Jem777 ago

I think we are going to find out some interesting facts about The Who "Jew" blame game. The Khazar region is where many of the illuminati bloodline originate. Soros, Rothschild &others. The were found through DNA testing to be Ashkenazi Jews. These are not the ethnic Jews I believe they are 13th tribe.


Hitler almost wiped the international financial cabal from the Earth.

FuckReddit69 ago

I know. It's no coincidence he's the most vilified figure in history.

"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize"


Jem777 ago

You are right about that. I wasn't clear trying to sort the puppets and their masters comes out confusing. Sounds clear in my head. Ha

SpikyAube ago

I want to know all the stuff we've not been told because of these peoplethings. Is there loads of new stuff to find out about the world?

DL4L ago

it's infinite

allconnected ago

Great work OP, but I think Soros is also a front man. If you look at recent LIBOR, Gold manipulations etc where low level traders had access, can you imagine access those fronting Soros had to rig all kinds of markets, and hide behind Soros. No spotlight, no scrutiny and lots of money and power. I think he was choosen because he is a thug with no morals, sort of Kissenger clone except in finance.

ObamaFAG1 ago

Thank you and please tell your friend thank you. Nice summary and it will be fully exposed one way or the other. I prefer "one way" but am prepared to gather my "adult toys" and go down the "other" path till the end. WE the people (and the Don) are calling the mutherfuckin SHOTS from NOW ON!! sorry your NWO "pipe dream" is OVER Bitches!!

Orange_Circle ago

Perhaps my phone is the culprit.

carmencita ago

The truth shall set us free and lock them up.

Orange_Circle ago

I think I'm pretty helpful. It's just hard to read things with no paragraphs.

carmencita ago


logjam ago

and it appears this WILL NOT happen now...

Unless Trump unites the world. I do wonder what the implications of his actions will be. Swinging to the extreme ends on his presidency, he is going to have a big league impact.

Exciting times.

rodeo13 ago

This is certainly the big picture. I've been wondering where Soros fits into all of this, and what his ancestry is, ie what families are in his bloodline?


This is the big picture:

join me.... 99 Steps Down the Rabbit Hole

Orange_Circle ago

Could you break it down to one summary paragraph? (No offense.)

derram ago :

Hitler's Secret Argentine Sanctuary Is for Sale, Say Conspiracy Theorists :

Obama American Presidents Spring Break - POLITICO Magazine

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