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Hungarian Coal Miner Terrorist

And they call him jokingly terrorist in allusion on the repeatedly made allegations against his father george soros who has literally often been called a terrorist, financial terrorist, market terrorist and so on. and what the father may be, is the son inevitable too.

So you hit 100% correct from my opinion

Mad_As_Hell ago

I think the 'terrorist' bit is a reference to what he's wearing in the photo, no? Looks like stereotypical IRA bomber type with the balaclava

fuspezza ago

@ASTOR7USI tried to upvote you and it doesn't show I did it again and it said ÷nan I Google search returned Java script for not a number lol I also noticed a -1 where the blue upvote should read 0 If none ( (

AzarelDJ ago

A lot of my upvoats on pizzagate material aren't going through according to the Voat mobile app; Boats for Voat. I'm chalking it up as a bug in the app but I might as well mention it.

EDIT: Yeah it's just the app being shitty