VieBleu ago


gardenofbacchus ago

If this isn't resolved I'm afraid I'm going to descend into complete suicidal depression. I can't live on this planet knowing these are the people who run the world and my life. I just fucking can't do it.

DeathToMasons ago

Thats what I understand, but when they jail you it feels like you have to pay.

ScientiaPotentia ago

I have never been so excited about the appointment of any government official as I am about Sessions. I can't wait for him to crack Pizzagate/Pedogate WIDE OPEN.

AreWeSure ago

Feburary 9 - The Nothening Day 2.

VieBleu ago

I wouldn't be so smug. Wait a week.

phlux ago

I respect your call to be more calm... I do not have a definitive data-derived opinion on your other statement, which leaves me conflicted about this. Assuming true; Yes the right course... if not, then it would not be a good position for anyone -- how can we get this verified?

ArcherMcTaco ago

Pence looks ready to "shock and awe" some degenerate pedo faggots.

Forgetmenot ago

The pen is mightier than the sword, with this executive order the destruction of the luciferian cult begins!

roundhouse1776 ago

No you are right, federal income taxes are unconstitutional. The 16th amendment was never properly ratified but somehow they got everyone to follow it anyways.

Dasistnichtgut ago

You realize that these people were in charge of making laws right? Laws that would protect their interests. It takes a little time to unravel their rats nest to trap them.

PresudentMcCheese ago

Bullshit. There are already laws against exploiting kids. You don't have to undo laws to charge people if you have evidence and the will to act.

User890020 ago

Human trafficking specifically mentioned!


Section 1. Purpose.

Transnational criminal organizations and subsidiary organizations, including transnational drug cartels, have spread throughout the Nation, threatening the safety of the United States and its citizens. These organizations derive revenue through widespread illegal conduct, including acts of violence and abuse that exhibit a wanton disregard for human life. They, for example, have been known to commit brutal murders, rapes, and other barbaric acts.

These groups are drivers of crime, corruption, violence, and misery. In particular, the trafficking by cartels of controlled substances has triggered a resurgence in deadly drug abuse and a corresponding rise in violent crime related to drugs. Likewise, the trafficking and smuggling of human beings by transnational criminal groups risks creating a humanitarian crisis. These crimes, along with many others, are enriching and empowering these organizations to the detriment of the American people.

A comprehensive and decisive approach is required to dismantle these organized crime syndicates and restore safety for the American people.

Sec. 2. Policy.

It shall be the policy of the executive branch to:

(a) strengthen enforcement of Federal law in order to thwart transnational criminal organizations and subsidiary organizations, including criminal gangs, cartels, racketeering organizations, and other groups engaged in illicit activities that present a threat to public safety and national security and that are related to, for example:

(i) the illegal smuggling and trafficking of humans, drugs or other substances, wildlife, and weapons;

(ii) corruption, cybercrime, fraud, financial crimes, and intellectual-property theft; or

(iii) the illegal concealment or transfer of proceeds derived from such illicit activities.

con77 ago

he mentioned in speech after speech during the campaign

quantokitty ago

Music to my ears!!!!

redditsuckz ago

He should sign an executive order against kidnapping, murder and rape. Oh these laws already exist?...these people dont follow laws or "executive" laws...never have never will. Everything will continue as it always has with the guise of "be patient justice is coming!". The only difference now is the public is more aware and they will go deeper underground with these activities.

teefymcteephteeth ago

Maybe he's just talking about petty street gangs?

Truthseeker3000 ago

Alex Soros is a maggot. Have you seen his Instagram account wherein he posted a pic of Trump and Sessions together and spewed nothing but lies to caption it? He constantly pushes his irrational narratives to the likes of people who constantly call him out on his lies. Does he know how ridiculous he sounds? His friends hook him up with bookers in modelling agencies in order for him to rent his dates because he cannot secure beautiful women on his own (ones who are not interested in daddy George Soros cash that is). A gay looking and acting man/boy pretending to be straight, who really knows? Funny thing is he recently removed the link to his Alex Soros Foundation from his Instagram account. Makes me wonder what he's funding through it and what he's got to hide.

All these hypocritical so-called "elitists" love to push open borders, yet they all live in gated communities.... hmmmm.... 🤔

Forgetmenot ago

As long as we fight each other we are not fighting the luciferian elite cult. Don't fall for the divide and conquer tactic. Alex soros is not perfect but the murderous pedofile canibals are the ones that are kid napping torturing and eating children. The two don't compare. Focus on the global pedofile network. You are falling for a divide and conquer tactic. Death to all pedofiles!

WakingUpisHardToDo ago

Toppling countries enables human trafficking and child abductions as well is organ harvesting. Find George Webb on you tube. Day 109 both episodes will get you caught up. Horrifying. :(

Forgetmenot ago

I think I was replying to someone else and accidentally replied to you, I actually watch George Webb.

NoBS ago

No one mentions the Rothschild's. Interesting how the most powerful bloodline can squeak by. Fuck you Google and may the up coming Anti-Trust Laws bite you in the ass!

DeathToMasons ago

Rockefellers have to be in the mixx also, I would assume.

NoBS ago

In my youth the Rockefeller's had an active role in the Fed. They have lost power since the Clinton presidency. Yes, they are on the Boards of Industry, but not like the seventies and before.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

how about doing something about the most pressing and serious issue facing your new home, voat?

PSA shills are constantly attacking voat. here is where users can discuss solving the issue without shills destroying the conversation @puttitout we're waiting for that anon sticky. just make a link post to the actual shil-less discussion.

con77 ago

and he rides a pale horse

con77 ago

then you havent been paying attention

NoBS ago

Some folks do not under stand just how easy it is to enslave human dignity for a good time. Only Justice gives human dignity any value. Even feral animals do not rape their meals.

YingYangMom ago

Stop worrying. Trump is no politician. He's a man of his word and he always puts his money where his mouth is.

PresudentMcCheese ago

He always puts his daughters where his mouth is.

DeathToMasons ago


Chad_Stethoscope ago

Coming to save the motherfucking day, yeah!

Chad_Stethoscope ago

We need to flush out the Soros Scum Network that has infested this world and this country especially!

YingYangMom ago

Couldn't agree more. Soros needs to go pronto!

3rdTimestheCharm ago

Used to be a trouble maker in hs and college, a few arrests nothing too crazy though. Lets just say I wasn't a fan of the police and law and order. That said, I couldn't be more excited that Justice is on it's way and law and order will be the rule of the land again! Let's go Mr. Sessions!

EndIsComing ago

No, the justice is for the criminals. It is given to them, as, for example, you might give a bullet to a criminal at 3000 feet per second.

YingYangMom ago

Hold on. That word 'justice' shouldn't be associated with criminals at all. They don't get justice, they get punishment. Justice is only for the victims. Enigmatic_Continuum is right. #VictimJusticeSystem.

sore_ass_losers ago

The level of rumors has been so high lately, I just wanted to post: Don't be disappointed if they don't come to immediate fruition.

Spreading these rumors could all be a scheme to deflate interest in pizzagate. Everyone is waiting for something to happen, if it doesn't people may lose interest, thinking nothing is ever going to change.

Don't get me wrong, I would love to see an exposure and crackdown on pizzagate.

If nothing materializes, at least we will learn to be more wary, a lot of alternative sources will be discredited.

Chad_Stethoscope ago

We won't lose interest if action is not taken. We will raise our voices even louder and scream bloody pizza from the rooftops!

Forgetmenot ago


podesta4prison ago

Also, while signing that first order: "[for] enforcing federal law with respect to the transnational criminal organization and preventing international trafficking."

DeathToMasons ago

I don't care about jaw jacking and feel good promises. Arrest to come shortly, or Trump and his staff are traitors. No citizen compliance until this is dealt with.

ScientiaPotentia ago

Rule of Law doesn't work that way. It's a long arduous process, but in the end the system works. If he does this right, he will do it methodically, weeding each suspect out, using testimonies and cross testimonies to gather weight between cases. It will be complicated and take a very long time, but justice will be served to at least some of these monsters.

MAGABoomer ago

FBIAnon said that because so many people were involved, about 33% of government, that taking the operation down was going to be a delicate process or government would collapse.

sore_ass_losers ago

"Arrest to come shortly, or Trump and his staff are traitors."

Well the alternative media (and this forum) have been spreading rumors of immediate arrests, it's not a Trump promise. I imagine it could take some time: Ongoing investigations may have to conclude; new ones get started. The process of law has to be followed.

The more hasty arrests are the more easily the left will discredit them as a "Trump coup".

doubletake ago

but all the while the bad guys get to hide evidence and kill kids (witnesses). Hopefully the 120-day thing is a ruse. Also, maybe all the busts going on is to find enough witnesses to get the higher ups? has to be torn out by the roots.

DeathToMasons ago

Sure, but we have been hearing from anon that the investigation was ready to issue warrants. I gues so called FBI anon is not reliable. Either that or nothing meanigful will be done. Take your pick.

remedy4reality ago

NO... What about the entire MSM and the CIA being against Trump gives you the idea that this can proceed slowly ?

If Trump intends to act, his life is in mortal danger. Every day matters.

sore_ass_losers ago

Well, we can agree to disagree. I want justice, not swift Trump action against political enemies.

phlux ago

We need to organize a Citizen Sit In without Tax payment for April....


Lets make it a thing....

I REFUSE to pay any taxes unless this is investigated and torn apart.

r3dtr1x ago

No offense, but I took a stance against the IRS 11 years ago... I'm STILL paying for my stupidity.

Taxes are NOT optional. They WILL get their money. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow.. but some day, they will drop the hammer.. and it's gonna hurt.. bad. I learned the hard way.

DeathToMasons ago


rodeo13 ago

I've been wanting to do this for a long time (since before PG). Starve the beast. The problem is that, for most of us, our taxes are automatically taken out. They like to get "their" cut up front.

MrO ago

I don't know about you guys but I felt sooo good watching this video I had to sent a little prayer for this man and his wife.

Antonius ago

This is so radical!!!!!

Drnoway ago

Sorry to be a party pooper, but to me it sounds a lot like they are just continuing Nixons long lost drug war. Seriously.

DeathToMasons ago

I also am not happy to hear a focus on drugs. This is possibly an evasion. As if more drug criminalization is what we want anyhow. Deal with the child traficking murderous occult scumbags or be gone from the white house in four years. Most of you don't realize that the CIA and Mossad did 9/11 and our entire system is complicit, especially the propaganda press. Since the entire government knows this, Including Trump who called his good friend Larry Silverstein on the day of the attacks, I have little faith in these people to do the right thing. If they are pretending they don't know the reality of 9/11 and what our country is, what makes anybody think they will all of a sudden punish those who have subverted our entire system? Once again, arrest within a week at most, Or fuck Trump and our entire government. This is the last straw.

undertheshills ago

Criminal elemants of the government run drugs to fund black ops.

Bolux ago


podesta4prison ago

While signing, he said, "[for] enforcing federal law with respect to the transnational criminal organization and preventing international trafficking."

Now you could still be correct, but the terms "the transnational criminal organization" and "trafficking" (without 'drug' prefix) lead me to suspect he's not talking about the drug cartel.

Drnoway ago

Yes indeed, not all hope is lost. But I'm pretty sure now that there will be moves away from decriminalization of drugs. I will forgive a lot of those moves if they do go after the pedos.

darkofthemoon ago

CIA's history of drug dealing is well-known. I think Trump used dog whistles there, most notably "the blood of our youth". The target audience will hear the threat/reassurance while the rest of the world just thinks it's some generic rhetoric about drugs and street gangs. The guilty can't go complaining on the MSM about that.

Primus_Pilus ago

I think you might be dead on with that one.

Whattheheck321 ago

Really hope this is right. Like he's giving a covert shout out to pizzagaters but still being careful so he doesn't blow it somehow.

unrealisthenewreal ago

I'm a little confused, who would he blow it for? I think everyone remotely implicated in this pizzagate scandal knows what's going on which is why msm created all this hysteria and labeled Sessions a "racist" and also why they were so reluctant to approve him as AG.

Whattheheck321 ago

I agree with everything you wrote. I think I am just afraid to be hopeful though. Like I can't actually believe it will happen. I so want it to, but I feel like they are up against so many corrupt people. Think I'm just trying to manage my expectations.

Drnoway ago

Im hoping it's this, but I'm fearing it's like deathtomasons wrote.

DevilintheDetails ago

But cartels deal in drugs, money, weapons, and humans- "destroying blood of our youth"

hotairmakespopcorn ago

Which is why legalization is the last thing cartels want.

The war on drugs is a failed social experiment. It's a continuation of Prohibition. Which is also a completely failed social experiment. Only the dumb of the dumb continue with a completely failed solution and hope that it will magically, suddenly work one day. The definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different outcome.

The fact is, legalization brings about much fewer problems with dramatically less cost. It cuts of funding to the shittiest people on the planet and it restricts the CIA's independent actions without government overview. Plus it actually generates tax revenue to address the very same problems caused by its legalization. What little has been studied on the topic consistently shows that at worst it's no worse than we are today. And at best it's considerably better with a much easier to manage problem.

Dasistnichtgut ago

Tax revenue to support the corrupt government we're railing against here? That's illogical.

Drnoway ago

Destroying blood of the young with drugs is an old sentence, familiar from trumps and sessions childhood. I'm hoping them to be the real deal, but i don't like the sound of this. And sessions stance on drugs is too well known.

4warned ago


NoBS ago

This meme evoked emotion that moved my soul. Thank you. (edit) I need to also give Steve Bannon a humbled hat tip. I actually feel hero worship over Andrew Breitbart's collaborator. By the way, Andrew's vengeance is growing as I reedit this tribute.