Tabbynya ago

While I agree with the fact you're being overly harassed and targetted, it still doesn't make it ok to ban people for dissenting opinions in a system sub, and you know that. You're meant to be our canary, sane, please don't get yourself banned.

It's not paranoia when people are out to get you, but please don't prove them right by doing something like this.

digitalentity1497 ago

Like you put it so well:
Eat a dick
Fuck you
Fuck your discussion
Fuck TIL
Fuck your anti-shilling
Fucking pay me for it ass Nigger

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you never responded to me

SaneGoatiSwear ago

pointing out 7 hours later, instead of actually having meaningful conversation

you went to gab to harass me.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

no if they are shills and NOT paid shills, then they have every right to speak, as although they are pushing an agenda, they are people not representing non-living entities such as corps, orgs, gov'ts.

they have a right to speak.


that doesn't mean they get to control the narrative, and put a chilling effect on goats.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

fitting facts to alternate conclusions

i didn't ban users that caused an attack

voat was attacked

and i pointed it out

and got attacked for it

these users then abused v/til to harass and defame me, breaking rule 1.

sub abusers are banned as a temporary measure.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

consistenly uses disinformation tactics and fallacious speech.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

then participate meaningfully in the conversation about how to deal with shills ruining voat.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

in this conversation

you have done


ad homenim

you are not talking about the subject of the post.

that is: solving the shill problem without censorship.

you are attaking me,

now consistenly

shilling detected capping logging and archiving for POSSIBLE shill

SaneGoatiSwear ago

this is what they were posting, for example, to v/til.

you can kindly fuck off if you're not going to meaningfully participate in the discussion.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i think flairs have a maximum limit of 10 right now. not sure if that's still the thing @puttitout @cynabuns any relevant info on this?

well it tells us that goats can't see this (downvoat brigade, on average low participation in v/til anyway), goats don't care, or there are practically no goats left, just shills, shitposters and trolls.

please deposit one fuck into voat to continue



the evolve their tactics over time to subvert the watchful eyes of goats,

it takes constant dedicated naming and shaming at least to overcome their constant barrage of attacks against voat.

Kadynce ago

no thanks. everyone should just unsub from /v/til

SaneGoatiSwear ago

the bans are temporary, to allow actual users to talk about the issue,

not shills, who are not users, and have malicious intent against voat and goats.

if you fail to see that, then that's your problem.

ALL banned users were abusing the sub, and breaking rule 1.

every single one of them.

continue to fail to participate meaningfully in the discussion.

go ahead.

waste everyone's time.

waste server space.

go ahead see how "shill productive" you can be.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

oh yeah, and


shills take note, this is what it looks like


SaneGoatiSwear ago

well, qualification would be: are you willing to read the comments in this sub on all posts, with a list of fallacies and disinfo tactics, and point them all out?

are you willing to participate with other anti-shill mods in an anti-shill mod sub to work together to watch the shills and call them out?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

nah what i've learned is that to actually make a bot capable of understanding human language to the point that all fallacies could be detected would take billions of dollars for a compex neural net something something..

so what really needs to happen is good goats need to do the janitoring. i see a voat where mods in major subs have an anti-shill position below janitor, whose sole job is to "janitor" disinfo and fallacy,

simply by commenting below it pointing out the specific fallacy(ies) and or disinfo tactic(s).

well pg is run by shills, so there's that.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

apparently, there is only one other person on voat today; the rest are shills.

i cannot believe 0 people give a fuck about this.

o lol hi if you speak up and cross the imaginary line of the shills,

you will be dv brigaded 10,000 points, they will attack you harass you defame you at all hours for weeks, months, maybe even years,

until you are silenced and gone.

(note: tactic doesn't work on sanegoat).

where are the people?


"the chilling effect."

we must break the ice.


new discussion.


Open_Discussion ago

How can we have an open discussion when you ben all users that disagree with you?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

NOTE TO ACTUAL USERS: all actual discussion is downvoat brigaded because the shills want you to be silent, and for voat to die. don't let voat die. speak up about how to deal with shills WITHOUT censoring them like they are from v/til now for this emergency temporary ban to have shill-less discussion about shills.

digitalentity1497 ago

Just you nigger ball licker, just you.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i'll start actual discussion:

i am against shit like this

i am for community involvement, open communication, naming and shaming with evidence, appeals, and ultimately, an anti-shill bot that points out disinformation tactics and fallacies (which apparently, beyond a small list of fallacies, is very high end neural net stuff) therefore, at minimum, anti-shill mod positions below designer. only purpose is to rek shills, officially for the sub.

no censorship. instead, awareness.

no more adding darkness to fight darkness.

shine the light.

the truth will set us free.

@puttitout #anti-shill mod positions below designer to look for and specifically call out fallacious speech and disinformation tactics

and i suppose

a place for them to archive and gather information and discuss larger trends and attacks, as well as be able to efficiently and effectively bring knowledge about attacks and tactics to the community...