Cum_control ago

Whered this guy go?

wellington33 ago


Cum_control ago

Ayeeee!!!! He made it! I stumbled upon this post been quickly sent me down the rabbit hole. Glad to see youre active and thanks for all the links youve done a great service

wellington33 ago

ok, its from a movie, nice shill.

wellington33 ago

And i cant see your second link, fix or explain please.

wellington33 ago

that abrasax industries... that must be a joke...


iN AND OUT like a fidlers elbow.You can not spend all your time in the rabbit hole...Go in when the knowledge urge is strong...absorb...and when you saturate...leave it alone......Turn away and refresh your mind and memory...

tudda ago

Same situation for me.. had to step back and socialize. Don't isolate. Don't obsess. No one person can fix this alone. Take a break and come back in a less obsessive way and it will be much better


I'm concerned about your sentence "I'm sick of this world, i can't keep going, guys." I would urge you to reconsider if you are talking about anything more than quitting investigating. I belong to a church and I have some wonderful support there. There are also anonymous organizations that have meetings all the time all over the world. Please consider this.

FyndersKeepers ago

You need a break to come to terms with what you've found. That's totally acceptable. I urge you not to give up, the world is in need of your talents. You're absolutely right. PizzaGate will change the world once it's cracked. Millenia of abuse, slaughter, pedophilia, genocide will all be brought to a crashing halt. Remember the end goal. Taking a step back to gather yourself is perfectly understandable. Sometimes processing vast amounts of information gets draining. Sometimes the contents of the information will be draining. It's the nature of the beast. The human mind is a weird, magical, powerful thing. But please, don't give up. We need you.

Forgetmenot ago


Forgetmenot ago

More people care that are in the silent majority, everyone here is on the front lines, there is a massive amount of people quietly anonymous on the sidelines. More people know about this then you realize. Don't give up on these kids. The children think no one cares, that no one hears their screams, and that no one is coming. Don't give up on the victims who are trapped with no way out. We all have a purpose, and this might just be it :) this is what catching bad guys is all about. I read this quote here: Nolite timere! Duc in altum! Deus vult! (Do not be afraid! Charge into the deep! God wills it!)

massconception ago

what's the eye stuff about? it looks like a lot of information to sort through, i haven't read any of it, but if you can give me a tl;dr version i could be interested in reading it.

Pablolove ago

The Creator sees absolutely everything. It's going to take Him to intervene before things change. Please pray, ask Him for guidance and look to Him as I promise you He is going to act soon.

Sharipie ago

Don't worry. There are many many of us who will take up the slack for you. I don't know how voat works, as I'm new here. But I'll figure it out and carry on! rest up and have as good a Christmas as possible.

MoonWalker68 ago

This is is a great archive. Sir I salute you. Just discovered the eye thing from this post. I literally broke down in tears. It means something, almost definitely. Fucking disgusting.

EDIT: Also where is your file? I want to download it.

SavingGrace ago

I had 5 months straight 20 hr 7 days - could not stop. Nothing else mattered in the whole world that I put every cell of my energy into getting Trump up and Hillary in the docks. My husband and son brought food to the desk and I soldiered on with adrenaline. We have come to know evil - pure evil and I thank God for Trump every day. You need to have a break. Switch off the computer and reset. Come back to it when you are ever ready but try and moderate your time. Thank you for caring so much. Thank you for sharing all of your work. Thank you for the work. God Bless.

HampdenPItbull ago

Thanks for your efforts and believe me when I tell you that most American's are sick of the criminality in governments worldwide as well. Most of the truth seeker's here on VOAT simply want to see a return to the rule of law in our democracy. Sadly, it appears that Voat has been overrun by shills. I am going to share a piece here about who is spreading the whole "fake news" and Russia meme. At this point in America I think it's important we adhere to our Democratic principles and give the properly elected next Administration the ability to finish the investigations that so many worked hard on here on Voat and Reddit. Per the FBI Anon the leaks were from good members of our government who were not in a position to prosecute. Please tell our friends in Spain and Europe that President elect Trump will be inaugurated on 20 January 2017. It's important that ALL begin to refer to Donald as PRESIDENT ELECT TRUMP. After President elect Trump takes office all of us here in America will call on our congress critters to investigate the "knowns" in Pizzagate which I see as follows:

  1. Clinton Foundation is entirely corrupt global "pay to play" operation. If Bill and Hillary turn evidence we will leave it to the proper authorities to do the follow up work. We on Voat and Reddit will demand a proper investigation and hopefully, accept the the findings. It won't be swept under the carpet.

  2. Anthony Weiner sexted a teenage girl in another state. To my knowledge this violates many statutes in both NY and NC therefore it becomes "intrastate" and a Federal crime (I'm not a lawyer). Those concerned on Voat should write their Congress critter's to demand Weiner be investigated and if he turns evidence let's see what he turns. We should accept what is investigated and it appears that Weiner should see jail time as anyone else who did this (where I live anyways) would be imprisoned.

  3. Tony Podesta owned and displayed nude photograph's of teenage girls in his suburban VA home. This is indeed child pornography (yes it's rather tame but it is kiddie porn). Once again to my knowledge this is illegal and should be investigated. Statutes of limitation should NOT be adhered to here (once again I am not an attorney). There is a politburo approved WAPO article which discusses this as fact and it should be investigated thoroughly. Tony Podesta should see jail time because once again anyone I know here in Virginia would see jail time for this.

What's important now is a proper transition of administration. Shill's on here should take note that all former military and current law enforcement to my knowledge back President ELECT Trump and we take our oaths very seriously.

Thanks to all who did a lot of good work here. God bless. The forces of light and logos appear to be winning right now.

anonymousj ago

excellent post.

MAGAphobia ago

Weak. I've been investigating the Zionists and White genocide for 18 hours a day the last 2 years. You're just getting burnt out, I've been there, you'll be back. Just take a break and rest your mind for a week or so.

ActivistAngel ago

Remember brother that this is now a hive action. I've been working on this issue for almost a decade, and this new stuff has brought the horror to the surface again for me, I understand. But we don't have to do it alone any more. Our efforts have spawned this world wide citizens investigation. Now every little thing we do, post, read or analyze is part of a huge collective movement. I support your taking a break, or leaving, we have to stay sane and get sleep if we can. But in your inner dialogue, remind yourself that you have poured your heart out for the children, it's ok to let others take a turn at the oars. Love to you, be at peace.

pmichel ago

Create in me a clean heart, O God and renew a right spirit within me

Aloha808 ago

Y'all just need new leads, find the artists who perform with Marina Abromavich, some specialize in tourture techniques.

noreturn4me ago

Please take care of yourself. Thank you so much for your hard work. Now is a time for you to find your happiness. Remember it's usually in the small things. <3 Hope and wish for you the best.

unbiased_researcher ago

You have done a good deed for the sake of humanity. Take some time and clear your head. Remember why you started this in the first place. You are not alone in your feelings. The rest of the world will wake up.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

take a break. come back later if you can. this is hard work, but many hands are here to help. pacing yourself, is the key to getting somewhere.

LookingGlass ago

I don't know if this will be any comfort to OP or if he/she will even read it but people are really starting to wake up and see through the blatant lies and gas lighting from the MSM. Go have a look at the Pizzagate stunt that Stephen Colbert did, where he of course ridiculed it as "Fake news". Not only that, but the sad, little Clinton puppet also pissed on Wikileaks. (Puppet may also have very personal reasons for attacking Wikileaks, guess it embarrassed him when Wikileaks revealed that his show has been 100 % controlled by the Clinton camp for a long time... )

Anyway, go look at the video and notice how many dislikes it has, math tells you that 2 out of 3 people don't buy the "Fake news" narrative from the MSM propaganda machines who are desperately trying to cover for the sickos. And read the comments too! They give me a lot of hope.

Wish you the best, OP. And thank you for your work, big hug to you. <3

Forgetmenot ago

Thank you for posting this. I will share this.

TheNobodyMan ago

Take a step back, take a break for a few days. Collect yourself. Pray.

You'll be compelled to come back; in the meantime, we've got this.

vonbacon ago

Pizzagate is just the begging my friend. I was like you naive believed what he was told by the media but over time after being exposed little by little to this shit you become more excepting to the bigger truth. Our real enemy is a jewish cabal that is secretly ruling the world. They have been manipulating world events for over 70 years Pedophilia is only the tip of a massive iceberg.

soitxx ago

Ted Gunderson - Former FBI Chief [Satanic Ritual Abuse - "50 other ?schools in the country where kids were talking about going down into tunnels into tunnels" @46:10]

soitxx ago

Jewish Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor [old oprah show]

juhos ago

Excuse me being sceptic but how do we know your in coming upload isn't a honeybot?

FoxMcCloud11 ago

I suggest pulling pdf copies of all archived material and backing up locally.

target_blank ago

Thank your for your research. I'm from NZ and astounded to hear the connections to our country. Our prime minister John Key has recently resigned. I know it's not just because of "marriage problems" and the stress of the job. Hes done nothing for our country in the last 6+ years hes been in power. He sold out our country. Our economy is going down the drain. Sold our privacy to foreign itelligence companies. Agreed with the ttpa. His legacy will never be forgotten as the worst prime minister our country has had. Pray for us

OoLaLaFrenchGirl ago

Sometimes you just have to step away for a bit. Come back to us when you are feeling up to it. Best wishes & thank you for caring about the children. The fight continues.

KNOThappy ago

American society is slow and lazy and most of us just keep our head down and focus on our own narrow view of the world. The truth that #pizzagate is revealing will take time for many people to except in their hearts. But I have Faith in the sleeping Giant. Every time it wakes, the world changes for the better. "From time to time the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of tyrants and patriots" Thomas Jefferson

smudgepotforever ago

I understand, and thank you. All I do mostly is read and lurk....but even that starts making me feel overwhelmed and sick sometimes. So I get it.

KMicale ago

I have also been losing sleep over this. I just came to voat today. Hope you are OK. I don't know how to access archived files. But looks like you did a lot of work.

alliecapone ago

I worked there in 2007, and a lil bit of 2008. Unless anything changed since then, and to be fair it might have, but I think I'd have heard it. But there's underhanded stuff passed as we sleep and it's not reported to much upon. Just be sure to double check with your state laws. It could be different from state to state, and city to city, but this was a Statewide thing in Michigan, and figured it could be a trap, that the head librarians sent info regularly. But I trust nobody, Flint and Detroit tried in vain to get attention to our problem without rioting, the feds ignored us for about 2 yrs. I doubt it's a trap as serious as she got. She worried mainly because many of the patrons came there to check emails and that. We don't know what you look at, and I made it a point of not knowing by not nosing through the cache ever. Most librarians I talked to also took it seriously. It made us all feel important that we could keep it private and even without perjury to worry about, say we don't know what was looked at. We don't look. I hope they still do have this policy, because many more could look into it without fear of family talking you down for it.

angry_mob ago

holy crap, you've really gone to town on this! great work, take a serious break & a big hug out to ya!

alliecapone ago

I've felt like you many times myself. But, I've been there. And there's another reason I keep at it, and look for suspect people, and I do so on Twitter. I was a librarian, and everything people look at is private, we can't tell law or feds unless they subpoena you to speak in court. It unnerved me, but I didn't really expect em to come around anyway in the small town I was in. By happenstance I found a twitter handle and pw, obviously my daughter. I was DUMBSTRUCK, and mad. I don't look over shoulders but they know I know what to look for to be sure they were on the net doing what they were supposed to, what they said they were.

I got home, logged onto this twitter and saw messages from grown men, some boys, lotsa middle eastern men would try and reach them. I'd noticed they'd blocked them. All but one. One they swore was 13 too, site was 14 and under only I think, maybe 13. He'd said it's me from webkinz, there was a bit of a dirty hinting going on in his message to her, and he ended it with, here's my phone number, text me. She hadn't read it yet, so I called him up from my phone. I was nice and used my inner little kid voice, then flipped switch and went sideways at him. I issued a hardy threat that I was ready to go to jail to back up, and told him so. He was from NYC and looking back....that bothers me that I didn't get more into it than I did. I wont let that happen again. I've been thinking of making a generic twitter of one I already have, and insinuate that I'm a youngster and turn in everyone that contacts me. I've been thinking going on, following a couple of the ones that really give me the squiggles, and see if contact is initiated. I don't believe catfishing is illegal, but his intent can be proven in messages. I'm sure that the name and twitter can be examined by those smarter than me in technical stuff. I''m not sure how far I can go as far as traps on there. I see many I can befriend but unless they're really desperate I'm guessing none will contact me. The twitters that give me off vibes, many are private and I don't wanna be associated, they'll be able to tell by my own profile that I'm probably not good for their health. But if I disassociate my online persona on my other one and behave as if I'm a's something I've grown familiar with, I could follow some of the social sites, and see what comes up there. That's how many are caught with the smoking gun they hold, they admit to their sickness in "private" messages. I'll just need to know how far I can go. I'm not baiting them to meet me anywhere or anything, just seeing if they'll tip my flag, in ice fishing terms. I'm just setting flags, see if any pop up and whats on the end. I don't plan on interacting a bit with any kids, just nosing around the adults a bit. I don't wanna have that end up a dry lead...I just wanna see if any try to start convo with randos. I feel like it's my strongest suit feeling out weirdos..and just seeing if they'll do what I think they will. Then we can have a list of small people and perhaps we'll find a connection now that a lot of the really in depth work has been looked at. Good or bad idea?

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

Watch some funny movies, meditate.. do whatever you have to to clear your mind of this shit for a while..I know how u feel, I'm kind of getting sick of defending myself and trying to inform the uninformed, but at the same time its very gratifying when you can actually get people to jump on our side, and see the truth...

Dont fade out on us bro, we need all the able bodied/minded soldiers we can get for this...hope the best for you anyways and thanks for the archives!

Womb_Raider ago

Don't burn out. This is hard work. Find others like you. Keep them driven. People like you could quite literally save the world.

freeagent37 ago

Its because we traveled to far from Love, and now we are making our way back and there are a lot of ugly things to see on this path. We were unconscious about them in the past...when we build a new world with each other that is founded in love, we leave (((NO ROOM))) for this sickness to live here. Take a break!, nourish yourself and soak up the good things in this world as well...then come on back when you are strengthened, there is a balance everywhere.

Celticgirlonamission ago

Wellington "33" hmmm

VieBleu ago

burn out is real. good luck.

momojaja ago

Its all about balancing your life and having a perspective. If most of us reacted the way you have, then there will be nobody to keep the fight against elite pedophilia. All you need is maybe dedicate an hour of your day on the investigation then get on with your life.

DeckoGecko ago

ok cool let's do this! I'm a decent actor and know my gematria from my kabbalah so get me in cast in the new star wars an i'll take it from there ;)

in the meantime anyone think of pressuring potentials like Martin Sheen or macaulay culkin?

ActivistAngel ago

They would be Kanye'd in a minute. Probably have handlers waiting nearby with straight jackets. Perhaps we should talk about love more. Many of these people were broken as small children. Pray for them?

alliecapone ago

I also have the paperback, but it's somewhere deep in our attic. I'd like to read it as an adult, I've not read this as a grown, wide eyes open adult. I'm getting to the library though. Speaking of the public library, you know, you can research at the library if you need to. When I was a librarian, we were told we cannot tell authorities what someone is looking at on the net when asked. It was stressed like 10 times in my first orientation day. Just be sure to take your zip and hide it. I know many are nervous as hell doing research in public or home on their personal computer. I'm sure certain sites, like this one aren't blocked. I know that's how I caught my kids using twitter though a long time ago. I was researching genealogy and my bonehead kid left her name and pass right under the keyboard. While I worked there, so she knew I had to clean under the board. Librarians can't even tell the parents of a kid that's used the computer what they looked at, only that they signed in. That's all sacred and private and is treated seriously, at least where I worked. So it's an idea for those researching the women's end of things, some of their twitters might make one's spouse raise an eyebrow and think we're up to no good. The library is peaceful, and you can break away and grab a funny book or something as there's many things at your disposal at the library. I'm double checking that it's still a duty to remain silent and treat patron's privacy as if it were my own, I can't imagine it was changed.

TokyoJoe ago

It already did change the world and will continue to. It's hard to walk away from the good inside you no matter how hard others try to deter their evil won't win the good far stronger and far out number them. It's happening all over the world they are just trying not to let us see it!

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Wow. Don't end it. It can be overwhelming at times. You need something that grounds you. If you don't vent regularly it can make you sick.Especially when dealing with such filth. Meditation, outdoor activities, yoga, martial arts (not mma), anything that completely pulls your focus. I do not recommend getting into hard drugs or alcohol to escape. Cannabis may help though.

I'll share mine. I have a few actually. I go fishing, get in a boat and get away, no one around. Video games, it feeds the machine but is a short order escape none the less.

The one that really counts. There is a place near where I grew up, 2000 miles away from where I now live. This place has a stream with pebble beaches. If you sit on the bank and put your feet in the water, dozens of inch long fish will come up and nibble on your toes. It works for me anyway.

I just thought I'd share that because you seem to be in a dark place and wanted to remind you to ground out that negative energy. Doing something self destructive to escape is letting them off easy. One love.

argosciv ago

Also, ignore the few that are shit-posting you, they are almost certainly shills, or perhaps just need to be rotated away from the investigation themselves so they can take a moment to look in the mirror.

TruthTrumps ago

Wellington, Don't be so hard on yourself. I really don't know how you've kept going with this. Give yourself a lot of credit for sticking with it for so long...and making the effort to tell others. If you decide to never comeback, others will build on your good hard work. Maybe you just need a breather. You definitely have to take care of yourself...and not get swallowed up by the rabbit hole. This is extraordinarily tough stuff for anyone to handle. I have been obsessed with pizzagate/pedogate since the Podesta-McCann link caught my attention. (so only since early November) I am mentally and physically exhausted just from following it. And besides the exhaustion, I don't think i've ever felt such an overwhelming sense of sadness/despair/grief in my entire life. I was out Christmas shopping today. I figured good…it will take me away from the damn computer. But while I shopped, I kept thinking of all those kids. Unless we are successful in exposing this...and getting some results... this sadness will be with me until the day I die. I can put on a temporary smile...and no one knows...but the grief in my heart is palpable. And I am so aghast/pissed/confused by those who mock this. What's that all about? I'm guessing they think it's an attack on their beloved Hillary/Dem party . Would it help to get them on board if we started posting the dirt on GOPers implicated in earlier years? I don't know. Also, this stuff is so dark, no body WANTS to believe it's true. Maybe it's just easier to mock it or be indifferent. How do we overcome the naysayers? How do we get them to just take a few minutes to look at some of the evidence? The battle is monumental. The elites are running the show. They have the power. They are the government. They own the media. The perverts and the blackmailed are embeded throughout the entire system. To whom do we even report this stuff ? The FBI, the DOJ, the's a frickin nightmare joke. Is it crazy to worry that they'd be eager to nuke us to remain in power? Somedays, like today, I feel worn out and hopeless. I’m not much of a church goer…but these days, I’m literally on my knees, begging God to help us. Sorry… long rant. Just want you to know…you are understood. And hope you know, you are respected and so very appreciated. We all cry with you. I’m praying, one of these days…hopefully sooner rather than later, we will all rejoice together. Take care of yourself.

PS The questions in my rant are not directed at you…just everyone in general.

wizlord ago

I feel you. I think this research is getting to a lot of us on an emotional level. Especially young college kids who are just starting to learn about this stuff. Know that you are a courageous human being and you deserve to live a better life. We will keep fighting while you rest. Feel free to join back when you are better.

daddysdarlin ago

God bless you and thanks for all your hard work! There is never shame in trying, your work will go on! Peace!!!

argosciv ago

The proverbial hundred eyes(and then some) of Argos are on this.

Take some time to yourself, eat, sleep, maintain your friendships/relationships.

It's not uncommon for even the police to rotate their investigators when it comes to pedophillia cases, for the very reason of giving them a chance to rest and collect themselves - alongside avoiding the risk of indoctrination. This is heavy shit and even those with a strong fortitude can find themselves broken by it, stay strong friend.


Exactly.THEY know that the memory search of the internet mind is in progress.,and they know it is only time before the key is found....When we search our memory ,sometimes to take your mind away and do something altogether different is when the subconscious delivers what we search for.

thicktail1730947 ago

What is "the risk of indoctrination"?

argosciv ago

What I was referring to there, is the risk of an (undercover, usually) investigator being exposed to "this side of the coin", for so long(without a proper break) that they begin to loose sight of who they are, versus the persona they must maintain for the investigation.

As clarified by @Chance903 though, It's more about keeping the investigator 'sane' in terms of preventing them from hurting themselves or illegally harming suspects(understandably, it must be nerve wrecking to be that close to 'the enemy', while not being in a position to exact a particular form of justice upon them).

Chance903 ago

@argosciv it is not about risk of indoctrination. It is about seeing theings that so deeply crush your soul, it fucks with your mind ,we are rotated out for mental health so you do not do somehing dangerous to yourself or the perps. But yes one year on ,one year off. 290 sex crimes units.

argosciv ago

Sorry, didn't mean to say anything misleading there.

Thank you for the clarification :)

Chance903 ago

No problem just a clarification. so it is understood. I understand everyone's emotional trauma over this and he is doing the right thing. Seeing this kind of abuse eats at your soul and sanity.

argosciv ago

It really does, the past few days have been quite taxing on myself also - sometimes I think that perhaps the only reason i've not gone off the reserve, is because this kinda stuff broke me long ago, to the point that nothing here is surprising.

Some of it is new to me, sure enough, but I'm no longer shocked by it in the sense that I have difficulty believing it to be plausible.

That said, I'd have to say that another thing keeping me strong, is the constant reminder that thousands of people are looking into this at any given time - that many of those people are doing far more to contribute, than myself.

Chance903 ago

Although I find it impossible to work with certain people on voat, I know the majority has good intent and the fact that you all understand that every second that we sit, talk, investigate,laugh with friends or family,sleep or have fun ,children are going through extreme pain, sometimes the pain is so bad they no longer even cry, They just lay there. I have seen this. So do the good work ,take breaks as needed, self-care is extremely important.

argosciv ago

nods solemnly

I've nothing to add to what you've said there.

disclosuretimes ago

Thank you for your Service.

It's no shame in taking a break, or tackling the issue from another angle. Revealing all this darkness to the world is not gonna happen if we stay depressed and miserable in our bedrooms, no matter the amount of research. I feel like this will all come to light when we are mature enough to convert the darkness into something useful to the world.

I love you. This is not going to be silenced. It has to come out.

LloydK ago

Evil means intentionally harming anyone. That's not subjective or relative.

Shook ago

Friend, just know other people out in this world are feeling the same. I am in the USA and the MSM is literally making my blood boil every single night the past week. They are covering this up so heavily it is very sickening, each night for the past 10 days I have either seen a news narrative discrediting it without any of the facts or evidence even presented to the viewers, or outright covering it up with more of this fake news rhetoric. I can't take the lies anymore recently either, because every single MSM seems to be compromised by this point. It is definitely infuriating when they won't even tell the truth about the origin of the investigation.

GoodGodKirk ago

It's healthy to take a break, cowardly to quit.

But at the same time, it's unhealthy to allow something to so completely consume you. Where quitting is the only option.

MAGABoomer ago

Thanks for your hard work. Take a mental health break. I had to a few times already. <3

Wundagrrl ago

The swamp will never be clean pizzagate is a long haul, decades even until the movement will really clean house of everything.

Don't lose hope a few days or weeks and you really wont miss much that you cannot come back to and give your full attention when ready.

Wundagrrl ago

Thank you brave soul. When you know enough is enough then you need to pull back from the darkness and into the light. Focus on life and others around you, the Spanish weather will soon be back and you shall enjoy being out in the open once again. Take it slowly, rest, get back your appetite and come back stronger and healthier. This is a lifetime of work, like you said, the term pizzagate may not be always around but the hunt will be much far beyond that simple and misleading term.


alliecapone ago

Saving offline, if we all save offline, they can't get it all. They're setting the stage so when this does see light, nobody is going to believe it. Least the folks that blindly trust our govt is always right. There's a lot of goods here, thank you

Live_Free_Or_Die ago

Do not stop. We can win this fight together. We need people like you.

hashtaggery ago

Thanks Brofessor. Come back after you detox for awhile. We need you.

KittyTigerlily ago

Please, friend, you have done so much now. Don't turn away and like they say, take a break now from it all. Makes me realize how those in the special victims unit feel at times. The things they find make them sick to their stomach. But keep this in mind NOW, we as citizens are listening and watching for truth. I've been watching, and it's hard to believe how many, hard for me to believe that. Just take a break, and you will feel better, I think.

Luxxy ago

Thank you!

DystopianDaze ago

This can be quite overwhelming. Sometimes it becomes necessary to back away, find an outlet, a distraction, a balm, something...what works for one may not for another, find what works for you.

Today I was running errands, in addition to the anger and heartache of this mess, I have my own things I am dealing with right now. As I got my receipt and turned to leave at one place, the gal told me to hold on. Thinking I had forgotten something, I turned back as she came out from behind the counter. She said, "We all have different things we are going through, and I want you to know I believe there are better days ahead." She wrapped her arms around me a hugged me tight. She saw the angst in me, and reached really touched my heart. Over the internet and across the ocean, I am mentally extending that hug now to you. :)

BucktailBarry ago

No, fuck that. You had enough energy to write this looong message on voat. Take your own advice and keep going, no matter what. Do not stop. Ever.

hels ago

Wellington has done fuckloads more than I have. People like him are the reason I am still here reading everything and following closely. I've only an observer as I don't have the skills online that others do.

It is people like Wellington that make me want to get involved. I want to be on the ground and not online. That's who I am,

fartyshorts ago

Go for it, man. This is war.

DarkMath ago

Sorry to hear that wellington33 . Don't give up, just take some time off. Go to the gym, do some aerobic stuff for like an hour. You'll feel better. That's what I do. Godspeed....

KittyTigerlily ago

Please don't other's say, take a break from this crap!

ArchCovenant ago

We will never stop exposing the evil. God himself is allowing minds to open up to all this before his return! Only God will stop all the bad in the world, but we can always shine a light into the darkness until he does. We are only human and all have our breaking points. Don't blame you. You've done good work, now go rest while others carry on the battle. Come back when and if you can, we're not going anywhere!

garretthates12 ago

You're a hero to us all

KittenCat ago

Dude, I had to take a break from all of it, too. It just gets overwhelming. Step away, recharge, and come back swinging. We've got your back.

reasonedandinformed ago

I have not had the chance to review, but thank you so much for doing this. Your thoughts are shared by many of this. This is a major struggle and really tears into our souls. It is incredibly draining but we must continue to try to move forward on this.

micha_ ago

Thank you!

8_billion_eaters ago

Satan loves it when good people quit.

NEVER STOP in your crusade to free the world of evil.

justiceforever ago

@wellington33 Thank you for your service.

I've had to take breaks myself, this being such serious subject matter. I look at my young family members and just cry. We know what you're going through.

Only difference is, you've worked a gajillion times harder than me and a lot of people here. You ARE strong, which is why you were able to do so much.

The work you've done is like a domino effect. You've made a difference and it will keep spreading.

It's okay to call it a day. It's okay to step away and live your life.

If you feel ready to come back, awesome. If not, just know that you've done enough. We all can only do our best. Be proud of the with you've done, and go take care of yourself. Thank you again for all your investigating and info.

wellington33 ago

Thank you. Your words means a lot for me right now.

pizzainvestigator ago

Don't give up, comrade. While this is mentally tolling for us all, keep your head on straight my friend. Unfortunately, MOST people don't care about what happens to others not in their immediate circle. We are all selfish to some extent.

Hang in there and take a much needed break. Thank you for sharing your information. Take some time off from the investigation and focus on bettering yourself, however you see fit.

Thank you.

seanhurray ago

Amigo todos pasamos por lo mismo descansa, no dejes que la mente te perturbe, eso va y viene. Tu no eres la mente tu eres un espíritu inmortal y puro nada afecta a nuestra verdadera naturaleza. Es la mente no más que se ve afectada por la felicidad y aflicción tenemos que trascender esto. Todos los que hemos despertado a esta información tenemos un deber hacía estos niños y el mundo entero. Sólo trabaja, el pasado y futuro no existen, sólo enfócate a seguir investigando y dar a conocer cosas, no te apegues a si te van a escuchar o no, esto va a perturbar tu mente, el deseo déjalo de lado y simplemente cumple con tu deber. No te dejes llevar por el deseo y el rechazo ambos terminan causando frustración e ira y esto obscurece la inteligencia y la mente... Saludos amigo.

contrarianism ago

Great work. There's many here to pick up the slack.

fartnigger ago

No you'll just have to bookmark his user page and check back.

Gothamcity ago

Get well, many of us understand how you feel. May I make a suggestion to there that are more computer savvy then me? Hillary can't be the only person with her own server and I doubt she came up with the idea on her own. It seems to me that finding a person, or brothers that seem to enjoy pedophilia, would also have there own server no? I believe that's where you would find the damaging pictures and videos. If you look at Alefantis's Instagram he sure likes his pictures. If you found this there could be no more denial. TheRay Rice video showed that pictures/videos are better then any circumstantial evidence. How hard is it to find and crack a server?

Guy_with_the_face ago

Just have a break, take a rest. This investigation has sucked the soul right out of you, like many others. But just rest and heal yourself, then keep up the fight. I have been the same way, I have spent more time this week reading all the evidence and doing research that I'm burned right out on all levels. I also feel that dread, or that sinking feeling about all of this, but I know in my heart that this isn't going to fade away like all the other things have. We are talking about our kids here, the most vulnerable among us, so we must work together to make sure our children are safe from these predators. Its understandable that you will be tired, and some days just feel like you can't go on, but just pass the torch onto someone else and take a break. This is what working together is all about.

redberries ago

Thank you! Saved it all.

chlrndrmz ago

One thing that must be at the forefront of our minds should be what Jesus said, Do you think I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I have come to divide people against each other! Light cannot mingle with darkness therefore allow God's light to shine in your lives so darkness can flee from it. Continue to expose evil. All of you are as the allied troops storming the beaches or Normandy. Conducting a heroic amphibious assault on a fortified enemy. This is truly a great and noble endeavor that will spearhead and puncture the enemy's defenses. All of you my brothers are the tip of the spear but it will take a combined effort along with the sleepy supporting troops that have yet to pick up their arms. Nevertheless, your courageous actions are inspiring and awakening others everyday. Chesty Puller, General Patton and maybe even God himself get a hardon by all you highly motivated courageous hardchargers giving those sick evil bastards hell.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

We need you now!!! NOW IS THE TIME YOU'VE LIVED YOUR LIFE FOR! We need all hand on deck and missing out on somebody like you would put us at a disadvantage! Like someone said earlier just take a break! The elitists Winter Solstice is between December 21-December 23!

Laskar ago

Thanks for all your work. I, too, have been researching this topic for many years (more than 10) and have worked with survivors of abuse. I feel an obligation to them. This information has to continue to spread. I understand where you are coming from. Hopefully, one day, you will return and give some perspective on this horror which is all over the world for decades.

hedy ago

You're not weak, you just need a break and some R+R. The machine is doin its thing-----but PG has the entire world's attention and the machine is scrambling. The machine is chasing PG, not the other way around. You've been part of this. We have a long way to go but we have made an impact.

CJJacobs ago

Praying for you. Take a break. Thank you for info.

Luxxy ago

Take a break man, and keep strong, everyone is doing this for the greater good, or at least MOST of us. It does wear on your soul, which is when you should step back, clear your mind, and you will come back even stronger. Ive been debating taking a break as well, its interfering with my family life, and my emotional life. I even dream about it (nightmares) - Its wearing, we all know how you feel. But do come back when you're ready, we need everyone in this fight together <3

chlrndrmz ago

I think most of us can relate with what you're going through buddy. Since you are a person of faith my advice is to take a break and pray. I took almost a year long break so I wouldn't deal with stupid people who just gravitate towards self distruction. It can be extremely discouraging to want to help but at the end of the day you really can't help those who do not want to be helped. Find people who do understand and help and encourage them. God bless and will pray for you.

TheTrigger ago

Faggot. Get some good sleep and you'll feel better the next day. If you let something as trivial as this take you out of the game, then your faggotry is confirmed.

At least you admit it, though. So you have that going for you.

MichelleK ago

Trivial? Child. Molestation. Wow. No words


He may be acting like a pussy by bailing but at least he does good work m8. Dudes got some juicy ass stuff in their I haven't even seen b4. Stuffs Juicier than Brazilian ass.Just wish he had a smoking gun.

DopeandDiamonds ago

I want to tell you a story of something that happened to me. I was researching another case as a favor for someone I know. I poured over all the information for two months from his case files to find leads. It drove me mad. I kept thinking I was missing something that could put the other random clues into context. I was about to give up.

A friend came over late at night while I was in bed pouring over phone records. I had looked at them for so long I could see them clearly when I closed my eyes. He saw everything spread out on the bed and picked a stack up. After looking at it for under five minutes, he found the clue I had missed for two months. This clue lead to a girl who had run off with her internet boyfriend to be found safe. She came home, He is waiting for a trial date for kidnapping and I don't even want to know what else. He was a sex offender fishing for girls online.

My point is this. Sometimes you have to step back and dump your info into others. Having someone else take a look can be the key to getting a case solved.

Take a break and see where you are at on a week with it. I did that and found myself ready to start again. Don't deactivate your account in case someone looking at your info has a question on how you made a connection or something. Take a breather and know that other people are putting your work to go use.

think_whatif ago

Keep Fighting

Blacksmith21 ago

Good stuff. Can you post a link to your MEGA?

chickyrogue ago

hang in there we all care here and you did a great job compiling all this info take some down time you'll be back

doubleherpes ago

This is a labor of love. We're building the infrastructure with Wikileaks and its successors to allow anonymous whistleblowers to safely release the blackmail photos and bring this whole thing crashing down.

None of us as individuals needs to do anything, the truth will come out eventually. Just keep loving the people around you, and the people locked up in some basement somewhere who are waiting to be found and freed.

We are the side of Love, never forget that!

rutkdn ago

Thank you for all your work.

Jem777 ago

Thank you for all your work... I don't know if you believe in God but he promised he would ultimately expose the depth of evil and He is. I will pray for you and for all of us as we continue to speak truth to power and bring light to darkness. The message you sent was to the Americans so we need to listen and demand our first ammendment rights be honored.

e-traiu ago

Lots of ❤ going ur way


Find New angles to bitchslap these devils.

willnotbesilent ago

I understand how you feel and if it starts to affect you that much, it's best to step away from it. I do hope after some time you'll want to help out again though :) It's frustrating because this is exactly what they're aiming for, wearing people out with their 24/7 "fake news" and bots/shills harassing people. They hope people get scared away or completely worn out that we'll give up and let it go.

But take care of yourself :)

nnfx ago

Thank you very much for your work.

Now lean back and let all our new friends take action. You have done and probably suffered enough and I can empathize with this since I am suffering from the very same ignorance of people as well for many years already.

Just try to find something that can distract you a little so you have some time to regain some energy and when you feel better again, join us again.

Please stay...

Concernedcitizen2 ago

wellington, you have done a great service to humanity. thank you, for everything. it is no longer the time to continue sacrificing yourself. do things that make you happy, and rest at night knowing that tens of thousands of people around the world are pouring over the details and looking into every shred of evidence. your torch will be carried.

sleepingbeautycan ago

And then come back when you can devote a bit more time. I was all day every day for a while but now I spend 2 hours retweeting or researching and then that is it.

BethesdaDC ago

This shit is a nightmare but just Imagine the horrors these children endure. Take a break and pray for the kids. Peace

reasonedandinformed ago

My thoughts. Prayer is important right now.

jewsbadnews ago

Pray to lord Kek.

rodeo13 ago

Prayer is the MOST important thing, right now.

UglyTruth ago

Thanks for all your work, there's nothing to be gained in wrecking yourself over this.

jangles ago

Do you have any info on stenography or keys ?

anolegion ago

key's in the mail

jangles ago

how to unpack .pps emails?

jangles ago


wellington33 ago

not at all... sorry

DeckoGecko ago

it's ok bro you're not alone. I'm going to have to chill myself soon, the twitter bots and constant banning from places is getting tedious and might effect my work.

I have hope as well though, like yourself, that this pizzagate thing might tip it over the edge finally. Our fate rests with the american's on this I"m afraid... but at least we have a chance again. I thought all was lost when operation Yew Tree in england went from doing so well and arresting household names to drying up and losing databases as soon as it hit the politicians and royalty.

Don't give up all together mate, we'll win out in the end I'm sure... and if we don't, fuck it, i'll go native, join the cult, kill some babies myself until i make it to the top when I'll out myself and swandive to hell taking all the fuckers with me :)

rodeo13 ago

we will swandive together. And we will take a whole lot of fuckers out.

Forgetmenot ago

Had to upvoat this as well, at first it was overwhelming now I know that exposing these scum and bringing them to justice will set the world free, and you guys are hot on their trail. The hunters are now getting hunted. Thank you for all the work you all do.

rodeo13 ago

Yes! Every little thing we do to shine a light into this dark, dark place WILL help save children. We MUST keep at it.

TheTrigger ago

↑you, I like you.

xeemee ago

I'm uploading everything to MEGA just in case someone want to download it.

please provide a link afterwards

far as compression, to keep it simple, you could go with 7z, but it really won't make a huge diff. - do whatever is easiest for you

wellington33 ago

thanks m8, i'll post it here tomorrow.

wellington33 ago

It's being pretty hard for me guys... I cried a couple of times in the last week, in fact here I am right now, crying in this chair like a fool. I need a break guys. This is too much... this is too much...

My brother is coming for lunch tomorrow with his 3yo kid, and i can't keep looking at this. This is too hard... I never cried so much in my life. I can't fight this war. I need to find some hope.

Please guys, be strong for me.

Forgetmenot ago

Thank you for crying for these children, no one cried for them. Thank you for caring for a strangers child. Thank you for having a heart for the defenseless and downtrodden. Because of people like you and people here on voat and all over the world we have hope in humanity and in our future. You have given me hope. I cry and pray everyday for the little lost ones.

Vindicator ago

Please do not despair. If you do, they win. It is not your fault assholes are hurting kids. It is not your fault. You can take a break! You have given of yourself to try to help total strangers like a good and noble person. That is fantastic. This is going to break wide open very soon - why else would all the MSM and Dems now be saying Russia plants porn on people's computers? It's going to be Ok.

Mooka_Molaka ago

Aw, please accept this /comfort 💗

Those of us who are 'Normal' human beings are saddened, angered & disgusted by things far less awful than this. It bothers, sickens a decent person every time they hear of it or think about it.

And then there are those of us who, for lack of a better word or description, are overtly empathetic. Perhaps even something like an empath. We have often practiced our whole lives putting ourselves into another person's experience(s). We often see & feel things from the point of view of "what if that was me...or my Family member...or my friend?" And even though the SJW crowd has kind of tainted the word 'justice' for me, I still feel an overwhelming amount of emotions when I know of an injustice. And we ALL realize this is an injustice of insane proportions.

Personally I have learned to do what I can without falling into the bottomless pit of "WHY CAN'T I FIX THIS?!" Because I know it will eat me alive & drain my energy & absorb all of my time!

Like others here have said, you have been absolutely, positively & entirely dedicated to the cause we're all trying to fix. Now I can't say whether we're in pergatory or experiencing an mmo meant to teach our souls lessons or maybe the matrix, but I can say that I know good hearts & good people when I 'see' them & this issue has brought us all together. We have all found each other, all of us from different places across the globe, multiple countries & different lives & we each have something Good to give towards this war against Evil. Whoever & whatever God is, I think we're brought together by something Divine & we're going to help push some real evil out of our plane of existence.

The work & efforts you have poured into this is a selfless & beautiful thing. Now rest, & rest well knowing that you have carried on your shoulders & within your heart a heaviness no one should have to go through. Remember that we aren't each individually supposed to be burdened or weighted down under this tremendous, heinous thing ~ let it be divided among all of us as we each try to help. Together our worries & pain of this aren't multiplied, because together we have divided the load!

Your research is going to help the rest of us, & we Thank You, Sincerely ~ the next time you feel overwhelmed, please picture yourself wearing Armor of Light & say a prayer toward all of our efforts here because I truly believe it will make a difference in the end. Send us all a positive prayer & a divine set of Armor of Light & we will do the same for You!

This is one of the few times in my life that I feel this is an actual Good vs Evil fight & I have seen more people mention that & prayers than I ever have before. It's beautiful & darkness & evil will not stand or be able to continue if we all bring our sincere prayers & positive, lit up hearts in the name of saving innocent children~

Whatever each of us believes in, I believe we're all linked by something powerful & positive & brought here for a reason. We have these children's backs as well as each other's. If you need help, ask! If you need a break, take it! You can message me & I will do my best to comfort & help you And THAT GOES FOR EVERYBODY TAKING PART IN THIS! (I have some health issues so if I don't respond right away I am not ignoring you! Sometimes I am not online for a day or so is all! ^_^).

I too love each & every single one of You guys. Each of us have our specialty & all of us together make a big beautiful machine. A divinely👼🏼 shining machine that's working hard to fend off their ugly, slimy crooked POS 💩 machine.

/hugs & /comfort & Thanks to You, OP Wellington33
/hugs & /comfort & Thanks to all of You #PizzaGaters (or Gators 🐊💜💚 oh #GG memories 💖)

Edit; added THAT GOES FOR EVERYBODY line 💗^_^

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

We love you! I'm praying for you right now!!

BlackFriday1 ago

Take a break and go for the BEAUTY. Look at beautiful renaissance paintings, listen to Mozart and Bach, read literature. Look at beautiful landscape photos, go to see churches (there are many ancient in your country), play with pets and animals, take a walk on mountains. Surround yourself with BEAUTY! It keeps the evil at bay... :-)

wellington33 ago

I'll spend time with my family, friends and my dog. I don't feel like reading right now... I honestly don't know who is a pedo and who is not anymore... this world is fucked up. thank you m8.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

There are times all I can think of is the movie Frailty but then I have to pray


Dude this is what I've done every time I draw another connection and know for a fact someone is a pedophile m. I print out a picture of their face and post it to a piece of firewood in my backyard then I get my fuvking samurai sword and chop their head up like uvking potatoes on a cutting board until there's nothing left. I do that about 20 times a day to vent. There's Podesta heads all over my backyard haha. It's actually more soothing to watch podestas head get chopped off than listen to Mozart.

From a scientific point of view it's actually healthier to vent physically. Bottom line the brain wants to eradicate A very large problem. How do u eradicate a very large problem so it never returns u "kill" it. I do it to pieces of wood a lot otherwise you will get sick like this dude or it will drive you to do something even sketchier like get a gun to kill something.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

don't burn out. take a break.

the pedo's ain't stopping.

IWishIWasFoxMulder ago

Have some 420 if it's legal in your area.

RicardoFeynman ago

Think what GUNDERSON went against or COLBY?

Gunderson was in charge of FBI and he lost.

Colby was in charge of CIA and they killed him.

To think that an ANT can achieve success is insane, but once we have 1,000, then 1million, then one billion people saying enough.

Then we win.

Forgetmenot ago

Had to upvoated this!

jewsbadnews ago

This. I almost gave up after seeing all the fucked up shit I learned through out this election, not just pizzagate. Been out for about 2 months and now I feel pumped to stop these kikes again. Kek bless you all.

redditsuckz ago

Need more eyes on this;

Alefantis Kill Room Found - The Pajama Factory Same Brick Walls as Instagram Photos - Womans Body was found 2013

h2d ago

This is garbage. Why do you and some other users who I've seen named specifically in other threads always seem to be attempting to drive up views on bullshit threads on here?

Commonwombat ago

Totally agree! Take your shit elsewhere.

CrudOMatic ago

Amazing. TWO 21 day old accounts backing each other up. Couldn't be sock accounts...

Commonwombat ago

You trawl through comments, find this and care enough to comment? Yeah you got me mate, look at me I'm a sock! Wouldn't have anything to do with Reddit shutting us down 21 days ago? None too bright, are you Sparky?

CrudOMatic ago

Didn't have to trawl through comments to see the two of you gladhanding each other, while trying to distract from this point. Why is that? I thought these pizzagate guys are supposed to be badass child killers with killrooms and shit, and it's supposed to go all the way to the top? So why would you two jackoffs try to derail this one comment? Seems pretty consistent with the story.

Wouldn't have anything to do with Reddit shutting us down 21 days ago?

A whole shitton of CTR shills came with you as well. How do I know you're not one?

Commonwombat ago

Give it up mate, I don't argue with drongos.

CrudOMatic ago

Drongo? What's that, some new shill slang we should know about? Why are you derailing that comment about Alefantis? How much do you get paid?

oresd ago

This. You've got a life outside of this. Your statement indicates that you're not managing your "real" life and you need a better balance. This should not be an obsession. Pedophilia is an obsession to it's partakers, and you should differentiate your life from what is a rational response to trying to empathize with what must be in the mind of a person that fucks little kids.

Alex_A97 ago

This is key. In the process of destroying these pedophiles for good, do not allow it to destroy you.

Drugs ago

Moderation is the key

SaneGoatiSwear ago

ayyyyy relevant username

Drugs ago


SaneGoatiSwear ago

you might want to direct that statement not at me but OP.



hey op @ wellington blah balah ....

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Listen to the sane goat^ take a break, have a beer, you've earned it. Pizzagate ain't going anywhere. It's here to stay thanks to people like you.

IWishIWasFoxMulder ago

Or some 420 if it's legal in your area.

IWishIWasFoxMulder ago

Or 420 if it's legal in your area.

EDIT - accidentally posted his twice as it was giving me this HTTP2.0/400 something error

n0etics ago

Same thing I've been doing. I've been spreading it around on social media loads but I had to take a break from all the research for now, it gets heavy. Rest, recuperate and return, if you can... we need all the help we can get and these pedos aren't stopping

dookiehowzer ago

Take a break fam

alliecapone ago

I needed a break. I read disturbing things all of the time on the net, and I have for awhile. I think the first thing I did a search on wasn't what people's usually are. Mine were crime scene photos. Back then nobody paid it any mind, you had to trip on the sites to find them. Once I saw a beheading I had to step back away from the net. I like to watch a comedy...I'm twisted so for me a comedy is catching up on Ash vs the Evil Dead. But Chris Farley movies are always a win. Even going into /aww is helpful. It made me smile. It'll all still be here, as they think we're stupid and are more fixated with their perversion and protecting it. All of the little people with clubs and social meeting areas, they aren't making their pages private, at least their Twitter. People seem to let it all hang out on twitter I've noticed. I refuse to follow those with locked accounts though. I don't wanna be associated at all. I've noticed upon archiving the ones I've seen, some have already.

OP you've done good work, really good work. Take a load off, decompress. We all gotta when we feel too dark. Make sure you don't stray too far from light. You don't have to work quite so hard now, this is quite a cache. I hope to gather my own list together soon. I've cleared off a hard drive that I got for my live music collection, my computer has loads of space, so everything goes on this drive and into it's place. I put the music onto my computer, it was good timing to find the music, I listened to a couple of the Slayer concerts and was reset so to speak. Slayer always lights a fire under the butt, mine anyway :) Music is a good way to decompress, make a nice playlist and just do what you do to chill. I needed a shot and a smoke a few nights now.

xeemee ago


i know exactly what you mean - i went through this when i was studying another subject 12+ years ago which i came to call 'child torture for fun and profit'

the answer is simple - take a break, or even walk away completely - spend some time in the woods, petting a dog, whatever, but get your mind off it - the world still turns