dindonufin ago

It's going to take a new Department of Justice.

reasonedandinformed ago

It is actually a natural human reaction. When I first started into this, I was skeptical. Once I started learning things, a big part of me wanted to stop because it was so disturbing and physically and emotionally draining. There were times that I would ask, should I even click this. What has kept me going is the thought of these poor kids .I see it as a moral directive in the literal fight against evil in this world. TO not act is to be part of the problem, part of how this thing has gone on without general awareness. It has put strain on my marriage as my wife is not really ready to hear about this stuff...and I cannot blame her because it hits you to the core to be "red pilled" (a new concept to me weeks ago). We have to recognize that this resistance is actually normal, a defense mechanism tied to cognitive dissonance. We need to find ways to gently bring people into the regognition of this reality. With my wife, I did this by asking questions: Do you believe that there is evil? Do you believe that people look at child porn? Do you believe that people will rape children? Do you believe they will rape infants? This is where I could not go further. It will take time. Once I can get her to acknowledge the truth that these things happen, the step of showing that it involves people in power will be easier. It is the recognition of the evil acts in the first place that is so hard.

Prayer is very important for us right now as we are fighting real evil.

shortymcbossypants ago

Your mother is fake news.

Stellarjay ago

Well said. Thank you for writing this. Light over dark always.

CrackerJacks ago

Yes I was.....(hangs head in shame).....Sorry Change.Org.

veritas_vincit ago

You're fake news.

catslovejustice ago

That's is why I come here, to the land of the red pill people. I have been sharing with those who will listen. Try to give them goldfish cracker size nuggets. Hoping that over time they will see for themselves. It is a lot to take in and makes goodhearted people physically sick. I'm praying that people's/the masses eyes will be opened and that they will have eyes to see and ears to hear.

kekistocrat ago

AAAAaaaaaaawwwwwwwww, shucks....

Chance903 ago

I am not sure if any of you are interested in signing this. https://www.change.org/p/united-states-supreme-court-justice-for-the-treason-committed-on-us-soil-among-other-unjust-crimes-against-humanity?source_location=topic_page someone took alot of time to investigate and write it up, maybe just look at it.

CrackerJacks ago

Change.org is Soros

Edit: Sorry, I'm tired.....Got that wrong......I think.

Chance903 ago

That is just so disgusting, but do you think they have access to the petitions? I honestly do not know so please help me

CrackerJacks ago

I think I'm wrong, sorry Change....I think I need sleep can't think straight.

DarkMath ago

Wiping tear from my left eye....Thank you. sob....You love me. You really love me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBY0UQpUNdA ;-)

BeezleyBillyBub ago

The part about a guy eagerly discussing what he plans to do to his unborn child if fucking disgusting

CrackerJacks ago

FBI seems to be doing their job, but not in America.....If that's correct it's the FBI who uncovered the pedo ring in Norway.

FuckReddit69 ago

Maybe its FBI's MO to expose these things in other countries so that eventually there will be enough pressure from Americans demanding a real investigation. Now that's a psyop i can get behind.


Fbi is doing the anaconda plan. They are gonna weed out the weak elites yeah there's even bottom dweller elites that sit at the lame lung table one by one from smaller countries and eventually will squeeze until they reach the uS and then honestly idk what the fuck will happen all hell will break loose or these guys go to jail/die from capital punishment.

CrackerJacks ago

If the elites think the FBI is coming for them, a lot of the minions will be suicided.

I don't even think it will come to that....Civil war will come first....Hope not, but I can't see elites giving up.


True they might even be lowly enough to nuke someone to continue their abhorrent lifestyle

CrackerJacks ago

We aren't doing this for praise, but you're welcome and thanks too.

We haven't even made a dent yet......1000's of hours of research on many sites.....Loads of great leads, loads of info saved......Just need that one thing......Never giving up.

BlackSwordsman ago

That's why we need to keep this conversation going. We need more skeptical eyes on this. It will take so many hours and so much manpower to complete this and expose those involved. None of them must escape justice.