Tyranny-News-Network ago

I suggest moving past this article being written by Yoishi Shimatsu and look at the connections being made. I studied the reporting on Schwartz a few years ago and also concluded that he was attempting to get HD child abuse evidence. That then led me to the satellite connection and, bingo! I then saw the name Negroponte and knew this was big enough for a staged suicide. I wonder why this angle has been ignored for so long?

fartnigger ago

Right... those are articles he submitted to reddit, just like any other reddit user does. I guess that wasn't crystal clear.

Here are those 2 original submissions -- but the links no longer work:



All his submissions:


I was making the point that Aaron was a big reddit user and submitter of news articles until roughly the time he wrote "I hate the news" and then abruptly stopped submitting articles. We can witness that by looking at his account. My conclusion is, he saw the media as part of the problem with society and gave up on it in 2006.

Browns1 ago

I am not sure Aaron Swartz was onto pedogate before we were. I thought it was a coincidence that George Webb mentioned him, and then this post, but in his own words: "In the US, it is illegal to possess or distribute child pornography, apparently because doing so will encourage people to sexually abuse children. This is absurd logic. Child pornography is not necessarily abuse. Even if it was, preventing the distribution or posession of the evidence won't make the abuse go away. We don't arrest everyone with videotapes of murders, or make it illegal for TV stations to show people being killed."




Good question...

thicktail1730947 ago

Was this written by this guy?



I am not sure...

spiderleaks ago

Note. John G Trump (uncle of Donald J) was an MIT professor from 1936-1974.

VieBleu ago

OP do you have proof for this statement from the article? "Leary began his drug experimentation as a psychologist for the MK-ULTRA mind-control program." I am interested in this topic. I have read histories, including unflattering ones of Leary, and also seperately studied MK Ultra program. I've never seen these two linked. That alone would be history and perception altering information for a host of people. If you can support this connection with actual evidence and not just supposition, please let me have it.

It is an interesting article and has the ring of truth but none of the assertions are supported. It would be considered normal for a scholar to be able to footnote their evidence, even mandatory.


I agree with you and am totally new to this subject. If i come across anything to support i will add to this. Damn things getting crazy fast now!!!

VieBleu ago

So you have no connection to Yoichi Shimatsu? And give yourself some credit, you've been here 2 months, just like most of us have.


No just discovered the article and posted it. I appreciate that link you sent because ive done extensive research on sandy hook event and it looks like hes done some work on the mk uktra angle...

VieBleu ago

He writes well. I just wish he would back up what he presents because he really gets into the nitty gritty and names names.

Mellowmountain ago

amazing article. George Webb referenced Schwartz yesterday in one of his videos. He was basically saying, "this is what the FBI did in relation to the supposed MIT hack, so why isn't the FBI investigating the Awan hack?"

I wonder if he chose the example of Schwartz as a strategic way to wink...

fartnigger ago

Aaron Swartz woke up. He knew what was going on before any of us.

I believe his turning point was at the end of 2006. He wrote this article on October 20, 2006: "I hate the news"

If you look at his reddit history around that time, he was occasionally posting political news and other articles from the web. Then, almost like clockwork, he stopped posting articles on February 2017. See for yourself, you can literally see him go from a steady flow of posts in 2006 to almost nothing. You can also browse all his comment history, which I don't have the time to do, but I am sure there are gems in there.

Here are 2 cherry-picked submissions that Aaron made only a few days after he wrote the "I hate the news" article:

The Spinelessness of the American Press: the view from Russia

Planning 9/11: The Secret Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld Transcripts

Then, shortly after that, he magically stopped posting news to reddit.

Remember, this is 2006. At that time I was just as disgusted with the 9/11 "truthers" as Aaron was. But his lack of news posts after 2006 shows that something inside him changed. I think around that time in late 2006, he redpilled himself, and started to realize that maybe what the US media was saying didn't hold much water. I think he started to dig into who controls everything... the media, the banks, the ivy league schools, etc... and he found information that led him to pizzagate 10 years before any of us had a clue.

Aaron was a very, very smart guy. And very resourceful. His death was not a suicide.

acme2011 ago

Thanks for this. any chance of a better link for his 9/11 post? Archive appears dead.


Thanks for these inputs.

noone222 ago

Very informative and relevant article. Thanks for posting it. I think the world population has severely underestimated the volume of high profile persons involved in child trafficking and pedophilia. It's actually very depressing.


Yes it is. Stay ready and don't let your guard down. Carry the best protection youve got at all times.

SturdyGal ago

At the time even semi-sympathetic articles bought the suicide angle and tarnished Aaron Swartz's legacy. Meanwhile, Nicholas Negroponte's Wikipedia is as pure as the driven snow. This is a great article and thanks for posting.


Thank you!!

cantsleepawink ago

Yes, good article. I have been looking at some of the new tech firms that are coming out of certain Ivy League pools such as the MIT Media Lab cited in this article and noticing a few common threads which give me pause for concern. So, good to see a writer flagging MIT in terms of the pedophilia problem. It backs up some of my suspicions.

Atlantean120 ago

Can you expand on these "common threads"?

cantsleepawink ago

I really need to flesh that out in a detailed post giving examples. But some general commonalities stem from themes like : main figurehead boy 'genius' often has an unusual upbringing with interesting family connections with a long history of "government" and/or academic service; these types of families often compartmentalize their connections so that the family tree and history is hidden from the public; hidden or undisclosed links/access to university departments;venture capitalists that swoop in and give unusually large amounts of money to the starterup projects; the branding tends to run along similar themes so that the attuned eye picks up on it; similar political ideologies that tie in with globalism agendas; very male oriented young management team with certain character traits. But as I said, this needs to be explained with specific examples.....


Wow. This whole mess gets bigger and BIGGER.....