AlphaWookie ago

You better bet your bottom dollar post on social media are going to be used in family court, civil court and criminal court. It is always best to be aware of where the line is on speech laws.

AlphaWookie ago

You are right I forgot to include the reasonable person standard. Still it is worth pointing out very real restrictions that do exist on speech to people. I prefer to inform and glad you add quality content as well.

lackscompassion ago

Admins stay out of most everything here. 50/50 chance the whole thing is a honeypot though.

Kaukamieli ago

Well, it's just 2 guys. If gov or someone wants to fuck things up, they probably can.

frankenmine ago

Good luck, faggot. Let me know how far you get with any of that.

markrod420 ago

I have yet to see the voat admits censor anything. But of course nothing is to stop them from doing it. I imagine one day atko will get a very creepy visit from some threatening people and then the censorship will begin. Which I won't blame him for. He has given us a lot of his time and effort to give us this unsafe space. I don't expect him to risk his life or family to keep doing it.

In other words it's likely it will eventually happen again and we will need to move once more. But hopefully not for a while.

DickHertz ago

It might. If you really don't want to happen again rent a server and run it yourself. You should just assume if you aren't paying any money then whoever is can do whatever they want.

herbert_west ago

Voat will probably end up like Reddit one day. If the site gets popular and someone offers Atko a shitload of money, I can understand him if he sells out and start enjoying life. In the meanwhile, we can enjoy the free speech here until it's time to move on to the next site. It's the cycle of life... Digg -> Reddit -> Voat -> ...

Sonic ago

This is where gamergate came once we got banned. You're good here unless you accidentally start linking child porn directly.

oedipusaurus_rex ago

I've been through a few of these, and I've been using voat ever since FPH was banned from reddit (I personally think that FPH is trashy and low class, but I prefer hanging out with trashy people to people who practice censorship).

My first news aggregator type site was Digg. I don't even remember what it is they did that caused the mass exodus to Reddit. Reddit was Digg 2.0, and it was all fine. Reddit started making its owners a lot of money, and investors were looking to invest in the site. It became a way to sell ads. The thing about ads is that companies looking to advertise don't want to be associated with Nazis or assholes who make fun of fat people. Reddit tried to quarantine the NSFW shit, so you had to go looking for it. Some people were salty about it, but I feel it was a reasonable compromise. That worked for a while, then Reddit started banning subreddits. I think they started with the pedo shit, but no one cares about them. Then they started going after non-PC subreddits, and that's when I cashed out and moved to voat.

Every few months we'll get a new influx of refugees from reddit, and some people will get pissy about it because it means that there are more diverse opinions. Personally I prefer there being more people, because if there is disagreement in a forum with no rules on what speech is and isn't allowed, the strongest ideas will rise to the top, and the weak ones will be weeded out. It's evolution of memetic thought and it's fascinating to watch it happen. I'm getting off course though.

The admins of this site will one day sell out. If they don't sell out someone will figure out a way to do a hostile takeover of the site and milk it's money making potential for all that it's worth. The pedos and the FPHers will be kicked out, and they'll go make a new playground and build it up so that when people leave voat they'll have somewhere new to go.

33degree ago

There will be relentless ddos attacks.


I feel like this is going to happen a lot, it really comes down to the devs and how solid they are in their convictions to remain uncompromised.

Millennial_Falcon ago

My only concern at this time is whether voat will be able to handle the traffic. It's already slow, and /r/pizzagate was a rapidly growing community.

daskapitalist ago

Atko isnt going to go censor happy. He and Puttitout founded the site on the principle of freedom of speech, and any would be censors have been slapped dosn hard. E.g. @She (a mod of /v/askvoat) went censor happy, got downvoated so much for her shennanigans that she was post restricted, and when she complained about it Atko told her "calm your tits" and to stop censoring subverses.

Voat isnt a safe space, and the admins arent going to bow to pressure unless they get kidnapped like Assange.

this_somuchthis ago

reddit refugee here (first wave of sub bans). we're doing good, our NeoFAG page is almost back to reddit level subscribers, so build it and they will come. only annoying thing is the constant outages on VOAT, but you'll get used to it and they're normally brief.

Never_Over ago

this describes voat pretty well, you faggot

DystopianDaze ago

Thanks for all the info.

scandalous-goat ago

I agree that a distributed system would be better. On the other hand, no way I'm giving a phone number to steemit, that Personally Identifiable Information and I'm not trusting them with it.

Fambida ago

Use a fake number? Or a free online burner?

DystopianDaze ago

I tried joining there earlier. It kept freezing up on me.

Ariastrasza ago

You know what is funny?, after the fatpeoplehate sub got banned, Reddit tried to ban our image site by get this, uploading CP, those sick bastards keep their CP handy and ready to upload.

AlphaWookie ago

Nope you will not be banned for that but you could be reported to the FBI for your comment (because your comments is technically criminal speech if you meet the means, motive, and take an overt action in furtherance of your threat.), so there is that.

ThirteenthZodiac ago


AlphaWookie ago

It is important to actually know the law when it comes to speech. Direct threats can run afoul of the law pretty quickly.

vuke69 ago

Quit guzzling his cum and donate so this place can stay afloat with the new influx of redfugees.

CowWithBeef ago

Literally upvoated. Welcome to your new home.

we_kill_creativity ago

voat is only safe in the fact that it isn't reddit and is competing with it. Sure, on a long enough timeline, it could turn into reddit. It's up to us to protect it. One thing I like about voat is that they are relying on donations now for server time. This means they aren't relying on the advertisements, but that we should expect a lot of downtime unless we donate. And, if we don't donate, this place won't be ours.

Also, as long as we donate, this place will be ours, and we can enforce the rules that make sense.

Basically, at this time, everything's up in the air, which is as much an advantage for us as it is for "them". CTR is coming here next!

fr0stbit3 ago

Wew lad

TheTrigger ago

I eat shills for breakfast; pretty sure I'm not the only one. As long as we remain vigilant and adapt to their sneaky ways, we'll be good. It's when those twits get mod powers that the real battle starts.

MAGABoomer ago

I snacked on a few myself yesterday and today. They won't get far here :D

afterbernerthrowaway ago

I'm so grateful for the people who were always popping up in different /r/conspiracy and /r/pizzagate threads just to remind people of where to go in case the sub became compromised or banned. I've seen over 4,000 users here at once in the past half hour. I'm optimistic that we'll be able to re-establish our backed up evidence here, but we need to decide what our new back-up plan is, because our last one is now Plan A.

starrydust ago

I agree - we need to be prepared for it to happen again and not rely on communicating via other threads from other sites, which could also go down.

HorseSizedDuck ago

what's to stop voat admins from doing the same thing reddit admins are doing now

Well, considering that our admin @Atko just made this a featured subverse, I think things should be good for now. :)

the_magic_man ago

It also means that alternative views to the voat hive mind are silenced easy.

MrPim ago

If they did more than lurk they wouldn't have that issue. Engage the community, it's really that simple. I mean look at me, I'm regular a dick, and I have an ton of CCP. Maybe I'm just better at being an asshole.

doginventer ago

"When I get to heaven, Tie me to a tree"

piratse ago

When reddit became shit a few years ago, people came here. Now more and more are FINALLY catching on (it's shitty moves didn't personally effect them so everything was fine). Voat may go the same way one day, and we will move on again. It's just a website, there is no need to be dedicated to it once it makes decisions that are bad for the community but good for the share holders. Learn to walk away. I, and many others on this site exclusively go here (with the RARE check on Reddit to see what's trending, protip: it's reposts and propaganda), don't have a twitter anymore, and don't have a FB anymore. Cut the ties. Move on. They are websites, not your life.

Kvoat ago

Fuck reddit and their pedo protecting admins.


Oz ago

You should be fine here. Voat is much less cucked.

Pllatinum ago

@Atko literally just made this a featured sub. Why? Voat. That's why.

Never_Over ago

I WILL RIP THE THROUGH T OUT OF ANY CHILD TOUCHER. just give me the call, i am your army

dekektive ago

Voat will be safe since it is a largely smaller community, but that also means it has a chance of being bullied out. We are currently making /v/all so that is epic. We can use that to our advantage to gain exposure to the members of voat and gain support along with reddit.

xXxWIRExXx ago

Archive everything as you go along. Keep those Archives on a separate source that's encrypted.

Not archiving is like not saving a 1000 page thesis as you type it.

pzer0 ago

wtf? Anywhere I can read more on this?

NeedleStack ago

He's fucking with you. He is a supercunt if you haven't noticed. ;)

Marijuana_Merlin ago

Theres no guarantees. there is no "safe space" for anything. This is THE refuge. For now. If Voat falls then another site will take it's place and the user base will migrate as they see fit like whats happening with Reddit.

zeebo ago

As long as the investigation is given a proper conclusion, I'll go anywhere.

pessimisticsteel ago

Not the final refuge, such places don't exist, but a rufuge nonetheless.

Welcome to voat. Enjoy it while it lasts. Because like all things created with good intentions; its bound to fail.

HeavyBrain ago

what's to stop voat admins from doing the same thing reddit admins are doing now,


Eventually a lot of money is going to be needed to keep voat runing, thats when the cooparations come in and thats when the things will go downhill. (unless voat will become a pay site, which would be shit for me without a paypal acc or accsess to bitcoin)

Until then the admins are chill (unless you do something to break US law.)

And your refuge is nerver final you always have to move on, sometimes you can stay for long periods (4chan 15 years) but eventually you have to go.

BlackTara108 ago

Who actually has authority overall here? Who actually owns voat ?

occassionally ago

As I can tell, the only problem I've seen with the admins is their lack of management skills and absence from the community at times. It seems like they're hyper-active with keeping up with free-speech and not permitting doxxing and stuff along those lines. So if you're looking for a place where you won't get banned for a dissenting opinion, this seems like the place to come.

bikergang_accountant ago

Nothing would absolutely prevent them but hear this. Atko is deeply anti-racist, yet is willing to host Voat. He's no stranger to hosting what he doesn't like.

Also, why would he hate pizzagate. The only time he has ever censored something it was in response to the open practice of posting underage nude content. He would be aligned with hosting pizzagate. Despite being aligned with pizzagate he was still willing to host that other content for quite a while under the virtue of "ban nothing."

Here is your real guarantee. Archive. We not only lost reddit as a place to discuss pizzagate. We lost the record we developed. That record even if all of us quit investigating would be damning to them forever if the reddit page didn't go blank.

jsac ago

Bottom line.. as this site grows it will need $$ capital $$ to maintain the growth.. (fate pipes/bandwidth/serious hardware). Unless it becomes a paid to access site or some billionaire decides to float the costs, eventually corporate cocksuckers will come into play. PERIOD. Personally, until that happens this is my home (FUCK eddit!!). Enjoy the ride while it lasts and hopefully some day a system will be born that will circumvent this vicious downward spiral.

redsunfex ago

Who is

kingkongwaswrong [O]


TheDude2 ago

It's a never ending struggle. We should be working on a decentralized system where people censor what they want themselves. At some point the Feds will show up.

solar_flare ago

I don't think it will be the feds as much as it will be frivolous lawsuits and whatnot launched against Voat.

frankenmine ago

The only subs to ever be banned on Voat were a handful of borderline-pedo subs for legal liability reasons. As for users, non-spammers literally never get banned.

You're good.

dspfoisdafodsi ago

Much safer than reddit, ironically enough, it's so hellbent on free speech that it still harbors subs of dressed young girls, but they have essentially been abandoned, I think it was mostly meant to test the resistance of the website

edit: I should add, this stuff seems fishy at first glance, like who is amdocs and why do they show up on wikileaks... not sure yet, could be nothing but i keep my mind open to the possibility that there is an organized push to get people on that network


"Amdocs is laying 500 staff members worldwide, including 200 in Israel" link

"Cramer Systems, a provider of operations and support systems software to the global telecommunications industry (acquired by Amdocs for $425 million)" link

Could be nothing, not taking a chance still

grlldcheese ago

Sup, bitches.

A bunch of reddit came here along the way. It's not perfect, but the powermod bullshit isn't the problem here. That's good enough for me.

We'll see how they fuck with us this time.

fuxreddit ago

Reddit is dead.

Spez must be connected to the pedo ring.

sentryseven ago

Who is spez? Kept seeing that name. Sorry I was a newb over on Reddit and now one here.

EllenPaosEgo ago

Well all of the higher up admins are goons, so I wouldn't put it past them. Here is an old, long explanation of a goon Goons now inhabit the SomethingAwful forums where they trade CP, and participate in money laundering through EVE online. In order to stay private they charge 10$ to visit their forum. That tech guy that worked for Killary that went to plebbit asking how to wipe Email servers was a goon, and afterwards the owner of the SA forums tried to wipe everything related to him, then turned over false evidence to the FBI claiming he didn't have a second still active account. With any luck we will see about 8,000 of the top SJW's prosecuted in a RICO case if Killary goes down for this pedo shit since all of them have their credit cards attached to the site. Yes the prosecutors were made aware, anons made sure to spam them with information. So I reiterate, I would not be in the least bit surprised to find out if the plebbit admins and current site owner are involved in pizzagate somehow.

HeavyBrain ago

You give "him" too much credit, if anything he is connected to it as former pizza, but considering his small dick and non existant balls I say he is still being reached around like a joint at those parties.

TheTrigger ago

Aaron Schwartz was the only reason reddit was any good, to begin with. If he wasn't involved, back then, then it would have always been that way— right from the get-go. Is it any wonder that he's the only one that got suicided?

HeavyBrain ago

Well if Atko drops dead when voat is about the same level then we know.

scandalous-goat ago

Nothing stops them from anything, like every websites. On the other hand, the admins rarely interfere with the communities, except if you break the rules or if you moderate like an asshole in a system (default) sub.

edit: there's no guaranty that they won't be beaten with a pipe, though.

l23r ago

Did they even get involved during Shegate or was the issue solved entirely with community moderation/trolling? I think that Voat users are good at weeding out actual bullshit, while permitting shit they might not agree with (like making fun of LGBT, black, Jewish or Muslim people) because we understand from Reddit what can happen when we censor people based on feels.

pzer0 ago

Isn't that how reddit used to be? I mean, I have only been REALLY into reddit for maybe 5 years, but as I understand like 7-8 years ago it was really pro-free speech.

greycloud ago

yeah reddit was good up until they took away the jailbait and creepshots. than it just kept going downhill from there. the only speech that shouldn't be allowed is speech that is literally a crime to keep up.

Sonic ago

As 4chan beget 8chan, so does Reddit beget voat. The cycle continues.

TheTrigger ago

Dude, it is the cycle of life of the internet. Voat, too, will become shit, in time. For now, it's the place to be. Enjoy it while it lasts, and try to be one of the first to jump to the next place, when it comes.

watch_listed ago

The reason you're looking for is "monetization." Voat is likely a long ways off from that particular temptation while the other site is deep into the process. Since nobody's trying to clean things up here to make money, there's no reason to worry about whether or not this place screens off content that is generally considered offensive or objectionable into hidden away internet ghettos.

If you want to help keep it that way, donate to the site or buy an ad to help cover operating costs.

MakeAmrcnGrapesAgain ago

Reddit started a long time ago - so since the purpose of existence for VOAT is to be a free speech reddit-clone - they would sooner close the site rather than mess with fatpeoplehate/pizzagate - and in a few years, if they become powerful, mainstream and money-hungry - the free-speech can move elsewhere

dynamiteVacancy ago

Oh hell yes, I donated to voat and I never gave that other money-grabber shit. Hell I don't really "donate" to anything, but I feel voat deserves it.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

I've never just donated to any site ever, but I've given $60 to Voat. This site kicks ass.

dynamiteVacancy ago

Damn makes me feel like I got to step up my donation game.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

Only if it's within your means, man.

dynamiteVacancy ago

It's totally not, I just bought overwatch on sale and am short on cash. But I'll gladly shell out a few bucks next time I can.

conspExec ago

Don't forget to donate to the admins of /r/pizzagate they're adding more servers and more redundancy to the subreddit archive so it looks like a parallel to the original version. Admin Donate 1L3xqNFEkMQ7joY3jGWLjMWmgRk7p7ZUqo PizzaGatePublicB!

sakuramboo ago

Hopefully next year they do another swag sale. I love my Voat shirt and hoodie and would buy more.

dspfoisdafodsi ago

oh yeah they were into that, they fought some nasty bills even iirc, hell i remember /r/politics being pro-Ron Paul

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Yeah back in 07 and 08 r/politics might as well have been called r/RonPaul. Ah the good old days...

WhatWouldDonaldDo ago

Those were some insane times

sisterfrancais ago

I don't know. I'm new to voat myself. We need to dump what we can. If we keep having to move private forums would be the way to go

Throwaway7679 ago

A lot of people have been saving all the info they can get their hands on. I've saved all the info I could find from t_D, Pizzagate and /pol/. There are thousands of people with this information saved at this point. Easiest thing to do is just archive everything AND saved physical copies in multiple places.

I'd say this info is safely in the public domain. Theres too many people to kill to make it go away lol

pzer0 ago

I've had an account for a year and a half but as you can see I haven't used it much. I think that's about to change.